101 Infos zu Irene Celino
Mehr erfahren über Irene Celino
Infos zu
- Cefriel
- Emanuele Della Valle
- Milano
- Semantic Web
- Italy
- Marco
- Calegari
- Elena Simperl
- Research
- Zitiert
- Daniele Dell'Aglio
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Awarded winners of the Telecom Italia Big Data Challenge - ArchiveFor the App Development track. CEFRIEL, Politecnico di Milano - Team leader: Irene Celino Project name: Living Land Use Application area: ...
10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Irene Celino Tapang | FacebookFacebook: Irene Celino GumtangFacebookFacebook: Nene Irene CelinoLinkedIn: Irene Celino - Reviewer - Remotaskslinkedin.com› irene-ce...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Irene Celino - iricelino.orgiricelino.orgIrene Celino. Head of Knowledge Technologies Group · Cefriel · Milano, Italy. Hi! My name is Irene and I am a Computer Scientist with a passion for Research ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
The Semantic Web – ISWC 蔵書検索 - 東京工業大学東京工業大学The Semantic Web – ISWC Vrandečić, Elena Simperl, Irene Celino, Kalina Bontcheva, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Marta Sabou, ... › ca...
1 Projekte
d2rq-map-devel Mailing List for D2RQ and D2R Server:18:26. [d2rq-dev] PropertyBridge attaching the property-object to the wrong subject, Irene Celino <irene.celino@gm...> :33:44.
13 Bücher zum Namen
Irene Celino | Autorenprofil und WerkeBeck-Shop› Irene Celino
Irene CelinoPapers With Code› sear...
Business Information Systems: 11th International Conference, BISThis book contains the refereed proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2008, held in Innsbruck, Austria, in May...
Mobile Information Systems Leveraging Volunteered Geographic ...google.co.jpMapping Parties at FOSS4G Europe: Fun, Outcomes and Lessons Learned Maria Antonia Brovelli, Peter Mooney, Ludovico Biagi, Marco Brambilla, Irene Celino, ...
14 Dokumente
Irene Celino presentationsSlideShare› iricelino
[ ] A Framework to build Games with a Purpose for Linked...Authors:Gloria Re Calegari, Andrea Fiano, Irene Celino. (Submitted on 7 Nov 2018). Abstract: With the rise of linked data and knowledge ...
BOTTARI: An Augmented Reality Mobile Application to ...Social Science Research Networkvon M Balduini · · Zitiert von: 97 — Marco Balduini · Irene Celino · Daniele Dell´Aglio · Emanuele Della Valle · Yi Huang · Tony Lee · Seon-Ho Kim · Volker Tresp. › papers
SPARQL Update under RDFS Entailment in Fully ...Wirtschaftsuniversität WienEditors, Emanuele Della Valle and Markus Krötzsch and Stefan Schlobach and Irene Celino. Place of Publication, Sydney, Australia. › sparql-...
5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Measuring Semantic Coherence of a ConversationRWTH Aachen— ... Valentina Presutti, Irene Celino, Marta Sabou, Lucie-Aimée Kaffee, Elena Simperl, Seiten/Artikel-Nr: Konferenz/Event: 17. › record
dblp: Gloria Re CalegariList of computer science publications by Gloria Re Calegari
Joint Proceedings of the 1st Joint International Workshop on Semantic...Kostis Kyzirakos, Cory A. Henson, Matthew Perry, Dalia Varanka, Rolf Grütter, Jean-Paul Calbimonte, Irene Celino, Emanuele Della Valle, Daniele Dell'Aglio, ...
3cixty@Expo Milano 2015: Enabling Visitors to Explore a ...Archive ouverte HALIrene Celino (4) , Rachit Agarwal (5) , Cong Kinh Nguyen (5) , Animesh Pathak (5) , Christian Scanu (6) , Massimo Valla (6) , Timber Haaker › hal
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
An innovative solution to turn transport data into EU ...POLIS Network› 3E-Irene-Celino
Data Technologies and Applications: Volume 55 Issue 5Emerald InsightDumitru Roman, Neal Reeves, Esteban Gonzalez, Irene Celino, Shady Abd El Kader, Philip Turk, Ahmet Soylu, Oscar Corcho, Raquel Cedazo, Gloria Re Calegari, ... › iss
Diapositiva 1Stars4AllIrene Celino (Cefriel). Game with a purpose (GWAP) to solve one of the “Cities at Night” challenges, i.e. classifying pictures taken from ISS and made ... › uploads ›
Irene CelinoWikidata› wiki
47 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Irene Celinogoogle.jp.› citat...
How to pronounce Irene Celino | HowToPronounce.comHow To Pronounce› ...
Irene Celino email address & phone number | Cefriel Head ...RocketReach› irene-celi...
Irene Celino | Interreg Europe - Sharing solutions for better policyInterreg Europe› i...
Irene Celino's labResearchGate› lab
Irene Celino, Gloria Re Calegari, Mario Scrocca, Jaime ...ucm.es› irene-celin...
Maria Irene Celino de Carvalho Mendes - Processosjusbrasil.com.br› ma...
Irene Celino (@iricelino) • Instagram photos and videosInstagram› iric...
Irene Celino - ProvidersLiveSchema› group › ire...
Irene Celino - Publications ListPublicationsList.org› iricelino
Irene Celino – MediumRead writing from Irene Celino on Medium. Research Manager - #SemanticWeb #LinkedData #CitizenScience #Gamification #SocialInnovation #SmartCities ...
Irene Celino (Person)LinkedData.es› agents
Irene CelinoAra Institute› student-life
Realizing a Semantic Web Application Emanuele Della ...PowerShow.comTitle: Realizing a Semantic Web Application Emanuele Della Valle Dario Cerizza Irene Celino http://www.cefriel.it http://swa.cefriel.it ... › Re...
A Software Engineering Approach to Design and ...Authors: Marco Brambilla, Irene Celino, Stefano Ceri, Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Federico Michele Facca. Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
105 FollowingMediumIrene Celino · Research Manager - #SemanticWeb #LinkedData #CitizenScience #Gamification #SocialInnovation #SmartCities - http://about.me/iricelino/. › following
Capturing the Semantics of Simulation Learning with Linked Data:...Capturing the Semantics of Simulation Learning with Linked Data: ch011: Knowledge-rich learning environments like simulation learning...
DROPS - Citizen Science: Design and Engagement (Dagstuhl Seminar...@Article{celino_et_al:DR:2018:8421, author = {Irene Celino and Oscar Corcho and Franz H{\"o}lker and Elena Simperl}, title = {{Citizen Science: Design and ...
A Gamified Crowdsourcing Framework for ExplainabilityNational Institutes of Health (.gov)von A Tocchetti · · Zitiert von: 2 — Authors. Andrea Tocchetti , Lorenzo Corti , Marco Brambilla , Irene Celino. Affiliations. 1 Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e ... › ...
Citizen Science: Design and Engagement: Dagstuhl Seminar ...University of Southamptonvon I Celino · · Zitiert von: 6 — Author: Irene Celino. Author: Oscar Corcho. Author: Franz Hölker. Author: Elena Simperl · ORCID iD. Editor: Neal Reeves ... › ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Irene
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Italienisch, Skandinavisch): Irene; die Friedfertige; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); eirene = der Friede; in der griechischen Mythologie ist Irene die Friedensgöttin
Verwandte Personensuchen
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