231 Infos zu Itamar Willner
Mehr erfahren über Itamar Willner
Infos zu
- Hebrew University
- Eugenii Katz
- Bioelectronics
- Applications
- Institute of Chemistry
- University of Jerusalem
- Israel
- Professor
27 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Nanotechnologie Erbmolekül bildet die Basis für Nanoröhrchen - FAZ[Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung] - Im ersten Schritt haben die Forscher um Itamar Willner von der Hebräischen Universität von Jerusalem und Michael Mertig von der Technischen Universität Dresden eine große Zahl von DNA-Strängen zu einem flächigen hexagonalen Muster verknüpft.
Power from the people - BBC NewsBiofuel cells promise to turn the human body into a battery, powering devices such as pacemakers and artificial limbs.
Zweistufiger Verstärker - Innovations ReportBioanalytische und diagnostische Testverfahren basieren sehr häufig darauf, dass ... Dem Team um Itamar Willner ist es gelungen, auf der Basis dieses neuen ...
FHUJ: Professors Dror Feitelson, Itamar Willner, Eric Cohen, …WebProfessor Emeritus Itamar Willner of the Einstein School of Mathematics was ranked 10th in the list’s nanotechnology group. Professor Emeritus Eric Cohen of the Department of …
1 Bilder zu Itamar Willner
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Itamar Willner - Israeli chemist (1947-) - PeoplePill› people › it...
Itamar Willner | Academic Influence› ita...
Prof. Itamar Willner | Minerva Stiftung Gesellschaft für die …Welcome to the Homepage of the Minerva Stiftung! As a subsidiary of the Max Planck Society we are pioneering in german-israeli scientific cooperations since with scientific programmes like Minerva fellowships, Minerva Centers, Minerva Schools and grants as well as a tight cooperation with the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
Mitglieder - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften LeopoldinaWebItamar Willner is distinguished for his scientific contributions to the fields of molecular and biomolecular electronics and optoelectronics, and particularly, for his pioneering studies …
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Itamar Willner - PatentsItamar Willner patents. Recent bibliographic sampling of Itamar Willner patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application # ...
44 Bücher zum Namen
Photoswitchable Biomaterials: En Route to Optobioelectronic Systems, in: ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH Volume 30, Nr. 9,von American Chemical Society [pub.]Joan S. (ed.) Valentine Itamar Willner a. o., American Chemical Society, WashingtonBroschiert
DNB, Katalog der Deutschen NationalbibliothekWebCascaded dissipative DNAzyme-driven layered networks guide transient replication of coded-strands as gene models / by Jianbang Wang, Zhenzhen Li, Itamar Willner …
AbeBooks: eugenii katz itamar willner - AbeBooksWebBioelectronics: From Theory to Applications von Katz,Willner und eine große Auswahl ähnlicher Bücher, Kunst und Sammlerstücke erhältlich auf AbeBooks.de.
Itamar Willner - AbeBooksBio-Models and Artificial models for photosynthesis by Willner,Itamar+D.Mandler+Ruben Maidan and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles...
13 Dokumente
Willner, Itamar [WorldCat Identities]Bioelectronics : from theory to applications by Itamar Willner( Book ) 16 editions published between and in English and Japanese and held by
Curriculum Vitae - Itamar WillnerWebCurriculum Vitae -Professor Itamar Willner (Synopsis) Address: Institute of Chemistry. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jerusalem , Israel. Tel: 972 …
Prof. Itamar Willner DNA Nanotechnology and Its ApplicationsWebProf. Itamar Willner Institute of Chemistry The Hebrew University of Jerusalem "DNA Nanotechnology and Its Applications" Interested persons are cordially invited to attend! …
Curriculum Vitae - Itamar Willner - Index ofigor.rz-berlin.mpg.de › ishhc › speaker › WillnerCurriculum Vitae -Professor Itamar Willner ... Address: Institute of Chemistry ... AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Fellow
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Ion-sensitive Electrode Patents and Patent Applications (Class...Assignee: Institut fur Chemo-und Biosensorik Munster E.V.. Inventors: Stefan Adam University of Jerusalem. Inventors: Itamar Willner, Shlomo Levi, Yael Cohen, Eugenii Katz, Arie Dagan date: February 6, Inventor: Steven J. West ...
DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Itamar Willner, Ph.D.WebProfessor Dr. Itamar Willner, Ph.D., Institute of Chemistry, Jerusalem , Israel DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Itamar Willner, Ph.D. Direkt zum Inhalt springen Direkt zu …
Current Opinion in Biotechnology | Nanobiotechnology – Systems...The online version of Current Opinion in Biotechnology at ScienceDirect.com, the world's leading platform for high quality peer-reviewed full-text journals.
dblp: Itamar WillnerList of computer science publications by Itamar Willner
16 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Curriculum Vitae - Professor Itamar Willner - The Institute of ...› view
Bioelectronics: From Theory to Applications Edited by Itamar Willner...Bioelectronics: From Theory to Applications Edited by Itamar Willner and Eugenii Katz. Muhammed HassanaliAffiliated withMorgan Electro Ceramics Email ...
Itamar Willner - Itamar WillnerWebItamar Willner FRSC 是一个 以色列 化学家,曾在 耶路撒冷希伯来大学 自1986年以来。 他在该大学完成了物理有机化学博士学位。 耶路撒冷希伯来大学 1978年。 他被授予 以色 …
Bioelectronics: Development of Biosensors, Biofuel-Cells and...Bioelectronics is a rapidly developing interdisciplinary research area aimed to integrate biomaterials with electronic elements in order to transduce...
1 Video- & Audioinhalte
耶路撒冷希伯来大学Itamar Willner-从DNA开关和 ...› video
12 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities on Twitter ...— Itamar Willner have been elected Foreign Members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Read the article: https://t.co/ZExULr3DWC" / Twitter ... › status
Wikipedia: Itamar Willner - Wikipedia› wiki › It...
Wikipedia: Supramolecular chemistry - WikipediaSupramolecular chemistry is the domain of chemistry beyond that of molecules and focuses on ... Stoddart developing molecular machinery and highly complex self-assembled structures, and Itamar Willner developing sensors and methods ...
Wikipedia: Thionine - WikipediaEugenii Katz; Andrew N. Shipway and Itamar Willner (2003). "21". In Wolf Vielstich. Handbook of Fuel Cells: Fundamentals, Technology, Applications, 4-Volume ...
92 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Itamar Willner - Citações do Google AcadémicoItamar Willner. Seguir ... Y Xiao, F Patolsky, E Katz, JF Hainfeld, I Willner. Science Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (38)
Itamar Willner - Google ScholarThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem - mal zitiert
Feng Shi - Google ScholarProfessor of Material Sicence, Beijing University of Chemical Technology - Cited by - supramolecular chemistry
3.2. Electronic activation of containment | Electronic Chemical CellWP3 leader: Itamar Willner. Research Partners. RUB-BioMIP - McCaskill; RUB-BioOrg - von Kiedrowski; RUG-PCBE - Hermann; SDU-FLinT - Rasmussen; HUJI - Willner; …
DeWiki - Itamar WillnerWeb↑ Mitgliedseintrag von Prof. Dr. Itamar Willner (mit Bild) bei der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, abgerufen am 1. Oktober Oktober ↑ Laudatio des …
Itamar Willner - Wikiwand› Itama...
Itamar - Names Encyclopedia... Itamar Grinberg, Itamar Raz, Itamar Elhanany, Itamar Bernstein, Itamar Simonson, Itamar Halevy, Itamar Assumpção, Itamar Willner, Itamar Rabinovich, Itamar ...
Itamar Willner - Google Tudós HivatkozásokAN Shipway, E Katz, I Willner ... Y Xiao, F Patolsky, E Katz, JF Hainfeld, I Willner ... Non‐haloaluminate room‐temperature ionic liquids in electrochemistry—A review ... Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (38)
Itamar Willner - Παραθέσεις Μελετητή GoogleAN Shipway, E Katz, I Willner ... Y Xiao, F Patolsky, E Katz, JF Hainfeld, I Willner ... Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (38)
Dr.-Ing. Pierre Mayr - Ruhr-Universität BochumRuhr-Universität Bochum, sechstgrößte Universität in Deutschland
Itamar Willner - Zuckerman Scholars Program› it...
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem | Electronic Chemical CellThe Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Itamar Willner. Professor of Chemistry. Tel. + Fax + ac.il. › ...
Itamar Willner · OverDrive (Rakuten OverDrive): eBooks, audiobooks...Itamar Willner. cover image of Bioelectronics · Bioelectronics. Itamar Willner Editor Eugenii Katz Editor (2006). Creators · Itamar Willner ...
Itamar Willner – Biophotonics4Future› ...
Itamar Willner's Profile | Nature, Color Research Muck Rack› itamar-will...
Itamar Willner's research works | Hebrew University of ...› Itamar-Willner
Itamar Willner: H-index & Awards - Academic Profile› Chemistry
Itamar Willner: د Z-Library مفت الکترونیکی کتابتون› ...
Professor Itamar Willner - Materials Today Chemistry› ...
in:(Itamar Willner) - 江都区全球专利搜索平台› results
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Willner
Der Nachname Willner stammt entweder von Wildner (mhd. wildenaere) und bedeutet einerseits Wilddieb, Wildschütz, andererseits "Schütze", der einem Fürst, einem Herzog odgl. das Wildpret für die Tafel zusammenschoß. Stammen die Willner-Namen aus der schlesischen Gegend, so bedeutet der Name Wüllner = Wollweber
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