669 Infos zu Janne Grunau

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Touch Bar als zweites Display - MacTechNews.de

7. Dez · Sasha gelang es einem Post des Maintainers Janne Grunau zufolge, das Rechtemanagement der Secure Enclave, mit welcher die Touch Bar gekoppelt ist, zu entschlüsseln und so Zugriff auf das mal 60 Pixel große Panel zu erhalten. Dieses lässt sich somit von Asahi Linux nutzen, als Beispiel nennt Grunau in seinem Post das ...

SPD-Fraktion antwortet auf Urheberrecht-Protestschreiben

Janne Grunau. Posted 20. Juli at 12:35 | Permalink. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob das ein Fraktionsschreiben ist. Das hätte dann doch hoffentlich irgend jemand korrekturgelesen. Der Satz “… und somit mit Risiken für den ...

Zensursula-Anhörung live im BundestagTV ab 11 Uhr

Janne Grunau. Am 27. Mai um 13:04 Uhr veröffentlicht | Permalink. war es nicht HK3? Wahrscheinlich sind im Bundestag mehr Kanäle zu empfangen.

NixOS on M1News YCombinator

Asahi Linux's m1n1 bootloader/hypervisor Asahi Linux's kernel patches Mark Kettenis' U-boot port Janne Grunau's kernel config ...

1  Bilder zu Janne Grunau

Bild zu Janne Grunau

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Janne Grunau | Facebook

LinkedIn: Janne Grunau | LinkedIn

Janne Grunaus berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Janne Grunau dabei hilft, ...

LinkedIn: Janne Grunau | LinkedIn

Janne Grunaus berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Janne Grunau dabei ...

LinkedIn: Janne Grunau

Sehen Sie sich das berufliche Profil von Janne Grunau (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ... Es fehlt: bad ‎zwischenahn

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Janne Grunau Namen Analyse

DeuNamen.com - Janne Grunau Namen Analyse und statistische für Deutschland und Österreich

Projects for which Janne Grunau is an answer contact : Questions :...

Janne Grunau is not an answer contact for any project. Launchpad • Take the tour • Read the guide. © Canonical Ltd ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

[Qemu-devel] [PATCH ] target-arm: A64: Saturating and narrowing...

· [Qemu-devel] [PATCH ] target-arm: A64: Saturating and narrowing shift ops. Janne Grunau j at jannau.net. Mon Mar :34:31 EDT ...

13 Projekte

General Hidden Markov Model Library / Support Requests / Search

2 · Failed build ghmmwrapper, None, closed, Janne Grunau· ghmmwrapper-0.7, None, open, Janne Grunau

List of commits (all #50880) - external-ffmpeg (git) - Android-x86

ea4d5f4, :50:07, Janne Grunau. linux: use number of CPUs as automatic thread count. Use sched_getaffinity to determine the number of logical ... › git › listCommit

General Hidden Markov Model Library / List ghmm-list Archives

Re: [Ghmm-list] Baum Welch reestimation error, Janne Grunau <grunau@mo...> :30:37. [Ghmm-list] Problem about compilation .: formica :.

Source of mpegaudiodsp.c - ffmpeg - FeM e.V. Bitbucket

ffmpeg/libavcodec/mpegaudiodsp.c. Janne Grunau authored 8f9fe6ae Apr Blame. Raw file · Source viewDiff to previous. History. › ...

9 Bücher zum Namen

garage: hostmode easy now h-e-n: SCM Repository

Signed-off-by: Janne Grunau &>, commit | commitdiff | tree , Janne Grunau · V4L/DVB (8964): dvb/budget: push adapter_nr ...

GitStats - linux

Bandewar, John Soni Jose, Jerome Marchand, Janne Grunau, ...

Algorithms in Bioinformatics: 7th International Workshop, WABI

The refereed proceedings from the 7th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics are provided in this volume. Papers address current issues in...

CATBox: An Interactive Course in Combinatorial Optimization -...

Graph algorithms are easy to visualize and indeed there already exists a variety of packages and programs to animate the dynamics when solving problems from...

17 Dokumente

From git at videolan.org Fri Apr 1 00:48: From: git at ...

playback and record - Linux framebuffer input device added - Chronomaster DFA the number of loop index variables Signed-off-by: Janne Grunau <janne-libav at ...

hdpvr-core.c File Reference - Linux Kernelhuihoo.com

Function Documentation ; void hdpvr_delete · struct hdpvr_device * ; MODULE_AUTHOR · "Janne Grunau" ; MODULE_DESCRIPTION · "Hauppauge HD PVR driver" ; MODULE_LICENSE ...

commit 3f5ed56d4105f68c01b86f94f41bb9bbefa3433b [revision

ARM assembly with improvements from Janne Grunau. commit [revision 933] Author: Daniel Vergien &-hamburg.de> Date: Wed Aug ...

malyan m200 firmware

11:46 am, Janne Grunau * * * > wrote: trying this now maintainers the... Its built malyan m200 firmware how does it get on the M200 displayed ) and then the ...

7 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Commits · b6c61fb83e876d404ac3b0b3657ebfcafdcd1926 · Gerion Entrup /...

Janne Grunau authored Jan 13, Based on the x86 branchless get_cabac asm. get_cabac_noinline() gets approximately 20% faster (no cycle counts available) compared to clang from Xcode 5.1 beta5. More than 6% faster overall.

http: use av_strlcpy instead of strcpy() without size checks...

Commit 4a7c0c45 authored :50:50 +0200 by Janne Grunau. Browse Files ... Email Patches; Plain Diff; http: use av_strlcpy instead of strcpy() without size ...

ports//science/ghmm/work/ghmm ghmm/kbestbasics.c

... Janne Grunau * * Copyright (C) Alexander Schliep * Copyright (C) ... (C) Max-Planck-Institut fuer Molekulare Genetik, * Berlin * * Contact: :51:36 +0200 (Mon, 08 Aug 2005) $ * last change by $Author: grunau $.

ports//science/ghmm/work/ghmm ghmm/gradescent.h

... ghmm/ghmm/gradescent.h * Authors: Janne Grunau, Alexander Riemer, ... (C) Max-Planck-Institut fuer Molekulare Genetik, * Berlin * * Contact: ...

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Janne GrunauSPIE, the international society for optics and photonics

SPIE Profile of Janne Grunau, VideoLAN. SPIE Profiles is a networking platform for optics and photonics professionals.

Asahi LinuxThe Apple Wiki

Hector Martin · Alyssa Rosenzweig · Asahi Lina · Dougall Johnson · Sven Peter · Mark Kettenis · Martin Povišer · Janne Grunau.

UbootStat_2014_04 < U-Boot < DENXwww.denx.de › wiki › UbootStat_...

Zhao Qiang, 1, 0.1%. Hector Palacios, 1, 0.1%. Måns Rullgård, 1, 0.1%. Janne Grunau, 1, 0.1%. Lothar Felten, 1, 0.1%. Karicheri, Muralidharan ...

Category:MythDevelopers - MythTV Official WikiMythTV

— Janne Grunau, janne, janneg. DVB EIT Multirec. Robert McNamara, robertm, iamlindoro. libmythbdnav. Misc Translations Themes MythVideo

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

Commits · 3aefb79af8d41c85e11da7109d bb6 · Bricked / mako ·...

Janne Grunau almost 7 years ago c1b5b V4L/DVB (7537): cx88/saa7134: Fix: avoid OOPS on module unload Browse Code » · Mauro Carvalho Chehab ...

drivers/media/video/hdpvr/Kconfig ·...

Janne Grunau's avatar · V4L/DVB (11096): V4L2 Driver for the Hauppauge HD PVR ... Janne Grunau authored 9 years ago. 9aba42ef. Kconfig 249 Bytes. Edit

drivers/media/video/hdpvr/hdpvr-i2c.c ·...

Hauppauge HD PVR USB driver * * Copyright (C) Janne Grunau () * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it ...

Quelle von pvrusb2-encoder.c - linux-phytec-ti - PHYTEC BitBucket...

Branch actions. linux-phytec-ti/drivers/media/video/pvrusb2/pvrusb2-encoder.c. Janne Grunau committed e86da6f07ed 19 Mar Blame. Raw file.

62 Meinungen & Artikel

Google Groups: wLAN -> "Kupfer-LAN"

: Janne Grunau de comp hardware netzwerke Stefan

Google Groups: wLAN -> "Kupfer-LAN"

: Janne Grunau de comp hardware netzwerke Stefan

Google Groups: wLAN -> "Kupfer-LAN"

: Janne Grunau de comp hardware netzwerke Stefan

Wikipedia: Asahi LinuxWikipedia

Asahi Linux Project: Hector Martin, Alyssa Rosenzweig, Asahi Lina, Dougall Johnson, Sven Peter, Mark Kettenis, Martin Povišer, Janne Grunau. Lizenz(en) ...

526 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Janne Grunau (@) - Treehouse Mastodon

23. Nov · Janne Grunau boosted. chaos_princess @chaos_princess. EN. ALT. Oct 25, Janne Grunau boosted. squibs @. EN Having to tap the "don't support the Factorio devs sign" again but no one will listen because no o ...

Janne Grunau · GitLab

Janne Grunau Activity Groups Contributed projects Personal projects Starred projects Snippets Followers Following Help Help Support GitLab documentation ...

Janne Grunau: "I finally did the remaining to part to import pai...

16. Dez · Janne Grunau @ I finally did the remaining to part to import paired bluetooth keyboards/mouse/trackpads (at least the Apple ones) automatically for # asahilinux This means they are useable on the first boot after installation without pairing.


Janne Grunau's Post. View profile for Janne Grunau · Janne Grunau. Senior Software Engineer at Cinemo. 2y. Report this post; Close menu.

Janne Grunau | LinkedIn

View Janne Grunau's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is ... Freie Universität Berlin. 7 connections. Join LinkedIn and access Janne's full profile. It's free!

[libav-api] How do I change the .TS files "Timestamps and Continuity...

[libav-api] How do I change the .TS files "Timestamps and Continuity Counters"? Janne Grunau janne-libav at jannau.net Sat May :24:17 CEST 2012

IR device at I2C address 0x7a - Patchwork

... Date: Fri, 2 Oct :47:22 +0200 From: Jean Delvare To: LMML Cc: Jarod Wilson , Janne Grunau

[libav-commits] replace FFmpeg with Libav in doc/

[libav-commits] replace FFmpeg with Libav in doc/ Janne Grunau git at libav.org Wed Mar :01:48 CET Previous message: [libav-commits] use LIBAV_LICENSE and

Janne Grunau - Freelancer on GuruGuru

Janne Grunau · Programming. $5/hr · Starting at $25 · Embedded Development. $5/hr · Starting at $25 · Technical Support. $5/hr · Starting at $

Janne grunau freelancer from Germany with skills Programming &...

Janne grunau freelancer from Germany provides Other service with skills in Programming & Databases, Embedded Development

Artifacts · Janne Grunau / dav1dVideoLAN

Provide feedback. Keyboard shortcuts ? Snippets Groups Projects · Janne Grunau · dav1d · Artifacts. Artifacts. Total artifacts size Unknown. Artifacts. Job.

Container Registry · Janne Grunau / kernelFreedesktop

... on how to get full permissions. Sorry for the inconvenience. Janne Grunau · kernel · Container Registry. Container Registry. Cleanup is not scheduled.

'[oe-commits] Janne Grunau : mythtv 0.22: bump SRCREV and fix...

[prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: openembedded-commits Subject: [oe-commits] Janne Grunau : mythtv 0.22: bump SRCREV and fix ...

Janne Grunau - Ceph

› users

Owned teams : Janne Grunau

the teams that Janne Grunau is a member of. Janne Grunau doesn't own any ...

User Janne Grunau - Area Stack Exchange

name, Janne Grunau. member for, 1 year. seen, Oct 18 '12 at 11:43. website. location. age. stats accounts. 0. Proposals. 0. Current Commitments ...

Janne Grunau - ReadList.com

Janne Grunau wrote: ... > Lets skip this discussion, i am not so much interested in this as in ... >backend log with -v channel,record,siparser.

Janne Grunau (jannau) - Libraries.io

Repositories created and contributed to by Janne Grunau (jannau)

User Janne Grunau - Stack Exchange

We make Stack Overflow and 170+ other community-powered Q&A sites.

Janne Grunau / dav1d-fuzzing-data · GitLab

5d90d96b. Janne Grunau authored Oct 10, [Environment] ASAN_OPTIONS ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Janne

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Janne; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Information zur männlichen Form Johannes:; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Grunau

grüne Aue

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Janne Grunau & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Janne Grunau und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.