44 Infos zu Jess Dorrance
Mehr erfahren über Jess Dorrance
Lebt in
- Berlin
Infos zu
- Antke Engel
- Bossing Images
- Bildende Kunst
- Center for Community
- Community Capital
- Gesellschaft für Bildende
- NGBK Berlin
11 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Desiring Just Economies / Just Economies of DesireShort Film Programme, curated by Jess Dorrance. Oh Economy, Up Yours! asks the seemingly simple question: What does the economy, and our critiques of it, ...
Jess Dorrance – nGbK ArchiveThe Internet archive covers all projects from 1969; a selection was expanded by the working group Archive Matter to include materials from the physical archives ...
BOSSING IMAGES (2012) – nGbK-ArchivDas Webarchiv der nGbK enthält alle Projekte seit 1969; eine Auswahl wurde von der AG Wissenspeicher mit Material aus dem physischen Archiv ergänzt und nach...
Blog Archives - Ann CvetkovichBossing Images is a traveling salon organized by Berlin-based queer theorist Antke Engel and Canadian scholar Jess Dorrance. They invited ...
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Jess Dorrance | UNC Center for Community CapitalBiography. In her role as Senior Project Manager, Jess Dorrance leads much of the center's evaluation work in financial inclusion, financial ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
N.C. Assets Advocate: March UpdateCommunity Reinvestment Association of North Carolina http://www.cra-nc.org/. Please contact Jess Dorrance for more information on the Research Committee.
N.C. Assets Advocate: February UpdateResearch: Jess Dorrance For information on leadership roles in the NC Assets Alliance and how you can get involved, please contact Lucy Gorham.
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Entrar a la universidad por un título profesional y abandonarla con...Más del 30% de latinos no terminan universidad y generan fuerte deuda, según un informe reciente.
6 Bücher zum Namen
Jess Dorrance | Authors | UNC Center for Community CapitalAuthor: Jess Dorrance. Housing & Financial Capabilities Report: Executive Summary. June 21, This Executive Summary provides an overview of the ...
A Place Called Home: The Social Dimensions of Homeownership - Kim R....Since the onset of the mortgage lending crisis and the subsequent Great Recession, there has been ongoing debate about the economic benefits of homeownership....
Global Justice and Desire: Queering Economy - Google BooksEmploying feminist, queer, and postcolonial perspectives, Global Justice and Desire addresses economy as a key ingredient in the dynamic interplay between...
Queer Art: A Freak Theory - Renate Lorenz - Google Booksgreat work on the translation and Jess Dorrance for checking and refining the text .
1 Dokumente
Dorrance, Jess [WorldCat Identities]Most widely held works by Jess Dorrance. Bossing images : Macht der Bilder, queere Kunst und Politik = The power of images, queer art, and politics( Book )
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Bossing Images: Rather Ridiculous! / Lieber Lachhaft!Bossing Images: Rather Ridiculous! / Lieber Lachhaft! curated by Jess Dorrance and Antke Engel Thursday July 14th, Agora Rollberg Am Sudhaus, Berlin-Neukölln
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Antke Engel – WikipediaAntke Engel (* 21. September in Hamburg) ist eine deutsche Philosophin und Publizistin Zusammen mit Jess Dorrance hat sie zwischen und das von der Neuen Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst gestartete Projekt „Bossing ...
Jess Dorrance | BAYWATCHPosts about Jess Dorrance written by admin
Jess Dorrance | Feminine MomentsCurrently browsing tag. Jess Dorrance. Queer Visual Culture - Spring invitation. Queer Visual Culture – Spring Emerging Scholars Program ...
Referenzen | Andrea LassalleProjekte, die ich betreut habe, Verlage und Institutionen, für die ich als Lektorin, Bild- und Textredakteurin, Autorin und Herausgeberin tätig war.
16 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jess Dorrance | Studio XXJess Dorrance is a scholar, curator, and activist based in Montreal. She is interested in the intersections between visual culture and feminist, anti-racist…
jess dorrance – MediumRead writing from jess dorrance on Medium. writer. curator. phd student of performance studies at uc berkeley. Every day, jess dorrance and thousands of other ...
Jess Dorrance (jessdorrance) – Profil | PinterestSchau dir an, was Jess Dorrance (jessdorrance) auf Pinterest, dem Katalog unendlich vieler Ideen, entdeckt hat.
Dr. Brandes, Kerstin // Universität OldenburgNeue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst e.V. (NGBK) Berlin (Hg.), Redaktion Jess Dorrance/Antke Engel (Institut für Queer Theory). Berlin 2012, S
» antke engel «Macht der Bilder, queere Kunst und Politik / The Power of Images, Queer Art, and Politics, NGBK (Hg., Redaktion: Jess Dorrance und Antke Engel), Berlin (NGBK)
Antke EngelTogether with Jess Dorrance she has initiated the ongoing curatorial project Bossing Images, which started with four events at NGBK Berlin and is documented ...
» antke engel «Jess Dorrance, Antke Engel (Redaktion) NGbK (Hg. und Verlag), Berlin ( Verlagslink /Bestellung). Bossing Images versetzt die Machtbeziehungen ...
Bossing Images | Naama... queer art, and politics is a series of public events examining the social field of images, artists, audiences, critics, and curators, organized by Jess Dorrance and ...
Bossing Images. Macht der Bilder, queere Kunst und Politik |...Neue Gesellschaft für Bildende Kunst, Berlin Redaktion: Jess Dorrance und Antke Engel ISBN , 112 S., 19,- Eur Bestellung: NGBK.
CALL AND RESPONSE: FIRST YEAR PERFORMANCE STUDIES ...... second showing, followed by a discussion and reception. Zellerbach Z170. Students involved: Miyuki Baker, Lashon Daley, Bélgica del Río, Jess Dorrance, ...
CEF Research & Publications Archives - CEF: Community Empowerment FundBy: Alexandra Biggers, Maggie West, Allison De Marco (UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute), Jess Dorrance and Kim ...
Volume 26 — Women & PerformanceRodríguez” Jess Dorrance. Wandering: Philosophical Performances of Racial and ...
Symposium on "Art Affects - Policies of Emotions", February |...C. "Bossing Images Interaktives Event" mit Antke Engel, Jess Dorrance, dem Film Toxic und Gäst_innen. Kleines Haus "Take care, comrade.
Spring ESP – Queer Cultural CenterQueer Visual Culture with Jamee Crusan (CCA), Jennifer Moreno (SFAI), and Jess Dorrance (U.C. Berkeley) moderated by Nicole Archer
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Jess
Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Jess; Geschenk (?); Hebräisch (Altes Testament); in der Bibel war Jesse bzw. Isai der Vater Davis und damit einer der Vorfahren von Jesus
Personensuche zu Jess Dorrance & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Jess Dorrance und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.