138 Infos zu Isabella Seeber
Mehr erfahren über Isabella Seeber
Infos zu
- Ronald Maier
- Grenoble Ecole
- Ecole de Management
- Vreede
- Alexander
- Gert-Jan
- Associate Professor
- Austria
- Barbara
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Talk given by Prof. Dr. Isabella Seeber (Grenoble Ecole de …On November 16, 2021, Prof. Dr. Isabella Seeber (Grenoble Ecole de Management) will give a talk about "Control Styles in Robotic Scrum Facilitation: Insights from a Video Vignette-Based …
ICIS 2016: Idea Generation by Crowds and Communitie...View more about this event at ICIS 2016
SIMPDA : Fourth International Symposium on Data-driven Process...SIMPDA : Fourth International Symposium on Data-driven Process Discovery and Analysis
imb AugsburgDie Professur für Digitale Medien freut sich, Frau Dr. Isabella Seeber von der Universität Innsbruck als Gastvortragende am imwk begrüßen zu dürfen. Sie wird am ...
1 Bilder zu Isabella Seeber

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: LinkedIn · Isabella SeeberCa. 80 FollowerIsabella Seeber - Hoffmann + Krippner GmbHBuchen (Odenwald), Baden-Württemberg, Deutschland · Key-Account-Managerin & Vertriebsinnendienst Schweiz · Hoffmann + Krippner GmbHIsabella Seeber. Key-Account-Managerin & Vertriebsinnendienst Schweiz bei Hoffmann + Krippner GmbH. Hoffmann + Krippner GmbH. Buchen (Odenwald) ...
LinkedIn: Isabella Seeber | LinkedInIsabella Seebers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Isabella Seeber dabei ...
LinkedIn: Isabella Seeber | LinkedInIsabella Seebers berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Isabella Seeber dabei hilft ...
LinkedIn: Isabella Seeber s indlægIsabella Seeber s indlæg. Se profil for Isabella Seeber, grafik · Isabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. 1å.
1 Hobbys & Interessen
++ 2 Jahre AFTERSHAVE ++ LADYTRON DJ SET - DANIEL HUNT (Manchester/...Als Ladytron ihr vielbeachtetes Debütalbum 604 veröffentlichten gab es bereits eine Reihe von Imitatoren die ebenfalls m...
1 Business-Profile
ResearchGateIsabella SEEBER, Associate Professor | Cited by 969 | of Grenoble École de Management, Grenoble (GEM) | Read
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Traurednerin BellavieBis Bald – eure BELLA! Isabella Seeber Mobilnummer:
13 Bücher zum Namen
a research agenda on AI in team collaboration - EconBizIsabella Seeber, Eva Bittner, Robert O. Briggs, Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Aaron Elkins, Ronald Maier, Alexander B. Merz, Sarah Oeste-Reiß, Nils Randrup ...
Idea convergence quality in open innovation crowdsourcing : aXusen Cheng, Shixuan Fu, Triparna de Vreede, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Isabella Seeber, Ronald Maier, and Barbara Weber
Macrocognition in collaboration : analyzing processes of teamGroup decision and negotiation.. - Dordrecht : Springer, ISSN , ZDB-ID X. - Vol , 5, p
EconBizBeyond brainstorming : exploring convergence in teams. Isabella Seeber, Gert-Jan de Vreede, Ronald Maier, and Barbara Weber. Year of publication: Authors ...
10 Dokumente
Klaus North Ronald Maier Oliver Haas Editors Knowledge …Isabella Seeber University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Tara M. Sullivan Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA; Johns Hopkins Center for …
Better Together: Exploring the Effects of Knowledge Application, Supp…ARISTOTELE Presentation at the 46th HAWAII INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration. Learn…
Ontology-based Standardization on Knowledge Exchange in Social Knowle…Ontology-based Standardization on Knowledge Exchange in Social Knowledge Management Environments
SSRNhttps://papers.ssrn.com › papersReinventing Collaboration with Autonomous Technology-Based ...von I Seeber · · Zitiert von: 9 — Isabella Seeber · Lena Waizenegger · Stefan Seidel · Stefan Morana · Izak Benbasat · Paul Benjamin Lowry · Do you have a job opening that you would ...
18 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
AI-Bility Forschungsprojekt: Kick-Off Meeting | Institut für ...13 dec · Vor einiger Zeit fand das Kick-Off des AI-Bility Projekts statt - ein neues Forschungsprojekt von Dr. Katrin Bergener, Dr. Armin Stein, Dr. Isabella Seeber (Universität …
Machines as teammates A research agenda on AI in team …Please cite this article as: Isabella Seeber, et al., Information & Management, https://doi.org j.im collaboration. But what might the implications be for …
NAO says hello! | Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik13 jul · Bio: Isabella Seeber is an associate professor in the department of management, technology and strategy of Grenoble Ecole de Management. She conducts research at the …
Universität Münster... Isabella Seeber and Armin Stein and Cathrine E. Tømte}, title = {Understanding the Digital Companions of Our Future Generation}, journal = {Communications ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Macrocognition in Collaboration: Analyzing Processes of Team...Sophisticated collaboration software allows teams that are dispersed in space and time to work together. Nevertheless, to reach their common goals, distributed...
Emerald InsightCollaborating with technology-based autonomous agents: Issues and research opportunities · Isabella Seeber, Lena Waizenegger, Stefan Seidel, Stefan Morana ...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
PRIME: Prof. Dr. Isabella Seeber, Grenoble Ecole de …Department 3: Wirtschaftsinformatik Language Language English . Contact
suche PS-mitschrift Seeber - sowi-forum.com6 okt · hallo, habe am montag PS-klausur bei isabella seeber. hat jemand eine mitschrift aus dem proseminar? hab letztens 2 mal fehlen müssen. bzw tausche ich sehr gerne meine …
MKWI in Braunschweig – LS WIIM Blog... Isabella Seeber (alle Universität Innsbruck), Prof. Jan M. Pawlowski (University of Jyväskylä), Prof. René Peinl (Hochschule Hof) und Prof. Markus Bick ...
DBWorld Message... Italy Antonio Maña Gómez, University of Málaga, Spain Mustafa Jarrar, Birzeit University, Palestinian Territory Isabella Seeber, University of Innsbruck, Austria ...
69 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Alumni of Leopold-Franzens Universität InnsbruckIsabella Seeber Austria area Postdoc (temporary assistant professor) at Universität Innsbruck Research Education Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck — Dr., …
Lecture Notes in Informatics - EMISRonald Maier, Isabella Seeber, Gabriela Waldhart, Valerio Bellandi, Fulvio Frati, Janez Hrastnik Interfaces between human resource management and knowledge work practices Pages: 132 …
Isabella Seeber - ecis2024Isabella Seeber's Post. View profile for Isabella Seeber, graphic. Isabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. 3mo.
Isabella Seeber on LinkedIn: #wi23 #digital #responsibilityIsabella Seeber's Post. View profile for Isabella Seeber, graphic. Isabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. 1y.
Isabella Seeber's PostIsabella Seeber's Post. View profile for Isabella Seeber, graphic · Isabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. 1y. Report this post
Isabella Seeber's PostIsabella Seeber's Post. View profile for Isabella Seeber, graphic. Isabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. 2y.
Isabella Seeber's PostMichele Coletti, Isabella Seeber, CEA-List , Jean-François Berrée ... Isabella Seeber. Thank you for the teamwork! #humanaicollaboration #teams # ...
Isabella Seeber's PostMore Relevant Posts. View profile for Isabella Seeber, graphic · Isabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. 2mo. Report this post
What are the competences educational institutions can ...authors: Farida EL BAKRY, Isabella SEEBER As the world of generative AI (e.g..
Isabella Seeber - Google ScholarAssociate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management - 引用: 807 件 - digital nudging - conversational agents - decision making in collaboration -...
Isabella Seeber - Google 學術搜尋Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management - 引用次數:807 次 - digital nudging - conversational agents - decision making in collaboration -...
Google ScholarIsabella Seeber. Associate Professor at Grenoble Ecole de Management. Email được xác minh tại grenoble-em.com. digital nudgingconversational ...
Instagram · iseeberCa. 80 FollowerIsabella Seeber (@iseeber) • Instagram photos and videos80 Followers, 1 Following, 1 Posts - Isabella Seeber (@iseeber) on Instagram: ""
Business Process Management Research GroupCongratulations to Isabella Seeber for defending her PhD thesis “Analyzing Collaboration Team Processes to Understand Barriers and ...
Isabella SEEBERIsabella SEEBER. project number. J project title. Effekte der Teamintervention. research place. University of South Florida University of South Florida, ...
Jan Pawlowski - Google ScholarProfessor Business Information Systems, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences; Research Professor - mal zitiert - Knowledge Management -...
Jan Pawlowski - Google 学术搜索Professor Business Information Systems, Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences; Research Professor - 引用次数:3,795 次 - Knowledge Management -...
Maximilian Hecht, MSc - Google Akademik AlıntılarKatkıda bulunan yazarlar Tümünü görüntüle… Ronald Maier,; Isabella Seeber,; Markus Manhart · Başlık1– ...
System Integration - Publications- Publications . System Integration. Return to all Publications Paul Kruse, Isabella Seeber, Jan M Pawlowski, Markus Bick, Ronald Maier, Eric Schoop
RocketReachGet Isabella Seeber's email address () and phone number () at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Isabella
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Italienisch, Spanisch): Isabella; Mein Gott ist Vollkommenheit; oder: der Schwur Gottes; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); el = der Mächtige, Gott; scheba = sieben; im Mittelalter in Spanien entstandene Abwandlung von 'Elisabeth'
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Seeber
Die Liebe , Die Blumen
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Paul Kruse
- Barbara Weber
- René Peinl
- Paul Benjamin
- Ronald Maier
- Benedikt Merz
- Markus Bick
- Alexander Merz
- Astrid-Ulla Merz-Martin
Personensuche zu Isabella Seeber & mehr
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