23 Infos zu Joerg Nittmann
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- Ashburton
- Neuseeland
- Ziesar
Infos zu
- Iraqi
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Joerg+Nittmann - Emol.com - Buscador EmolBERLIN.- Miembros de la oposición iraquí ocuparon hoy la Embajada de su país en Berlín, tomando a aproximadamente diez personas como rehenes, entre ...
BBC NEWS | Europe | Dissidents seize Iraqi embassyIraqi dissidents occupy Iraq's embassy in the German capital, Berlin, and take hostages including the acting ambassador, police say.
gazeta: W ambasadzie Iraku są zakładnicy i ranni - Świat - Forum dyskusyjne |...Wszysty - czas wojny nastal.
Iraqi Embassy Siege Defused in Germany - Los Angeles TimesEurope: No shots are fired as police storm building where five foes of Baghdad regime had managed to enter and seize four hostages.
1 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
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1 Hobbys & Interessen
Police storm Iraqi embassy to end siegeGerman police commandos stormed the Iraqi Embassy in Berlin today, freeing two captives and bringing a peaceful end to a five-hour hostage-taking by a...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
RepliesSeveral hostages were taken inside the embassy, and the ambassador was believed to be among them, police spokesman Joerg Nittmann told reporters at the ...
Iraqi embassy in Germany over thrown - NASIOCIraqi embassy in Germany over thrown Off-Topic
wow... this just in.Police spokesman Joerg Nittmann said the injuries of the embassy personnel were caused by an irritant gas apparently used by the hostage ...
9 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Black Bears, Babies, and Iraqi Embassies | Siccness Network"We are already trying to make contact with the group," said police spokesman Joerg Nittmann. The two people injured, a man and a woman, were not shot and ...
Embassy occupiers want Hussein outArmed dissidents calling for Saddam Hussein’s overthrow took the ambassador hostage today when they occupied the Iraqi embassy in Berlin.
Encargado de negocios entre los rehenes y policía piensa actuar |...Encargado de negocios entre los rehenes y policía piensa actuar
Finalizó sin heridos la toma de la embajada iraquí en Berlín - LA...Tras arduas negociaciones, los atacantes depusieron su actitud y liberaron a los rehenes; reclamaban el alejamiento de Saddam Hussein - LA NACION
HaatufJoerg Nittmann oo u hadlay booliska Jarmalka, ayaa sheegay in ilaa 10-qof ay ku sugnaayeen dhismaha safaaradda xilligii la qabsaday. Iraq National ...
German special forces storm Iraqi embassy; BERLIN: Five people...The injuries of the embassy personnel were caused by pepper spray and not by gunfire, said police spokesman Joerg Nittmann. A police statement said ...
Noncompliance: Post A ReplyTwo staff members were injured, apparently by pepper spray used by the hostage-takers, police spokesman Joerg Nittmann said. He estimated ...
Silicon Investor (SI) -- The First Internet CommunityTwo staff members were injured, apparently by pepper spray used by the hostage takers, police spokesman Joerg Nittmann said. He estimated ...
публикации о ночи русского рока в Берлине - "Ночные ...Старший комиссар Йорг Ниттман (Joerg Nittmann) на протяжении трех часов пытался фонетически грамотно произнести трогательное приветствие: ...
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Nittmann
Nittmann ist ein schlessischer Name, die gesammte Hauptfamilie wurde durch den 2. Weltkrieg zerteilt. Am meisten ist der Familienzweig in Österreich vertreten. Aber auch Kriegsbedingt USA, Kanada, Australien. Auch in Deutschland sind verschiedene Ableger vorhanden, genauso wie im ehemaligen Doppeladlerreich (KuK). Es gab auch verschiedene Güter zu dieser Familie, die aber durch den 2. Weltkrieg verloren gingen, und tlw. dank EU wieder zurück gekauft werden.
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