168 Infos zu Italo Vignoli
Mehr erfahren über Italo Vignoli
Infos zu
- Linux
- Document Foundation
- Marketing
- Italy
- Open Source
- Italian
- LibreItalia
- OpenOffice.org
- Archivi
- Davide
- Intervista
21 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: LibreOffice-Profi mit Zertifikat | heise onlineDie hinter der LibreOffice-Entwicklung stehende Document Foundation erweitert den Personenkreis für ihr Zertifizierungsprogramm. Nun dürfen mehr Prüfer die...
Open Source Initiative wählt neuen Vorstand | Informatik AktuellDer Vorstand der Open Source Initiative (OSI) hat mit Molly de Blanc (für Open edX), Italo Vignoli (für LibreOffice) und Joshua Simmons (O’Reilly Media) drei neue ...
Libre Office auf dem Kindle Fire und auf Android TabletsIn seinem Blog berichtet Italo Vignoli, der sich in der Document Foundation um das Marketing kümmert, dass Libre Office nun auch auf dem Kindle ...
Cyber-Attacken auf staatliche IT: Microsoft – Europas offene Flanke...Dazu machte Italo Vignoli, einer der Fachleute hinter dem freien Büroprogramm LibreOffice, ...
11 Bilder zu Italo Vignoli

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Italo VignoliLinkedIn: Italo Vignoli | Perfil profesional - LinkedIntiene 10 empleos en su perfil. Ve el perfil completo en LinkedIn y descubre los ...
LinkedIn: Italo Vignoli - Partner - Hideas | LinkedInVisualize o perfil de Italo Vignoli no LinkedIn, a maior comunidade profissional do mundo. Italo tem 11 empregos no perfil. Visualize o perfil completo no ...
LinkedIn: Italo Vignoli - Co Founder, Marketing & PR - The LinkedIn了10 个职位。查看Italo的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司的职位。
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Italo Vignoli - Business Profile - hideas | PRLogView Italo Vignoli's business profile on PRLog, with profiles from 360,000 organizations. Media Relations and Marketing Communications for FOSS Projects
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Italo VignoliDr. / Marketing & Communications / Rozzano / public speaking, media relations, Event Management, Social Media, business strategy, marketing, Social Media Marketing, Marketing Communications
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Our Team - Zonic Group | IT Focused Global Marketing ConsultancyItalo Vignoli. Account Director, Italy. He has been active in high-tech PR and marketing since 1981, immediately after the launch of the IBM PC. Prior to switching ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Italo Vignoli - Italo's Bio, Credits, Awards,… - Stage 32Italo Vignoli: Editor in Milano, Italy. Stage 32 creative profile. Learn more about Italo Vignoli * film network education solution * social filmmaking
1 Projekte
Übersicht - Infrastructure - The Document Foundation RedmineRedmine
8 Bücher zum Namen
One moment, please...Linux Add User
Challenging Global Capitalism: Labor Migration, Radical Struggle, and...In the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, Detroit and Turin were both sites of significant political and social upheaval. This comparative and transnational study...
Destini Hacker - Attacco al sistema - Lele Rozza, Alessio Pennasilico...E poi: Davide Dozza, Italo Vignoli, Mimmo Squillace e Pierluigi Dal Pino che a quel progetto di legge hanno contribuito. Una menzione speciale alla squadra di ...
Network - Daniele Frongia - Google BooksQuattro le sessioni, una al giorno: Web-grafìe di Davide Bennato, Crime Café con Roberta Bruzzone, Social Life con Italo Vignoli e NETnomia con Nicola ...
4 Dokumente
Italo Vignoli, LibreOffice e LibreItalia nel 2016Slide 5 of 16 of Italo Vignoli, LibreOffice e LibreItalia nel 2016
File:LibreOffice Conference Aarhus - Italo Vignoli.jpg -...This image was originally posted to Flickr by Nguyen Vu Hung (vuhung) at https://flickr.com/photos @N It was reviewed on
CV ITALO VIGNOLI Informazioni personali Nome / Cognome Italo ...CV ITALO VIGNOLI. Informazioni personali. Nome / Cognome Italo Vignoli. Indirizzo Via Alberelle I Rozzano (Italia). Telefono
4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Italo Vignoli - IssuuMarketing & PR professonal since 1981
Category:Italo Vignoli - Wikimedia Commonstotal. LibreOffice Conference Aarhus ,000 PCs.jpg 5,312 × 2,988; ...
Ideas for the integration of Thunderbird with LibreOffice – The...Ideas for the integration of Thunderbird with LibreOffice. From The Document Foundation Wiki. Jump to: ... Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Marketing & PR wrote:
Websites and Web Services – The Document Foundation WikiProject Language Name/URL Contact Description; LibreOffice: EN: LibreOffice: Christian Lohmaier, Florian Effenberger, Heiko Tietze, Italo Vignoli, Justin W. Flory ...
21 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: LibreOffice – WikipediaLibreOffice /ˈliːbɹə ˈɒfɪs/ (Abkürzungen: LibO oder LO) ist eine freie Zusammenstellung Italo Vignoli: The Document Foundation announces feature-rich LibreOffice In: LibreOffice Blog. 1. Februar 2017, abgerufen am 1. Februar
Re: Debian's infographicTo: .org; Subject: Re: Debian's infographic; From: Italo Vignoli &>; Date: Tue, 27 Dec
Interview with Italo Vignoli, The Document Foundation | Opensource.comThe Document Foundation's Italo Vignoli shares his experiences as a founding member, employee, and volunteer with LibreOffice, as well as what's on the horizon...
Italo Vignoli – MarchèttingPosts about Italo Vignoli written by Gian Maria Brega
76 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Italo Vignoli - Partner - Hideas | LinkedInView Italo Vignoli's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Italo has 11 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
The Document Foundation Italo Vignoli. PRO vs CONTRO The Document...PRO vs CONTRO The Document Foundation e' nata PRO PRO il software libero PRO la liberta' degli utenti PRO la liberta' dei documenti PRO il futuro del SW...
FOSDEM Italo VignoliItalo Vignoli is a director at Open Source Initiative, and a founding member of The Document Foundation and Associazione LibreItalia. He leads LibreOffice ...
Computer Swedens artiklar om Italo VignoliHär samlar vi alla våra artiklar om Italo Vignoli på Computer Sweden.
Incontro in sede con Italo Vignoli | GNU/Linux User Group PerugiaSabato 16 aprile avremo il piacere di ospitare presso la nostra sede Italo Vignoli.
OpenOffice.czPortál pro uživatele kancelářskych balíků OpenOffice a LibreOffice
Intervista a Italo Vignoli | InnovatoriPAIntervista a Italo Vignoli in occasione del Barcamp InnovatoriPA tenutosi a Roma il 13 Maggio in occasione del ForumPA. Tks to TheBlogTv.
Italo Vignoli - OSS4BItalo Vignoli is one of the founders and a member of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, with responsibility for marketing and communication.
Software Freedom Day - Quiliano - Italo Vignoliwww.govonis.org/softwarefreedomday/italo_vignoli.htmlYour browser does not support video.
Italo Vignoli - LibreOffice Conference - volunteeringItalo Vignoli - LibreOffice Conference
Italo Vignoli | Informatica ed altroLavorare con Linux: Italo Vignoli e la nascita di LibreOffice. Ospite di quest'oggi è Italo Vignoli che ci racconterà la sua lunga vita informatica e ...
Italo Vignoli — EnglishItalo Vignoli is one of the founders and a member of the Board of Directors of The Document Foundation, with responsibility for marketing and communication.
Italo Vignoli - SFSConItalo Vignoli is a director at Open Source Initiative, a founding member of The Document Foundation and Associazione LibreItalia, and the Chairman Emeritus of ...
Italo Vignoli Fala da Compatibilidade entre o LibreOffice e o...No FOSDEM 2017, a embaixadora da Fedora, Amita Sharma, entrevistou o fundador do LibreOffice, Italo Vignoli, sobre por que há problemas ...
Italo Vignoli - The Document Foundation RedmineRedmine
Lavorare con Linux: Italo Vignoli e la nascita di LibreOfficeOspite di quest'oggi è Italo Vignoli che ci racconterà la sua lunga vita informatica e come ha contribuito a far nascere LibreOffice e la The ...
Italo Vignoli – MediumRead writing from Italo Vignoli on Medium. . Every day, Italo Vignoli and thousands of other voices read, write, and share important stories on Medium.
Italo Vignoli – LUGManzoni OPENLabOggi 16 Ottobre, Italo Vignoli e Fausto Napolitano saranno presenti al Liceo Manzoni in occasione dell'evento “Campus di Informatica. Il Software Libero per il ...
Bordighera Italo Vignoli Incontra Gli Studenti del Fermi Polo Montale...Bordighera Italo Vignoli Incontra Gli Studenti del Fermi Polo Montale - Vigilio Bordighera
Bordighera, al Palazzo del Parco Italo Vignoli dialoga con gli...Un confronto su contenuti cruciali e di grande attualità
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Italo
Male first name (Italian): Italian, the Italians, Latin (Roman mythology); Italus = Italian, in Roman mythology is Italus the father of Romulus and Remos and is the country of Italy have given its name, the name of the country is probably of a tribe 'Italy', 'Italo' came in the 19th Century in Italy during the struggle for Italian unity in Fashion
Personensuche zu Italo Vignoli & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Italo Vignoli und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.