101 Infos zu Itay Yatuv

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5 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Ecite Pal Is Conflict - Contact Quarterly

by Daniel Hayes / Itay Yatuv. facilitated by Itay Yatuv (Israel). The need for this discussion at ECITE came from a feeling of frustration that the conflict ... › view

Nigel Charnock (GB) - posthof - zeitkultur am hafen: Programm

Charnock und seine herrlich durchgeknallten Mitstreiter Adrian Howells, Mike Winter und Itay Yatuv sind allesamt hocherfahrene Tänzer und Schauspieler. › programm › programm › article


— Itay Yatuv. Artistic director of the Hakvutza Dance School in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, Itay has been practicing and internationally teaching Contact ... › tedx › events

Und jetzt? - Damit Eltern tollen lernen - München - SZ.de

Stefanie Woitun bietet improvisierten Tanz für Familien mit Kleinkindern an

5 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Itay Yatuv | Facebook

Twitter Profil: itay yatuv (itay_y)

Twitter Profil: Itay Yatuv (@esso_ji) / Twitter

› esso_ji

vk.com: Sophie & Itay Yatuv (Contact Improvisation.. — Видео

› video _16...

24 Persönliche Webseiten

67. Contact Parents and Kids - with Itay Yatuv

› ...

67. Contact Parents and Kids - with Itay Yatuv - Libsyn

› 67-contac...

Danse Contact Improvisation Sophie & Itay Yatuv

› da...

Contact Improvisation Rhein-Ruhr - Archiv Big Mistake Workshop mit...

Big Mistake Workshop mit Itay Yatuv. Startdatum: 13. Mai Enddatum: 14. Mai Startzeit: 11:00 Uhr. Endzeit: 18:00 Uhr. Format: Workshop. Ort:.

2 Bücher zum Namen

The Oxford Handbook of Improvisation in Dance

In a Ted Talk, Itay Yatuv presents a film of himself and his two-and-a-half-year old daughter practicing improvisation'. The interplay between the ...

The Oxford Handbook of Improvisation in Dance - Google Books

From the dance floor of a tango club to group therapy cl…, from ballet to community theatre, improvised dance is everywhere. For some dance artists,...

1 Songs & Musik

Material for the brain | Podcast on Spotify

My guest for the 21st episode is Itay Yatuv, a dancer, teacher, director, and the founder of Contakids - a methodology that uses physical contact to develop ... › show

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Young Limmud Programme for years old

Itay Yatuv, an Israeli contemporary dancer who wished to explore contact improvisation with his own children. It works with the idea of using physical ... › Bristol-SW-Young-Limmud-Timetable

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Creative Care Package for families and schools (No March ...

— i) Anyone who was inspired by Itay Yatuv's infamous movement video with his daughter, Sophie (and thought, 'Yikes! I could never do that! › blog › crea...

60 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Itay Yatuv - Contact Improvisation - CI Global Calendar

› teacher

#21 - The playful way / Itay Yatuv - Material for the brain

› podcast

ContaKids (2-4 anni) con Itay Yatuv - Arezzo per bimbi

› con...

Shlomit fundaminsky & Itay Yatuv - Ticking

› ticking

Sophie & Itay Yatuv (Contact Improvisation Festival

› ...

Itay Yatuv at TEDxBGU_腾讯视频

Itay Yatuv at TEDxBGU

Itay Yatuv - Dance In Israel

› tag

The playful way / Itay Yatuv – Material for the brain – Podcast

› podcast ›

About Itay Yatuv - ContaKids International

› founder

Itay Yatuv - Contact Improvisation - Global Calendar

Teacher profile @ Global CI calendar

#24 - Without Control / Tal Shibi by Material for the brain

My guest for the 21st episode is Itay Yatuv, a dancer, teacher, director, and the founder of Contakids - a methodology that uses physical contact to develop ... › episodes

(Italiano) CONTAKIDS - Compagnia AREAREA

... who has been recently attending International Contakids Teacher Training, an intensive course for teaching Contakids, held by its founder Itay Yatuv. › arearea › co...

About me - Mhari Baxter

... with Itay Yatuv and Wayne McGregor dance company, I became aware of how important the breath and communication through movement is for building ... › about-2


Itay Yatuv- Artistic director of the הקבוצה Hakvutza (www.hakvutza.org.il) Dance School, Itay has been practicing and teaching CI worldwide for 17 years. › c...

ContaKids - tanzhaus nrw düsseldorf

Nora ließ sich von Itay Yatuv ausbilden und ist eine von derzeit rund 300 Lehrer*innen weltweit. Es sind keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich. Getanzt wird immer ... › contakids-with-nora-pfahl

ContaKids Cards - Studio Baum

Working with ContaKids founder Itay Yatuv and dancer Justina Brazaite, we developed ContaKids Cards; A fun and interactive cards game created for 3-6 year ... › portfolio

Class Yulia Bodrovawww.echoechodance.com › article › class-yulia-bod...

Her teachers were Anjelika Doniy, Steve Batts, Carol Swann, Joerg Hassmann, Adrian Russi, Andrew Harwood, Martin Keogh, Itay Yatuv and many others…

ContaKids Dresden | Vitae

Itay Yatuv - Gründer von ContaKids. Itay ist der Leiter der Hakvutza Dance School in Tel Aviv und unterrichtet weltweit Contact Improvisation (CI). › vitae-biografie-anna

ContaKids - Program - Bodø Biennale Bodobiennalewww.bodobiennale.no › bodoe-biennale › co...

ContaKids er initiert og utviklet av danser og pedagog i kontaktimprovisasjon, Itay Yatuv. Konseptet stammer nettopp fra kontaktimprovisasjon, ...

Contakids | Campsirago Residenza

La Contakids nasce dal lavoro di ricerca di Itay Yatuv danzatore, coreografo e direttore artistico della Hakvutza Dance School a Telaviv.

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