76 Infos zu Jörn Dengjel
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- Freiburg
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- Freiburg Institute
- Advanced Studies
- Institute for Advanced
- Biological Systems Analysis
- Center for Biological
13 Aktuelle Nachrichten
tki - Pressemitteilungen - PresseBoxPassende Pressemitteilungen zum Thema tki - PresseBox
Resistente Blutkrebszellen bekämpfenJörn Dengjel war Gruppenleiter am Zentrum für Biosystemanalyse der Universität, wechselte jedoch an die Universität Fribourg in der Schweiz.
Autophagie - Recycling und ÜberlebenWas eine Körperzelle nicht mehr gebrauchen kann, wird zerlegt und wieder dem Stoffwechsel zugeführt. Dr. Jörn Dengjel und sein Team vom Freiburg ...
Autophagie - eine dumme Idee?Dr. Jörn Dengjel und sein Team von der Universität Freiburg widmen sich seit viereinhalb Jahren der klassischen Makroautophagie. Sie versuchen die ...
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Jörn Dengjel | Department of Biology | University of FribourgJörn Dengjel. . Professeur-e ordinaire. Unit. Department of Biology. Skills. Prof., Group Leader, and Department Vice-President. Phone.
Universitätverzeichnis - Universität FreiburgOrdentliche-r Professor-in, Departement für Biologie. Kompetenzbereiche. Prof., Group Leader, and Department Vice-President. Telefonnummer. +
Loop | Joern DengjelUniversity Mostafa Zarei; Adrian Sprenger; Michal Rackiewicz; Joern Dengjel.
1 Business-Profile
3 Auszeichnungen
Joern Dengjel - abitur-und-studium.deDr. Jörn Dengjel forscht seit Kontakt: Dr. Jörn Dengjel Freiburg Institute for.....Bordi, Christine Gretzmeier, Joern Dengjel, Mauro ...
Dr. Tilman Brummer und Prof. Dr. Jörn Dengjel - abitur-und-studium.deDr. Jörn Dengjel. » melden. Artikel. Neue Therapie gegen Leukämie entwickeln. Bilder aus diesen Artikeln. « Dr. Tilman Brummer und Prof. Dr. Jörn Dengjel. ».
Neue Therapie gegen Leukämie entwickeln - abitur-und-studium.deDr. Tilman Brummer und Prof. Dr. Jörn Dengjel :35 – Freiburger Forscherteams erhalten Förderung in Höhe von insgesamt knapp Euro.
1 Besitz
WO TUMOR-ASSOCIATED PEPTIDES BINDING PROMISCUOUSLY TO HUMAN...This patent search tool allows you not only to search the PCT database of about 2 million International Applications but also the worldwide patent collections....
2 Bücher zum Namen
Laredo CollegeAuthor(s): Jörn Dengjel, author; Oliver Schoor, author; Rainer Fischer, author; Michael Reich, author; Marianne Kraus, author; Margret Müller, author; Katharina ...
Plots, Designs, and Schemes: American Conspiracy Theories from the...Since institutions depend onthe peoplewho fill them with lifeI particularly wishto thankPeterAuer, Melanie Börries, Hauke Busch,Jörn Dengjel, Simone ...
4 Dokumente
SCHATTENBLICK - FORSCHUNG/2891: Regulation zellulärer...Die Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppe um den Biochemiker Dr. Jörn Dengjel, Junior Fellow der FRIAS School of Life Sciences - LifeNet, sind in der ...
EBSCOhost | | Autophagy in innate and adaptive immunity...Jörn Dengjel . Oliver Schoor . Stefan Stevanovic . Christian Münz. Autophagy in innate and adaptive immunity against intracellular pathogens.
Mitophagy as a stress response in mammalian cells and in respiring S....Hagai Abeliovich, Jörn Dengjel. Biochemical Society Transactions Apr 11, 2016, 44 (2) ; DOI: BST Hagai Abeliovich. Department of ...
15 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Jörn DengjelProfessor Dr. Jörn Dengjel, Départment de Biologie, Chemin du musée 10, Fribourg, Schweiz
Cell Reports | Vol 20, Issue 2, Pages (11 July 2017) |...Jörn Dengjel, Claudio De Virgilio. Download PDF. Article preview ...
Jörn Dengjel — Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies – FRIASJoern Dengjel is a group leader at the Center for Biological Systems Analysis at the University of Freiburg. His research focuses on the description of spatio-temporal protein dynamics during autophagy, a cellular degradation ...
DFG - GEPRIS - Dystrophe Epidermolysis bullosa ...Antragsteller: Professor Dr. Jörn Dengjel Université de Fribourg Départment de Biologie Unité d'Ecologie & Evolution
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Skin Tissue Engineering | SpringerLinkThis volume provides protocols describing the isolation and culture of diverse cell types stemming from the skin and the use of these cells and cell constructs...
Stichwort »Sofia Dengjel« - Siebenbürgische Zeitung... und Hilda Dengjel Hans-Georg und Sofia Dengjel Enkel: Katharina und Michael Weiß Maria Draser Andreas Draser '"· Jörn Dengjel Hans-Peter Dengjel Sven ...
Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of Leukemia Cells | SpringerLinkMedical Research Institute, Wuhan University. Authors. Sebastian Halbach (4) (5) (6); Jörn Dengjel · -freiburg.de ...
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Group Members | Department of Biology | University of FribourgJörn Dengjel. Prof., Group Leader, and Department Vice-President. Office PER + See profile. Michael Stumpe. Office PER b
27 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jörn Dengjel | Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies | GermanyJoern Dengjel is a group leader at the Center for Biological Systems Analysis at the University of Freiburg. His research focuses on the description of...
Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)Jörn Dengjel. no information available. Go Back. Research Infosystem Persons. Search · Expertise · Universities,Agencies · Institutes · update person. Programs ...
Jörn Dengjel — Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies – FRIAS |...https://www.pinterest.de/pin ?... Im Cache Jörn Dengjel — Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies – FRIAS.
Researcher: Joern Dengjel in Publications - DimensionsRe-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, datasets, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents and policy documents in one place.
Autophagy - LS² Sections - LS²Life Sciences Switzerland is the largest Life Sciences society and network in Switzerland
Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...pubs.rsc.org/is/content/forwardlinks?doi= %2Fc dYinghong He, Tanja Sonnenwald, Adrian Sprenger, Uwe Hansen, Joern Dengjel, Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, Gudula Schmidt and Cristina Has. J. Pathol.,
Dengjel Group | Department of Biology | University of FribourgJörn Dengjel. Prof., Group Leader, and Department Vice-President. Office PER + See profile. Department of Biology. Chemin du ...
Dengjel - Patent applicationsJörn Dengjel, Tubingen DE. Patent application number, Description, Published.
Resistente Blutkrebszellen bekämpfen - Medizin AspekteJörn Dengjel war Gruppenleiter am Zentrum für Biosystemanalyse der Universität, wechselte jedoch an die Universität Fribourg in der Schweiz.
Förderjahr I - Nephrolab.orgNephrolab.org - research labs of the department of Nephrology at the University Hospital Freiburg
Identification and Regulation of Multimeric Protein Complexes in...Jörn Dengjel 2 , 3. Stéphanie Kaeser-Pebernard 3 ,. Britta Diedrich 1 ,. Jörn Dengjel 2 , 3. show more details. Series: Methods In Molecular ...
January 2018January –
JCI - Identification of HLA-DR–bound peptides presented by human...Jan Wahlström, Jörn Dengjel, Bengt Persson, Hüseyin Duyar, Hans-Georg Rammensee, Stefan Stevanović, Anders Eklund, Robert Weissert, Johan Grunewald.
MINOTAUR - ERA-CVDJorge Alegre-Cebollada, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), Madrid, Spain Jörn Dengjel, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, ...
Murphy Lab | HomeOur paper in collaboration with Jörn Dengjel's group was published today in Autophagy with a cover image from former student Greg Johnson's analysis of ...
Martin Hilpert's homepagehomepage
Programme doctoral Biologie: PhD studentsAbou Eid, Shadi, UNIFR, E-Mail · Kinome Remodelling underlying Autophagy regulation, Prof. Joern Dengjel. ABRAHAM, Leen Nanchira, UNINE, E-Mail ...
The Ca2+-Dependent Release of the Mia40-Induced MICU1-MICU2 Dimer...Fischer, Jörn Dengjel, Ivan Bogeski, Jan Riemer · Details · Contributors · Fields of ...
Quantitative Analysis of Prion-Protein Degradation by Constitutive...Stefan Tenzer, Lars Stoltze, Birgitt Schönfisch, Jörn Dengjel, Margret Müller, Stefan Stevanović, Hans-Georg Rammensee and Hansjörg Schild. J Immunol ...
PhD studentsJoern Dengjel. Aebischer, Thierry, UNIFR, E-Mail · Biodiversity in the heterogeneous landscape of the Central African forest-savanna ecotone; Species richness, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jörn
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch): Jörn; der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); georgos = der Landarbeiter, der Bauer; ge = die Erde; ergo = arbeiten; bekannt durch den hl. Georg (3./4. Jh.) , legendärer Drachentöter, Schutzpatron von England, einer der 14 Nothelfer
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