444 Infos zu Jens Happe

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28 Aktuelle Nachrichten

zeit.de: Dritter Angeklagter wegen Mordes an Rentner verurteilt | ZEIT ONLINEwww.zeit.de › ZEIT ONLINE › Schlagzeilen

· "Der Tod scheint so sinnlos und hinterlässt so viel Schmerz", sagte Richter Jens Happe bei der Urteilsbegründung.

Geodis erweitert in Ostheim: Bald Quadratmeter ...HNA

— „Wir freuen uns sehr über die Kooperation mit Segro“, sagt Jens Happe, Geschäftsführer für die Logistiksparte von Geodis in Deutschland. Die — „Wir freuen uns sehr über die Kooperation mit Segro“, sagt Jens Happe, Geschäftsführer für die Logistiksparte von Geodis in Deutschland. Die ...

GEODIS ernennt neuen Geschäftsführer für Contract Logistics in ...www.pressebox.de › inaktiv › geodis-logistics-deutschland-gmbh › boxid

· GEODIS Logistics Deutschland GmbH, GEODIS, eines der weltweit führenden Transport- und Logistikunternehmen, hat Jens Happe zum neuen ...

Bochum: Rentner mit Panzerklebeband erstickt – Lebenslange Haftwww.t-online.de › Regional › Dortmund

· "Der Tod scheint so sinnlos und hinterlässt so viel Schmerz", sagte Richter Jens Happe bei der Urteilsbegründung.

55 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Jens Happe

Facebook: Jens Happe | Facebookde-de.facebook.com › jens.happe.7

Facebook: Jens Happe - Facebook

LinkedIn: Jens Happe – Head of Software Engineering – Chrono24linkedin.com

Jens Happe. Niederlassungsleiter bei HELUKABEL GmbH. Oberhausen. Es gibt auf LinkedIn 4 weitere Personen namens Jens Happe, die sich in Deutschland befinden.

4 Hobbys & Interessen

lastFM: Finde Songs, Titel und andere Musik von Jens Happe | Last.fm

Höre The Song of Spring und Ketama Trip von Jens Happe. Finde ähnliche Musik, die dir gefallen könnte - nur bei Last.fm.

lastFM: Jens Happe music, videos, stats, and photos | Last.fm

Listen to music from Jens Happe like The Song of Spring and Ketama Trip. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Jens Happe.

lastFM: Биография Jens Happe | Last.fm

Изучи биографию Jens Happe и познакомься с его песнями, альбомами и историей чартов. Получи рекомендации других исполнителей, которые тебе наверняка понравятся.

lastFM: Ähnliche Künstler - Jens Happe | Last.fm

Finde ähnliche Künstler wie Jens Happe und entdecke neue Musik. Scrobble Songs, um Empfehlungen zu Titeln, Alben und Künstlern zu erhalten.

6 Business-Profile

Xing: Jens Happe

Mechatroniker / Ennepetal / EPLAN, SolidWorks, SPS Grundkenntnisse, Befähigungsnachweis: Flurförderzeuge (Gabelstaplerführerschein), Roboterprogrammierung, Befähigungsnachweis: Bediener an Hubarbeitsbühnen + PSA Absturz, Steuerungstechnik / , Bundeswehr

Xing: Jens Happe

Niederlassungsleiter / Oberhausen

Xing: Jens Happe - Manager Operations & Demand Planning - Imperial...

Berufserfahrung von Jens Happe. Bis heute 17 Jahre und 7 Monate, seit Apr Manager Operations & Demand Planning Imperial Tobacco. 2 Jahre und 3 Monate, Jan März Production Planning Manager. Bacardi GmbH. 3 Jahre und 8 Monate, Mai

Xing: Jens Happe - Medizinprodukteberater - Teleflex Medical GmbH |...

Jens Happe. Basis. Ganzes Profil ansehen. Angestellt, Medizinprodukteberater, Teleflex Medical GmbH. Krefeld, Deutschland.

5 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Organisation: SE 2011

... Universität Zürich; Michael Goedicke, Universität Duisburg-Essen; Volker Gruhn, Universität Leipzig; Jens Happe, SAP; Wilhelm Hasselbring, ...


Jens Happe. Beisitzer. Oliver Arndt. Beisitzer. oliver.arndt@ ...

SSP: Organisation

Palladio Days are a developer and user meeting for research and tools related to the Palladio Software Architecture Simulator.

Organisation: SE Software Engineering - KIT

Michael Goedicke, Universität Duisburg-Essen; Volker Gruhn, Universität Leipzig; Jens Happe, SAP; Wilhelm Hasselbring, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel ... Michael Goedicke, Universität Duisburg-Essen; Volker Gruhn, Universität Leipzig; Jens Happe, SAP; Wilhelm Hasselbring, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel ...

3 Persönliche Webseiten


Impressum Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG. Jens Oliver Happe Frankfurt am Main Kontakt. Telefon: +49 (0) E-Mail: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt!

GP Home pages

... Mark Gonter Julien Gout Sinan Gures Joerg Haehner Johannes Hansen Jens Happe Sven Hartmann Michael Harwerth Jens Heger Verena Heidrich-Meisner ...


Vertreten durch die Geschäftsführer: Dr.-Ing. Jens Happe, Dr.-Ing. Michael Hauck ; Registergericht: Amtsgericht Mannheim ; Registernummer: HRB

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

KR2004 Doctoral Consortium - Formal Reasoning Groupwww-formal.stanford.edu › leora

... Jens Happe, Simon Fraser University: Efficient Reasoning with Labelled Formula Translations of K-m; Aaron Hunter, Simon Fraser University: Epistemic ...


Jens Happe Jerry Rolia Joao Sousa Joefon Jann John Baron John Ewing Jose Merseguer Juliana Bowles Kaoutar El Maghraoui Kiran James Kushagra Vaid Leila Kloul › authors

WOSP 2008www.inf.pucrs.br › wosp › wosp2008 › techprogram

Jens Happe, University of Oldenburg, Germany Holger Friedrich, andrena objects, Germany Steffen Becker, Forschungszentrum Informatik, Germany

1 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker


Explore music from Jens Happe. Shop for vinyl, CDs, and more from Jens Happe on Discogs.

1 Projekte

OpenSteer / Discussion / Open Discussion

Topic, Posts, Views, Last Post. Problems rendering bitmap fonts. By Jens Happe on Wed Sep 08, :07 AM, 1, 115, By Jens Happe on Wed Sep 08,

77 Bücher zum Namen

„Predicting Software Performance in Symmetric Multi-core ...Booklooker

"Predicting Software Performance in Symmetric Multi-core …" von Jens Happe jetzt gebraucht bestellen ✓ Preisvergleich ✓ Käuferschutz ✓ Wir ♥ Bücher! "Predicting Software Performance in Symmetric Multi-core …" von Jens Happe jetzt gebraucht bestellen ✓ Preisvergleich ✓ Käuferschutz ✓ Wir ♥ Bücher!

Suchresultat - Bücher

... Steffen Becker, Steffen (Professor Becker, et al, Jens Happe, Jens (Senior Researcher Happe, Robert Heinrich... Modeling and Simulating Steffen Becker, Steffen (Professor Becker, et al, Jens Happe, Jens (Senior Researcher Happe, Robert Heinrich... Modeling and Simulating ...

Heiko Krogmann | Get Textbooks - GetTextbooks.de

Jens Happe, Klaus Krogmann, Max E. Kramer Hardcover, 400 Seiten, Veröffentlicht von The Mit Press ISBN-13: , ISBN: X ... Jens Happe, Klaus Krogmann, Max E. Kramer Hardcover, 400 Seiten, Veröffentlicht von The Mit Press ISBN-13: , ISBN: X ...


Modeling And Simulating Software Architectures : The Palladio Approach. Ralf H. Reussner, Steffen Becker, Jens Happe, Robert Heinrich, Anne Koziolek, Heiko ,78 $

1 Songs & Musik


Jens Happe - SoundClick artist page #rock #instrumental #metal #vai #satriani #shred #jens #moore #gambale #happe #mcalpine #germanGuitarist.

17 Dokumente

Jens Happe - Write tests you love, not hate.pdfSlideShare

— Jens Happe - Write tests you love, not hate.pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free — Jens Happe - Write tests you love, not hate.pdf - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

Alexander Wert, Jens Happe, Lucia HappeGesellschaft für Informatik

› bitstream › handle

Alexander Wert, Jens Happe, Lucia HappeGI Digital Library

von A Wert · · Zitiert von: 86 — [WHH13] Alexander Wert, Jens Happe, and Lucia Happe. Supporting swift reaction: automati- cally uncovering performance problems by systematic experiments ... von A Wert · · Zitiert von: 86 — [WHH13] Alexander Wert, Jens Happe, and Lucia Happe. Supporting swift reaction: automati- cally uncovering performance problems by systematic experiments ...

Jens Happe - DROPS - Schloss Dagstuhldagstuhl.de

von A Andrzejak · Zitiert von: 3 — Authors: Jens Happe, Heiko Koziolek, Umesh Bellur, Holger Giese, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Robert Laddaga, Margaria Tiziana, Josu Martinez, Christian Müller ... von A Andrzejak · Zitiert von: 3 — Authors: Jens Happe, Heiko Koziolek, Umesh Bellur, Holger Giese, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Robert Laddaga, Margaria Tiziana, Josu Martinez, Christian Müller ...

36 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

DFG - GEPRIS - Performance Engineering for Evolving ...gepris.dfg.de › gepris › projekt

In: Proceedings of the third joint WOSP/SIPEW international conference on Performance Engineering. ACM , S. 283–286. Alexander Wert, Jens Happe und ...


von J Happe · · Zitiert von: 63 — Jens Happe is a Senior Researcher at the Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) in Karlsruhe in the division for Software Engineering since September He ...

dblp: Jens Happe

List of computer science publications by Jens Happe

DBLPhttps://dblp.orgJens Happe

— Barbora Buhnova, Jens Happe: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Formal Engineering ...

16 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

bol.com: Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures (ebook), Ralf H....

Modeling and Simulating Software Architectures. A new, quantitative architecture simulation approach to software design that circumvents costly testing...

[PDF] The Palladio Component Model Ralf Reussner, Steffen COREcore.ac.uk › download › pdf

· Ralf Reussner, Steffen Becker, Jens Happe,. Heiko Koziolek, Klaus Krogmann, Michael Kuperberg. Chair for Software Design & Quality (SDQ).

A QoS Driven Development Process Model for Component ...Springer

von H Koziolek · · Zitiert von: 56 — Jens Happe. Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Heiko Koziolek & Jens Happe. Authors. Heiko Koziolek. View author publications. von H Koziolek · · Zitiert von: 56 — Jens Happe. Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science ... Heiko Koziolek & Jens Happe. Authors. Heiko Koziolek. View author publications.

Jens Happe - SDQ Wiki

Teilnehmer. TRUMPF: Maike Rehusch, Thilo Schönfelder, Georg Hochholzer EMENDA: Herr Halder FZI: Henning Groenda, Jens Happe ...

5 Video- & Audioinhalte

WeAreDevelopers LIVE Java Developer Day: Aicha Laafia ...

WeAreDevelopers LIVE Java Developer Day: Aicha Laafia, Vadym Kazulkin, Jens Happe and Syed M. Shaaf. 22 views · 3 months ago ...more ...

!Jazz Time! Gershwin piece for a String TrioYouTube · BerlinBarClassics160+ Aufrufe · vor 3 Jahren

BerlinBarClassics•1.1K views · 2:38. Go to channel · Funky Mozart Rondo Alla Turca by Jens Happe and Elvis Sasha. JeHa Guitar New 4 views · 2:38.

Max Reger, Resignation op. 26 Nr. 5YouTube · Lorenz Trottmann490+ Aufrufe · vor 5 Jahren

Estera Stojko New 2.4K views · 2:38 · Go to channel · Funky Mozart Rondo Alla Turca by Jens Happe and Elvis Sasha. JeHa Guitar New 22 views ·

WESTMAN Original Music Sample Cinematic OrchestraYouTube · WESTMAN Music + Sound10+ Aufrufe · vor 2 Jahren

Cybermode Beats•3.2K views · 2:38 · Go to channel · Funky Mozart Rondo Alla Turca by Jens Happe and Elvis Sasha. JeHa Guitar New 10 views · 24: ...

8 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: Jens HappeX · HappeJensvor 11 Monaten

Jens Happe · @HappeJens. A big thank you to. @WeAreDevelopers. for ... Jens Happe - Write tests you love, not hate.pdf. Jens Happe - Write ... Jens Happe · @HappeJens. A big thank you to. @WeAreDevelopers. for ... Jens Happe - Write tests you love, not hate.pdf. Jens Happe - Write ...

Twitter-Nachrichten: Jens HappeX · HappeJens1 „Gefällt mir“-Angabe · vor 1 Monat

Jens Happe · @HappeJens. Let's face it: For many developers, writing tests is more of a chore than a joy. But what if it didn't have to be? In ... Jens Happe · @HappeJens. Let's face it: For many developers, writing tests is more of a chore than a joy. But what if it didn't have to be? In ...

Twitter-Nachrichten: Jens HappeX

Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Jens Happe · @HappeJens. Log in · Sign up. Conversation. Jens Happe · @HappeJens.

Wikipedia: Wikipedia

Jens Happe (bis 1998). Bass. Marcus Müller (bis 1999). Keyboard. Christoph Kemper (bis 1997). Schlagzeug. Marcus Pukropski (bis 1997). Aktuelle Besetzung.

166 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: #team #software

Jens Happe’s Post Jens Happe Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development 1y Report this post “Every part of the software system needs to be owned by exactly one team.“ - Team ...

Jens Happe - Co Founder - avenyou GmbH | LinkedIn

Jens Happe. Co Founder bei avenyou GmbH. Karlsruhe, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Computer Software. avenyou GmbH. SAP · Carl von Ossietzky ...

Jens Happe - agile #softwareengineeringlinkedin.com

View profile for Jens Happe. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 1y. Report this post; Close menu. Have you ...

Die 8 größten Fehler beim Rewrite von Softwaresystemen ...linkedin.com

Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Oct 27, + Follow. Rewrites von Softwaresystemen sind riskant.

Jens Happe's Post

Exciting News! Chrono24 is thrilled to announce our participation at WeAreDevelopers in #Berlin! Jens Happe will be part of a ... Exciting News! Chrono24 is thrilled to announce our participation at WeAreDevelopers in #Berlin! Jens Happe will be part of a ...

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: The 'Not-Writing-Tests' Vicious ...LinkedIn · Jens Happe2 Reaktionen · vor 2 Monaten

Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 2d. Report this ... Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 2d. Report this ...

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: The Not Invented Here SyndromLinkedIn · Jens HappeCa. 20 Reaktionen · vor 1 Woche

Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 1w. Report this ... Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 1w. Report this ...

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: Write Tests You Love, Not Hate #2LinkedIn

Jens Happe's Post ... Tired of wrestling with cumbersome test writing? You're not alone. During my professional career, I've been there. At Chrono24, we made it ... Jens Happe's Post ... Tired of wrestling with cumbersome test writing? You're not alone. During my professional career, I've been there. At Chrono24, we made it ...

Jens Happe's PostLinkedIn · Jens HappeCa. 10 Reaktionen · vor 3 Wochen

Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 1w. Report this ... Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 1w. Report this ...

Jens Happe - Co Founder - avenyou GmbH | LinkedIn

View Jens Happe's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jens has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

Jens Happe - Java Developer Day

I've seen your talk Jens Happe and it's an absolut must see. Glad to hear that other people exist in this world who think about testing in a ... I've seen your talk Jens Happe and it's an absolut must see. Glad to hear that other people exist in this world who think about testing in a ...

Jens Happe - Senior Software Engineer - Google | LinkedIn

View Jens Happe's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Jens has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

Jens Happe - Reduce boilerplate code by using Entity…

Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 6d. Report this post Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 6d. Report this post

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: Complexity Explosion

Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe · Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 2w. Report this post Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe · Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 2w. Report this post

Increase test readability by mastering the basics

Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Mar 21, + Follow. Let's face it: Writing tests can often be painful and ... Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Mar 21, + Follow. Let's face it: Writing tests can often be painful and ...

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: Technology is Frozen Experience

Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic · Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 3mo Edited. Jens Happe's Post. View profile for Jens Happe, graphic · Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software development. 3mo Edited.

Reduce boilerplate code by using Entity Builders

Close menu. Jens Happe. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Apr 2, + Follow. In the previous post, we increased the ... Close menu. Jens Happe. Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Apr 2, + Follow. In the previous post, we increased the ...

Jens Happe on LinkedIn: Update

Jens Happe's Post ... Change is hard, but sometimes its necessary. This is a brief update of what had to change for us at Sparkteams in Jens Happe's Post ... Change is hard, but sometimes its necessary. This is a brief update of what had to change for us at Sparkteams in

Write Tests You Love, Not Hate #1 - The Problem

Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Mar 10, + Follow. Unit tests have been around for more than 20 years ... Jens Happe. Busy helping Chrono24 to scale their software… Published Mar 10, + Follow. Unit tests have been around for more than 20 years ...

LinkedIn · Jens HappeCa. 80 Reaktionen · vor 2 MonatenJens Happe on LinkedIn: Is it a sign of quality when people are willing to risk ...

Jens Happe's Post ... Is it a sign of quality when people are willing to risk sunburn for your talk? I don't know, but what I do know is that my ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jens

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Jens; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes Dänische und friesische Form von Johannes: "Gott ist gnädig"

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Happe

Kommt aus dem westfälischen und bedeutet Hieppe oder grabstock.

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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Jens Happe und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.