82 Infos zu Johannes Miocic

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14 Aktuelle Nachrichten

In sicheren Tiefen | myScience / news / Aktualitäten 2019

Forscher zeigen, dass sich auch Standorte mit geologischen Störungen für die Speicherung von Kohlenstoffdioxid eignen

Ancient rocks yield hard facts on safe storage of greenhouse gas

Dr Johannes Miocic, of the University of Edinburgh's School of GeoSciences, lead researcher on the study, said: "Lessons for safe CO2 storage ...

uniCROSS | Können wir CO2 unterirdisch lagern?

Dr. Johannes Miocic von der Geologie Freiburg im Gespräch über unterirdische CO2-Reservoire und deren Potential für den Klimaschutz. Alle Beiträge zur Themenwoche Wirtschaft, Wald …

Fault Lines Are No Barrier to Safe Storage of CO2 Below Ground |...

Carbon dioxide is unlikely to escape through geological faults, study shows.

4 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

LinkedIn: Johannes Miocic - United Kingdom | LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like ...

LinkedIn: Johannes Miocic - Assistant Professor - University of ...nl.linkedin.com › jmiocic

Bekijk het profiel van Johannes Miocic op LinkedIn, de grootste professionele community ter wereld. Johannes heeft 4 functies op zijn of haar profiel. Bekijk het ...

LinkedIn: Johannes Miocic - Assistant Professor - The University of Freiburg ...

View Johannes Miocic's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Johannes has 3 jobs jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile ...

Bebo: Johannes Miocic

männlich, Alter: 37

1 Hobbys & Interessen


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1 Business-Profile

Johannes MIOCIC | Professor (Assistant) | PhD | University of...

Johannes MIOCIC, Professor (Assistant) | Cited by 258 | of University of Groningen, Groningen (RUG) | Read 36 publications | Contact Johannes MIOCIC

3 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Publication list Johannes Miocic - uni-freiburg.de

Miocic, J.M., A study of natural CO2 reservoirs - mechanisms and pathways for leakage and implications for geologically stored CO2 (PhD thesis).

Scientific career Johannes Miocic — Sedimentary Geology and...

Since , Assistant-Professor Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences - Geology Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany

1 Bücher zum Namen

Geological Storage of CO2 in Deep Saline Formations - Google Books

This book offers readers a comprehensive overview, and an in-depth understanding, of suitable methods for quantifying and characterizing saline aquifers for...

5 Dokumente

EBSCOhost | | Building stone varieties in historical...

Johannes Miocic (1), Bianca Burkhardt (2), and Wolfgang Werner (). (1) Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, ...

Deliverable Reportwww.trust-co2.org › TRUST_DELIVERABLE_D902

10:30-10:45 Coffee break. 10:45-11:30 Capacity estimates of CO2 geological storage sites (Johannes Miocic). Part II– Processes and modeling.

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Ancient rocks yield hard facts on safe storage of greenhouse gas

Natural underground reservoirs of carbon dioxide are giving scientists vital clues how best to store human-made emissions of the greenhouse gas.

For the Sake of the Climate — Public Relations

One such scientist is Johannes Miocic, sedimentologist at the University of Freiburg, who is studying ‘CO 2 storage’: a process that aims to extract the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it beneath the surface of the Earth. 13ef92727f551cc441fc21117a816af3

Fault lines are no barrier to safe storage of carbon dioxide below...

Carbon capture and storage is a reliable way to store carbon dioxide emissions underground, with minimal chance of gas escaping through geological fault lines.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Luminescence dating of brick constructions being part of Songkhla...

The Fine Arts Department of Thailand excavated parts of the city walls in the western part of Songkhla city, Southern Thailand. This excavation found addit

k+a : Jahre Basler Münster | Cathédrale de Bâle : ans...

Bianca Burkhardt, Wolfgang Werner, Johannes Miocic Zu den Natursteinmaterialien am Basler Münster. Zusammenfassung Die drei wichtigsten mittelalterlichen Hauptbausteine des Münsters stammen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit alle aus der Region um Degerfelden und dem nördlich anschliessenden Wiesental bei Steinen und Schopfheim.

1 Video- & Audioinhalte

Johannes Miocic - Kohlendioxidspeicherung - Uni Freiburg

Johannes Miocic - Kohlendioxidspeicherung - Uni Freiburg. Surprising Science. اشتراك. تحميل فيديوهات. جار تحميل الرابط عدد المشاهدات اضف إليه.

3 Meinungen & Artikel

BSRG Archives - February JISCMailwww.jiscmail.ac.uk › wa-jisc

Johannes Miocic. Mon, 6 Feb :32:25 + lines. Re: Tool for coring plugs in the field. John Collinson. Mon, 6 Feb :14:43 + lines.

Johannes Miocic | Geologistjojomio.wordpress.com

· Simultaneously to the radio interview in February I was in contact with the University of Freiburg press office who did an excellent job on the ...

Contributing to public awareness of CCS | Vitamin CCS

... students Claire McCraw, Johannes Miocic and Jamie Stewart. One of my supervisors, and the world's first professor of CCS (probably), Prof.

43 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Alben von Johannes Miocic | Flickr

Johannes Miocic. Follow. Give Pro. johomio. 2 Followers•1 Following Photos. Joined About · Photostream · Albums · Faves · Galleries · Groups.

Johannes Miocic — the University of Groningen research portal

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or Select a country/territory from the list

Scientific career Johannes Miocic - uni-freiburg.de

WebScientific career Johannes Miocic Since : Assistant-Professor Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences - Geology Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany: …

Dr. Johannes Miocic — Sedimentary Geology and …

I am a geologist with backgrounds in clastic sedimentology and structural geology. I am particularly interested in ensuring that engineered carbon dioxide stores, which are used to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere and thus to limit climate change, are secure.

Johannes M. Miocic et al. controls fault leakage at a natural CO ...

-freiburg.de Received and published: 22 May Dear Allan Morris, we would like to thank you for your constructive review, kind words and the …

Berichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg im Zobodatwww.zobodat.at › publikation_volumes

Johannes Miocic (2018): Buchbesprechung – Berichte der naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg im Breisgau – 108: Reference | PDF.

'Nauwelijks risico's ondergrondse CO2-opslag' | De Ingenieur

Ondergrondse CO2-opslag is veel veiliger dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen. De kans dat het broeikasgas door breuklijnen ontsnapt aan het gesteente en weer in de...

ADGEO – Volume 54, Copernicus.org

Web3 de sept. de · Sonja Martens, Maren Brehme, Viktor J. Bruckman, Christopher Juhlin, Johannes Miocic, Antonio P. Rinaldi, and Michael Kühn

Approach | About ESRIG | University of Groningen

Geo-Energy, Chair Dr. Johannes Miocic (start January 2021); Energy Conversion, Chair Prof. dr. A. (Aravind) Purushothaman Vellayani ...

Abstract EGU Copernicus.org

WebJohannes Miocic. Johannes Miocic. Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands () The transition …

EGQSJ - Revisiting Late Pleistocene glacier dynamics north-west of...

Johannes Miocic is thanked for the drone survey in the Katzensteig cirque. The support of Gerwin Wulf during this study is gratefully appreciated. We thank the staff at the State Geological Survey of Baden Württemberg, in particular Ulrike Wielandt-Schuster and Matthias Franz, for insightful discussions that helped to improve this manuscript.

Breuken geen belemmering voor CO2-opslag - NEMO ...www.nemokennislink.nl › breuken...

Johannes Miocic, University of Edinburgh ... niks bekend, mailt geoloog Johannes Miocic, de hoofdauteur van het artikel, vanuit de Universiteit ...

CO Meeting Organizer EGU Copernicus.org

WebJuan Alcalde 1, Niklas Heinemann 2,3, Michelle Bentham 4, Cornelia Schmidt-Hattenberger 5, and Johannes Miocic Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera ICTJA-CSIC, …

Session MAL36 - Copernicus.org

WebMAL36 | ERE Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture by Johannes Miocic. MAL36. ERE Division Outstanding ECS Award Lecture by Johannes Miocic. Convener: Viktor J. …

CCS research at the annual meeting of the European ...ukccsrc.ac.uk › Blog posts

Written by Johannes Miocic, PhD student at University of Edinburgh whose attendance at the event was supported by the UKCCSRC Early Career Researcher ...

Ancient rocks yield hard facts on safe storage of greenhouse gas -...

Johannes Miocic, PhD Student School of GeoSciences The University of Edinburgh Grant Institute James Hutton Road King's Buildings ...

Uni Freiburg

Matthias Geyer, Geologie, Baden-Württemberg, Uni Freiburg, Kenkmann, Preusser, Hergarten, Dolejs, Hegau, Staufen, Bodensee

Experimental and numerical investigation of methods to dynamically...

PhD Project - Experimental and numerical investigation of methods to dynamically influence the permeability of fractured rock in the near field environment...

Fault lines are no barrier to safe storage of CO2 below ground

Dr Johannes Miocic, of the University of Freiburg, who jointly led the study, said: "The safety of carbon dioxide storage is crucial for successful widespread ...

Preface | TU Delft Repositories

Document type. review. Rights. © Sonja Martens, M. Brehme, Viktor J. Bruckman, Christopher Juhlin, Johannes Miocic, Antonio P. Rinaldi, Michael Kühn.

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Johannes

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Johannes; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

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