71 Infos zu Izaak Neri

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Satunnaisille katuverkoille ei muodostu ruuhkia - Luonto - Turun...

Keski-Euroopan vanhojen kaupunkien katu- ja tieverkko, jossa väyliä tuntuu risteilevän sikin sokin ja risteyksiin tulee ja niistä lähtee epälukuinen määrä...

Physics - Focus: Random Roads Less Travelled

Izaak Neri, Norbert Kern, and Andrea Parmeggiani. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, (2011) Published August 5, +Enlarge image. A. Chesseron & I. Neri/Univ. of Montpellier 2 + ...

GDR 3070: Journées plénières 2011

... Blossey · Chromatin remodeling: the kinetic proofreading scenario. 10:05, None, Izaak Neri · La modélisation du transport actif sur réseau.

Will a large stable system be complex?www.ph.ed.ac.uk › events ›

Joint work with Izaak Neri (King's College London) and Wojciech Tarnowski (Krakow). [https://arxiv.org/abs ]. See all Statistical ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

CRC 1283: Taming uncertainty and profiting from randomness and low...

... Young Researchers · Academic Staff · International Doctoral Candidates · International Alumni · Guests · Press · Contact | A-Z. img. Izaak Neri. Contact-Details: ...

Former Group Members

Izaak Neri. Ernesto Nicola. Fernando Carrillo Oesterreich. Daibhid O Maoileidigh. David Oriola Santandreu. Ehsan Nedaaee Oskoee. Juan Manuel Parrondo.

Tim Rogers

(Topical Review) Izaak Neri, Fernando Metz, Tim Rogers Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (2019); The invasion speed of cell migration ...

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Izaak Neri | Theoretical Physics | England

Izaak Neri is a Lecturer at Mathematics Department at King's College London, UK

About | IzaakNeri

Izaak Neri received a PhD in Theoretical Physics from the Catholic University of Leuven in He held post-doctoral positions at the University of...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Dr Izaak Neri - King's College Londonwww.kcl.ac.uk › people › izaak-neri

Dr Neri is interested in problems at the interface of statistical physics, mathematical physics, and biological physics.Missing: Gesellschaft Fertigungstechnik Entwicklung Schmalkalden" Dr Neri is interested in problems at the interface of statistical physics, mathematical physics, and biological physics. Missing: Gesellschaft Fertigungstechnik Entwicklung Schmalkalden"

1 Bücher zum Namen

The Impact of Applications on Mathematics: Proceedings of the Forum...

This book is a collection of papers presented at the Forum “The Impact of Applications on Mathematics” in October It describes an appropriate framework...

11 Dokumente

[ ] Decision Making in the Arrow of Time

Authors: Édgar Roldán, Izaak Neri, Meik Dörpinghaus, Heinrich Meyr, Frank Jülicher. (Submitted on 9 Aug (v1), last revised 17 Dec (this version, v4)).

Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013) - Modeling Cytoskeletal...

Modeling Cytoskeletal Traffic: An Interplay between Passive Diffusion and Active Transport. Izaak Neri, Norbert Kern, and Andrea Parmeggiani. Es fehlt: leontrans

[ v2] Infimum Law and First-Passage-Time › abs

From: Izaak Neri [view email] [v1] Thu, 14 Apr :59:27 UTC (2,891 KB) [v2] Sun, 17 Apr :03:42 UTC (2,893 KB) [v3] Tue, 4 Oct :23:34 UTC ...

Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, (2020) - Second Law of Thermodynamics...

Second Law of Thermodynamics at Stopping Times. Izaak Neri. Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, – Published 27 January Article has an altmetric score of 5. Missing: LeonTrans" ‎| Must include: LeonTrans"

9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Izaak Neri

List of computer science publications by Izaak Neri

Biological Systems Path - cfaed

The mission of the Path is to study emergent behavior and information processing in biological systems and identify principles that underlie ... Izaak Neri, Meik ...

List of registered contributions ( )

Izaak Neri: The totally asymmetric exclusion process on networks; Viktor Novicenko: Phase response curve for systems with time delay; Barbara Niethammer:

Dresden Scientist Frank Jülicher Receives The Most Important Research...

Dresden Scientist Frank Jülicher Receives The Most Important Research Award In Germany. Published on Fri, 09 Dec in NEWS Izaak Neri, Heinrich Meyr, ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

The Impact of Applications on Mathematics | SpringerLink

This book is a collection of papers presented at the Forum “The Impact of Applications on Mathematics” in October It describes an appropriate framework...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Izaak Neri - Dissipation bounds the moments of first-passage times of...

This talk was part of the of the online workshop on

38 Webfunde aus dem Netz

‪Izaak Neri‬ - ‪Google Scholar‬

‪Disordered System Group - Department of Mathematics - King's College London‬ - ‪‪Geciteerd door 773‬‬ - ‪statistical physics‬ - ‪complex systems‬ -...

‪Izaak Neri‬ - ‫محقق Google‬

‪Disordered System Group - Department of Mathematics - King's College London‬ - ‪‫۷۷۳ مقاله نقل‌قول کرده است‬‬ - ‪statistical physics‬ - ‪complex systems‬ -...

Edgar Roldan - Google Scholar -sitaatit

... Luque Serrano,; Ángel M. Núñez,; Antonio Ortiz-Ambriz,; Pau Mestres Junque,; Frank Julicher,; Heinrich Meyr,; Izaak Neri,; Arnab Saha,; Meik Dörpinghaus ...

Boeken van Izaak Neri

Auteur. Izaak Neri. Wikipedia: Izaak Neri · Deel op Twitter. Boeken · Prikbord · Fans. Welkom op Boeklezers.nl. Boeklezers.nl is een netwerk voor sociaal lezen.

Izaak Neri

Tout savoir sur Izaak Neri, les origines du nom Neri et le prénom Izaak.

Contributor Neri, Izaak - SciPostscipost.org › contributor

by Izaak Neri. Version 1 (current version) Submitted :00 to SciPost Physics · latest activity: :20.Missing: Physikalisch- Technischen Bundesanstalt PTB" by Izaak Neri. Version 1 (current version) Submitted :00 to SciPost Physics · latest activity: :20. Missing: Physikalisch- Technischen Bundesanstalt PTB"


Participant. Nom, IZAAK NERI. Club/Ville/Pays. Numéro de dossard, Catégorie, 8k. N.Licence. Totals. Place, Résultat net, 42:02. Résultat brut, 44:53.

Dynamique des interactions membranaires normales et pathologiques -...

Izaak Neri - BookSpot.nl: voor boeken, eBooks, muziek en filmswww.bookspot.nl › entity › izaak-...

Kies uit vele boeken, eBooks, cd's, dvd's en games bij BookSpot. Bij BookSpot bouwen we samen aan onze ideale online boekenwinkel.

Modelling Collective Cytoskeletal Transport and Intracellular Traffic...

Biological cells require active fluxes of matter to maintain their internal organization and perform multiple tasks to live. In particular they rely

Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

Exclusion processes on networks — • Izaak Neri 1,2, Norbert Kern 3, and Andrea Parmeggiani 3 — 1 Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems ...

ICTP - Scientific Calendar

Each year, ICTP organizes more than 60 international conferences and workshops, along with numerous seminars and colloquiums. These activities keep the Centre...

Research Physics Montpellier -France , Theoritical Physics Montpellier, Mathematical Physics, Experimental Physics, Montpellier - Languedoc Roussillon

Decision Making in the Arrow of Time :: MPG.PuRe

Autor: Roldan, Edgar et al.; Genre: Zeitschriftenartikel; Online veröffentlicht: 2015; Titel: Decision Making in the Arrow of Time

Characterising stationary states in exclusion processes on networks -...

The notion of networks arises naturally in many problems: transmission of information, road networks, cytoskeletal transport and gene regulation are timely...

The European Physical Journal E (EPJ E)

Modeling Cytoskeletal Traffic: An Interplay between Passive Diffusion and Active Transport. Izaak Neri, Norbert Kern and Andrea Parmeggiani Physical Review ...

Désiré Bollé | FRIS onderzoeksportaal

Tijdschrift: Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment. Issue: 10. Volume: Auteurs: Izaak Neri, NS Skantzos, Désiré Bollé. Aantal pagina's: ...

ELBE Postdoctoral Fellows Program - Center for Systems ...www.csbdresden.de › as-a-postdoc

Vojtech Kaiser, Dora Tang / Ivo Sbalzarini, Stefan Muenster, Pavel Tomancak / Stephan Grill, Izaak Neri, Marino Zerial / Frank Jülicher ...

Exclusion processes on networks as models for Altmetricwww.altmetric.com › details

Published in. New Journal of Physics, August DOI, Authors. Izaak Neri, Norbert Kern, Andrea Parmeggiani ...


Eric Akkermans (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa) ... Philip Hemmer (Texas A&M University, College Station). Ortwin Hess (Imperial ... Izaak Neri (Max-Planck-Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden). Y. Jack Ng ...

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