90 Infos zu Jens Jägersküpper

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

1  Bilder zu Jens Jägersküpper

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2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

BibSLEIGH — Jens_Jaegerskuepper

Talks about: evolutionari (1) euclidean (1) algorithm (1) analysi (1) space (1) simpl (1) minim (1). Person: Jens Jägersküpper. DBLP: J=auml=gersk=uuml=pper: ...

BibSLEIGH — All J* contributors

... Jovanovic · Jendrik Johannes · Jennifer Jacobs · Jennifer Jones · Jens Bæk Jørgensen · Jens H. Jahnke · Jens Jacobsen · Jens Jägersküpper · Jeong-Hoon Ji ...

2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Mike Preuß — Lehrstuhl 11 Algorithm Engineering

Jens Jägersküpper, Mike Preuss. Aiming for a theoretically tractable CSA variant by means of empirical investigations. In Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on

William Langdon Visit to Dagstuhl Seminar Jan-1 Feb 2008

Dirk V. Arnold Anne Auger Thomas Bartz-Beielstein Hans-Georg Beyer Yossi ... Nikolaus Hansen Jun He Holger H. Hoos Christian Igel Thomas Jansen Jens Jägersküpper ...

1 Infos zur Ausbildung

TU Dortmund -- Computer Science VIII

Jens Jägersküpper, -dortmund.de · Volkher Kaschlun, .uni-dortmund.de. Nils Malzahn, .uni-dortmund.

1 Angaben zur Herkunft

Jens Jägersküpper - The Mathematics Genealogy Project

A service of the NDSU Department of Mathematics, in association with the ... Jens Jägersküpper. MathSciNet. Dr. rer. nat. Universität Dortmund

16 Bücher zum Namen

oDOBS - Author page: Jens Jägersküpper

Jens JÄGERSKÜPPER: Algorithmic analysis of a basic evolutionary algorithm for ... Jens JÄGERSKÜPPER: How the (1+1) ES using isotropic mutations minimizes ...

Automata, Languages and Programming: 30th International Colloquium,...

The refereed proceedings of the 30th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, ICALP 2003, held in Eindhoven, The Netherlands in...

Foundations of Genetic Algorithms: 8th International Workshop, FOGA...

... then Al A2 A1 A2 di O. 1 — — 31 — — — — » – 4: A —A <=> A —A 5 i < * ~ * T I.A. | > za, implying that A1 > 0 and A2 < 0, and 270 Jens Jägersküpper.

Experimental Algorithms: 8th International Symposium SEA 2009,...

... Klaus H. Hinrichs Cor Hurkens Jens Jägersküpper Thomas Sejr Jensen Xiaoyi Jiang David Johnson Tom Kamphans Maria Kandyba Jyrki Katajainen Karsten ...

4 Dokumente

Jägersküpper, Jens [WorldCat Identities]

An empirical investigation of simplified step-size adapatation in evolution strategies with a view to theory by Jens Jägersküpper( ) 1 edition published in in ...

Jens Jägersküpper and Thomas Gerhold - DLR Portal

The German HI-CFD project and DLR‘s TAU code on many(-)cores Jens Jägersküpper. and Thomas Gerhold

Empirical investigation of simplied step-size control in...

Empirical investigation of simpli ed step-size control in metaheuristics with a view to theory ⋆ Jens Jägersküpper & Mike Preuss Technische ...

Symposium CFD on Future Architectures - Many-Cores, …

12:40 PM DLR-C²A²S²E, Jens Jägersküpper The German HICFD-Project and DLR's TAU code on Many-Cores 13:20 PM Lunch break 14:10 PM TU Dresden,Olaf Krzikalla …

17 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

dblp: Workshop on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms 2008

Bibliographic content of Workshop on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms 2008

Search results for "Jens Jägersküpper" – FacetedDBLP

Found 17 publication records. Showing 17 according to the selection in the facets . Hits ? Authors Title Venue Year Link Author keywords; 1: Jens Jägersküpper ...

dblp: 16. ESA 2008: Karlsruhe, Germany

Bibliographic content of 16. ESA 2008: Karlsruhe, Germany

DBLP - tcs - analysis On the analysis of the

Jens Jägersküpper : Algorithmic analysis of a basic evolutionary algorithm for continuous optimization. Theor. Comput. Sci. (TCS) 379(3): (2007).

10 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

HICFD – Hocheffiziente Implementierung von CFD-Codes für...

By Thomas Alrutz, Petra Aumann, Achim Basermann, Kim Feldhoff, Thomas Gerhold, Jörg Hunger, Jens Jägersküpper, Hans-Peter Kersken, Olaf Knobloch, ...

Probabilistic analysis of evolution strategies using isotropic mutatio

Probabilistic analysis of evolution strategies using isotropic mutations [Elektronische Ressource] / von Jens Jägersküpper :...

Euro-Par Parallel Processing - 17th International Conference,...

[doi] · A Novel Shared-Memory Thread-Pool Implementation for Hybrid Parallel CFD SolversJens Jägersküpper, Christian Simmendinger [doi] ...

Oblivious Randomized Direct Search for Real-Parameter Optimization |...

The focus is on black-box optimization of a function [equation] given as a black box, i.e. an oracle for f-evaluations. This is commonly called direct search,...

32 Webfunde aus dem Netz

dblp: BibTeX records: Jens Jägersküpper

List of computer science publications by BibTeX records: Jens Jägersküpper

A Blend of Markov-Chain and Drift Analysis | springerprofessional.de

Aus dem eBook: Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN X von Jens Jägersküpper: In their seminal article [Theo. Comp. Sci. 276(2002):51–82] Droste, …

DASH - Publications

DASH Publications. Papers Peer-reviewed journal and ... Thomas Gerhold, Alfred Geiger, Daniel Grünewald, Vincent Heuveline, Jens Jägersküpper, Andreas ...

electronic library - A PGAS-based Implementation for the...

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., eLib - DLR electronic library

Empirical Investigation of Simplified Step-Size Control in...

Randomized direct-search methods for the optimization of a function f:ℝ n →ℝ given by a black box for f-evaluations are

Rigorous Runtime Analysis of the (1+1) ES: 1/5-Rule and Ellipsoidal...

Aus dem eBook: Foundations of Genetic Algorithms von Jens Jägersküpper: We consider the (1+1) Evolution Strategy, a simple evolutionary algorithm for continuous ...

adebar.euTobias Storch

The final version is available for download: ieeexplore.ieee.org. Jens Jägersküpper and Tobias Storch (2007) When the Plus Strategy Outperforms the Comma ...

Über die Analyse randomisierter Suchheuristiken und den Entwurf...

... Jens Jägersküpper, Thomas Jansen und Tobias Storch, die mit zahlreichen Diskussionen und konstruktiver Kritik meine Forschung über randomisierte ...

cstheory.stackexchange.com › questions › provab...Provable statements about genetic algorithms - Theoretical ...

Jens Jägersküpper. Combining Markov-Chain Analysis and Drift Analysis: The (1+1) Evolutionary Algorithm on Linear Functions Reloaded. It shows an ...

docplayer.org › Hicfd-hocheffiziente-implementierung-vo...HICFD Hocheffiziente Implementierung von CFD-Codes für ...

... HPC-Many-Core-Architekturen Thomas Alrutz 4, Petra Aumann 7, Achim Basermann 3, Kim Feldhoff 5, Thomas Gerhold 1, Jörg Hunger 8, Jens Jägersküpper.

Basic Introduction to the Theoretical Analysis of Real-Valued...

1 Basic Introduction to the Theoretical Analysis of Real-Valued Evolution Strategies Jens Jägersküpper German Aerospace Center (DLR) Center of Computer ...

Challenges in High-dimensional Reinforcement Learning with Evolution...

Jens Jägersküpper. How the (1+1)-ES using isotropic mutations minimizes positive definite quadratic forms. Theoretical Computer Science ...

A Novel Shared-Memory Thread-Pool Implementation for Hybrid Parallel...

A Novel Shared-Memory Thread-Pool Implementation for Hybrid Parallel CFD Solvers. more. less. Jens Jägersküpper, Christian Simmendinger.

Bibliographische Datenbank LEABib: Suchergebnisse

Jens Jägersküpper · Theoretical Computer Science 361 (1), 2006, pp ; Compact representations as a search strategy: Compression EDAs · Publikation ...

Georg Hager's Blog | ISC17 Workshop


Analysis of a Simple Evolutionary Algorithm for Minimization in...

... are used to generate the random mutation vectors. Consequently, this bound holds for any mutation adaptation m... Jens Jägersküpper.

Confirmed Plenary Speakers | parcfd2011.bsc.es

Jens Jägersküpper - Highly parallel CFD for External Aerodynamics with DLR's Tau code. Center of Computer Applications in Aerospace Science and ...

Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 361

Jens Jägersküpper: How the (1+1) ES using isotropic mutations minimizes positive definite quadratic forms Electronic Edition · CiteSeerX · Google ...



Lecture Notes in Computer Science MOAM.INFO

Jun 1, ized splay trees and at most 10% more efficient than the original splay We present experiments on t...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jens

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Jens; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes Dänische und friesische Form von Johannes: "Gott ist gnädig"

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