153 Infos zu Jamshid Alamuti

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22 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Metaverse als neue Bühne für die Markenpräsenz PresseBox

13. Juni · Neural Jam Gründer Jamshid Alamuti hat sich mit Julio Obelleiro zusammengetan, um mit Wildbytes Berlin solche immersiven Markenerlebnisse auch deutschen Unternehmen zu ermöglichen.

Reflexiones desde Berlín

Durante mis estudios tuve la oportunidad de convivir con líderes de las industrias creativas de más de 20 Países diferentes. Emprendedores y ejecutivos de...

“Google y Facebook perderán su monopolio. La gente quiere recuperar...

Jamshid Alamuti, cofundador de Pi School, pretende revolucionar el modelo de enseñanza tradicional. Hablamos con él sobre educación, inteligencia artificial y...

Jamshid Alamuti to open #Challenge | Media Marketing

The main topic of the fifth regional forum of communications leaders will be focused on transparent and responsible business

2  Bilder zu Jamshid Alamuti

Jamshid Alamuti
Jamshid Alamuti: Einige Fakten

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Jamshid Alamuti | Facebook

Facebook: a next-generation model of education that - Facebookm.facebook.com › GoldenDrumFestival › photos › jamshid-alamuti-is-the-...

LinkedIn: Jamshid Alamuti | LinkedIn

Jamshid Alamutis berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Jamshid Alamuti dabei hilft, interne Kontakte zu finden, die mit empfohlenen Kandidaten, Branchenexperten und potenziellen Geschäftspartnern verbunden sind.

LinkedIn: Jamshid Alamuti | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Jamshid Alamuti (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Co-Managing Director Berlin School of Creative Leadership Jamshid

Co-Managing Director Berlin School of Creative Leadership Jamshid Alamuti during day one of the IF! Italians Festival at Franco Parenti Theater on November 5,...

1 Persönliche Webseiten

Imprint - Neural Jamwww.neuraljam.com › imprint

... Jamshid Alamuti Contact Information Telephone: Internet address: www.neuraljam.com Register entry Entry in ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Jamshid Alamuti - Leaders in Actionleadersinaction.knowita.it › biography › jamshid-ala...

Jamshid Alamuti is the CEO and Co-Founder of Pi School, a next-generation model of education that combines technology and creativity and applies them to ...

2 Projekte

Talk with Jamshid Alamuti | The Dotsthe-dots.com › projects › talk-with-jamshid-alamuti-...

Talk with Jamshid Alamuti. Olga Ushakova. He is there, where machine meets creativity. Report. Skills. Editing Sound · Interviewing · Audio Content · Audio ...

NeuralJam: Collaborative Learning Community by Jamshid Alamuti ...www.kicktraq.com › projects › neuraljam-collaborat...

Project By: Jamshid Alamuti. Tags: Aw shucks, no tags yet. +Suggest ... This site is not affiliated with Kickstarter, Inc. Additional content © Jamshid Alamuti ...

2 Bücher zum Namen

Creating Innovation Spaces: Impulses for Start-ups and Established ...books.google.com.hk › books

... Jamshid Alamuti About the Editors Volker Nestle has. 14 Digital ...

5 Dokumente

Building New Strategies for Leading Creative Excellence: Porter vs. P…

Executive Summary Strategy is changing amidst volatile markets, disruptive technologies, and transformed customer and public relationships. Contrasting some of…

Programmheft der EADL Konferenz 2013

2013 war die EADL-Jahrestagung nach zehn Jahren wieder zu Gast in Hamburg. Zusammen mit der Europäischen Fernhochschule Hamburg war das Forum DistancE-Learning…

Building New Strategies for Creative Excellence

A Berlin School of Creative Leadership white paper authored by advertising and marketing industry legend Chuck Porter from Crispin Porter + Bogusky. First...

Berlin School of Creative Leadership White Paper June

Faculty Director: Prof. David Slocum. Managing Directors: Susann Schronen,. Jamshid Alamuti. “Building New Strategies for Creative Excellence: Porter vs.

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

[PDF] FREEZING WEEK PROGRAMMEwww.hamk.fi › wp-content › uploads ›

· Jamshid Alamuti, the founder and CEO of House of Creative Entrepreneurship and Neural Jam :00 (UTC+2). Image Analytics, Janne Flink ...

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Introducing Pi School (with Jamshid Alamuti) - YouTubewww.youtube.com › watch

· Introducing Pi School (with Jamshid Alamuti) views · 3 years ago ...more. Pi Campus Dauer: 5:24Gepostet:

20 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Reason Why Twitterren: "Jamshid Alamuti de @picampusschool ...twitter.com › reasonwhy › status

· Jamshid Alamuti de. @picampusschool. profundiza en la creatividad en su sentido más puro: "No hay que tener miedo a un exceso de creatividad ...

Se reúne la innovación, la creatividad y el liderazgo en un mismo...

03 Sep, by Marketing News Imprimir este artículo Font size -16+ Se trata de El Festival de la Creatividad Colombiana – El Dorado – es el único show...

music | meerschweinchenreport

Posts about music written by Hamlet Hamster

Jamshid Alamuti - Izazov 2019izazovforumapp.com › lecturers › jamshid-alamuti

JAMSHID ALAMUTI. CEO and Co-Founder, Pi School (Italy). Jamshid je ... LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamshid-alamuti PONEDELJAK, 25. mart ...

84 Webfunde aus dem Netz

I lost a great friend!!! | Jamshid Alamuti | Pulse | LinkedIn

Mark Lewis, one of the greatest creative minds and souls left our planet! I can't really share my sorrow with anyone here right now and need a hug. actually need a drink, one of those what Mark used to invite me for as I was running workshops for MCN in Dubai. Once again losing someone great reminds ...

Jamshid Alamuti - LinkedIn

Today I would like to share with you some most interesting interaction I had with a number of experts around the globe, discussing failure, the culture of making mistakes and permitting mistakes becoming the trigger for innovation. No wonder our senior managers and leaders often fear to provide us with the ...

Jamshid Alamuti | LinkedIn

View Jamshid Alamuti's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jamshid Alamuti discover ...

Jamshid Alamuti - BIZlifebizlife.rs › oznaka › jamshid-alamuti

Jamshid Alamuti Tag. Poslovne vesti · Kreativnost će se u budućnosti koristiti za rešavanje problema, a ne z | 12:21. NAJČITANIJE. Bil Gejts ...

Jamshid Alamuti - Delowww.delo.si › tag › jamshid-alamuti

Jamshid Alamuti · »Pravi podjetniki iščejo probleme« Alamuti je imel vselej drugačen pogled na svet kot večina. · Primer iz Slovenije: cementarne v koraku s ...

Jamshid Alamuti - Wired Nextfest Firenze

Jamshid Alamuti è conosciuto in tutto il mondo come innovatore e e transformation strategist. Dopo una prima esperienza nell'industria musicale, ha girato ...

Jamshid Alamuti Pictures, Photos & Images - Zimbio

Jamshid Alamuti pictures. Check out the latest pictures, photos and images of Jamshid Alamuti.

Jamshid Alamuti - WANNABE MAGAZINEwannabemagazine.com › tag › jamshid-alamuti

Tag:Jamshid Alamuti. Kreativnost će se u budućnosti koristiti za rešavanje problema, a ne za prodaju robe! Promo · Kreativnost će se u budućnosti koristiti za ...

Jamshid Alamuti Booking Agency | Appearances | Request Fee Infowww.allamericanspeakers.com › booking-request

Booking information for Jamshid Alamuti. Appearances, scheduling, live and virtual event fees to book Jamshid Alamuti and other motivational speakers.

Jamshid Alamuti introduces the concept of Collective Creative ...www.adceurope.org › jamshid-alamuti-introduces-th...

Jamshid Alamuti introduces the concept of Collective Creative Culture that will guide this edition of our Creative Incubator. The edition of our ...

Jamshid Alamuti o cómo desmitificar (un poco) la inteligencia ...www.anuncios.com › otras-noticias › noticia › jams...

Con estas afirmaciones comenzó su intervención en el Día C Jamshid Alamuti, CEO y cofundador de la escuela negocios e innovación Pi School, con sede en Roma. La ...

Jamshid Alamuti leaves the Berlin School of Creative Leadership |...

Jamshid Alamuti, Co-Managing Director of the Berlin School of Creative Leadership has left the business school as of September 30th, to ...


“La tecnología crea la impresión de magia. La creatividad es mágica, no magia”. Con estas afirmaciones comenzó su intervención en el Día C Jamshid Alamuti, CEO...

Jamshid Alamuti speaks at C de C Pi Schoolpicampus-school.com › Library

Jamshid Alamuti, CEO and co-founder of Pi School, was invited to join this year's edition of the Festival de Creativos de España, from the of April.

Jamshid Alamuti – c de c - Club de Creativoswww.clubdecreativos.com › category › jamshid-ala...

La inteligencia artificial tiene que estar al servicio de la creatividad. Jamshid Alamuti. ¿Dudas? Descarga nuestro dossier o ponte en contacto con nosotros ...

Jamshid Alamuti, Berlin - Geschäftsführer der Neural Jam GmbHwww.companyhouse.de › Jamshid-Alamuti-Berlin

Werdegang von Jamshid Alamuti aus Berlin: Geschäftsführer der Neural Jam GmbH, Geschäftsführer der alamuti - inspiring performance UG.

Jamshid Alamuti, CEO and co-founder, Pi School from Italy: Creativity...

Jamshid Alamuti, CEO and co-founder, Pi School from Italy: Creativity will be used to solve problems and not sell goods. March 5, by Jelena Jovičić |

Jamshid Alamuti: Umetna inteligenca in strojno učenjewww.soz.si › dogodki › soz_akademija › jamshid_al...

Jamshid Alamuti: Umetna inteligenca in strojno učenje – nova zaveznika kreativne industrije ... Jamshid Alamuti, direktor in soustanovitelj, Pi School. Disruptor ...

Jamshid Alamuti: “Sin la creatividad, la tecnología está muerta y no ...ajuntament.barcelona.cat › dissenyhub › noticias › j...

Jamshid Alamuti es cofundador de PiSchool y director general de XU Exponential University Group. Su espíritu multifacético lo convierte en una mente ...

Tag: Jamshid Alamuti - Diplomacy&Commercewww.diplomacyandcommerce.rs › tag › jamshid-ala...

Jamshid Alamuti, CEO and co-founder, Pi School from Italy: Creativity will be used to solve problems and not sell goods ... The fifth regional forum of ...

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Jamshid Alamuti & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Jamshid Alamuti und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.