103 Infos zu Irina Anastasiu
Mehr erfahren über Irina Anastasiu
Infos zu
- Design
- Smart Cities
- Urban
- E-Learning
- Informatics
- Mobile
- Tangible
- University
- Interaction
- Agency of Citizens
- Citizens in Smart
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Summer School "Smart Cities" in Wien - oe1.ORF.atoe1.orf.at › artikelIrina Anastasiu meint, um wirklich kluge Lösungen zu finden, müsse man eher nach Afrika schauen, als in die westlichen Länder. Dort setzen die ...
3 Bilder zu Irina Anastasiu

24 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Irina Anastasiu | Facebookwww.facebook.com › irina.anastasiu.3Facebook: Monica Irina Anastasiu | FacebookLinkedIn: Irina AnastasiuSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Irina Anastasiu (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
LinkedIn: Irina Anastasiu - Deutschland | LinkedInIrina Anastasiu. Mobile Developer and UX Designer at iriphon Location Munich Area, Germany Industry IT und Services
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Humanising the Smart City: Bringing together People, Place &...PhD Confirmation of Candidature Seminar Irina Anastasiu Urban Informatics Research Lab School of Design Creative Industries Fa...
Future Leadership SeriesRené Schuster Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG O On November 4th the CDTM welcomes René Schuster He currently serve...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Irina Anastasiu - CityStudio Projektkoordinatorin - Logan City...Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie Irina Anastasiu direkt bei XING.
2 Persönliche Webseiten
javascript - Scraping dynamic content using selenium and Scrapy with...... += 1 hasPostings = False for product in products: item = ProductItem() # store product info here yield item except Exception, e: print str(e) break def spider_closed(self, spider): self.driver.quit(). share|improve this answer · edited Jun 23 '16 at 22:39. answered Jun 23 '16 at 22:28. Irina Anastasiu
2 Bücher zum Namen
Open Cities | Open Data: Collaborative Cities in the Information Era...Today the world’s largest economies and corporations trade in data and its products to generate value in new disruptive markets. Within these markets vast...
The Hackable City: Digital Media and Collaborative City-Making in the...This open access book presents a selection of the best contributions to the Digital Cities 9 Workshop held in Limerick in 2015, combining a number of the...
2 Dokumente
Irina Anastasiu, Mobile developer and concept designer | SlideShareView all of Irina Anastasiu's Presentations.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2011Bibliographic content of Australasian Computer-Human Interaction Conference 2011
dblp: Irina AnastasiuList of computer science publications by Irina Anastasiu
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
copy of the thesis available - iriphoncopy of the thesis available - Read more about that, with, this, have, user and been.
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
Irina Anastasiu - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
7 Meinungen & Artikel
Ecology in Cities – Sea of Faith seminar open to all. | Open...If you are interested in or concerned about this project, this function is an opportunity for you to see the site, hear informed speakers and discuss some of the political, social and ethical issues arising. The guest speakers will be: Steve Keating, State Development Department;. Irina Anastasiu, Urban Planner, ...
sitemap.xml - WordPress.comtoskana99.wordpress.com › sitemap... monthly https://toskana99.wordpress.com memphis-tennessee pexels-photo jpeg Photo by Irina Anastasiu on
Crime & Punishment | Under the Flatirons 2018undertheflatirons2018.wordpress.com › categorySource: Irina Anastasiu on Pexels.com. Barely a week ago, a gunman entered the Tree of Life synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath and ...
Den Tod verstehen: Was dabei hilft, Abschied zu nehmen und die Trauer...Trauerarbeit ist schmerzhaft und braucht Zeit. Nicht umsonst wird der Trauerprozess in vier wichtige und langandauernde Phasen eingeteilt. Wie Sie diese...
49 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Irina Anastasiu - Google ScholarUrban Informatics, QUT Design Lab, Queensland University of Technology - Cited by 222 - Participatory Citymaking - Smart Cities - Urban Innovation...
Jens Windau, PhD - Google ScholarHardware Data Scientist at Lyft, CEO AIO Robotics, University of Southern California - Cited by 151 - Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence -...
Irina Anastasiu | Kanban UniversityIrina Anastasiu. Irina Anastasiu's picture. Süddeutsche Zeitung Digitale Medien GmbH. About. No about text yet. Training taken. KanbanBasics. Training Type: ...
Irina Anastasiu – Mediummedium.com › @irina.anastasiuRead writing from Irina Anastasiu on Medium. Every day, Irina Anastasiu and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Irina Anastasiu | Free Listening on SoundCloudListen to Irina Anastasiu | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. 7 Followers. Stream Tracks...
User Irina Anastasiu - Stack ExchangeWe make Stack Overflow and 170+ other community-powered Q&A sites.
Irina Anastasiu (@irinutze)`s Instagram Profile | StalktureRecent photos and videos taken by Irina Anastasiu @irinutze • Gramosphere
Irina Anastasiu (@iriphon) Twitter Profile • sTwityMedias and Tweets on iriphon ( Irina Anastasiu ) ' s Twitter Profile.Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Irina Anastasiu (irina357) - Profile | PinterestVezi ce a descoperit Irina Anastasiu (irina357) pe Pinterest, cea mai mare colecție de idei din lume.
Irina Anastasiu, membru, VinSiEu.roIrina Anastasiu, membru, VinSiEu.ro
Irina Anastasiu - on MyIrina Anastasiu . User on My World.
Irina Anastasiu's (irinaanastasiu) software portfolio | DevpostIrina Anastasiu specializes in Java, Objective C, iOS, Android, Node.js, Angular.Js, Angular Material, TypeScript, SASS, JavaScript, Express.Js, MongoDB,...
: Irina Anastasiu, Germanyis owned by Irina Anastasiu (United-domains Ag). Find domain names registred with . Try our reverse whois search tool to find informations on parsed whois records.
irinaanastasiu Profiles on PicsartView profile of irinaanastasiu. Join Picsart today to view irinaanastasiu Images and connect with them.
Désirée Siyum - SchauspielerinSchauspielerin
Photo by Irina Anastasiu via Pexels | lions, lionesses Iwariaiwaria.com › photo › NTExA photo on the topic(s): lions, lionesses, vegetation, savannah, predators, wildlife, nature, trees.
Pin von Pexels auf Landscapes and NatureOnline African spell caster Love spells and healer call/whatsapp + visit: http://www.drraheemspells.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/kiteete-raheem a153/ https://plus.google.com https://za.pinterest.com/drraheem/ ...
User Irina Anastasiu - Super UserApparently, this user prefers to keep an air of mystery about them. Member for 4 years, 10 months; 0 profile views; Last seen Apr 1 '16 at 4:00. Communities (2). Stack Overflow · Super User Top Network Posts. 16UINavigationBar set tintcolor tested in iOS7 not working? 12how do i debug a node.js app ...
Co-Creation_Workshops_on_Urban_Innovation_and_Smart_Cities_SEQhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd © Irina Anastasiu ... Contact Information. Postal Address: Irina Anastasiu .au ...
Design Fictions for Data Geographies » Saba Golchehrwww.sabagolchehr.com › lost-connectionIrina Anastasiu Heather McKinnon. Jimmy Paquet-Cormier. Programme: UBI Summer School Oulu, Finland. Link: ubioulu.fi/en/UBISS Full video:.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Irina
Weiblicher Vorname (Russisch): Irina; die Friedfertige; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); eirene = der Friede; in der griechischen Mythologie ist Irene die Friedensgöttin
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