230 Infos zu Janek Vluggen

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17 Aktuelle Nachrichten

History of Equine Osteopathy

Giniaux in 2004, Janek Vluggen has carried on the efforts to educate veterinarians and other equine professionals as Equine Osteopaths, EDO®, as well as ...

News from The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy ...

You can add and remove users in minutes. Vluggen Institute of Equine Osteopathy Logo Sincerely, Janek Vluggen. The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy ...

The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education

Janek Vluggen. The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education. www.vluggeninstitute.com. . Contact. In the United States ...

Symposium for the Enhancement of Horses and Riders

— Our fifth annual educational symposium with Janek Vluggen D.O., MRO-D, EDO, Luann Groves DVM, EDO, along with Elizabeth Voss, Casey M. Jones ...

1  Bilder zu Janek Vluggen

Bild zu Janek Vluggen

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Janek Vluggen Save Equine Osteopathy - Facebook

Facebook: Janek Vluggen | Facebook

Facebook: Facebook · MySir Osteopati og Fysioterapi30+ Reaktionen · vor 5 JahrenVluggen leaving Denmark | Janek Vluggen and @Marianne ...

LinkedIn: Janek Vluggen | LinkedIn

Janek Vluggens berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Janek Vluggen dabei hilft, ...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Ray E. Derman, D.C., C.V.C.P.

Janek Vluggen of Germany, and accupressure and myofascial trigger-point therapy when needed. Dr. Derman offers a caring, comprehensive approach, working ...

4 Persönliche Webseiten

Background Janek Vluggen

› back...

About Dr. Marcia | Drmarcia's Blog

Dr. Marcia graduated from Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine in After graduation, she practiced conventional/allopathic medicine in Houston,...

November Masterson Method Newsletter

... an Equine Osteopath under the tutelage of Janek Vluggen DO, MRO, EDO recognized internationally as the leading expert in the field of Equine Osteopathy.


Postgraduate Course Hestens Nervesystem, Vegetativ Integration- v/ Janek Vluggen, Vluggen Institute (31. Jan.-3. Feb kursus) : Kranio Sakral ...

11 Bücher zum Namen

Complementary Medicine for Veterinary Technicians and Nursesgoogle.de

... Janek Vluggen have furthered this study. Description. Equine osteopathy is the application of human osteopathic theory, modified to fit the equine physical ...

Kraniosakrale Pferdeosteopathie für Tierärzte: Leitfaden zur ...google.de

... Janek Vluggen D. O .; Dr. Jessica Mueller , DMV ; Dr. Nicole Maneke , DMV . , Dr. Isabelle Corbin , DMV , Sabine Geier und Katharina von Radetzky ...

Lehrbuch der strukturellen Osteopathie beim Pferdgoogle.de

... Janek Vluggen D.O. , Dr. Jessica Mueller , D.V.M. , Dr. Nicole Mancke D.V.M. , Dr. Isabelle Corbin D.V.M. Sabine Geier und Katharina von Radetzky ...

Official Gazette of the United States Patent and Trademark ...google.de


9 Dokumente

Dr. Laura Taylor DVM, EDO Education and Training | PDF

Instructor: Janek Vluggen, DO, MRO, EDO. The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and. Education, San Marcos, Texas. Equine Osteopath Degree (EDO) granted.

Worm Aneurysm (Verminous Arteritis) Treatment ...

We started doing these in when Janek Vluggen (the osteopath) first came to our farm. Some cases did not look like 'worm' cases but were discovered ...

Trade-marks Journal Vol. 64 No

— ... Janek VLUGGENWaldfeucht-Obspringen, GERMANY. Representative for Service. RICHES, MCKENZIE & HERBERT LLP. SUITE 1800,

Laura Taylor Education and Training

LAURA TAYLOR, DVM www.taylorholisticvet.ca June Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelp…

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Katja Frey — Professur für Versuchstierkunde und Tierschutz

Parallel dazu habe ich eine Weiterbildung über Osteopathie für Pferde bei Pascal Evrard und Janek Vluggen absolviert. Anschließend war ich drei Jahre in der ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Issuuhttps://issuu.com › docsV8I1 (Winter ) by Redstone Media Group

... Janek Vluggen, MRO, EDO – a founder of the Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy. • Andre Teunnissen, MRO, EDO – a founder and examiner for the ...

14 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: "Winter maintenance on the vluggeninstitute. ..all ...

Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Janek Vluggen · @VIEO_Janek.

About Casey - casey m jones - WordPress.com

As well as with Janek Vluggen, forefather of equine osteopathy at the Vluggen Institute. Inspired by Janek's vast knowledge of equine anatomy, and the ...

Chiropractic and Osteopathic care for your horse at Alpine ...

— My equine osteopathy teacher Janek Vluggen DO used to say that our primary goal as equine osteopaths was to merely get good normal pain free ...

History of Equine Osteopathy

— Janek Vluggen carried on their dream and founded the Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education in Germany and Texas, USA in

142 Webfunde aus dem Netz

EQUINE OSTEOPATH E.D.O. Trademark of Janek Vluggen

EQUINE OSTEOPATH E.D.O. is a trademark of Janek Vluggen. Filed in April 8 (2005), the EQUINE OSTEOPATH E.D.O. covers Veterinary services; [ animal grooming, ...

About Casey

Ivanna Ruddock, founders and educators of Equine Touch, as well as with Janek Vluggen DO, MRO, EDO®, founder of The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy ...

About Equine Chiropractic

Janek Vluggen of Germany, and accupressure and myofascial trigger-point therapy when needed. Dr. Derman offers a caring, comprehensive approach, working ...

About Lisa - Balanced Hoof & Paw

Studying with Janek Vluggen at the Vluggen Institute helped her to attain a higher appreciation and the ability to find balance in health for all our kindred ...

Education and Training of Dr. Laura Taylor, DVM

Instructor: Janek Vluggen, DO, MRO, EDO The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education San Marcos, Texas ​. September – March ANHC ...

Geschichte der Osteopathie Jule Luca Jesse EDO

Geschichte der Osteopathie, begründet von Andrew Taylor Still, seitdem vertieft durch Sutherland, Janek Vluggen, Magoun, Hugh Milne.

Geschiedenis - Osteopathie voor paarden - paardenosteopaat

In richtte Janek Vluggen The Vluggen Institute for equine Osteopathy and Education op. Contact: Hippisch Osteopaat. Nicole Wagenaar MN ...

Historia/Bakgrund - Second Chance

Den franska osteopaten Pascal Evrard och hans holländska kollega Janek Vluggen utvecklade sedan principerna och tekniken till en egen diciplin. Evrard ...

Home | bodymanagementclinic

I am passionated about horses and am currently following a 2 year 1/2 part-time Equine Osteopathy course with Janek Vluggen at the Vluggen Institute in Germany.

How Does Burnout Feel to a Horse? | Madalyn Ward

Equine osteopath Janek Vluggen notes that even horses who have recovered from burnout can never return to their previous level of activity-which caused the ...

Meet Fenja | Flowing Waters Wholistics | Owner and Operator

The founder of the school, Janek Vluggen, was a human Osteopath first, before he became one of the leading experts in equine osteopathy and then later creating ...


Janek Vluggen D.O., MRO-D, EDO®. | www.vluggeninstitute.com | Waldfeucht-Obspringen, Germany | Practitioner. Jule Luca Jesse ...

Nora Garofalo, MMCP

... Janek Vluggen DO, MRO, EDO recognized internationally as the leading expert in the field of Equine Osteopathy. Nora's Bodywork is considered “Gentle ...

Origin of Osteopathy - Daniela Gijzenberg EDO

... Janek Vluggen started the Vluggen Institute to pass his knowledge. " Teaching hands and opening minds, one student at a time". Janek Vluggen, D.O. MRO. EDO®.

Osteopath Waldfeucht: Termine online buchen - Doctolib

Janek Vluggen. Osteopath Waldfeucht-Obspringen. Ich stimme der Verarbeitung von Daten (insbesondere meiner IP-Adresse) und deren ...


I perform osteopathy in ways you may have not experienced before. Equine osteopathy is a two- year course taught by Janek Vluggen and explores treating the ...

Osteopathy | The Whole Horse Veterinary Clinic / Central ...

Groves studied with Janek Vluggen at the Vluggen Institute of Equine Osteopathy and graduated with an EDO in Osteopaths Janek Vluggen and Pascal ...

Overview - Connie's Equine Services

Registered Equine Osteopath EDO. Graduate of the Vluggen Institute of Equine Osteopathy and Education in Texas. with. Janek Vluggen D.O. MRO EDO.

The Speakers | Becam2 - Congressi Educam

D.O.. Pedagogical Director of the Deforest Academy Founder and Director of the School of Animal Etiopathy. JANEK VLUGGEN Ost. D.O., MRO-EU, EDO® Direktor ...

The Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy and Education ...

Janek Vluggen and Elizabeth Voss representing the Vluggen Institute as sponsors for the famous Manolo Mendez clinic in Virginia ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Janek

Männlicher Vorname (Polnisch, Tschechisch): Janek; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Janek Vluggen & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Janek Vluggen und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.