306 Infos zu Jannik Strötgen

Mehr erfahren über Jannik Strötgen

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten


Dr. Jannik Stroetgen. University of Heidelberg. AG5 Talk ; Tuesday, 23 June : Minutes ; E Saarbrücken ...

Campus Event Calendar: Jannik Strötgen ( in E )

Speaker: Jannik Strötgen. coming from: Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik - D5. Speakers Bio: Event Type: Joint Lecture Series. Visibility: D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, ...

Com…tional Linguistics Journal (2018) - ACL Anthology

Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging By Jannik Strötgen, Michael Gertz [J ]: Ruihong Huang. Festina Lente: A Farewell from the Editor [J ]: Paola Merlo.

Anmeldesystem des Fachgebiet Datenbanksysteme und...

, 16 Uhr c.t. TU Berlin, EN building, seminar room EN 719 (7th floor), Einsteinufer 17, Berlin: "Event-centric Information Extraction and Retrieval to Explore Document Collections" (Jannik Strötgen, Uni Heidelberg)

24 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Literartur-App aus Heidelberg: Tiwoli Jannik Stroetgen - Facebook

LinkedIn: Jannik Strötgen | LinkedIn

Jannik Strötgens berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Jannik Strötgen dabei hilft, ...


View Jannik Strötgen's papers and open-source code. See more researchers and engineers like Jannik Strötgen.


Person: Jannik Strötgen. DBLP: Str=ouml=tgen:Jannik. Contributed to: CIKM ECIR SIGIR VLDB JCDL JCDL ...

1 Business-Profile

Jannik STRÖTGEN | Research Scientist | Dr. | Bosch, Stuttgart |...

Jannik Strötgen currently works at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. Jannik does research in Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval with a focus on 'TimeSEA' projects ...

37 Bücher zum Namen


Jannik Strötgen, Michael Gertz. Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging. Domain ... MwSt. Versandkostenfrei* Versandfertig in 1-2 Wochen. In den Warenkorb. payback. 0 ° ,14 €

AI Chat for scientific PDFs | SciSpace

Jannik Strötgen is an academic researcher from Bosch. The author has contributed to research in topics: Computer science & Sequence labeling.

Google Books

Subhash Chandra Pujari, Fryderyk Mantiuk, Mark Giereth, Jannik Strötgen, Annemarie Friedrich. Editors, Ingo Frommholz, Philipp Mayr, Guillaume Cabanac, Suzan ...

Gramercy Books

... Jannik Strötgen · Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies) (Paperback). By Jannik Strötgen, Michael Gertz. $

29 Dokumente

arXivhttps://arxiv.org › csModule Composition and Pruning for Continual Learning

von M Wang · — Learn it or Leave it: Module Composition and Pruning for Continual Learning. Authors:Mingyang Wang, Heike Adel, Lukas Lange, Jannik Strötgen, ...

ACM Digital Library

von K Popat · · Zitiert von: 282 — Jannik Strötgen. Jannik Strötgen. Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany. View Profile. , Gerhard Weikum. Gerhard Weikum. Max Planck ...

arXivhttps://arxiv.org › htmlDiscourse-Aware In-Context Learning for Temporal Expression ...

— Jannik Strötgen, Thomas Bögel, Julian Zell, Ayser Armiti, Tran Van Canh, and Michael Gertz Extending HeidelTime for temporal ...


von C Kapp · · Zitiert von: 3 — [SG12a] Jannik Strötgen and Michael Gertz. Event-centric Search and Exploration in Document. Collections. In JCDL'12, pages 223–232, [SG12b] Jannik ...

35 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DBLPhttps://dblp.org › PersonsLukas Lange

Chia-Chien Hung, Lukas Lange, Jannik Strötgen: TADA: Efficient Task-Agnostic Domain Adaptation for Transformers. ACL (Findings) 2023: [c19]. view.

Universität Augsburg

von S Chandra Pujari · — Subhash Chandra Pujari, Tim Tarsi, Jannik Strötgen, Annemarie FriedrichORCiDGND. Frontdoor URL, https://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/opus4 ...

Jacke, Janina, Dr. - Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

... Evelyn Gius, Jan Christoph Meister, Marco Petris und Jannik Strötgen) Literary Annotation (mit Thomas Bögel, Evelyn Gius und Jannik Strötgen). › ...

Time and information retrieval: Introduction to the special ...ScienceDirect

von L Derczynski · · Zitiert von: 16 — Time and information retrieval: Introduction to the special issue. Author links open overlay panel. Leon Derczynski , Jannik Strötgen , Ricardo Campos

11 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen


Authors and Affiliations · Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany. Jannik Strötgen · Heidelberg University, Germany. Michael Gertz.


Download Citation | Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging, by Jannik Strötgen, Michael Gertz. CA, USA. Morgan & Claypool, ISBN pages.


von S Degaetano-Ortlieb · Zitiert von: 13 — Jannik Strötgen and Michael Gertz HeidelTime: High Quality Rule-based Extraction and Normaliza- tion of Temporal Expressions. In Proceedings of the.

Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging | SpringerLink

von J Strötgen · Zitiert von: 45 — Jannik Strötgen is a postdoctoral researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbrucken, Germany. › book

7 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: X · jannikstroetgen4 „Gefällt mir“-Angaben · vor 2 JahrenJannik Strötgen

Jannik Strötgen · @jannikstroetgen. Also interested in a PhD Sabbatical. @Bosch_AI. just like. @koustavagoswami ? There are several ...


It was organized by Jannik Strötgen (FH Karlsruhe), Margot Mieskes (Hochschule Darmstadt), Christian Wartena (Hochschule H [more…] PhD Event at KONVENS

Organisation and Contact | SIGHUM

Programme Committee Nikolaos Aletras, University College London, UK JinYeong Bak, KAIST Daejeon, South Korea Chris Biemann, TU Darmstadt, Germany André...

Final CfP: Workshop Teach4DH – Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities,...

Jannik Strötgen MPI, Saarbrücken Thorsten Trippel University of Tübingen Gabriel Viehhauser University of Stuttgart Andreas Witt University of Cologne Amir ...

137 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Google Scholar

Jannik Strötgen. Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany. ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ h-ka.de - หน้าแรก · NLPText MiningInformation Extraction ...

Google Sites

Jannik Strötgen - Research. Research Interests & Projects. My research interests lie in the fields of natural language processing, text mining, and ...

Dr. Jannik Stroetgen - Bosch GmbH - Qurator

Jannik Stroetgen is group head of the Natural Language Processing and Semantic Reasoning research group at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI). Jannik Stroetgen is group head of the Natural Language Processing and Semantic Reasoning research group at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI).

Xhttps://x.com › statusJannik Strötgen

— Jannik Strötgen · @jannikstroetgen. PhD position at MPI for Informatics in knowledge base construction, German language skills required https ...

Mercado Libre

Envíos gratis en el día ✓ Compra online de manera segura con Compra Protegida © Libro Domain-sensitive Temporal Tagging - Jannik Stroetgen.

Die HKA - Die Hochschule Karlsruhe : Personen von A-Z ...

Jannik Strötgen. Fakultät für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik Professor. jannik.stroetgenspam . mehr. Prof. Dr. Martin Sulzmann. Jannik Strötgen. Fakultät für Informatik und Wirtschaftsinformatik Professor. jannik.stroetgenspam . mehr. Prof. Dr. Martin Sulzmann.

ACL 2020

Lukas Lange, Heike Adel, Jannik Strötgen. Abstract Paper Share · NLP Applications Short Paper. Session 12A: Jul 8 (08:00-09:00 GMT / 01:00-02:00 PDT). [Google] ...


, Authors. Subhash Chandra Pujari, Annemarie Friedrich, Jannik Strötgen, Pujari, Subhash Chandra, Friedrich, Annemarie, ...

Internet Archive Scholar

Temporal Information Retrieval: Challenges and Opportunities. Omar Alonso, Jannik Strötgen, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Michael Gertz The Web Conference ...

LREC Conferences

Title, Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates. Authors, Jannik Strötgen, Thomas Bögel, Julian Zell, Ayser Armiti, ...

OUCIhttps://ouci.dntb.gov.ua › worksFoundations of Temporal Tagging

Authors: Jannik Strötgen, Michael Gertz. About this publication. Number of citations, 0. Number of works in the list of references, 0. Journal indexed in Scopus ...

OUCIhttps://ouci.dntb.gov.ua › worksTime and information retrieval: Introduction to the special issue

Authors: Leon Derczynski, Jannik Strötgen, Ricardo Campos, Omar Alonso. Funders. European Union's Seventh Framework Programme; National Strategic Reference ...


Domain-Sensitive Temporal Tagging , by Jannik Strötgen , Michael Gertz . CA, USA . Morgan & Claypool , ISBN pages. This book ...


Elad Yom-Tov (Microsoft Research), Shira Hannah Fischer (RAND Corporation). Session 2: Dynamics Chair: Jannik Strötgen (Max Planck Institute for Informatics)


Lukas Lange, Jannik Strötgen, Heike Adel, Dietrich Klakow. Oct cs.CL, cs.LG. In low-resource settings, model transfer can help to overcome a lack of ...


— ... Jannik Strötgen. First Automated Approaches for the Extraction of Vossian Antonomasia. History. Usage metrics. Categories. Natural language ...

Xhttps://x.com › statusour TempWeb work could be of interest to - #WikiWorkshop people

— Jannik Strötgen · @jannikstroetgen. our TempWeb work could be of interest to #WikiWorkshop2017 people: a time-aware search engine for Wikipedia ...

new book: domain-sensitive temporal tagging | Jannik Strötgen | Pulse

printed and digital editions). All details including the abstract, ...

Jannik Strötgen on LinkedIn: CLIN-X: pre-trained language models ...www.linkedin.com › posts › jannik-strötgen-b4b1aa...

Jannik Strötgen's Post · Jannik Strötgen · Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence (BCAI) · CLIN-X: pre-trained language models and a study on cross-task transfer ...

Jannik Strötgen's Post

... Jannik Strötgen, Heike Adel-Vu and Hinrich Schütze for winning the Best System Award at SemEval in Task 12. The award recognizes a Jannik Strötgen, Heike Adel-Vu and Hinrich Schütze for winning the Best System Award at SemEval in Task 12. The award recognizes a ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jannik

Männlicher Vorname (Französisch, Bretonisch): Jannik; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

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