197 Infos zu Ionat Zurr

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18 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Heise.de: Biologie und Kunst | Telepolis

Künstliche Häute, lebende Kunstwerke und Biohacking für Bürgerinnen und Bürger

Spiegel.de: Ernährung: Rumpsteak ohne Rind - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Forscher arbeiten am Fleisch aus der Petrischale. Steak, Frikadelle, Salami und Leberwurst sollen künftig in Bioreaktoren heranreifen - zum Nutzen von Tieren...

Artists Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, creators of Biomess. September 7,...

For details of the bushfires burning in NSW, go to the NSW Rural Fire Service website. Artists Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, creators of Biomess.

"synth-ethic" - Naturwissenschaft an der Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst...

Naturhistorisches Museum, Die neu ausgerufene Disziplin der Synthetischen Biologie ruft immer wieder Kritiker auf den Plan. Wie weit darf der Mens...

16  Bilder zu Ionat Zurr

Bild zu Ionat Zurr
Bild zu Ionat Zurr
Bild zu Ionat Zurr
Bild zu Ionat Zurr
Bild zu Ionat Zurr
Bild zu Ionat Zurr

12 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Ionat Zurr | Facebook

Facebook: LOT #1: Oron Catts and Dr Ionat Zurr - 'The (im)Possibility of ...

LinkedIn: Ionat Zurr | LinkedIn

View Ionat Zurr's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Ionat Zurr discover inside ...

LinkedIn: Ionat Zurr - Australia | LinkedIn

View Ionat Zurr's (Australia) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Ionat Zurr discover ...

4 Hobbys & Interessen

#1: Oron Catts and Dr Ionat Zurr - 'The (im)Possibility of Biological...

RCAfe Kensington 21 January pm Students from the School of Architecture in partnership with the RCA Students Union pr...

Ionat Zurr events in the City. Top Upcoming Events for Ionat Zurr

Ionat Zurr related events happening in your city. Find local events details, timings, venue & tickets of Ionat Zurr events

David Marron | ArtSlant

Ken + Julia Yonetani and Ionat Zurr. Lizzie Cannon. Christopher Cook. Charlie Franklin. Pippa Gatty. Dragan Ilic. Ianis Lallemand. Anais Tondeur. WILLIAM ...

Ionat Zurr & Oron Catts, Are the Semi-Living semi-good or semi-evil?...

Alejandro Sobrino, José Angel Olivas & Santiago Fernández (1998). Semi-Sentences, Semi-Strings and Semi-Grammatical Rules in Prolog. Logica Trianguli: ...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

About – The Tissue Culture & Art Project

Established in by Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr, the Tissue, Culture & Art (TC&A) Project is a pioneering collaboration that explores how tissue engineering can ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Ionat Zurr :: biography at :: at Design and Art Australia Online

Ionat Zurr is an artist, researcher and curator whose practice is focused on the biological arts. She was born in England and has lived in Israel ...

4 Projekte

Project MUSE - Agency in Movement, Part 1: Papers from the

Ionat Zurr, Guest Editor. The “Agency in Movement” special section of Leonardo Transactions is a selection of papers from the “Agency in Movement” symposium ...

SOLU / Bioart Society | Biological Milieu

Exploring the biological milieu – in search of substrates at the sub-Arctic. hosted by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr. with Antti Tenetz, Corrie van Sice, Laura Beloff, ...

Project MUSE - Growing Semi-Living Sculptures: The Tissue Culture &...

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr. The core of the Tissue Culture & Art (TC&A). Project is the artistic manipulation of living materials using the tools of modern biological ...

Project MUSE - Growing Semi-Living Sculptures: The Tissue ...

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr. Fig 1. A layer of bone tissue differentiated from pig's mesenchymal cells (bone marrow. Fig 1. A layer of bone tissue differentiated from  ...

22 Bücher zum Namen

Biopolitics and Utopia: An Interdisciplinary Reader - Google Books

This interdisciplinary reader offers a fascinating exploration of the intersection of biopolitics and utopia by employing a range of theoretical approaches....

Context Providers: Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts - Google Books

Context Providers explores the ways in which digital art and culture are challenging and changing the creative process and our ways of constructing meaning....

Context Providers: Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts - Margot...

Blurring boundaries between many disciplines, Context Providers supplies a context and a rationale for discussing how technological change has affected the...

Neoplasmatic Design von Marcos Cruz | ISBN |...

... Nicola Haines, Steve Pike, Yukihiko Sugawara, and Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr/SymbioticA. * Features international research projects undertaken at the Bartlett ...

5 Dokumente

Tissue Culture

a 5 minute presentation on oron catts and ionat zurr of the tissue culture and art presentation.

Zurr, Ionat [WorldCat Identities]

Growing semi-living art by Ionat Zurr( Book ) 1 edition published in in English and held by 1 WorldCat member library worldwide. In Oron Catts and ...

EBSCOhost | | Are the Semi-Living semi-good or semi- evil?

Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts. Abstract. This article explores some of the language used to describe life and evolutionary processes; from bacteria to collections of ...

392 Seiten, 280 Farbabbildungen Springer Verlag …

Louis Bec, Oron Catts und Ionat Zurr, Catherine Chalmers, Jaq Chartier, Kevin Clarke, Critical Art Ensemble, Joe Davis,

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Are the Semi-Living semi-good or semi-evil?: Ingenta Connect

Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts. Abstract. This article explores some of the language used to describe life and evolutionary processes; from bacteria to collections of ...

fatum — ScienceArt

... Gentechnik und künstlichen Reproduktionstechniken auseinander. Die Semi-Living Worry Dolls von Oron Catts und Ionat Zurr sind Puppen, ...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Performance and Technology | SpringerLink

This collection interrogates the interaction between new technologies and performance practice, linking the sensuous contact that must exist between the...

Metaphor Online » Futile Labor: Ionat Zurr// Chris Salter// Oron Catts

Futile Labor: Ionat Zurr// Chris Salter// Oron Catts October 1, Posted by bohdan.warchomij in : Futile Labor, Metaphor Online , trackback ...

PcnIonatZurr < Pcn < Iris Wikiwiki.irises.org/Pcn/PcnIonatZurr

'Ionat Zurr' (George Gessert, R ) Seedling # CA, 12" (30 cm., Midseason bloom. Standards and style arms pale buttery gold, ...

The Tissue Culture and Art Project: The Semi-Living as Agents of...

The Tissue Culture and Art Project: The Semi-Living as Agents of Irony. Oron Catts; , Ionat Zurr. Download Book (PDF, KB) Download Chapter (2,563 KB) ...

9 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Victimless Leather - Wikipedia

Victimless Leather – a prototype of a stitch-less jacket, grown from cell cultures into a layer of which the skin has been removed." artist Ionat Zurr uttered after showing the jacket to the public on "The Space Between" exhibition in Australia.

Talk und Film Screening mit Dmitry Bulatov | Axel Daniel Reinert

The Tissue Culture & Art Project (TC & A), Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr (Australien): NoArk, 7'51″ Arthur Elsenaar and Remko Scha (Holland): Morphology / Face-Shift, 10'45″ Ken Rinaldo (USA): The Autotelematic Spider Bots, 10'56″ ...

rare air 11 | ionat zurr and oron catts — three gates media

Hidden away in the School of Anatomy, Physiology and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia, is SymbioticA. It's a place where art is...

bill viola

helena almeida, job koelewijn, rita ackermann, andro wekua, walter zurborg, hani zurob, ionat zurr, zusammenstoss, christina zwanger , angelika zwarg, gabriele von zwehl, margreet zwetsloot nl klara zwick, klaus zwick, sua zwick, ...

98 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, are co-founders of the Tissue Culture &...

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, are co-founders of the Tissue Culture & Art Project. Tissue Culture & Art Project. Published by Modified about 1 year ago

A Conversation with Ionat Zurr | Art Practical

Ionat Zurr: First of all, thank you for letting us know that we are uncool. SymbioticA is very much about art and life, rather than art and science.

Die globalen Folgen unserer Ernährungsgewohnheiten ppt...

Nick Genovese (USA): PeTA, 3-D-Drucker, Networking, Vordenker Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr (AUS): Artists aus Australien Willem van Eelen (NL): Pionier, ...

Intellect Books | About Ionat Zurr

About Ionat Zurr


Miasto Gdańsk. Wiadomości, sport, kultura, edukacja, komunikacja, kalendarz wydarzeń, informacje urzędowe, mapa, kamery internetowe

DAILY SERVING » Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr: Victimless Utopia

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, both artists and former research fellows at the Tissue Engineering and Organ Fabrication Laboratory at Harvard ...

CABINET / Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr

Cabinet Magazine a quarterly of Art and Culture

ARTISTTALK — Oron Catts (AU) & Ionat Zurr (AU)

Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr present their paper within the panel Liminal Lives: Life in the Age of Permanent Bio-transgression at International conference...

Growing Semi-Living Art By Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts – Leonardo...

Leonardo Abstract Services (LABS) Growing Semi-Living Art. In Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr coined the term Semi-Livings to ...

Episode Professor Oron Catts And Dr Ionat Zurr StemCells@Lunch...

Listen to Episode Professor Oron Catts And Dr Ionat Zurr and 62 other episodes by StemCells@Lunch Digested. No signup or install ...

Ionat Zurr Archives - Seesawmag

8 September – 3 December @ The Art Gallery of Western Australia · Presented by: Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr ·. Is it art? Science? Or both.

Ionat Zurr | Design Indaba

The Tissue Culture and Art Project by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr explores the use of tissue technologies as a medium for artistic expression. > 1 Nov 09.

Ionat Zurr | Jacket2

As if in response, bio-artists Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts ask, “Are the semi-living semi-good or semi-evil?”, a parodic question hinting at the problems that ensue ...

Ionat Zurr – Art Meets Science

SymbioticA combines art with the life sciences. The lab is known for its Tissue Culture and Art Project created by Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts.

PPT – Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, are co-founders of the Tissue...

Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr, are co-founders of the Tissue Culture & Art Project. http://www.tca.uwa.edu.au/ Oron Catts & Ionat Surr: Tissue Culture & Art Project .

Ionat Zurr – Creative Disturbance

Dr Ionat Zurr is an artist, curator, researcher and academic coordinator of SymbioticA. An award winning artist and researcher, Zurr formed, together with Oron ...

Ionat Zurr | Marginalia

Ionat Zurr. Tag. Interdisciplinary Arts and Media · Oron Catts and Biopolitics. The Tissue Culture and Art Project. In the class Art & Science ...

Listen to the Rare Air with Meri Fatin Episode - Ionat Zurr and Oron...

Stream the Rare Air with Meri Fatin episode, Rare Air Ionat Zurr and Oron Catts, free & on demand on iHeartRadio.

Nobodies Meat / Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr - Maarav

Nobodies Meat / Oron Catts & Ionat Zurr. What is the meaning of the living body in a time when biology becomes a technology and living flesh a ...

ORON CATTS & IONAT ZURR - ANAT Science Residency

TC&A was initiated in by Oron Catts and Ionat Zurr. It is an open project that evolved from a theoretical examination. The original idea came from Oron's ...

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