168 Infos zu Jasmina Tumbas
Mehr erfahren über Jasmina Tumbas
Lebt in
- Buffalo
Infos zu
- Resistance
- University at Buffalo
- Selma Selman
- Visual Studies
- Durham
- Art History
- Assistant Professor
- Corina Apostol
23 Aktuelle Nachrichten
(Expired) Art and the State | Happening @ MichiganJasmina Tumbas is assistant professor of performance studies in the Department of Visual Studies at SUNY Buffalo. Tumbas completed her doctoral degree in ...
Bibliography | Zach Blaszachblas.info › press... Jasmina Tumbas, "The Ectoplasmic Resistance of Queer: Metric Mysticism, Libidinal Art, and How to Think Beyond The Internet," ASAP Journal ...
CFP: Radical Art in Transition: Counter-culture, protest, resistance...The Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian and Russian Art and Architecture brings together scholars specializing in the art and architecture of...
CAA News | College Art Association » Blog Archive » Affiliated...Founded in 1911, the College Art Association Promotes excellence in scholarship and teaching in the history and criticism of the visual arts and in creativity...
11 Bilder zu Jasmina Tumbas

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Jasmina TumbasFacebook: Jasmina Tumbas | FacebookFacebook: Jasmina Tumbas | New VS Faculty - Dept. of Visual Studies ...LinkedIn: Jasmina Tumbas | LinkedInView Jasmina Tumbas' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jasmina Tumbas discover ...
2 Hobbys & Interessen
IV BOŽIĆNI VAŠARDođite na kuvano vino zamedljanu rakiju lepo druženje i da slušate tamburaše
«Die Gedanken sind frei» Angst ist Alltag für Roma in EUropa - Ein...Grafiken Plakate die im Sinne der Confrontage agieren Eine Ausstellung von Marika Schmiedt Vernissage Plakate Filme...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Jasmina Tumbas at University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo) -...Rating and reviews for Jasmina Tumbas from University at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo ).
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Jasmina Tumbas - Collaborators - Independent Curators Internationalcuratorsintl.org › collaborators › jasmina-tumbasOn June 4th join ICI for the launch of ArtLeaks Gazette #5: Patriarchy Over & Out: Discourse Made Manifest with co-editors Corina Apostol and Jasmina Tumbas ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
CV | Navine G. Khan-Dossoswww.khandossos.com › ...Under the Pink of Navine G. Khan-Dossos's Targets, by Jasmina Tumbas ASAP Journal Pool Paintings Part I, text and interview with N.J. Stallard
1 Projekte
Hal Foster, Claire Bishop, and More Than 120 Other Intellectuals Call...Hundreds of writers are protesting against Warren Kanders, the CEO of Safariland, a company that produces weapons for the US government.
17 Bücher zum Namen
Hannah-Hoch-Preis 2004: Helga Paris: Fotografien by...Find Hannah-Hoch-Preis 2004: Helga Paris: Fotografien by Berlinische Galerie , Helga Paris , Ulrich Domrose , Tanja Keppler , Jasmina Tumbas
Selma Selman - Google BooksŠtefan Simončič, Jasmina Tumbas. Znanstveno-raziskovalno združenje za umetnost, kulturne in izobraževalne programe in tehnologijo EPEKA,
ARTPOOL - The Experimental Art Archive of East-Central Europe:...We received additional useful ideas and advice during the editing from Judit Bodor, Katalin Cseh, Beáta Hock and Jasmina Tumbas. We used various texts ...
Concerning Consequences: Studies in Art, Destruction, and Trauma -...Kristine Stiles has played a vital role in establishing trauma studies within the humanities. A formidable force in the art world, Stiles examines the...
1 Songs & Musik
Full text of "ArtLeaks Gazette 2013"... Editors: Corina Apostol, David Riff, Dmitry Vilensky, Vlad Morariu, Vladan Jeremic Editing Assistance: Jasmina Tumbas Graphic Intervetions : Zampa di Leone.
3 Dokumente
Tumbas, Jasmina [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Jasmina Tumbas. Selma Selman by Selma Selman( Book ) 1 edition published in in Slovenian and held by 4 WorldCat member ...
Performance Art - Art History - Oxford BibliographiesThe author would like to thank Assistant Professor Jasmina Tumbas (SUNY, Buffalo), and Lauren Reuter and Jacqueline Samy (Duke ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Aktionskunst jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Künstlerische ...www.geisteswissenschaften.fu-berlin.de › publikationenAndrea Bátorová, Katalin Cseh-Varga, Adam Czirak, Barbara Gronau, Astrid Hackel, Kata Krasznahorkai, Andrej Mirčev, Łukasz Ronduda, Jasmina Tumbas.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Shifting Corporealities in Contemporary Performance | SpringerLinkThis book investigates how contemporary artistic practices engage with the body and its intersection with political, technological, ethical issues.
Untitled DocumentJasmina Tumbas. TILT – Avantika Bawa, This tension of spatial illusion and human cognition, as well as the challenge to minimalist aesthetics, ...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview „Weg ins Nichts“ – ARTBRUTLuis Liendo Espinoza, #Versorgerin, Ausgabe April „Weg ins Nichts“ Marika Schmiedt ist Aktivistin, Filmemacherin, bildende Künstlerin und lebt in Wien....
Jasmina Tumbas / De/facing Sovereignty: East European ...formereastandformerwest.wordpress.com › ...In his retrospective, and under the probing title of “WHAT HAPPENED TO US?” Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi covered the wall of the ...
Dokumentiert: Interview mit Marika Schmiedt | ecoleusti„Weg ins Nichts“ Interview Marika Schmiedt
Ungarischer Botschafter interveniert gegen ...Jasmina Tumbas permalink. 3. Oktober :48 I translated (to the best of my knowledge) and shared your post on my blog. http://jasminatumbas…
83 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jasmina Tumbas | LinkedInView Jasmina Tumbas's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jasmina Tumbas discover ...
Jasmina Tumbas | LinkedInView Jasmina Tumbas' professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jasmina Tumbas discover ...
Jasmina Tumbas – MARIKA SCHMIEDTBeiträge über Jasmina Tumbas von marikaschmiedt
Jasmina Tumbas | www.subotica.info - Dešavanja, najave, intervju, sve...Jasmina Tumbas. Božićni vašar u Tavankutu. Po peti put održan je božićni vašar u Tavankutu sa do sada najvećim brojem gostiju. Kuvano vino i rakija su glavni artikli ovog vašara, pored druženja i dobrog raspoloženja. Uostalom čujte to iz priloga od predsednika MZ Tavankut, Gorana Mihaljevića i jedne od organizatorki - Jasmine ...
Jasmina Tumbas '05 - Maryville CollegeJasmina Tumbas '05. Major: Art and Psychology Senior Study Title: “Pablo Picasso: Psychological Perspectives on his Art” Advisor: Mr. Mark Hall, ...
Jasmina Tumbas Archives - ASAP/Jasapjournal.com › tag › jasmina-tumbasJasmina Tumbas · SHOOT THE WOMEN FIRST! Under the Pink of Navine G. Khan-Dossos's Targets / Jasmina Tumbas · The Ectoplasmic Resistance of Queer: Metric Mysticism ...
Posts tagged 'Jasmina Tumbas' - ArtLeaksart-leaks.org › tag › jasmina-tumbasPosts about Jasmina Tumbas written by art_leaks.
jasmina tumbas pr samostalna trgovinska radnja BisnodeJASMINA TUMBAS PR SAMOSTALNA TRGOVINSKA RADNJA DENIKO SUBOTICA Nade Dimić BB. Puni naziv: JASMINA TUMBAS PR SAMOSTALNA ...
Meaning of baby name Jasmina tumbas in different languagesMeaning of baby name Jasmina tumbas in different languages
Jasmina Tumbas - CEJSH - YaddaContributor details. Link to site. Copy. Full name. Jasmina Tumbas. Surname. Tumbas. Forename. Jasmina. Roles. author (search). Address. Contact information ...
caa.reviews : ReviewersRelevant description
Jasmina Tumbas | SUNY: University at Buffalobuffalo.academia.edu › JasminaTumbasJasmina Tumbas, SUNY: University at Buffalo, Global Gender Studies Department, Faculty Member. Studies Art History, Visual Studies, and Contemporary Art.
Jasmina Tumbas, Durham, NC - Gravatar ProfileJasmina Tumbas (b , Subotica, Serbia) is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Art, Art History and Visual Studies at Duke University. Her teaching and ...
jasminatumbas | HASTACThis user hasn't posted any content yet. Subscribe to This User's Most Recent Posts · Jasmina Tumbas. PhD candidate. Member for: 7 years 2 months; Followers ...
Jasmina Tumbas, Durham, NC - Gravatar-ProfilDr. Jasmina Tumbas's teaching and research fields focus on modern and contemporary art and theory, histories and theories of performance, body and ...
Classroom in crisis | Jasmina Tumbas | Taylor & Francis Groupwww.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › edit › classroom...This essay will address the contemporary state of higher education and art projects that push for a response to various global and local crises, including.
Film Warum die Wunde offen bleibt | Why the wound remains open –...WARUM DIE WUNDE OFFEN BLEIBT Melanie Letschnig über den neuen Film von Marika SchmiedtPolitische Kunst eckt besonders dort an, wo sie falsch verstanden werden...
contemporary | gallery I Exist – Selma SelmanI EXIST is the first solo exhibition of Selma Selman, Bosnian artist Roma origins, currently based in Syracuse, NY, in Vienna. The show, curated by Jasmina Tumbas, presents Selman´s struggle with the statelessness, multi-generational trauma and survival.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jasmina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Slawisch): Jasmina; Jasmin; Altpersisch (Pflanzen); jasamin = der Jasmin; Verwendung des Namens der Pflanze Jasmin als Vorname; der Name der Pflanze ist persischen Ursprungs; erst seit Ende des 19. Jh. als Vorname gebräuchlich
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