266 Infos zu Jamshid Shokrollahi

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7 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Applied Algebra Group - Zürich

Jamshid Shokrollahi b-it (). Workshops and Conferences. Algebraic Coding Theory Summer School Date: Monday, July 4, Friday, July 8, Location ...

FC : Financial Cryptography and Data SecurityWikiCFP

Jamshid Shokrollahi, Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany Matthew Smith, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany Keiji Takeda, Keio University, Japan › servlet

MPS : The 1st International Workshop on Multimedia ...

Jamshid Shokrollahi ​– Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany *Dr. Mary Shurgot ​– LGS Innovations, USA *Professor Honggang Wang -- University of Massachusetts ...

Kolloquium: Introduction to Practical Cryptographyrax5.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de › aktuell › details › koll...

Dr. Jamshid Shokrollahi, Robert Bosch GmbH: Donnerstag, um 14:00 Uhr, im Hörsaal V des Informatikgebäudes ,

1  Bilder zu Jamshid Shokrollahi

Bild zu Jamshid Shokrollahi

11 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Jamshid Shokrollahi | Facebook

Facebook: Jamshid Shokrollahi | Facebook

Facebook: Jamshid Shokrollahi | Facebook

LinkedIn: Jamshid Shokrollahi - Deutschland | LinkedIn

Sehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Jamshid Shokrollahi (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach Es fehlt: hanseatische ‎krankenkasse

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Jamshid Shokrollahi - Patents

Recent bibliographic sampling of Jamshid Shokrollahi patents listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO (USPTO Patent Application #,Title): ...

Robert Bosch Gmbh patent inventors (2014)

Ingo Ramsteiner · Ingo Zeitler · Inigo Op't Roodt · Inna Kozinsky · Irinel Cosmin Faraon · Isabell Hubein · Isabella Stamm · Isabelle Elsner · Isack Yeman · Istvan Szell · Ivo Gruber · Jacek Wiszniewski · Jacob Hanson · Jacob Larimore · James Brown · James Duran Newsome, Jr. Jamshid Shokrollahi · Jamshid Shorkrollahi.

2 Business-Profile

patentbuddy: Jamshid Shokrollahi


Jamshid SHOKROLLAHI | Bosch, Stuttgart

Jamshid SHOKROLLAHI | Cited by 768 | of Bosch, Stuttgart | Read 21 publications | Contact Jamshid SHOKROLLAHI.

3 Persönliche Webseiten

Jamshid Shokrollahi

1. Fast Arithmetic for Polynomials over F2 in hardware, Joachim von zur Gathen, Jamshid Shokrollahi, In IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW’2006), 107– Effcient FPGA-based Karatsuba multipliers for polynomials over F2, Joachim von zur Gathen, Jamshid Shokrollahi, In Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC 2005), 359– A High

Frobenius Additive Fast Fourier Transform

von WD Li · · Zitiert von: 16 — [21] Joachim von zur Gathen and Jamshid Shokrollahi Efficient FPGA-Based. Karatsuba Multipliers for Polynomials over F2. In Selected Areas in ...

[PDF] ECC2K-130 on NVIDIA GPUshomepage.iis.sinica.edu.tw › papers › byyang

Joachim von zur Gathen, Amin Shokrollahi, and Jamshid Shokrollahi. Efficient multiplication using type 2 optimal normal bases. In Claude Carlet and Berk ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

Dr. Christoph Bösch, wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, uulmUniversität Ulm

Christoph Bösch, Jorge Guajardo, Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi, Jamshid Shokrollahi, and Pim Tuyls. "Efficient Helper Data Key Extractor on FPGAs. › alumni

5 Angaben zur Herkunft

Jamshid Shokrollahi - The Mathematics Genealogy Projectwww.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu › ...

A service of the NDSU Department of Mathematics, in association with the American Mathematical Society. Jamshid Shokrollahi. MathSciNet. Dr. rer. nat.

Joachim von zur Gathen - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

Neyire Deniz Sarier, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Jamshid Shokrollahi, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn,

26 Bücher zum Namen

Selected Areas in Cryptography 1 3

von CAAM MichaelWiener · — Elisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann, and Jamshid Shokrollahi. Linear Cryptanalysis of Non Binary Ciphers › hrbdonf5214 › ouvrages

Jamshid Shokrollahi

Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography on FPGAs. Jamshid Shokrollahi. PhD thesis, Fast arithmetic for polynomials over F2in hardware.

Arithmetic of Finite Fields: First International Workshop, ...google.com

Efficient Multiplication Using Type 2 Optimal Normal Bases Joachim von zur Gathen, Amin Shokrollahi, and Jamshid Shokrollahi.

Selected Areas in Cryptography: 12th International Workshop, ...google.com

Efficient FPGA-Based Karatsuba Multipliers for Polynomials over F2 Joachim von zur Gathen and Jamshid Shokrollahi B-IT, G ̈, Universit ̈at Bonn, ...

43 Dokumente

Search | arXiv e-print repository

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Jamshid Shokrollahi - Publications - ACM Digital Library

Jamshid Shokrollahi · Export Citations · Save this search · Author Profile Pages · Bibliometrics · ACM Author-Izer Service · Footer ...

[ ] Explicit formulas for efficient multiplication in...

Title: Explicit formulas for efficient multiplication in F_{3^{6m}} Authors: Elisa Gorla, Christoph Puttmann, Jamshid Shokrollahi (Submitted on 22 Aug 2007)

A High Speed, Optimized Multiplier Architecture for a DF-ECC ...ijssst.info

von N Shylashree — [16] Joachim von zur Gathen and Jamshid Shokrollahi, “Efficient FPGA based Karatsuba multipliers for polynomials over F2,” In Selected. › Vol-14 › paper6

33 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Evaluation Of Equation Patents and Patent Applications (Class...

... as the response. Type: Grant. Filed: July 28, Date of Patent: July 1, Assignee: Robert Bosch GmbH. Inventors: Jamshid Shokrollahi, Simon Kramer ...

dblp: Jamshid Shokrollahi

List of computer science publications by Jamshid Shokrollahi

b-it cosec: Jamshid Shokrollahi

Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology. Imprint. cosec

dblp: Christoph Puttmann

List of computer science publications by Christoph Puttmann

18 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Efficient Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography on ...

von J Shokrollahi · · Zitiert von: 23 — ... Jamshid Shokrollahi aus. Tehran, Iran. Bonn Page 2. Angefertigt mit Genehmigung der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der. Rheinischen ...

Efficient Helper Data Key Extractor on FPGAs - International ...

Efficient Helper Data Key Extractor on FPGAs - International Read more about codes, helper, algorithm, probability, hardware and repetition.

Explicit Formulas for Efficient Multiplication in $\mathbb{F}_{3^{6m}}link.springer.com › chapter

Explicit Formulas for Efficient Multiplication in \mathbb{F}_{3^{6m}}. Elisa Gorla,; Christoph Puttmann &; Jamshid Shokrollahi. Conference paper.

Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography on FPGAs...

Diesen Titel erhalten Sie in einer Bibliothek! Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography on FPGAs. [Jamshid Shokrollahi]

2 Meinungen & Artikel

Schloss Dagstuhl : Event Homepage

Jamshid Shokrollahi (Ruhr-University Bochum) Berk Sunar (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Pim Tuyls (Philips Research, Eindhoven) Moti Yung (Google and Columbia ...

CFP: Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks

... of Twente -Urs Hengartner, University of Waterloo -Jamshid Shokrollahi, Robert Bosch GmbH -William Enck, North Carolina State University -Patrick Koeberl, ...

107 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Jamshid Shokrollahi | LinkedIn

View Jamshid Shokrollahi's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jamshid Shokrollahi ... Es fehlt: hanseatische ‎krankenkasse

Jamshid Shokrollahi - Product Security Officer for Automotive ...

View Jamshid Shokrollahi's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jamshid has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

Jamshid Shokrollahi – Product Security Officer for Automotive ...

Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Jamshid Shokrollahi auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 5 Jobs sind im Profil von Jamshid Shokrollahi ...

US A1 - Method for generating unique image sensor ...patents.google.com › patent

US A1 * Jamshid Shokrollahi Method for authenticating a charge-coupled device (CCD). US B The ...

Method for generating unique image sensor identification ...Google

US A1 * Jamshid Shokrollahi Method for authenticating a charge-coupled device (CCD). US A1 * › pate...

Method and apparatus for identifying an imaging device

... Jamshid Shokrollahi Method for authenticating a charge-coupled device (CCD). US A1 * Li Chang-Tsun Methods for identifying ...


IC 4/39, "Design und Analyse kryptografischer Bausteine auf nicht-abelschen Gruppen" Jamshid Shokrollahi, Uni Paderborn, hrs. IC

Dr. Jamshid Shokrollahi

Dr. Jamshid Shokrollahi has a Master's degree in electrical engineering and a Ph.D. in computer science. He joined Corporate Research of Robert Bosch GmbH ...

WO A1 - Schutzeinrichtung - Google Patents

Other languages: German: English: French; Inventor: Simon Kramer: Jens FRAUENSCHLAEGER: Jamshid Shokrollahi: Gerhard Kottschlag ... › patent

Method for authenticating a charge-coupled device (CCD)

— Jamshid Shokrollahi: Christopher Martin; Current Assignee. The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis ...

Jamshid Shokrollahi - researchr aliasresearchr.org › alias › jamshid-shokrollahi

Publications by 'Jamshid Shokrollahi'. Publications; Advised ... Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography on FPGAsJamshid Shokrollahi. PhD thesis ...

Jamshid Shokrollahi - Scale Up 360scale-up-360.com

› j...

Jamshid ShokrollahiOSS 5

› peoples

WEWoRC - Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology

WEWoRC is a research meeting in the field of cryptology with a specific focus on young researchers. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following ... Christoph Puttmann and Jamshid Shokrollahi . 10:40 – 11:10 Coffee Break . 11:10 – 12:25 Session 2 (Room 1) – Ralph Wernsdorf .

(PDF) Reviewers List | Kiran BhatAcademia.edu

... Shirazi Lo'ai Tawalbeh Scott Rixner Jamshid Shokrollahi David Taylor W Romeo Rizzi Bishara Shomar Mohammad Tehranipoor Thomas Robertazzi Sandeep Shukla ... ›

IT Security. Workshop Hot-Spots der Software-Entwicklung Februar...

42 6 Einsatz von Zertifikatssystemen im Internet Jamshid Shokrollahi Certificates: How to Build Trust in the Internet Jamshid Shokrollahi, hi Corporate Research ...

Applied Algebra Group - Zürichuzh.ch

Thursday, Time, Speaker, Title, Place. 11:00-12:00, Jamshid Shokrollahi (b-it), Elliptic curve cryptography on FPGA · Y36M24. › event

Applied Algebra Groupwww.math.uzh.ch › event

Thursday, Time, Speaker, Title, Place. 11:00-12:00, Jamshid Shokrollahi (b-it), Elliptic curve cryptography on FPGA · Y36M24.

A simple transitive signature scheme for directed treeswww.neven.org › papers › speed

Ref: Zekeriya Erkin, Alessandro Piva, Stefan Katzenbeisser, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jamshid Shokrollahi, Gregory Neven and Mauro Barni. EURASIP Journal on ...

Cornelia Grabbe - researchr aliasresearchr.org › alias › cornelia-grabbe

FPGA designs of parallel high performance GF(2:::233:::) multipliersCornelia Grabbe, Marcus Bednara, Jürgen Teich, Joachim von zur Gathen, Jamshid Shokrollahi.

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