64 Infos zu Iris Leinhase
Mehr erfahren über Iris Leinhase
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- Berlin
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- Oliver
- Schmidt
- Denise Harhausen
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- Thurman
- Charité University
- Daniel Rittirsch
- Michaela Endres
- Michal Rozanski
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Iris Kyle-Leinhase | LinkedInView Iris Kyle-Leinhase's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's ... August – January (3 years 6 months)Berlin Area, Germany ...
9 Bücher zum Namen
Iris Leinhase | XanEdu Customization PlatformAuthor: Iris Leinhase. Results. Changes in the gene expression pattern of cytokeratins in human respiratory epithelial cells during culture Springer ...
Chirurgisches Forum für experimentelle und klinische Forschung:...156 sorgfältig ausgewählte Arbeiten zeigen das breite Spektrum der deutschsprachigen chirurgischen Forschung. Sowohl klinische als auch Grundlagenforschung...
Soft-Tissue Reconstruction Using Biologic Tissue Matrix: Where Do ...books.google.fi › books... Jairam A, López-Cano M, S ́mietan ́ski M, Woeste G, Kyle-Leinhase I, Antoniou SA, ... Guido Woeste6, Iris Kyle-Leinhase1, Stavros A. Antoniou7,8, ...
Soft-Tissue Reconstruction Using Biologic Tissue Matrix: ...books.google.dk › books... Kyle-Leinhase I, Antoniou SA, Köckerling F and BioMesh Study Group (2016) ... Woeste6, Iris Kyle-Leinhase1, Stavros A. Antoniou7,8, Ferdinand Köckerling Crete, Greece, 9Vivantes Hospital, Berlin, Germany Background: Prophylactic ...
4 Dokumente
EBSCOhost | | Metabolic changes after polytrauma: an...; Allison Williams - ;. Iris Leinhase - ; Steven J Morgan - Steven.
Changes in the gene expression pattern of cytokeratins in human...Michaela Endres Æ Iris Leinhase Æ Christian Kaps. Marek Wentges Æ Manja Unger Æ Heidi , Berlin, Germany. E-mail: michaela.endres@charite. de.
Metabolic changes after polytrauma: an imperative for early...Major trauma induces marked metabolic changes which contribute to the systemic immune suppression in severely injured patients and increase the risk of...
Tracheal remodeling: comparison of different composite cultures...('osima Pfenningcr - Iris Leinhase - Michaela Endres -. Nicole Roller ' Alexander Loch - Jochen Ringo -. Michael Sillingcr. Received: 17 August fAccepted: ...
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads to...... Kathryn Beauchamp, Oliver I Schmidt, Wolfgang Ertel and Iris Leinhase ... Center, Campus Benjamin Franklin, D Berlin, Germany.
Verfasser Suchresultate :: Katalog der Universitätsbibliothek LeipzigTreffer von 10 für Suche: 'Iris Leinhase'. Sortieren. Automatische Sortierung, Erscheinungsjahr, absteigend, Erscheinungsjahr, aufsteigend, Person
Reduced neuronal cell death after experimental brain injury in mice...· ... Charité University Medical School, Campus Benjamin FranklinBerlin, Germany. Iris Leinhase, Denise Harhausen, Oliver I Schmidt, ...
Inhibition of the alternative complement activation pathway in...Iris Leinhase 1, Michal Rozanski 1, Denise Harhausen 1, Joshua M Thurman 2, Oliver I Schmidt 1, Amir M Hossini 1, Mohy E Taha 1, Daniel Rittirsch 3, Peter A Ward 3, V Michael
5 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads ...link.springer.com › articleIvonne Persigehl; , Christiane Stoll; , Claudia Conrad; , Wolfgang Ertel; & Iris Leinhase. Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery, ...
Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads to...Background Complement represents a crucial mediator of neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration after traumatic brain injury. The role of the terminal...
Inhibition of the alternative complement activation pathway in...Iris Leinhase · (1); Michal Rozanski · (1); Denise Harhausen · (1); Joshua M Thurman ...
Oalib searchSearch Results: of matches for " Iris Leinhase " ... Erik Hasenboehler, Allison Williams, Iris Leinhase, Steven J Morgan, Wade R Smith, Ernest E ...
38 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Iris Kyle-Leinhase | LinkedInView Iris Kyle-Leinhase's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is ... Berlin: Charité; Research Assistant Biotechnology at Universitätsmedizin Berlin: Charité.
Iris Leinhaseafter experimental closed head injury in mice · Philip F. Stahel, Iris Leinhase, ...
Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads to ...· Philip F Stahel, 1 Michael A Flierl, 1 B Paul Morgan, 2 Ivonne Persigehl, 3 Christiane Stoll, 3 Claudia Conrad, 3 Basel M Touban, 1 Wade R Smith, 1 Kathryn Beauchamp, 4 Oliver I Schmidt, 5 Wolfgang Ertel, 3 and Iris Leinhase 3
Aminoform1000 COMPOSIZIONE UTILE PER MODO D USO - PDF Download...Erik Hasenboehler, Allison Williams, Iris Leinhase,Steven J Morgan, Wade R ...
Reduced neuronal cell death after experimental brain injury in...· Iris Leinhase, 1 V Michael Holers, 2 Joshua M Thurman, 2 Denise Harhausen, 1 Oliver I Schmidt, 1 Malte Pietzcker, 1 Mohy E Taha, 1 Daniel Rittirsch, 3 Markus Huber-Lang, 3, 4 Wade R Smith, 5 Peter A Ward, 3 and Philip F Stahel 1, 5
Refubium - SucheIris Leinhase aus Berlin . Referent: Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Ertel 1. Korreferent: Prof. Dr. F.U. Schade 2. Korreferent: Prof. Dr. R. Heilbronn
Mesenchymal stem cells from periosteal tissueAlexander Loch
Mesenchymale Stammzellen aus Periost des MastoidsAlexander Loch
Aegean Conferences... Runza University of Regensburg, Germany; Mette M?ller-Kristensen University of Aarhus, Denmark; Iris Leinhase Chariti University Medicin Berlin, Germany ...
Changes in the gene expression pattern of cytokeratins in human...Michaela Endres Iris Leinhase Christian Kaps Marek Wentges Manja Unger Heidi Olze Jochen Ringe Michael ... Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
Absence of CD59a leads to exacerbated neuroinflammation and...Iris Leinhase. Department of Trauma and Reconstructive Surgery, Charité University Medical School, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Berlin, Germany ...
Changes in the gene expression pattern of cytokeratins in human...The replacement of extensive tracheal defects resulting from intensive care medicine, trauma or large resections is still challenged by the...
Curriculum vitae. Philip F. Stahel, MD, FACS. Director Department of...... Switzerland; ) Oliver I. Schmidt, MD (postdoctoral research fellow, Charité University Medical School, Berlin, Germany; ) Iris Leinhase, Dr. rer. med.
Altmetric – Reduced neuronal cell death after experimental brain...Iris Leinhase, V Michael Holers, Joshua M Thurman, Denise Harhausen, Oliver I Schmidt, Malte Pietzcker, Mohy E Taha, Daniel Rittirsch, Markus Huber-Lang, ...
Inhibition of the alternative complement activation Read by QxMDread.qxmd.com › read › inhibition-of-the-alternativ...Iris Leinhase, Michal Rozanski, Denise Harhausen, Joshua M Thurman, Oliver I Schmidt, Amir M Hossini, Mohy E Taha, Daniel Rittirsch, Peter A Ward, ...
- Document - Inhibition of the alternative complement activation...Authors: Iris Leinhase [1]; Michal Rozanski [1]; Denise Harhausen [1]; Joshua M Thurman [2]; Oliver I Schmidt [1]; Amir M Hossini [1]; Mohy E Taha [1]; Daniel ...
CiteSeerX — Journal of Neuroinflammation BioMed Centralby Iris Leinhase , Michal Rozanski , Denise Harhausen , Joshua M Thurman , Oliver I Schmidt , Amir M Hossini , Mohy E Taha , Daniel Rittirsch , Peter A Ward , V ...
CiteSeerX — Absence of the complement regulatory molecule CD59a leads...... Christiane Stoll , Claudia Conrad , Basel M Touban , Wade R Smith , Kathryn Beauchamp , Oliver I Schmidt , Wolfgang Ertel , Iris Leinhase , Open Access ...
Curriculum vitae. Philip F. Stahel, MD, FACS DocPlayer.netdocplayer.net › amp › C...... Berlin, Germany; ) Iris Leinhase, Dr. rer. med. (doctoral thesis, Charité University Medical School, Berlin, Germany; ) Denise Harhausen, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Iris
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Holländisch): Iris; Altgriechisch (Griechische Mythologie); iris = der Regenbogen; Regenbogen; in der griechischen Mythologie ist Iris die Götterbotin, die Göttin des Regenbogens; 'Iris' ist ebenfalls der Name der Schwertlilie
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Michael Sittinger
- Manja Unger
- Marek Wentges
- Jochen Ringe
- Ivonne Persigehl
- Christian Kaps
- Daniel Rittirsch
- Alexander Loch
- Michaela Endres
- Denise Harhausen
- Markus Huber-Lang
Personensuche zu Iris Leinhase & mehr
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