115 Infos zu Jennifer Windt
Mehr erfahren über Jennifer Windt
Lebt in
- Mainz
Infos zu
- Thomas Metzinger
- Dreaming
- Dreams
- Philosophy
- Open MIND
- Consciousness
- Monash University
- Arbeit
- Doktorarbeit
- Experten
16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
uni.aktuell-Archiv: Ein Roboter soll sich selbst wahrnehmen... Mental States as Emergent Properties. From Walking to Consciousness. In: Thomas Metzinger, Jennifer Windt (Hg.): Open Mind. MIND Group, 335–373, ...
What is it to dream? - The Philosopher's Zone - ABC Radio NationalDreams and dreaming really stirred up Rene Descartes. And so they should, because dreams bring up a bunch of conceptual matters that largely remain unresolved.
Mainzer Doktorandin Jennifer Windt erhält Barbara-Wengeler ...www.uni-mainz.de › presseJennifer Windt ist mit ihrer Doktorarbeit in der Philosophie nach Einschätzung internationaler Experten ein großer Wurf gelungen: Ihre Arbeit ...
Uni Mainz stellt Publikationen von Hirnforschern onlineWissenschaftliche Sammelbände sind oft teuer. Das Mainzer „Open Mind“-Projekt stellt deshalb eine ganze Textsammlung zu Geist und...
6 Bilder zu Jennifer Windt

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Jennifer WindtFacebook: Jennifer WindtFacebook: Dreaming - Dr Jennifer Windt discusses Radical ...www.facebook.com › photosLinkedIn: Jennifer Windt | LinkedIn
Finden Sie heraus, welche gemeinsamen Kontakte Sie haben; Lassen Sie sich vorstellen; Kontaktieren Sie Jennifer Windt direkt. Jennifer Windts vollständiges ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
What do your dreams mean?"Dreaming isn't a totally disembodied, brain-in-a-vat-type experience," says Dr Jennifer Windt, a philosopher and a lecturer at Melbourne's ...
1 Anwälte
Ms Jennifer Windt - Attorney in Stockton, CA - Lawyer.comJennifer Ann Windt is an attorney in Stockton, CA. 19 years experience in General Practice. - Lawyer.com
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Perspectival Structure and Vestibular Processing - StaffThomas Metzinger; Jennifer Windt. Bind 2 Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, s Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Bidrag til bog/antologi ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
About this Collection: Introduction to the Open MIND Project — Open...About this Collection: Introduction to the Open MIND Project Thomas Metzinger. What is this? This is an ... together with my collaborator Jennifer Windt, ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Dreams and Dreaming (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)2015 by. Jennifer M. Windt <jennifer . windt @ monash . edu>.
1 Projekte
Project MUSE - DreamingIn Dreaming, Jennifer Windt lays the groundwork for solving this problem. She develops a conceptual framework describing not only what it means to say that ...
18 Bücher zum Namen
Dreaming: A Conceptual Framework for Philosophy of Mind and Empirical...Dreaming book. Read reviews from world’s largest community for readers. A comprehensive proposal for a conceptual framework for describing conscious expe...
bokus.com: Dreaming - Ebok - Jennifer M Windt ( ) | BokusKöp Dreaming av Jennifer M Windt. Ladda enkelt ned e-boken och börja läsa direkt!
AuthorsAn international peer-reviewed e-journal focussing on the multidisciplinary study of the philosophical and scientific foundations and applications of...
Essays on Husserl's Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics - Google BooksEssays on Husserl’s Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics sets out to fill up a lacuna in the present research on Husserl by presenting a precise account of...
1 Dokumente
SCHATTENBLICK - MELDUNG/032: Jennifer Windt erhält...Jennifer Windt ist mit ihrer Doktorarbeit in der Philosophie nach Einschätzung internationaler Experten ein großer Wurf gelungen: Ihre Arbeit über die
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Beyer, Christian Prof. Dr. (Geschäftsführender Direktor) -...Webseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Mental states as emergent properties. From walking to consciousnessMetzinger T, Windt J (Eds); Frankfurt/M.: MIND Group Frankfurt/M Thomas Metzinger and Jennifer Windt. Frankfurt/M.: MIND Group Frankfurt/M., In Press. Main File(s)
[ Philosophisches Seminar | Thomas Metzinger ]Jennifer Windt. Dreaming, Consciousness, and Cognition: Towards an Interdisciplinary Theory. jennywindt at web.de. Jennifer M. Windt is working on a ...
Johannes Gutenberg UniversitätLehrende/r: Jennifer Windt. Veranstaltungsart: Proseminar. Anzeige im Stundenplan: Bewußtseinsphil. Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch. Min. | max. ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
Verlässliche Erkenntnis ist grundlegend für ein humanistisches...... Jennifer Windt und Brigitte Falkenburg sorgen für eine philosophische Einordnung. Das Podiumsgespräch am Ende wird versuchen, auf dem aktuellen Stand der
Geneva Workshop: Programme « DREAMS & DREAMING: Rachael Wiseman (Philosophy, York) : Jennifer Windt ( Philosophy, Mainz) : Ralph Schmidt (Psychology, ...
WDR 5 Beitrag mit Jennifer Windt über TräumeWDR 5 Beitrag mit Jennifer Windt über Träume. Themen sind unter anderem: Definition des Traumzustandes, Schlafphasen, Wahrnehmung ...
48 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jennifer Windt | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Jennifer Windt auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 1 Job ist im Profil von Jennifer Windt aufgelistet.
Jennifer Windt | LinkedInView Jennifer Windt's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jennifer Windt discover inside ...
Jennifer Windt - Ultrasound technologist - Wyoming valley health care ...View Jennifer Windt's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jennifer has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
Jennifer Windt - 专家学者超声波的应用- 通用电气医疗集团| 领英上领英,在全球领先职业社交平台查看Jennifer Windt的职业档案。Jennifer的职业档案列出了3 个职位个职位。查看Jennifer的完整档案,结识职场人脉和查看相似公司 ...
Somatognosia group - bodyproject.euinterdisciplinary research on bodily experiences
lista di informazione filosofica - Yahoo! GroupsFrankfurt am Main. For further information on the meeting, please contact Jennifer Windt at windt@... For further information on the MIND Group, please ...
Colloquium Sommersemester 13Dr. Jennifer Windt (U Mainz). Analyzing self-experience in dreams: spatiotemporal self-location and minimal phenomenal selfhood. 25 June ...
Search the Monash staff directoryDr Jennifer Windt. Org. Unit: School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, Faculty of Arts . Title: Lecturer
Dr Jennifer Windt - Dreaming Radical Philosophy podcastplayer.fm › series › dr-jennifer-win...Listen to Dr Jennifer Windt - Dreaming and 156 more episodes by Radical Philosophy, free! No signup or install needed. Dr Lubomira ...
Jennifer M. Windt — Open MINDJennifer M. Windt. Jennifer M. Windt is currently a lecturer in philosophy at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. From , she was an assistant lecturer ...
Dr Jennifer Windt - Dreaming | 3CR Community Radiowww.3cr.org.au › radicalphilosophyDreaming - Dr Jennifer Windt discusses the relationship between dreams and the self, the role of the body and the brain in shaping bodily ...
Jennifer Windt - Thinkable.orgActivites. J d9d4c34c39c6d06a430db07ecc6eae910cf0829d04732c3c5c13b429f · Jennifer Windt has voted for Too long, too short, or too variable?
Dr Jennifer Windt - Monash UniversityLecturer, School of Philosophical, Historical and International Studies, Faculty of Arts
Jennifer Windt Archives - Department of Philosophy - University of...Jennifer Windt. Experiencing What's Not There: A Workshop on Hallucinations, Dreams, Imagination, and Virtual Reality. Close-up of an eye and eyelashes with ...
Jennifer Windt – World Science Festival BrisbaneJennifer Windt. Jennifer M. Windt is a senior research fellow at Monash University, Melbourne. She works in the philosophy of mind and philosophy of cognitive ...
Radical Philosophy: Dr Jennifer Windt - Dreaming on Apple PodcastsDreaming - Dr Jennifer Windt discusses the relationship between dreams and the self, the role of the body and the brain in shaping bodily experience in dreams...
fatum — Jennifer Windtist Dozentin für Philosophie an der Monash Universität in Melbourne. Ihr Forschungsschwerpunkt liegt auf Philosophie des Geistes und Kognitionswissenschaft ...
Jennifer Windt - KAVYARFashion Designer Jennifer Windt's portfolio on KAVYAR
Jennifer Windt Archieven - Mindfunda.com - Susanne van Doornwhile listening to stories. Stories that expand the mind and capture the ...
Jennifer Windt — Monash UniversityMy research focuses on spontaneous thoughts and experiences that are decoupled to varying degrees from ongoing tasks and environmental demands.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jennifer
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Jennifer; Walisisch (Artus-Sage); gwen = weiss, blond, leuchtend, heilig; hwyfar = glatt, weich; in der Artus-Sage ist Guinevere die Gemahlin von König Artus
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