38 Infos zu Janine Schindelka
Mehr erfahren über Janine Schindelka
Infos zu
- Hartmut Herrmann
- Anke Mutzel
- Richnow
- Thomas Schaefer
- Institute for Tropospheric
- Leibniz Institute
- Ning Zhang
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Recent multiphase atmospheric chemistry laboratory, modeling, and ...www.morressier.com › event › articleRecent multiphase atmospheric chemistry laboratory, modeling, and field atudies. Hartmut Herrmann. Dirk Hoffmann. Janine Schindelka. Thomas Schaefer.
4 Bücher zum Namen
Jinyi Qin | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZtypeset.io › Author DirectoryNing Zhang 1, Safdar Bashir 1, Jinyi Qin 1, Janine Schindelka 2, Anko Fischer 1, Ivonne Nijenhuis 1, Hartmut Herrmann 2, Lukas Y. Wick 1, Hans H. Richnow
Search Results for RSC Publishingpubs.rsc.org › resultsKeywords: Author:Janine Schindelka. Articles. Sort search results by. Relevance, Latest, Oldest. Search filters. rsc.org · Journals, books & databases.
[PDF] This is the preprint version of the contribution published as - UFZwww.ufz.de › ...Janine Schindelka d. ,. 3. Hartmut Herrmann d. , Hans H. Richnow a,. *. 4 a. Department of Isotope Biogeochemistry, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental ...
Aerosolkammer- und Flüssigphasenuntersuchungen zur Oxidation von...... und Flüssigphasenuntersuchungen zur Oxidation von Isopren im troposphärischen Multiphasensystem$4vorgelegt von M. Sc.Janine Schindelka. Front Cover.
5 Dokumente
The Mono-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones of Diacetyl and Glyoxalpubs.acs.org › doi › absAnalytical Chemistry 1964, 36 (12) , https://doi.org ac60218a011; Luisa Schöne, Janine Schindelka, Edyta Szeremeta, Thomas Schaefer, ...
[PDF] A new source of methyl glyoxal in the aqueous phasechemie.tropos.de › images › PosterbilderJanine Schindelka, Hartmut Herrmann. Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research, Leipzig, Germany. Introduction. Bulk reactor experiments.
A new source of methylglyoxal in the aqueous phasewww.readcube.com › articles › acpMaria Rodigast, Anke Mutzel, Janine Schindelka, and Hartmut Herrmann Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Atmospheric Chemistry Dept.
[PDF] tours - European Aerosol Conference 2016eac2016.fr › Data › ElFinder › EAC2016· Janine SCHINDELKA, Yoshiteru IINUMA, Anke MUTZEL, Hartmut HERRMANN. 15: :30 o35-Bap-aC-05 Chemistry, morphology, and cloud activation: ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Seminargruppen 2012research.uni-leipzig.de › straeter › medchem › Seminargruppen_2012Janine Schindelka, IfT, schindelka###tropos.de. Z4, Mi 14:45-15:30, R 115, Sally Wagner, OC, s.wagner###hzdr.de. *Dieser Seminarraum befindet sich im ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
(PDF) Atmospheric Aqueous Phase Radical Chemistry of theresearch.amanote.com › publication › atmospheric-a...Authors. Luisa Schöne Janine Schindelka Edyta Szeremeta Thomas Schaefer Dirk Hoffmann Krzysztof J. Rudzinski Rafal Szmigielski Hartmut Herrmann ...
Survival of prokaryotes in a polluted waste dump during remediation...Langping Wu, Barbora Chládková, Oliver J Lechtenfeld, Shujuan Lian, Janine Schindelka, Hartmut Herrmann, Hans H Richnow.
Investigation of Humic Substance Photosensitized Reactions via Carbon...ZHANG, Ning, Janine SCHINDELKA, Hartmut HERRMANN, Christian GEORGE, Monica ROSELL, Sara HERRERO-MARTIN, Petr KLÁN a Hans-Hermann ...
23 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Janine SchindelkaNing Zhang, Inacrist Geronimo, Piotr Paneth, Janine Schindelka, more · Science of The Total Environment > > 542 > PA >
ACP - Metrics - A new source of methylglyoxal in the aqueous phaseacp.copernicus.org › acp metricsJanine Schindelka. ×. Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Atmospheric Chemistry Dept. (ACD)Leipzig, Germany ...
Atmospheric aqueous phase radical chemistry of the isoprene ...pubs.rsc.org › content › articlelandingLuisa Schöne,a Janine Schindelka,a Edyta Szeremeta,b Thomas Schaefer,a Dirk Hoffmann,a Krzysztof J. Rudzinski,b Rafal Szmigielskib and Hartmut Herrmann*a.
A new source of methylglyoxal in the aqueous phase - ProQuestMaria Rodigast, Anke Mutzel, Janine Schindelka, and Hartmut Herrmann. Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Atmospheric Chemistry Dept.
GMD - Relations - Treatment of non-ideality in the SPACCIM multiphase...Maria Rodigast, Anke Mutzel, Janine Schindelka, and Hartmut Herrmann Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16https://doi.org acp , 2016;
Characterizing chemical transformation of Europe PMCeuropepmc.org › article › medJanine Schindelka. Atmospheric Chemistry Department (ACD), Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)Leipzig, Germany.
Isotope Electrochemistry Fractionation equation - PDF Free Downloaddatapdf.com › isotope-electrochemistry-fractionatio...Jun 1, Ning Zhang , Inacrist Geronimo , Piotr Paneth , Janine Schindelka , Thomas Schaefer , Hartmut Herrmann , Carsten Vogt , Hans H. Richnow.
ACP - A new source of methylglyoxal in the aqueous phaseMaria Rodigast, Anke Mutzel, Janine Schindelka, and Hartmut Herrmann Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS), Atmospheric ...
Pełna lista publikacji – Strona 5 - Piotr Panethpaneth.p.lodz.pl › pelna-lista-publikacji › page... Piotr Paneth, Janine Schindelka, Thomas Schaefer, Hartmut Herrmann, Carsten Vogt, Hans H. Richnow, Sci. Total Environ. 542A, (2016).
Plenary Lecture 4api.mycongressonline.net › api-Congress-agendaJanine SCHINDELKA (Leipzig, Germany), Yoshiteru IINUMA, Anke MUTZEL, Hartmut HERRMANN. 15: :30 # O35-BAP-AC-05 Chemistry, morphology, ...
CO Meeting Organizer EGU2011Janine Schindelka and Hartmut Herrmann. XY71. EGU Evaluation of prediction methods for aqueous phase rate constants of organics and CAPRAM ...
[PDF] Recent multiphase atmospheric chemistry laboratory OA.mgoa.mg › workRead and download Recent multiphase atmospheric chemistry laboratory, modeling, and field atudies by Hartmut Herrmann, D. Hoffmann, Janine Schindelka, ...
prof. RNDr. Petr Klán, Ph.D. – Životopis - Masarykova univerzitawww.muni.cz › LidéURL info; ZHANG, Ning, Janine SCHINDELKA, Hartmut HERRMANN, Christian GEORGE, Monica ROSELL, Sara HERRERO-MARTIN, Petr KLÁN a Hans-Hermann RICHNOW.
Characterizing chemical transformation of PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...· Langping Wu , Barbora Chládková , Oliver J Lechtenfeld , Shujuan Lian , Janine Schindelka , Hartmut Herrmann , Hans H Richnow ...
EAC2016 september 4-9, DocPlayer.netdocplayer.net › Eac2016-september· Janine SCHINDELKA, Yoshiteru IINUMA, Anke MUTZEL, Hartmut HERRMANN 15:10-15:30 o35-bap-ac-05 Chemistry, morphology, and cloud activation: ...
Henry's law constants of some environmentally important aldehydesdx.doi.org › ...· (3) , https://doi.org acp ; Maria Rodigast, Anke Mutzel, Janine Schindelka, Hartmut Herrmann.
Investigation of humic substance photosensitized reactions via ...pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...· Authors. Ning Zhang , Janine Schindelka, Hartmut Herrmann, Christian George, Mònica Rosell, Sara Herrero-Martín, Petr Klán, Hans H Richnow ...
[PDF] Laboratory kinetic and mechanistic studies on the OH-initiated...... on the OH-initiated oxidation of acetone in the aqueous phase}, author={Thomas Schaefer and Janine Schindelka and Hartmut Herrmann}, year={2010} }.
[PDF] Atmospheric aqueous phase radical chemistry of the isoprene ...www.semanticscholar.org › paper › Atmospheric-aq...· author={Luisa Sch{\"o}ne and Janine Schindelka and Edyta Szeremeta and Thomas Schaefer and Dirk Hoffmann and Krzysztof Jan Rudzinski and ...
Laboratory Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies on the OH-Initiated - PDF...Laboratory Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies on the OH-Initiated...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Janine
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Französisch): Janine; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Information zur männlichen Form Johannes:; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes
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