538 Infos zu Jeff Sutherland
Mehr erfahren über Jeff Sutherland
Lebt in
- Stuttgart
Infos zu
- Scrum
- Scrum Inc
- Agile
- Ken Schwaber
- Certified Scrum Master
- Scrum Guide
- Erfinder
- Pulse
- Scrum-Revolution
- Star Talk
- Training
32 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Heise.de: Zertifizierung zum Scrum Master durch Jeff Sutherlandkönnen sich Interessierte noch zum Frühbucherpreis für das von Scrum Events und iX organisierte CSM-Training mit Scrum-Mitbegründer Jeff Sutherland ...
Heise.de: Jeff Sutherland zertifiziert in München zum Scrum Masterkönnen sich Interessierte noch zum Frühbucherpreis für das von Scrum Events und iX organisierte CSM-Training mit Scrum-Mitbegründer Jeff Sutherland ...
Heise.de: Certified Scrum Master mit Jeff Sutherland, dem Erfinder von Scrum |...Veranstaltung vom bis in Stuttgart
Scrum-Gründer Ken Schwaber und Jeff Sutherland in Zürich, Aberla ...www.pressebox.de › Aberla GmbH· Die internationale Konferenz für Software-Technologie, ESE Conference 2011, begrüsst die Scrum-Gründer Ken Schwaber und Jeff Sutherland ...
27 Bilder zu Jeff Sutherland

142 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Jeff SutherlandFacebook: Jeff SutherlandFacebook: Jeff SutherlandLinkedIn: Die Scrum-Revolution – flexibles Projektmanagement mit Jeff ...Die Scrum-Revolution« von Jeff Sutherland vermittelt Ihnen alles Wissenswerte über das flexible Projektmanagement-System Scrum, mit dem Sie Ihre Projekte ... › learning › die-scrum-revolution-...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
Certified Scrum Master Course with Jeff Sutherland | FacebookCertified Scrum Master two-day course with Jeff Sutherland Tickets,...Eventbrite - Every Voice Engaged Foundation presents Certified Scrum Master two-day course with Jeff Sutherland - Monday, July 30, | Tuesday, July 31,...
Jeff Sutherland | Artist | ArtFactsView Jeff Sutherland exhibition history and Artist Ranking
2 Business-Profile
brainguide.de: Dr. Jeff Sutherland | brainGuideSie sind Dr. Jeff Sutherland und wollen Ihr Profil bearbeiten? Dann klicken Sie bitte hier. Persönliches Profil; Kompetenzen · Publikationen · Veranstaltungen (1).
| Cutter ConsortiumDr. Jeff Sutherland has been the development leader for nine software product companies, introducing Scrum to five of them. As CTO of PatientKeeper, he most ...
3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Dr Jeff Sutherland – Frequency Research FoundationJeff Sutherland, while known as the inventor and Co-Creator of Scrum, has spent more time in medical research than he has doing Scrum. He started his career ...
About Us - Scrum Incwww.scruminc.com › about-usJeff Sutherland, co-creator of Scrum, we have helped hundreds of organizations and more than ten – thousand teams achieve better results by successfully ...
Über mich | Rüdiger HerbstLernen Sie mich und meine Arbeit als systemischer Coach, Expertenberater, Unternehmens- und Organisationsberater und Trainer kennen!
5 Persönliche Webseiten
Dr. Jeff Sutherland's Biographical SketchDr. Jeff Sutherland's Biographical Sketch. Chief Technology Officer, PatientKeeper, Inc. Brighton Landing East, 20 Guest Street, Suite 500, Brighton, MA
Object Technology Jeff Sutherland· View Jeff Sutherland's profile on LinkedIn
Object Technology Jeff Sutherlandjeffsutherland.comObject Technology Jeff Sutherland. On the web since with stuff technical leaders need to know. Developing Agile object systems: banks and ATM ...
Scrum Log Jeff SutherlandSCRUM LOG JEFF SUTHERLAND - In 1993, Scrum was designed to enable teams to transform their way of work. Based on the insights of m …
8 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Jeff SutherlandIMDB Filmographie: Jeff SutherlandActor, Bad Faith
33 Bücher zum Namen
Software in 30 Days: How Agile Managers Beat the Odds, Delight Their Customers, And Leave Competitors In the Dust by Schwaber, Ken, Sutherland, Jeff ( )von Ken, Sutherland, Jeff Schwaber, John Wiley & SonsTaschenbuch
[SOFTWARE IN 30 DAYS] by (Author)Sutherland, Jeff on Aprvon Jeff Sutherland, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012, Taschenbuch
Software in 30 Tagen: Wie Manager mit Scrum die Konkurrenz abhängenvon Jeff Sutherland, dpunkt.verlag GmbH, 2013, Broschiert
bol.com: Scrum, Jeff Sutherland | | Boeken | bol.comScrum Paperback. De revolutionaire manier om sneller, beter en flexibeler te werken Scrum is een revolutionair nieuwe manier van werken die op stormachtige...
2 Songs & Musik
Jeff Sutherland-Key Concert Setlists | setlist.fmGet Jeff Sutherland-Key setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Jeff Sutherland-Key fans for free on setlist.fm!
Jeff Sutherland: Die Scrum-Revolution (CD) – jpcDie CD Jeff Sutherland: Die Scrum-Revolution jetzt für 18,91 Euro kaufen. Mehr von Jeff Sutherland gibt es im Shop.
3 Dokumente
AgileCamp 2015: Keynote Scrum Is a Productivity Superweapon - Jeff Su…Keynote Scrum Is a Productivity Superweapon - Jeff Sutherland
File:Jeff Sutherland.JPG - Wikimedia Commons{{da|1=Jeff Sutherland, en af ophavsmændene bag softwareudviklingsmetoden SCRUM.}} |Source=Own photo |Author=Anders Wegge Keller ...
Jeff Sutherland | Agile Scrum Guide | Book | Blogagilescrumguide.com › blog › files › tag-jeff-sutherl...· This is a select list of agile project management thought leaders and influencers on Twitter. We started with over 200 prominent accounts and ...
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Jeff SutherlandList of computer science publications by Jeff Sutherland
Jeff Sutherland - dblpdblp.org › Persons· Jeff Sutherland, Igor Altman: Organizational Transformation with Scrum: How a Venture Capital Group Gets Twice as Much Done with Half the ...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
promod tipp: scrumadmin 1) ken schwaber: agiles projektmanagement mit scrum, microsoft press deutschland, ) ken schwaber: scrum im unternehmen, microsoft press deutschland, ) boris gloger: scrum - produkte zuverlässig und schnell entwickeln, ...
THE OFFICIAL SCRUM HANDBOOK by JEFF SUTHERLAND : SSM : Free Download,...A digital audio recording of the seminal Jeff Sutherland Scrum Handbook - with manual related figures in a distinct pdf Enjoy!
▷ Scrum-Erfinder Dr. Jeff Sutherland hält Keynote-Rede auf der...Boston (ots/PRNewswire) - Jeff Sutherland, Ph.D., der Mitbegründer von Scrum und Gründer von Scrum@Scale wird auf der Postgres Vision ...
Jeff Sutherland | Military Wiki | Fandommilitary.wikia.org › wiki › Jeff_SutherlandDr. Jeff Sutherland is one of the inventors of the Scrum software development process. Together with Ken Schwaber, he created Scrum as a formal process at ...
14 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Scott Crump Toyota Jeff Sutherland Carfolksjeff Sutherland of Scott Crump Toyota thanks all of his customers and invites new customers to visit Scott Crump Toyota , Blip
BlinkX Video: Agile Jeff SutherlandTrechos da palestra do Jeff Sutherland, um dos criadores do Scrum, no Google Tech Day, falando sobre temas importantes do mundo da Agilidade como Auto-Organiza??o , Blip
BlinkX Video: Aloha Classic Men's Open #1start the the men's open class, with 16 sailors competing. Standouts in the competition included Josh Stone, Jesse Brown, Jeff Sutherland, Nat Gill, Skyler Haywood, Kevin , DailyMotion
YouTube - AgileByExample 2013: Jeff Sutherland - keynoteDu verwendest einen veralteten Browser, der von YouTube nicht mehr unterstützt wird. Da einige Funktionen auf YouTube möglicherweise nicht verwendet ...
42 Meinungen & Artikel
Comments on the interview "Scrum@Scale" with Jeff Sutherland› pulse
Wikipedia: Jeff Sutherland - WikipediaJeff Sutherland (* June, ) is one of the creators of the Scrum, a framework for developing, delivering, and sustaining complex products Together with Ken ... IT career · Scrum principle · Bibliography · Books
Wikipedia: Jeff Sutherland – Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Jeff_SutherlandJeffrey Victor „Jeff“ Sutherland (* 20. Juni 1941) ist ein US-amerikanischer Softwareentwickler. Er ist Mitbegründer des Projektmanagement-Frameworks Scrum ...
An interview with Jeff Sutherland - Agile NXTwww.agilenxt.com › interview › jeff-sutherland· This is the argument of Scrum founder Jeff Sutherland in conversation with Xebia. Successful organizations are overwhelmingly using Scrum.
211 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Agile\Scrum Refresh with Jeff Sutherland - LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pulse › agiles...I had the pleasure of attending an incredibly valuable session (and then lunch) with Jeff Sutherland - inventor of Scrum - at this years' Fortune ...
Jeff Sutherland - Director Of Key Accounts - Rick OLeary Sales ...www.linkedin.com › jeff-sutherlan...View Jeff Sutherland's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jeff has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Jeff Sutherland - Head of Product Engineering - Stealth ...www.linkedin.com › jeff-sutherlan...Jeff Sutherland. Head of Product Engineering at Stealth Startup (We are hiring!) Stealth StartupRice University. San Francisco Bay Area103 connections.
Certified Scrum Master with Jeff Sutherland - LinkedIn› showcase
Jeff Sutherland - Carpenter - Hill Country Properties | LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Case Manager III - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Director of Marketing - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Excelsior, Minnesota, United States - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Technician - AMGH | LinkedInwww.linkedin.com › pub › jeff-sut...Jeff Sutherland. Wholesale/Bulk Supplier of CBD, CBG, CBN Raw Materials, Biomass, Flowers & Custom Made CBD Finished Products. Sioux City, Iowa Area.
Jeff Sutherland - Reliant Heating & Air Conditioning - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Shipping Supervisor - Masterack | LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Technician - AMGH - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - Tracy, California, United States - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff Sutherland - president - bluebird o&p inc. - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff sutherland - Owner - SimpleSolutionsPainting - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Jeff sutherland - manager - dpsg - LinkedIn› jeff-sut...
Insights from Dr. Jeff Sutherland on speeding up delivery› pulse
Jeff Sutherland - Scrum@Scale - LinkedIn› pulse
My Review & Key Takeaways on Scrum by Jeff Sutherland› pulse
Jeff Sutherland on LinkedIn: Course Details - Scrum Inc.› posts
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jeff
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Jeff; Germanisch (Zweigliedriger Name); gawja = der Gau, die Gegend; walah = der Fremde; friduz = der Friede, der Schutz; alter germanischer zweigliedriger Name, dessen altfranzösische Form populär wurde; wahrscheinlich eine Vermischung mehrerer Namen, mit den ersten Elementen 'gawja' (Gau, Gegend) und 'walah' (der Fremde); schon früh mit 'Gottfried' verwechselt
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Jeff Sutherland und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.