46 Infos zu Jörg Ettenauer

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

DUK-Award - Pressetext

Lukas Madl, tecnet equity NÖ Technologiebeteiligungs-Invest GmbH, Dr. Jörg Ettenauer, Dr. Lukas Zenk, Dr.in Edith Huber, Landesrätin Dr.in Petra Bohuslav, ... › ajax › media-detail

2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Jörg Ettenauer – Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter LinkedIn

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Jörg Ettenauer

An advanced search engine for Life Sciences. Find high-impact publications, clinical trials, patents, and grants.

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

MIXOBACTERIAS Scientific production


1 Bücher zum Namen

Science, Technology and Cultural Heritage - Google Books

The Second International Congress on Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage was held in Seville, Spain, June , 2014, under the...

2 Dokumente

EBSCOhost | | Halophilic Microorganisms Are Responsible for...

Authors: Ettenauer, Jörg .at. Jurado, Valme2. Piñar, Guadalupe1. Miller, Ana Z.2,3. Santner, Markus4. Saiz-Jimenez, Cesareo2

2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Entwicklung eines elektrochemischen Sensors zur schnellen ...

Projektverantwortung (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems), Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Martin Brandl. Projektmitarbeit, Dr. Jörg Ettenauer Mag. Sylvia Schneider ... › nfb-pseudomonas

BOKU - Universität für Bodenkultur Wien - Forschungsinformationssystem

Curriculum Vitae. Publikationen. Wissenstransfer. Vorträge. Projekte. Institute. Projekte. Publikationen. Partner. Geldgeber. Ausstattung. Mag. Jörg Ettenauer

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

A New, Low-cost Potentiostat for Environmental Measurements with an...

an easy-to-use PC interface. Karlheinz Kellner*, Thomas Posnicek, Jörg Ettenauer, Karen Zuser, Martin Brandl. Danube University Krems, Center for Integrated ...

32 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Projekte » Energieforschung

Jörg Ettenauer. .at. Steckbrief Projektnummer Koordinator Technische Universität Graz, Institut für Hochbau Projektleitung Peter Kautsch, Partner Haus der Baubiologie Institut für angewandte Mikrobiologie, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Research Advances for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage - PDF...

34 Bio-susceptibility of thermal insulation systems used for historical buildings Jörg Ettenauer, 1 Guadalupe Piñar, 1 Peter Kautsch, 2 Katja Sterflinger 1 1 University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Institute of Biotechnology (VIBT), Muthgasse, Vienna, Austria 2 Technical University of Graz, Institute for Structural Engineering ...

50 Most Accessed Articles August | IEEE Sensors Council

Karen Zuser ; Jörg Ettenauer ; Karlheinz Kellner ; Thomas Posnicek ; Giulia Mazza ; Martin Brandl Publication Year: 2019, Page(s): – › 50-most-a...

Bacterial community dynamics during the application of a PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

Guadalupe Piñar , Concepcion Jimenez-Lopez, Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Fadwa Jroundi, Antonia Fernandez-Vivas, Maria Teresa Gonzalez-Muñoz ...

Laborführungen, Vorträge und 20 Mitmachstationen beeindruckten

Die Donau-Universität Krems öffnete ihre Türen und bot bei über 20 Mitmachstationen, Laborführungen und Workshops Einblick in ihre Forschung und Lehre.

Bio-susceptibility of Materials and Thermal Insulation Systems used ...cyberleninka.org › article

Abstract of research paper on Materials engineering, author of scientific article — Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Guadalupe Piñar. Abstract Several indoor ...

A Fluorescence Based Sensor System for Automated Detection of E ...

Abstract of research paper on Materials engineering, author of scientific article — Thomas Posnicek, Jörg Ettenauer, Karen Zuser, Karlheinz Kellner, ... Abstract of research paper on Materials engineering, author of scientific article — Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Guadalupe Piñar. › article

Create a SciFeed alert for new publications With following keywords ...www.mdpi.com › scifeed_display

airborne fungi. Aspergillus niger. biosensor. cellulolytic activity. cyclic voltammetry. electrochemical detection. By following authors. Jörg Ettenauer. Karen Zuser.

Activities and Results | Men and BooksMen and Books

Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Christian Voitl, Patricia Engel: “Books, Fungi and Men and their dislike of ethylene oxide – Final Report” (not yet ... › re...

A New, Low-cost Potentiostat for Environmental Measurements with an...

Abstract A potentiostat is an electronic device for investigating the mechanisms of redox reactions and other...

Bio-susceptibility of materials and thermal insulation systems used...

... systems used for historical buildings Katja Sterflinger a, Jörg Ettenauer a *, Guadalupe Piñar a a University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences,  ...

An automated, Robotic Biosensor for the Electrochemical Detection of...

Escherichia coli are indicator bacteria for fecal contamination in water. The goal of our study was the implementation o...

Consulting & Bauphysik - PDF Kostenfreier Download

Jörg Ettenauer Downloads IBOmagazin Donau-Universität Krems Der Nationale Plan Gesamtenergieeffizienz und Bauphysik Sind die klassischen  ...

Ein Tag der Top-Pitcher - NÖN.at

BASEBALL / Richard Alzinger für die Wiener Gäste im ersten Spiel und Philipp Goiser im zweiten prägten den Gameday.

Contribution of the Microbial Communities Detected on an Oil Painting...

Contribution of the Microbial Communities Detected on an Oil Painting on Canvas to Its Biodeterioration

Protection and consolidation of stone heritage by self-inoculation ...read.qxmd.com › read › protection-and-consolidatio...

Jörg Ettenauer, Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger, Maria Teresa Gonzalez-​Muñoz, Fadwa Jroundi Science of the Total Environment November 15,

Development of an Automated Biosensor for Rapid Detection and...

Abstract of research paper on Chemical sciences, author of scientific article — Jörg Ettenauer, Karen Zuser, Karlheinz Kellner, Thomas Posnicek, Martin Brandl.

Microorganisms In Environment Words | Bartleby

Free Essay: The risk …sment associated with e.g. detecting microorganisms in the environment and methods for monitoring microbe concentration could pose...

Microscopic, chemical, and molecular-biological investigation ...

Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger, Jörg Ettenauer, Abigail Quandt, Flavia Pinzari · Unmasking the measles-like parchment discoloration: molecular and ...

S. Ettenauer: मुफ़्त में डाउनलोड. ई-बुक पुस्तकालय. Z-Library में ऑन ...

Jörg Ettenauer, Guadalupe Piñar, Katja Sterflinger, Maria Teresa Gonzalez-Muñoz, Fadwa Jroundi. पत्रिका: Science of The Total Environment. साल:. › ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jörg

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Jörg; der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); georgos = der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; ge = die Erde; ergo = arbeiten; bekannt durch den hl. Georg (3./4. Jh.) , legendärer Drachentöter, Schutzpatron von England, einer der 14 Nothelfer

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