2 Infos zu Johannes Ottliczky
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Download [PDF] - ebm-papst HallenmastersJohannes Ottliczky. Mittlere Reihe von links: Uli Rottweiler (Trainer), Heino Wieland (Physiothe…ut),. Hans Moraw (Betreuer), Mike Smolny (stellvert. Abtl.) ...
1 Webfunde aus dem Netz
7.ebm-papst. Hallenmasters. Turnierheft Januar...... Daniel Moraw, Tobias Strothmann, Christian Stecker, Johannes Ottliczky Mittlere Reihe von links: Uli Rottweiler (Trainer), Heino Wieland (Physiothe…ut), ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Johannes
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Johannes; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Ottliczky
The family name is the Hungarized othographical form of a Slavic surname |Otlicky| / |Otlicki|. This surname ends in suffix |sky| / |ski| which corresponds to German |er|, that is, it makes either toponymic from a place-name or patronymic (Vatername) from a personal name. However, the latter is much less frequent than in German. Suffix |sky| / |ski| eliminates the ending vowels of the word atteched to and tiggers the so-called palatalization. Knowing this, tha base name could be reconstructed as |Otlik| (or: |Otlík| with long vowel; due to a |k| > |c| palatalization) or |Otlica| / |Otlice| (or similar). The latter two could be interpreted as possible toponyms (Ortsname). However I find only one place with similar name: |Otlica| in Slovenia. But this cannot be the base, because palatalization rules slightly differ in Southern Slav languages: |Otlica| + |ski| gives |otlis(ki| in Slovenian, not |otlicky'| as in Slovak. Thus we could consider only extinct (or very small) base place-names like |Otlica| / |Otlice|, therefore this kind of origin (Herkunft) is higly improbable. (unwahrscheinlich) The other possible base is |Otlik| / |Otlík|. The "shape" of this name suggests that it is rather a personal name than a place-name. In fact, it itself part of the tradional Hungarian onomasticon (die Namensgebung betreffend)(in form |Ottlik|) but it can be a German surname (eg. |Ottlick|) as well. The structure of name |Otlik| can be analized as a compound of a base name [beginning with] |Otl| and the male diminutive suffix |ik|. Base name |Otl| has no clear Slavic etymology: it seems to be rather a Slavonized form of German personal name |Ottl| / |Ottel| / |Öttl| / |Öttel|. The latter is a German deminutive in -(e)l of German personal name |Otto|. Thus, Slavic name |Otlicky| (~ Hungarian |Ottliczky|) seems to be a[n independent] parallelism to German name |Öttlinger|. There is a good on-line paper about history of Solymár, unfortunately only in Hungarian. The first mention of your family name occurs in a table in form |Ottlichki| . This table describes the changes of local family names (with nicknames and Hungarizations) according to censuses in 1747, 1883, 1944. The date of |Ottlichki| is lost during the conversion of the paper into HTML, but there is a complete list of census 1747 (see section "NÉVJEGYZÉK" just after the URL ) Your family name is not listed in this early census yet, therefore the date should be rather 1883. It means that your family was settled between 1747 and 1883 there. To determine the precise Slav ethnicity, it can be said that there are Slovak and Serbian settlements around Solymár. The suffix |ik| and the |k| > |c| palatalization precludes (ausschließen) (or higly weakens)(stark schwächen) the possibility of Serbian origin. -- However when we say Slovak, we possibly mean Moravian (Mährisch) or Czech, but Ruthenian or Souhern Pole as well. These ethnic groups have no distinct (ausgeprägt)boundaries (Grenzen) and there was a constant migration between them even in the past. ---- You cited a posting about the name |Orliczky|. It has the same structure as your family name, but the root is a Slav word, in its Slovak form |orol| 'eagle'. I know Czech toponyms like river |Orlice| -- its German name is |Adler| -- or village |Orlík|. The latter derives from the Slav personal name |Orlík| '[man named after] eagle, eagling'. The other two citations (about surnames |Koszty| and |Türk|) have no connection with your family name. Diese Erklärung hat mir der ungarischer Namensforscher Tamás Racskó auf meine Recherche hin zugesandt. Unklar ist im Prinzip noch folgendes : Der erste Ottliczky nach unserer heutigen Schreibweise war János (Johannes) Ottliczky der 1847 in Solymár Maria Judt geheiratet hat. In der ganzen Komitat Pest/Pilis/Kiskun gibt es diesen Namen auch in den alten Steuerlisten nicht mehr. Deshalb vermute ich sehr stark das dieser Name urprünglich Orliczky/Orviczky geschrieben wurde, denn dier Name findet sich 1715 in der heutigen Slovakei ( früher Großungarn) bzw. anschließend in Perbal und anderen Orten im Komitat Pest. Auch heute ist der Name in Ungarn noch anzutreffen. Es ist unwahrscheinlich , daß János Ottliczky der letzte dieses Namens sein sollte. Der Name Ottliczky ist in Ungarn meines Wissens in der Zwischenzeit erloschen. Woher dieser Jànos nach Solymár gekommen ist , ist aus meiner Sicht der Schlüssel für eine abschließende Erklärung. Ich bin gespannt ! Stand: 26. Mai 2010 Martin Ottliczky / Kirchweg 14 / 74670 Forchtenberg-Ernsbach email: mottliczky@gmx.de
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