134 Infos zu Jiri Friml
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- Körber-Preis
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- European Science Award
- Science and Technology
- Czech
33 Aktuelle Nachrichten
nano - SWR Ferns. RP | programm.ARD.deThemen: * OECD-Bildungsbericht * Körber-Preis an Jiri Friml * Rinder - Schonender schlachten * Fassadenbiozide - Gift aus der Wand * Piezoelektrisches Parkett...
derstandard.at: EMBO-Medaille für IST-Professor Jiří Friml - Welt - derStandard.at ›...· Bild nicht mehr verfügbar. Jiří Friml erhält die "Gold Medal 2012" der European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). Foto: APA/EPA/MALTE ...
Forscher fordern Liberalisierung für Pflanzengentechnik - news.ORF.atDie Möglichkeit, Freilandexperimente mit gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen durchzuführen, weiters ihre prompte Zulassung, wenn sie als sicher einzustufen sind,...
Eva Benková zum EMBO-Mitglied gewählt | IST Austria,EMBO-Mitgliedschaft würdigt herausragende Arbeit der IST Austria-Professorin | Anzahl der EMBO-Mitglieder am IST Austria erhöht sich auf fünf
2 Bilder zu Jiri Friml

14 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: VIB - Congrats to Tom Beeckman, Wout Boerjan, Jiri Friml,...Facebook: Two publications by Jiri Friml and Institute of Science and ...Facebook: Jiri Friml | FacebookLinkedIn: Jiri Friml | LinkedInZobrazit profesní profil uživatele Jiri Friml na LinkedIn. LinkedIn je největší světová obchodní síť pomáhající profesionálům jako Jiri Friml najít interní kontakty na ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Pankaj Dhonukshe, Jozef Šamaj, František Balušak & Jiri Friml, A...Cytolkinesis ensures proper partitioning of the nucleocytoplasmic contents into two daughter cells. It has generally been thought that cytokinesis is...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Contact data Jiri Friml Tranovice, Czech firm - www.edb.euContact data Jiri Friml, Company's contacts, Contact data, Company's address, Location of the company on the map, QR Code, Route planner, Contact...
7 Bücher zum Namen
Ghent University Library Search ResultsPeter Grones, Jiri Friml (2015) JOURNAL OF CELL SCIENCE. The plant hormone auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development. Differences in auxin ...
Plant Engineering - Google BooksUndernourishment in some areas and abundance in others, accelerated climate changes, food distribution and security challenges, fluctuating economic and...
Auxin Molecular Biology - Google BooksThe plant hormone auxin plays a fundamental role in the growth and development of plants. Researchers from across the globe are currently attempting to unravel...
Intercellular Communication in Plants - Google BooksIntercellular Communication in Plants provides an overview of intercellular signaling systems, capitalizing on the results of contemporary molecular biology....
3 Dokumente
NSAIDs Target TWISTED DWARF1-Regulated Actin Dynamics and Auxin...· Jiri Friml (Contact Author). Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria ( email ). Klosterneuburg, Austria.
Plant Science - LabtimesPlant Science P lant scientists are easy to identify, one might think. That’s ... Jiri Friml, Ctr. Mol. Biol. Plants Univ. Tübingen 30. Heribert Hirt, ...
9 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Professor Dr. Jiri Friml, Ph.D. - GEPRISgepris.dfg.de › gepris › personProfessor Dr. Jiri Friml, Ph.D., Institute of Science and Technology Austria, Am Campus 1, Klosterneuburg, Österreich.
Veranstaltung - Georg-August-Universität GöttingenWebseiten der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
A Major Facilitator Superfamily Transporter Plays a Dual Role in...Many key aspects of plant development are regulated by the polarized transport of the phytohormone auxin. Cellular auxin efflux, the rate-limiting step in this...
Molecular compass for cell orientation: Scientists discovered how the...Plants have veins that transport nutrients through their body. These veins are highly organized. The hormone auxin travels directionally from cell-to-cell and...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Opening lecture by JIRI FRIML - BioTechnologia - PAN Czytelnia...PAN Czytelnia Czasopism, Opening lecture by JIRI FRIML - BioTechnologia
Jiří Friml - Wikidatawww.wikidata.org › wikiJiri Friml. In more languages. Spanish. Jiří Friml. investigador. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No description defined. Chinese. No label defined.
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Jiri Friml - YouTubeTeile deine Videos mit Freunden, Verwandten oder der ganzen Welt
Biolog Jiří Friml porovnává podmínky pro vědu v Česku a Rakousku -...V Rakousku pochopili, že vědu je potřeba rozvíjet koncepčně. V Česku najdeme spoustu dobrych vědců i nápadů, ale koncepci postrádám,
2 Meinungen & Artikel
Interview with Jiří Friml - the NodeAt the EMBO meeting last month, Jiří Friml was awarded the EMBO Gold Medal. This medal is awarded annually to a researcher under the age of forty, who has
Biochemiker Jiří Friml erhält europäischen Wissenschaftspreis | Brno...Pflanzenentwicklung und Pflanzenwachstum sind das Forschungsgebiet des aus Mähren stammenden Biochemikers Jiří Friml. Der Molekularbiologe und Biochemiker ...
56 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Jiri Friml | LinkedInView Jiri Friml's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Jiri Friml discover inside ...
Der goldene Winkel (137,5°) und die Die Fibonacci-Folge in der Natur?Jiri Friml von der Universität Tübingen und seine Kollegen haben jetzt herausgefunden, dass ein bestimmtes Protein dafür sorgt, dass neue Blätter so weit wie
Jiri Friml | LinkedInView Jiri Friml's professional profile on LinkedIn. Jiri Friml Owner, Jiri Friml Location Czech Republic Industry Graphic Design Join LinkedIn and access Jiri Friml ...
Dr. Jiri Friml, Czech Republic | Tomorrow Today - The Science...Jiri Friml is from the Czech Republic. For 4 years, the 33-year-old biologist and chemist has headed a group of young researchers at the Center for Molecular...
Hamburg Lord Mayor Christoph Ahlhaus, Czech scientist Jiri Friml ...www.alamy.com › stock-photo-l-rhamburg-lord-ma...Download this stock image: (L-R) Hamburg Lord Mayor Christoph Ahlhaus, Czech scientist Jiri Friml, winner of the Koerber European Science Award, ...
Dr. Jiri Friml, Tschechien | Kluge Köpfe | DW |Jiri Friml stammt aus der Tschechischen Republik. Der 33jährige Biologe und Chemiker leitet seit vier Jahren eine Nachwuchsforschergruppe am Zentrum für...
ERC advanced grant for Jiri Friml | Scienmag: Latest Science and...Jiri Friml, who studies the development and cell biology of plants, is one of the two awardees at IST Austria. He has previously received an ERC ...
Seminar: prof. Jiri Friml, Ph.D., Dr.rer.nat. - Přírodovědecká fakulta UKwww.natur.cuni.cz › plant-biology › aktuality › sem...· prof. Jiri Friml, Ph.D., Dr.rer.nat. - PIN auxin transporters in evolution of root gravitropism and flowering during conquest of land by ...
The Körber Prize goes to Jiri Friml • Bioscholar Newsbioscholar.com › › the korber-prize-...· The molecular biologist and biochemist Jiri Friml conducts research into the genetic, molecular and cell biological processes which control the ...
Calendar of Events | RIGeLSFB BZR-Colloquium - Prof. Dr. Jiri Friml (IST Kloster Neuburg) Date: (14:00 h) Place: Universität Regensburg, H 53
Seminář: prof. Jiri Friml, Ph.D., Dr.rer.nat. — Přírodovědecká...Jiri Friml, Ph.D., Dr.rer.nat. - PIN auxin transporters in evolution of root gravitropism and flowering during conquest of land by plants.
Der Körber-Preis geht an Jiri FrimlDer Körber-Preis für die Europäische Wissenschaft geht in diesem Jahr an Jiri Friml. Der tschechische Molekularbiologe und Biochemiker wird für seine...
AlphaGalileo > Item DisplayProf. Dr. Jiri Friml is to receive the Körber European Science Award, which is endowed with 750,000 euros, for his groundbreaking discoveries in ....
Séminaire RDP par Jiri Friml - Laboratoire Reproduction et...Jiri Friml will give a seminar on Thursday 16th of January, at 15:00 and it will be in the big LR6 meeting room.
TAIR - Person DetailName, Jiri Friml. Other Names, Friml, J. TAIR Accession, Person: Organisms, Arabidopsis. Primary Job Title, Professor. Keywords ...
Jiri Friml Tranovice, Czech firm - www.edb.euJiri Friml Tranovice, Czech firm www edb eu,
70+ Jiri Friml - online portfolio ideasPinterestu.
Prof. Jiri Friml – PSC SymposiumProf. Friml is a Professor at the Institute of Science and Technology (IST), Austria. He obtained a PhD in Biology at the University of Cologne and then a ...
Jiri Friml Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Austria,...Bio-protocol is an online peer-reviewed protocol journal. Its mission is to make life science research more efficient and reproducible by curating and hosting...
(L-R) Hamburger Bürgermeister Christoph Ahlhaus, Tschechische...Stock Foto - (L-R) Hamburg Lord Mayor Christoph Ahlhaus, Czech scientist Jiri Friml, winner of the Koerber European Science Award, and chairman of the ...
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