157 Infos zu Joel Illerhag
Mehr erfahren über Joel Illerhag
Infos zu
- Fredrik Lundin
- Alvaro Torres
- Carl Winther
- Kresten Osgood
- Tone of Voice
- Voice Orchestra
- Anders Provis
- Copenhagen
- Jesper
- Songs
12 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Late Night Jazz vom | rbbKulturRundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg
Joel Illerhag giver den gamle kontrabas en helt ny lydhelsingordagblad.dk › kultur › joel-illerhag-giver-d...Med 39 nye strenge, 3d-design og elektromagneter har musikeren Joel Illerhag skabt et helt nyt instrument ud fra den gamle kontrabas.
Tempo, Spaß, Atmosphäre | SHZSupersympathisch und eine wunderschöne Stimme: Kira Martini aus Kopenhagen kam mit ihrer Jazzband ins Medborgerhus.
Just Another Foundry (de) + Joel Illerhag’s Nephilim (se/dk) |...Just Another Foundry + Joel Illerhag's Nephilim. Just Another Foundry (de):. Jonas Engel – saxophone. Florian Herzog – double bass. Anthony Greminger – ...
27 Bilder zu Joel Illerhag

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Swedish Harp Bass - Joel Illerhag - FacebookFacebook: Joel Illerhag - Bassplayer-composer - Facebookde-de.facebook.com › ... › Musiker/in › Joel Illerhag - Bassplayer-composerLinkedIn: Joel Illerhag – student – jorel | LinkedInJoel Illerhag. student at jorel. Region Hovedstaden, Danmark. Regnskab. jorel. 52 forbindelser. Se hele Joel Illerhags profil. Det er gratis! Dine kolleger ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
Alvaro Torres ~ Songs List | OLDIES.comwww.oldies.com › artist-songs › Alvaro-TorresKrescendo (with Joel Illerhag & Kresten Osgood); 2.Heart (with Joel Illerhag & Kresten Osgood); 3.The Good Life (with Joel Illerhag & Kresten Osgood); 4.
1 Business-Profile
Joel Illerhag - Overview, News & Competitors | ZoomInfo.comwww.zoominfo.com › joel-illerhagView Joel Illerhag (www.joelillerhag.com) location in Denmark , revenue, industry and description. Find related and similar companies as well as employees ...
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Joel Illerhag - YouTubewww.youtube.com › user › illerhagJoel Illerhag. @illerhag‧99 subscribers‧6 videos‧. More about this channel. Subscribe. Home. Videos. Shorts. Playlists. Channels.
Joel Illerhagjoelillerhag.comJoel Illerhag invented a new instrument that he finished in June It contains an additional 39 sympathetic strings + electromagnets that can be ...The Swedish Harp BassMusicJoelsquareTest Joel Illerhag invented a new instrument that he finished in June It contains an additional 39 sympathetic strings + electromagnets that can be ... The Swedish Harp Bass Music Joelsquare Test
The Swedish Harp Bass - Joel IllerhagJoel Illerhag is building a new instrument that will be finished in June It contains an additional 40 sympathetic strings + electromagnets that can be ...
CARL WINTHER - CONTACT - WOMEXJoel Illerhag – bass, Johan Kolsut – drums Carl Winther Trio, introduces one of the most talented young pianist ever to emerge from the Scandinavian Jazzscene. Up-and-Coming, 25-year-old Carl Winther has cut his teeth on jamsessions in his hometown Copenhagen in Denmark, a town known for its love for jazz with international stars performing ...
3 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Skytten (2013) - Soundtracks - IMDb"Sad Eyes' Written by Carl Winther Performed by Red Alert - Carl Winther (as Winther) / Joel Illerhag (as Illerhag) / Anders Mogensen (as Mogensen) ...
Joel Illerhag Discography | Discogswww.discogs.com › artist › Joel-IllerhagJoel Illerhag ; Bassist and composer. · joelillerhag.com · Carl Winther Quartet, Luboš Soukup Ensemble, Luboš Soukup Quartet, Tone Of Voice Orchestra, Carl Winther ...
1 Projekte
The electromagnetically-prepared double bass with 40 sympathetic...Joel Illerhag is a student at the Advanced Post Graduate Diploma project(solistlinjen) at the Rythmic Music Conservatory in Copenhagen.
7 Songs & Musik
Joel Illerhag Concert Setlists | setlist.fmwww.setlist.fm › Artists › IGet Joel Illerhag setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Joel Illerhag fans for free on setlist.fm!
Joel Illerhag | SpotifyListen to Joel Illerhag on Spotify. Artist · 1 monthly listeners.
Joel Illerhag · Skuggor och Ljus (CD) (2017)"Skuggor och Ljus" af Joel Illerhag - CD (Compact Disc). Udgivet Vejer 124 g.
Joel Illerhag - Först Var Vi Älskade, Så Var Vi Här: Mit Songtexten...Erstelle dein Deezer Konto und höre Först Var Vi Älskade, Så Var Vi Här von Joel Illerhag sowie 90 Millionen weitere Songs.
1 Dokumente
www.sundance.dk › docs › pressrelcarl winther quartet jerry bergonzi joel illerhag anders ...James Moody / The Core. Jerry Bergonzi (ts), Carl Winther (p), Joel Illerhag (b), Anders Mogensen (d). Please download high definition press photos at ...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
[PDF] Joel Illerhag | HAUThautscene.dk › uploads › › Click-Catch-HAUT-Joel-IllerhagJoel Illerhag. Vision. I would like to work spatially with my instrument (the double bass) to make collaboration with other artistic forms relevant and ...
[PDF] Lubos Soukup Ensemble Through the Mirrorlubossoukup.com › wp-content › uploads › LubosSoukupEnsemble_...bass player Joel Illerhag, and the Danish hard grooving drummer Morten Hæsum. All four musicians have something extraordinary to of-.
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Heartless (feat. Joel Illerhag, Maria Kynne & Ania Rybacka) - Shazamwww.shazam.com › track › heartless-feat-joel-illerha...Listen to Heartless (feat. Joel Illerhag, Maria Kynne & Ania Rybacka) by Tone Of Voice Orchestra, Trine-Lise Vaering & Fredrik Lundin, 466 Shazams.
Snôleoparden & Joel Illerhag - T.I.G. - Opdaterius on Vimeovimeo.com › TVMarineret TV-station › Videos· 1) Snôleoparden & Joel Illerhag 2) T.I.G. med Zlatco Buric & P.O. Jørgens - Fra Elværket 17 juli ) Opdaterius.
9 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Carl Winther – WikipediaCarl Winther (* 8. Oktober in Kopenhagen) ist ein dänischer Jazzmusiker (Piano, ... Zu seinem Trio gehörte zunächst der schwedischen Bassist Joel Illerhag, den er während des Studiums kennenlernte; der Schlagzeuger der Band, ...
Wikipedia: Trine-Lise Væring - Wikipediade.wikipedia.org › wiki › Trine-Lise_Væring... Christian Mohr Levisen, Emma Kragh-Elmøe, Arendse Nordtorp Pedersen, Fredrik Lundin, Joel Illerhag, Jesper Uno Kofoed, Anders Provis, Stunt Records
Faceless Tales by Hot Gills - Toneshift - WordPress.comtoneshift.wordpress.com › › faceless-tal...· The album Faceless Tales contains ten movements and features prominently bassist Joel Illerhag playing harpbass (upright bass w/added harp ...
[TR24][OF] Alvaro Torres, Joel Illerhag, Kresten Osgood - Heart Is ...rutracker.org › forum › viewtopic[TR24][OF] Alvaro Torres, Joel Illerhag, Kresten Osgood - Heart Is The Most Important Ingredient (Free Jazz, Free Improvsation) ...
83 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Konzerttickets für die besten Shows für Fans von Joel Illerhag in ...www.songkick.com › concerts › similar-to › joel-illerhagEntdecke neue Konzerte, die Fans auf Songkick lieben. Joel Illerhag live. Die populärsten Künstler in ...
Kira Martini, Chris Tanner, Mads Søndergaard, Joel Illerhag og Morten...Kira Martini/Chris Tanner/Mads Søndergaard/Joel Illerhag/Morten Ærø :00 - Bartof Café Kira Martini (voc), Chris Tanner (cl), Mads Søndergaard...
Joel Illerhag - Swedish Harp Bass - EthnoCloudethnocloud.com › Joel_Illerhag_-_Swedish_Harp_B...Music, videos, events and blogs by Joel Illerhag - Swedish Harp Bass on EthnoCloud.
Joel Illerhag - TOWER RECORDS ONLINEtower.jp › artist › Joel-Illerhag¥Joel Illerhag - タワーレコード|最新アルバムCD・シングルCDやBlu-ray・DVD作品、関連本・雑誌・グッズなど一覧はこちら ¥ Joel Illerhag - タワーレコード|最新アルバムCD・シングルCDやBlu-ray・DVD作品、関連本・雑誌・グッズなど一覧はこちら.
Joel Illerhag Lyrics, Songs, and Albums | Geniusgenius.com › artists › Joel-illerhagGet all the lyrics to songs by Joel Illerhag and join the Genius community of music scholars to learn the meaning behind the lyrics.
Joel Illerhag on Apple MusicListen to music by Joel Illerhag on Apple Music. Find top songs and albums by Joel Illerhag including Först Var Vi Älskade, så Var Vi Här, I Skuggor Och Ljus...
Joel Illerhag | iHeartwww.iheart.com › artist › joel-illerhagJoel Illerhag. Feat. Frank Sinatra, Michael Bublé and more. Follow. Joel Illerhag. Share. Top Songs. 1. Thumbnail Image. Som Du Fann Mig. 2. Thumbnail Image.
Joel Illerhag – CATCHJoel Illerhag is born and raised in Sweden, but has lived in Denmark since where he was accepted at The Rhythmic Music Conservatory playing the ...
Joel Illerhag – No Treblewww.notreble.com › buzz › tag › joel-illerhagFrom the mind of Joel Illerhag comes one of the most incredible, dreamlike instruments I've ever seen. The Swedish Harp Bass is a double bass fitted with a ...
List of songs and albums by Joel Illerhag - TikTok Musicmusic.tiktok.com › artist › Joel-IllerhagListening to Music On Tiktok Music - Listen and download new songs by Joel Illerhag. followers. List of songs and albums by Joel Illerhag.
Joel Illerhag Songs Download - Free Online Songs @JioSaavnListen to latest Joel Illerhag hit songs on JioSaavn. Download best of Joel Illerhag songs online on JioSaavn.
Artist Talk: Joel Illerhag - Holmegaard Værk - Billetexpressen.dkwww.billetexpressen.dk › program › artist-talk-joel-i...· Mandag d september klokken inviterer Holmegaard Værk til Artist Talk med Joel Illerhag, kustneren bag den interaktive ...
Joel Illerhag Musician - All About Jazzwww.allaboutjazz.com › musicians › joel-illerhag· Jazz musician Joel Illerhag's bio, concert & touring information, albums, reviews, videos, photos and more.
Joel Illerhag (@joelillerhag) • Instagram photos and videoswww.instagram.com › joelillerhag656 Followers, 560 Following, 91 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Joel Illerhag (@joelillerhag)
Joel Illerhag - Gateway Musicgatewaymusic.dk › kunstnerJoel Illerhag. Hjemmeside. Albumtitel: Skuggor Och Ljus. Genre: Jazz. Releasedato: Fredag, 7 juli, Samling: Album. Download via iTunes. Aktuelt.
Joel Illerhag - SoundCloudsoundcloud.com › joelillerhagPlay Joel Illerhag on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.
30 Jahre Stunt Records. Frischer Blick – Jazz thing & Blue RhythmCongratulations! Jazz thing präsentiert die Jubiläums-CD.
Joel Illerhag - stats.fmstats.fm › artistJoel Illerhag. 29 followers. Login to see. total times streamed. Login to see popularity. Genres. Top tracks. Top tracks of Joel Illerhag ...
CARL WINTHER - Sonic Shapes - WOMEXHe met the Swedish bassist Joel Illerhag at the conservatory, and they have played Together for the past four years. The band’s drummer is 42-year old Anders Mogensen. Also a graduate from the Rhythmic Conservatory, Mogensen heard Winther and Illehag while serving as an external examiner at conservatory concerts in
Die Scandinavian Night hat coole Jazzmusiker am Start! - AINO HamburgJoel Illerhag – b Anders Provis –dr. Yes Deer Signe Dahlgreen – sax Karl Bjorå – guit Anders Vestergaard – dr. Fredrik Lundin Quintett Fünf Freunde auf neuen Abenteuern! For his new Scandinavian/Polish group, Danish saxophone player, composer and bandleader Fredrik Lundin has gathered around him four of Copenhagen‘s most prolific ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Joel
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Joel; Jahwe ist Gott; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); el = der Mächtige, Gott; im Alten Testament ist Joel ein ProphetMännlicher Vorname (Hebräisch): Joel; Jahwe ist Gott;; jahwe = (Name Gottes); el = der Mächtige, Gott; im Alten Testament ist Joel ein Prophet
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Joel Illerhag und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.