261 Infos zu Jana Kolar

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24 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Dr. Jana Kolar visiting the University of Nova GoricaUniverza v Novi Gorici

Today, at the University of Nova Gorica, we hosted Dr. Jana Kolar, president of the European Strategy Forum for Research Infrastructure (ESFRI) and ...

Jana Kolar (Delo | Slovenia) - European CommissionEuropean Commission

Jana Kolar talks about the European Innovation Council, its programmes and the success stories of three Slovenian companies that received funding.

Column: Research Infrastructures: the contribution of ESFRIEurophysics News

von J Kolar · — Column: Research Infrastructures: the contribution of ESFRI. Jana Kolar. ESFRI Chair. This article has no abstract. © European Physical Society, EDP Sciences ...


Jana Kolar. European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures. - to develop ... Monitoring? EUOM Jana Kolar, & Ornela De Giacomo. (2021). Applicability ...

5  Bilder zu Jana Kolar

Bild zu Jana Kolar
Bild zu Jana Kolar
Bild zu Jana Kolar
Bild zu Jana Kolar
Bild zu Jana Kolar

33 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Jana Kolar

Facebook: Jana Kolar

Facebook: Jana Kolar

LinkedIn: Jana Kolar | LinkedIn

Jana Kolars berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche ... University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology ... Es fehlt: sevilla

2 Hobbys & Interessen

Jana Kolar | OSOBNOSTI.cz

Shrnutí toho nejzákladnějšího o osobnosti Jana Kolar

Jana Kolar - Patents

Jana Kolar - bibliographic patent references Recent bibliographic sampling of patent applications for Jana Kolar listed/published in the public domain by the USPTO

3 Business-Profile

Jana KOLAR | Executive Director | Research profileResearchGate

Jana KOLAR, Executive Director | Cited by | | Read 104 publications | Contact Jana KOLAR.

patentbuddy: Jana Kolar


vollfilm - Jana Kolar

Hier präsentieren sich Schauspieler, Produzenten, Agenten, Caster, Regisseure, Kameramänner ...

5 Persönliche Webseiten

Jana KolarFacebook

Advisory BoardERA-LEARN

Jana Kolar. Dr. Kolar is Executive Director of CERIC-ERIC. She is currently also a member of the ERA Council Forum Austria, advising the Austrian ...

Contacts - Accelerateaccelerate2020.eu

Leader WP7 – Management: Jana Kolar Phone: + Project Coordinator. CERIC-ERIC S.S km 163,5 in AREA ...

Kontakt - Schweizerische Gesellschaft für ...Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Beratung

Solltet ihr Fragen haben, könnt ihr euch gerne an, Frau Jana Kolar unsere Sekretariatsleitung wenden. Ebenso koordiniert die Geschäftsstelle den Austausch ...

4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

Filmografie Jana Kolarfernsehserien.de

Serien und Filme mit Jana Kolar: Biologie Jana Kolar. Darstellerin in Filmen. Biologie – Bild: MDR/​DEFA-Stiftung/​Dieter Jaeger. Biologie ( DDR 1990).

IMDB Filmographie: Jana Kolar

Actress, Biologie

19 Bücher zum Namen

Eurocare Project LACLEPAGoogle Books

Jana Kolar Bibliographic information. Title, Eurocare Project LACLEPA: Laser Cleaning of Paper and Parchment. Author, Jana Kolar. Published,

Vpliv konzervatorskih postopkov na obseg razgradnje ...Google Books

Jana Kolar. J. Kolar, pages. Bibliographic information. Title, Vpliv konzervatorskih postopkov na obseg razgradnje celuloze: disertacija. Author ...

Band 41 Heft 4De Gruyter

Jasna Malešič, Jana Kolar, Mitja Denac, Bor Kolar Bačnik. Seiten: Mehr Zitieren PDF downloaden. Abstract. The focus of this research is the ...

Jana Kolar (Contributor of Kvarkadabra gre v kino)

Jana Kolar is the author of Kvarkadabra gre v kino (4.33 avg rating, 3 ratings, 0 reviews, published 2006)

9 Dokumente

Category:Jana KolarWikimedia Commons

— Media in category "Jana Kolar". The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total. Jana kolar1.jpg 817 × 993; 324 KB.

HR Conference Green Deal KolarESFRI

Jana Kolar . Page 2. www.ceric-eric.eu. Objectives of CERIC. Addressing the expectations of the funders is a key to sustainability.

Inhalt/ContentCoOL: Conservation Online

69. Matija Strlicˇ, Jana Kolar. Stability of alkaline paper. Can chemiluminescence foretell the future? 75. Irene Brückle, Jana Dambrogio. Papierspaltung.

Kolar JanaAcademia.edu

JANA KOLAR ET AL %) were used Publication Date: Publication Name: Restaurator-international Journal for The Preservation of Library and ...

4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Jana KolarScience | AAAS

HomeJana Kolar. Back To Home · Share on X. Jana Kolar. View more. Staff Writers. Adrian Cho · Christie Wilcox · Daniel Clery · David Grimm · David Malakoff.

Contents - WWW-Docs for TU-Cottbus.De

Antje Potthast, Thomas Rosenau, and Paul Kosma. Chemiluminometry of Cellulosic Materials Matija Strliö, Drago Koöar, and Jana Kolar. 30.

Papylum Literature

For background information please see: Matija Strlic, Jana Kolar (Eds.): "Ageing and stabilisation od paper" National and University Library (2005)

Science and Technology Council of the Republic of Slovenia | Ministry...

Council's Secretary: Jana Kolar, PhD, the Acting Director General of Science and Technology Directorate Council's administrative officer: Urška Zupan, Technology

7 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Jana Kolar - WikidataWikipedia

No description defined. In more languages. Spanish. Jana Kolar. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined.

(PDF) Stabilisation of Iron Gall Ink: Aqueous Treatment with ...ResearchGate

... Gall Ink: Aqueous Treatment with Magnesium Phytate. January Authors: Jana Kolar at CERIC-ERIC. Jana Kolar. CERIC-ERIC. Možir Alenka · Možir Alenka.

The Culprits of Ink Corrosion - IADAiada-home.org

> Jana Kolar, National and University Library, Turjaska 1, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Tel. + ,. Fax + , -lj.si. 48.

Optical Coherence Tomography for Examination of Parchment Degradation

Michalina Góra,1 Michael Pircher,2 Erich Götzinger,2 Tomasz Bajraszewski,1 Matija Strlic,3Jana Kolar,4 Christoph K. Hitzenberger,2 and Piotr ...

3 Video- & Audioinhalte

Interview to Jana Kolar by RTV SLOYouTube · CERIC - ERIC500+ Aufrufe · vor 7 Jahren

Jana Kolar presents CERIC to the Slovenian public in the RTV SLO program focused on the role, position and achievements of women in science.

Jana Kolar at the RICH Symposium on Funding Instruments ...YouTube · CERIC - ERIC330+ Aufrufe · vor 8 Jahren

Jana Kolar, Executive Director of CERIC-ERIC, presents CERIC and its funding schemes at the Symposium on Funding Instruments for developing ...

Forum Future Europe

Feb 22, · With: Hagit Attiya (Executive Vice President, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology), Jana Kolar (Executive Director, Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium CERIC-ERIC), Jerzy Duszyński (President, Polish Academy of Sciences), Igor Papič (Rector, University of Ljubljana) Moderator: Florin Zubașcu (Editor, Science | Business)

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Jana KolarX · kolarjana20+ „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 2 Monaten

Jana Kolar · @kolarjana. After 9 years of leading CERIC, I'll be stepping aside in October. This remarkable journey was made possible by the ...

Die Jury tagt TemnitzschreiberTemnitzschreiber

Jana Kolar-Voigt. Buchhändlerin Fontane-Buchhandlung in Neuruppin. Otto Wynen. Autor, Kulturjournalist, Künstlerischer Co-Leiter des Europäischen ...

Wikipedia: Kolar (priimek) - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija

... Ivo Kolar, ljubiteljski slikar (Ptuj); Jana Kolar (*1964), kemičarka, konservatorka knjig (strokovnjakinja za zaščito papirja); Jože Kolar (1924—1991), gradbenik, ...

Organic bath saves paper from decay : Nature News

Nature - the world's best science and medicine on your desktop

133 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Dr. Jana Kolar na obisku Univerze v Novi GoriciUniverza v Novi Gorici

Jana Kolar na obisku Univerze v Novi Gorici. Datum objave: Novice. Na Univerzi v Novi Gorici smo danes gostili dr. Jano Kolar, predsednico ...

Jana Kolar s.p. - Aktualne objave na BizijuBizi

Aktualne objave o podjetju Drugo podjetniško in poslovno svetovanje, Jana Kolar s.p. o ključnih dogodkih v podjetju: insolventni postopki, naroki, ...

Jana Kolar s.p. - Ključne osebe na BizijuBizi

Ustanovitelji podjetja Drugo podjetniško in poslovno svetovanje, Jana Kolar s.p. in njihovi deleži, nadzorniki ter zastopniki na Biziju.

Jana Kolar s.p.CompanyWall

Dolgi naziv: Drugo podjetniško in poslovno svetovanje, Jana Kolar s.p.; DŠ: ; MŠ: ; Datum vpisa v register:

Jana Kolar è il nuovo Direttore Esecutivo di CERIC-ERICElettra Sincrotrone Trieste

Jana Kolar, già Direttore Generale per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dell'omologo Ministero sloveno, è il nuovo Direttore Esecutivo di CERIC-ERIC.

Jana Kolar – PUBMET2021Pubmet 2021

Jana Kolar is Executive Director of CERIC-ERIC, a research infrastructure for characterisation of materials and biomaterials. Her past commitments included a ...

Jana Kolar-Voigt - NeuruppinKarl-Friedrich-Schinkel-Gymnasium

Jana Kolar-Voigt - Neuruppin. • Abi-Jahrgang: • Beruf: Buchhändlerin, da ihre Mutter bereits im Buchhandel tätig war • Ausbildungsweg: 2,5 Jahre duale ...

Jana Kolar elected as next ESFRI ChairDům zahraniční spolupráce

— On 30 June 2021, the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) announced the election of Jana Kolar as the Forum's next ...

Jana Kolar ( )ORCID

Jana Kolar · · Biography · Personal information · Activities.

Jana Kolar Ex Agarski (@kolarexagarski)Instagram · kolarexagarski70+ Follower

74 Followers, 115 Following, 4 Posts - Jana Kolar Ex Agarski (@kolarexagarski) on Instagram: ""

Jana Kolar, izvršna direktorica srednjeevropskega ...Dnevnik

— Nimamo pa tehnoloških velikanov, kot so Amazon, Google in Apple. Jana Kolar, izvršna direktorica srednjeevropskega raziskovalnega konzorcija ...

Slovenia : Jana Kolar elected President of the ESFRI Forum.Gale

— Gale Academic OneFile includes Slovenia : Jana Kolar elected President of the ESFRI Forum. by . Read the beginning or sign in for the full ...

CERIC General Assembly appoints Jana Kolar as new ...ceric-eric.eu

— The General Assembly of CERIC-ERIC, held on the 12 and 13 October in Budapest, Hungary, unanimously approved the appointment of Jana Kolar ...

Jana KolarDnevnik

Nepreslišano: Jana Kolar, izvršna direktorica srednjeevropskega raziskovalnega konzorcija Ceric. Tudi zaradi infrastrukture, a ne zgolj zaradi nje, ...

Jana KolarNova24TV

Tag: Jana Kolar · Koliko moči sploh še ima globoka država – bo Damijan odšel s plesa, še preden se mu bo sploh pridružil? Politika , 23:45 · Propadli ...

Jana KolarSlidesLive

Jana Kolar. JK. Jana Kolar. 0 followers. Follow. Presentations 2 Events 1 Followers 0 About · Keynote discussion. 31:35. Keynote discussion. Watch later.

NIB sta obiskala minister Gregor Golobič in dr. Jana KolarNacionalni inštitut za biologijo (NIB)

Jana Kolar, vodja kabineta Tina Hrastnik in vodja Službe za odnose z javnostmi Nataša Gerkeš so v ponedeljek, 12. oktobra obiskali naš inštitut in se sestali z ...

Some Future Challenges Critical Raw MaterialsBelspo

Jana Kolar. www.ceric-eric.eu. Outline of the talk. External factors affecting the resilience of the RIs. Past. Current; Future. 2. Needed response by the RIs ...

CERIC-ERIC and its Calls - LjubljanaSlovenian NMR centre

Jana Kolar, Executive Director of CERIC, will be hosted by the National Institute of Chemistry on February 10 at to present the currently opened and ...

EIT's teething problemsNational Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)

von H Nowotny · — Jana Kolar is executive director of Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium and a member of the governing board of the EIT

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jana

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Tschechisch): Jana; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Information zur männlichen Form Johannes:; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kolar

Kolar bedeutet Radmacher oder Wagner

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Jana Kolar & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Jana Kolar und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.