165 Infos zu Isabella Gierz

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25 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Graphen kann Laserblitze abgeben – Innovations Report

„Trotzdem verhalten sich die Elektronen im Graphen ähnlich wie in einem klassischen Halbleiter“, sagt Isabella Gierz. Graphen sei gewissermaßen ein ... › materialwissenschaften

Otto Hahn Medal for Isabella Gierz from CFEL MPSD

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FOPS Schedule

Isabella Gierz (Max-Planck Hamburg). 8:00 – 8:30 pm, Philip Hofmann (Aarhus U .).

News archive qcmd-root

June 2012: During the annual meeting of the Max Planck Society Isabella Gierz was honoured with the 'Otto Hahn Award' for the 'discovery of a massive spin-orbit ...

2  Bilder zu Isabella Gierz

2011: Isabella Gierz and ...
2011: Isabella Gierz and Jyotsana Gupta join the group in Hamburg

7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Isabella Gierz - EPFL Graph

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Isabella Gierz publications and citations analysis - Exaly

› Authors

Isabella Gierz-Pehla, 40 år i Okänd på Okänd - Mrkoll

› person › DYuqd...

Isabella Gierz - Loop (Frontiers)

› people

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Dynamical Band Structure Engineering | Results | H2020europa.eu

— ... K. Hanff; K. Hanff; Kai Rossnagel; Angel Rubio; Angel Rubio; Isabella Gierz Published in: Nano Letters, 1, 2021, ISSN › project

1 Business-Profile

Edmond TURCU | Central Laser Facility | Research profileResearchGate

Isabella Gierz · Matteo Mitrano; Jesse Petersen; [...] Andrea Cavalleri. The recent demonstration of saturable absorption and negative optical conductivity ... Isabella Gierz. Efficient light harvesting devices need to combine strong absorption in the visible spectral range with efficient ultrafast charge ... › profile › Edmond-Turcu › A...

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Prof. Dr. Isabella Gierz | Max Planck Institute for the Structure and...

MPI for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter

Dr. Isabella Gierz | Max Planck Institute for the Structure and ...

Dr. Isabella Gierz. IMPRS Faculty Research Group Leader. Center for Free-Electron Laser Science (CFEL) · Condensed Matter Dynamics Department

Team - Epigraphene

Isabella Gierz-Pehla U Regensburg + E4: Non-equilibrium carrier dynamics in proximity-coupled graphene. Isabella Gierz-Pehla, project leader · Maria-Elisabeth Federl ... › team › proj...

3 Persönliche Webseiten

- Impressum

, Hamburg

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Navigation aufklappen/zuklappen. Home · Impressum · Home · Impressum. +. Herzlich willkommen! Druckversion | Sitemap © Isabella Gierz.

Isabella-Gierz.de - Erfahrungen und Bewertungen

Finden Sie Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Isabella-Gierz.de. , Hamburg. Angebot, Kompetenz und Beratung. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen zu...

2 Infos zur Ausbildung

Science Advances | Scholars Portal Journals

Martin Aeschlimann · ORCID ID · Stiven Forti · ORCID ID · Filippo Fabbri · ORCID ID · Camilla Coletti · ORCID ID · Isabella Gierz · ORCID ID ... › browse

FD171 “Emerging photon technologies for chemical dynamics” | XLic

... Filippo Bencivenga, Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste; Isabella Gierz, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter; Stefan Neppl, ...

4 Bücher zum Namen

Ultrafast Charge Separation in Bilayer WS2/Graphene DOAJ

... Camilla Coletti,; Camilla Coletti,; Cephise Cacho,; Yu Zhang,; Paulina Ewa Majchrzak,; Richard T. Chapman,; Emma Springate,; Isabella Gierz. › article

Jesse C. Petersen | University of Oxford | Related Authors

Isabella Gierz 1, Jesse C. Petersen 2, Jesse C. Petersen 1, Matteo Mitrano 1, Cephise Cacho 3, Edmond Turcu 3, Emma Springate 3, Alexander Stöhr 1, ... › authors

Materials science - Structural Dynamics - Scitation

Isabella Gierz and Andrea Cavalleri. more... Structural Dynamics 3, (2016); https://doi.org of 1. Full Text. Continue reading. › topic › ai...

ALBERT — All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records...

ALBERT - All Library Books, journals and Electronic Records Telegrafenberg

28 Dokumente

Survival of Floquet–Bloch States in the Presence of Scattering

von S Aeschlimann · · Zitiert von: 27 — and; Isabella Gierz*. Isabella Gierz. Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics, University of Regensburg, Regensburg , Germany. › doi › abs

Search | arXiv e-print repository

Showing 1–20 of 20 results for author: Gierz, I. Search v0.3 released Authors: Isabella Gierz. Abstract: The dynamics of photo-generated ...

SCHATTENBLICK - FORSCHUNG/1330: Erforschung von Elementarteilchen in...

... MPSD in der Gruppe um Otto-Hahn-Gruppenleiterin Isabella Gierz in der Abteilung von Max-Planck-Direktor Andrea Cavalleri verfügbar ist.

Structure and relaxation effects in thin semiconducting films ...

von C Kumpf · · Zitiert von: 7 — Isabella Gierz. Universität Würzburg, Lehrstuhl für Experimentelle Physik II, Würzburg, Germany. Search for more papers by this author. › abs

18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

US Patent for Hole doping of graphene Patent (Patent # 9,269, Justia

Isabella Gierz, et al.,; Atomic Hole Doping of Graphene; Nov. 5, 2008; NANO Letters vol. 8, No Junghun Choi, et al.,; Chemical Doping of ... › patent

Dr. Isabella Gierz - Gepris - DFG

Dr. Isabella Gierz. Als Antragsteller laufende Projekte. Einschränkung der Ladungsträgermobilität in Graphen und was man dagegen tun kann ---.

Get-Together mit Prof. Dr. Isabella Gierz am TU Dresden

› der-bereich › news › copy2_of_...

Universität Würzburg: UNI-INTERN

Universität Würzburg: Mitteilungsblatt UNI-INTERN Februar

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Growth, characterization, and ultrafast carrier dynamics of WS2 ...

Isabella Gierz, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (Germany). Sven Aeschlimann, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and ... › Publications › Proceedings › Paper

Atomic Hole Doping of Graphene : Isabella Gierz : Free Download,...

Graphene is an excellent candidate for the next generation of electronic materials due to the strict two-dimensionality of its electronic structure as well...

Isabella Gierz - Wikidata

› wiki

Electronic-structural Dynamics in Graphene : Isabella Gierz : Free ...

› arxiv-1608

7 Meinungen & Artikel

FD171 “Emerging photon technologies for chemical ...

Isabella Gierz, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter · Stefan Neppl, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory · Ben Spencer, University of ...

Free Online Help For Writing An Essay

The Chrome Extension. The comments have Isabella Gierz.

Snapshots of non-equilibrium Dirac carrier distributions in graphene...

The optical properties of graphene are made unique by the linear band structure and the vanishing density of states at the Dirac point. It has been proposed...

Graphene To Generate Terahertz Laser - Engineering Technical -PCBway

band and use circuit board photoemission to probe how long the electrons stay in the conduction band before they decay back to their ground state in the valence band," Max Planck researcher Isabella Gierz told EE Times.

59 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Isabella Gierz‬ - ‪Google 學術搜尋‬ - Google Scholar

› citations

How to pronounce Isabella Gierz | HowToPronounce.com

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Internet Archive Search: creator:"Isabella Gierz"

Tuning the spin texture in binary and ternary surface alloys on Ag(111) - Isabella Gierz Recently, a giant spin splitting has been observed in surface alloys on ...

Rankings for Scientist - Isabella Gierz - AD Scientific Index 2023

› ...

verschwindend klein - Deutsch-Englisch Übersetzung - PONSPONS dictionary

Trotzdem verhalten sich die Elektronen im Graphen ähnlich wie in einem klassischen Halbleiter “, sagt Isabella Gierz Facebook · Instagram · LinkedIn. › ... › Deutsch » Englisch

population inversion pi - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung | PONS

Übersetzung Englisch-Deutsch für population inversion pi im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.

au:Gierz_I in:cond-mat - SciRate Search

Für diese Seite sind keine Informationen verfügbar.

2. Quartal 2013

Mai 2013, Dr. Isabella Gierz Graphen, das dünnste Lasermaterial der Welt Graphen besteht aus Kohlenstoff und ist nur eine einzige Atomlage dick.

Graphene suitable as active material for a terahertz laser |...

Graphene is suitable as active material for terahertz lasers, as it permits population inversion. This was determined by a team of researchers headed by A....


Time- and angle-resolved ARPES (Dr. Isabella Gierz). - ARPES with ultrafast lasers. - femtosecond electron dynamics. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (Dr.


BibTeX. @MISC{O11pourl'obtention, author = {Thèse N O and À La and Faculté Sciences and De Base and Isabella Gierz and Prof R. Fasel and Prof K. Horn ...

Graphene lasers for efficient terahertz pulses | NextBigFuture.com

A team headed by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter in Hamburg have demonstrated that graphene meets an

2016 Photoionization and Photodetachment Conference GRC

9:20 am - 9:50 am, Isabella Gierz (Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Germany) "Graphene Far from Equilibrium - A Direct View on ... › photoionizat...

ARPES & XPS workshop

Institut for Fysik og Astronomi, Aarhus Universitet, Institutforum fredag d. 7. juni, kl , lokale

Andrea Cavalleri: Publications | University of Oxford Department of ...

Isabella Gierz, Matteo Mitrano, Jesse C Petersen, Cephise Cacho, IC Edmond Turcu, Emma Springate, Alexander Stöhr, Axel Köhler, Ulrich Starke, ... › pu...

Artemis ultra-short laser pulses reveal that graphene can lase

“That is why graphene cannot be used for continuous lasers, but potentially for ultrashort laser pulses”, lead scientist Isabella Gierz explains. › Pages

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

... tr-ARPES — •Mariana Chavez Cervantes, Raghu Tomar, Hubertus Bromberger , Haiyun Liu, Stefan Link, Ulrich Starke, Andrea Cavalleri, and Isabella Gierz.

Board | SFB 1277

Spokespersons · Klaus Richter · Rupert Huber · Dominique Bougeard · Ferdinand Evers · Isabella Gierz-Pehla · Dieter Weiss · Contact. B08. B09. B10. B11. Isabella Gierz-Pehla. B10. Johannes Gradl. B10 · go to homepage >>. Sivan Refaely-Abramson. A03 - B10 · Contact. SFB Doris Meier › ...

au:Sachs_B in:cond-mat - SciRate Search

Isabella Gierz, Matteo Mitrano, Hubertus Bromberger, Cephise Cacho, Applying in-plane-fields, domain walls start to move at about 13 mT and a single ...

C MAC Days European Integrated Centre for the Development of...

... resolved photoemission experiments on epitaxial graphene Isabella Gierz, 1, Linkedin Profil Personal Website Programming ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Isabella

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch): Isabella; Mein Gott ist Vollkommenheit; oder: der Schwur Gottes; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); el = der Mächtige, Gott; scheba = sieben; im Mittelalter in Spanien entstandene Abwandlung von 'Elisabeth'

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