892 Infos zu John Brunner

Mehr erfahren über John Brunner

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41 Aktuelle Nachrichten

COMMUNITY CALENDAR: Schedule of local events

[Neosho Daily News] - Special guests will include US Senate hopefuls John Brunner and Sarah Steelman, plus Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich. Bring your lawn chairs and friends. • Truth Quest Boot Camp VBS will be held from 6-9 pm Wednesday, July 13, July 20

Newton County GOP to hold watermelon feed Tuesday

[Neosho Daily News] - The annual feed is hosted by the Republican Women of Newton County and the Newton County Republican Central Committee. Special guests will include US Senate hopefuls John Brunner and Sarah Steelman, plus Missouri State Auditor Tom Schweich.

Google News: Steelman lags Akin in Missouri GOP Senate fundraising

[The Hill (blog)] - Some Democrats are privately rooting for Akin to win the primary -- they believe his more conservative profile and long voting record in the House make him an easier opponent than Steelman would be, at least on paper. Businessman John Brunner is also

PROFNET EXPERT ALERTS: Cellphone Radiation / Medicaid / Parkinson's and Cancer

[istockAnalyst.com (press release)] - John Brunner, managing partner of Native Union, creators of wired and wireless handsets for mobile devices: "As new reports of cellphone radiation risks continue to surface from organizations such as the World Health Organization, consumers are looking

58  Bilder zu John Brunner

John Brunner - Morgenwelt
John Brunner - Morgenwelt
von John Brunner ISBN 9783453118768, Geheftet, 397 Seiten, erschienen bei ...
... Glasgow zum Ableben von John Brunner. Außerdem stellte er sich den Fans ...
SF-Forum • Thema anzeigen - über John Brunner
SF-Forum • Thema anzeigen - über John Brunner

124 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: John Brunner aus Neubiberg

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

Facebook: John Brunner

Facebook: John Brunner

Facebook: John Brunner

8 Hobbys & Interessen

PROFNET EXPERT ALERTS: Cellphone Radiation / Medicaid / Parkinson's and Cancer

[MedIndia] - John Brunner, managing partner of Native Union, creators of wired and wireless handsets for mobile devices: "As new reports of cellphone radiation risks continue to surface from organizations such as the World Health Organization, consumers are looking

Diverse Bücher

John Brunner: Shockwave Rider. Schockwave Rider oder Schockwellenreiter, wie die deutsche ... Brunner entwickelte mitte der sibziger Jahre eine Zukunftsvision, die sich schon in ...

Leseliste - C4 Wiki

Diese Leseliste dient als Empfehlung, wenn man diverse, mit der Nerd- und ... [edit] John Brunner. Der Schockwellenreiter, ISBN oder ISBN

TFRRS | John Brunner - Track and Field Results & Statistics

JOHN BRUNNER. HIGHLAND CC. College Bests. ALL, Indoor Track & Field, Outdoor Track & Field, Cross Country : , : MILE.

8 Business-Profile

Xing: John Brunner - Leiter Produkt Management - BIT - Bundesamt für...

Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahren Sie mehr – oder kontaktieren Sie John Brunner direkt bei XING.

patentbuddy: John Brunner

patentbuddy: John D Brunner


patentbuddy: John E Brunner


2 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

John Brunner - Columbus, OH Real Estate Agent | realtor.com®

Find real estate agent & Realtor® John Brunner in Columbus, OH on realtor.com®, your source for top rated real estate professionals.

John Brunner - Columbus, OH Real Estate Agent | realtor.com®www.realtor.com › realestateagents › john-brunner_...

John Brunner. Keller Williams Greater Columbus Realty. Write John Brunner' 1st recommendation. About John Brunner. John Brunner hasn't provided a bio yet.

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Schools - The Sir John Brunner Foundation

› ...

The Sir John Brunner Foundation

The Sir John Brunner Foundation recognises the importance of first class education in shaping individuals with a strong moral compass who are driven by​ ...

3 Infos zur Ausbildung

SS > SF > reviews > Dani Zweig's Belated Reviews > archive

John Brunner's been unlucky in his forty-year writing career. He's frequently written ... Both these generalizations ignore some of his best work. "The Traveler in ...

John Brunner | Columbia University School of Professional Studiessps.columbia.edu › student › john-brunner

John Brunner. Coordinator of Student Life. An Arkansas native, John Brunner earned a B.A. in Political Science and Theatre ...

10 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

John Brunner: Lebenslauf, Bücher und Rezensionen bei LovelyBooks

Der britische Science-Fiction-Autor John Kilian Houston Brunner wurde in Oxfordshire geboren und starb am 25. August in Glasgow. Unter dem Pseudonym Gill Hunt veröffentlichte er seinen ersten Roman „Galactic Storm“. Sein preisgekrönter Roman „Stand on Zanzibar“, dt. „Morgenwelt“ gilt heute neben seinem

IMDB Filmographie: John Brunner

Writer, Out of the Unknown

3 Traueranzeigen

ANGRADA: John Brunner


findagrave: John Brunner ( ) - Find A Grave Memorialde.findagrave.com › memorial › jo...

Born in 19 Dec and died in 10 Oct Silverton, Oregon John Brunner.

John Brunner Obituary ( ) - Tell City, IN - Courier Pressobits.courierpress.com › obituaries › obituary

· John R. Brunner, Sr. Tell City - John R. Brunner Sr., 72, passed away on February 5, at St. Vincent Ascension Hospital in Evansville.

1 Angaben zur Herkunft


John BRUNNER. Eigenschaften. Art, Wert, Datum, Ort, Quellenangaben. Name, John BRUNNER. Ereignisse. Art, Datum, Ort, Quellenangaben ...

1 Projekte

Project MUSE - John Brunner

Under his own name and numerous pseudonyms, John Brunner ( ) was one of the most prolific and influential science fiction authors of the late twentieth century. During his exemplary career, the British author wrote with a stamina matched by only a few other great science fiction writers and with a literary quality ...

90 Bücher zum Namen

Der Kolonisator.

von John Brunner, Bastei-Lübbe, 1983, Broschiert

Der Schockwellenreiter.

von John Brunner, Heyne Verlag, 1988, Broschiert

Der Schockwellenreiter. Roman

von John Brunner, HeyneTaschenbuch

bol.com: bol.com | Stand On Zanzibar, John Brunner | | Boeken

Stand On Zanzibar (paperback). There are seven billion-plus humans crowding the surface of 21st-century Earth. It is an age of intelligent computers, ...

2 Songs & Musik

John Brunner – Bücher, CDs, DVDs und mehr – jpc.de

Zum Inhalt des Films: Eine außerirdischen Lebensform hat die Kontrolle über ein russisches Forschungsschiff an sich gerissen. Doch bevor sie ihre Besiedlungspläne

11 Dokumente

33 inventions inspired by SF

Yet another boringYet another boring project you will haveproject you will have to go through…to go through…

Celebrate the life of Sir John Brunner - Winsford Town Council

› celebrate...

File:John Brunner.jpg - Wikimedia Commonscommons.wikimedia.org › wiki

Koss, Stephen E. (1970). Sir John Brunner: Radical Plutocrat LicensingEdit. This ...

Computer underground Digest Wed Sep 30, Volume 4 : Issue

File 5--Hacker hits Cincinnati Phones Cu-Digest is a weekly electronic ... of the past year and a half in the company of hackers, cops, and civil libertarians that he was inspired by NEUROMANCER and John Brunner's SHOCKWAVE RIDER.

3 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

John Brunner on JSTOR

› stable

Science fiction: Why it's a must read for IT pros | ZDNet

You need more than text books and manuals on your desks. How about some near-future SF?

Science Fiction in the News Archive at Technovelgy.com

Science and technology news related to science fiction books and movies.

9 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

One of Yesterday’s More Interesting Tomorrows - James Nicoll …

Feb 15, · John Brunner is perhaps best remembered for a quartet of novels: 1968’s Stand on Zanzibar, 1969’s The Jagged Orbit, 1972’s The Sheep Look Up, and 1975’s The Shockwave …

The Last Time - jamesdavisnicoll.com

Dec 31, · Except as otherwise noted, all contents are by John Brunner. The shape of the stories is consistent: long-suffering writer-for-hire Scrivener, whose career tumbles down a long …

The best of John Brunner | WorldCat.org

› oclc

John Brunner - ResearchGate

6 Video- & Audioinhalte

BlinkX Video: Prisoners of Gravity: Awards (Part 3 of 3)

Airdate: January 28, Commander Rick discusses awards with the award-winners: science fiction writers John Brunner, Samuel R. Delany, Harlan Ellison, William Gibson, Joe , YouTube

BlinkX Video: Prisoners of Gravity: Games (Part 1 of 3)

John Brunner (The Squares of the City) all discuss their use of chess as a metaphor while Kristine Kathryn Rusch aka Sandy Schofield (co-author of the Deep Space Nine novel, The , YouTube

BlinkX Video: Shanghai Municiple Police Colt's Pocket Hammerless

Take a closer look at this Shanghai Municiple Police pistol. Interesting modifications and story to this pistol. Thanks to Dr. John Brunner for his research in this area , YouTube

Gubernatorial candidate John Brunner visits West Plains (VIDEO)Ozark...

(West Plains) - Missouri businessman and gubernatorial candidate John Brunner visited West Plains on Friday, July 15 and stopped for two ...

141 Meinungen & Artikel

Twitter-Nachrichten: 清水 千夏 (KaoriWynessq)

STAND ON ZANZIBAR: http://amzn.to/mugVcl

Wikiquote Zitate: John Brunner

"UNMÖGLICH Bedeutet 1. Paßt mir nicht, und sollte es doch dazu kommen, werde ich dagegen sein. 2. Ich will in Ruhe gelassen werden. 3. Gott will in Ruhe gelassen werden. Bedeutung 3 hat vielleicht einen Sinn, aber die anderen Bedeutungen sind 101%iger Walmist" - Morgenwelt, Deutsche Übersetzung von Horst Pukallus, München 1980, ISBN , S. 21) -(Original englisch: "IMPOSSIBLE — Means: (1) I wouldn't like it and when it happens I won't approve; (2) I can't be bothered; (3) God can't be bothered. Meaning 3 may perhaps be valid, but the others are 101% whaledreck." - Stand On Zanzibar. Del Rey, p. 5)

Wikipedia: John Brunner (author) - Wikipedia

John Kilian Houston Brunner (24 September – 25 August 1995) was a British author of science fiction novels and stories. His novel Stand on Zanzibar , about an overpopulated world , won the Hugo Award for best science fiction novel …

Wikipedia: John Brunner – Wikipedia

John Kilian Houston Brunner war ein britischer Science-Fiction-Autor. Seine ersten Romane werden der konventionellen Space Opera zugerechnet, bald jedoch begann er, einen eigenen Romanstil zu entwickeln. Sein erschienener Roman Morgenwelt wurde mit dem Hugo Award als bester Science-Fiction-Roman ausgezeichnet und gilt heute ...

357 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Honor roll: Cumberland Perry Area Vocational Technical School, fourth marking ...

[Patriot-News] - John Adams, Cody Albright, Jacob Allen, Heather Arnold, Jared Ball, Zachary Barninger, Kyle Barrick, Tyler Bauer, Jason Beadore, Nicole Beidel, Eric Bishop, Stephen Bittinger, Paul Boeckel, Tiffany Bowersox, Brittany Boyer, Kathryn Briggs, John Brunner

Senate Fundraising Winners and Losers

[National Journal] - Former Missouri Treasurer Sarah Steelman: Steelman raised just over $ during the second quarter and spent more than she took in - not encouraging signs in a GOP race that may see the entrance of John Brunner, a businessman with the ability to

Claire McCaskill named third-most vulnerable senator, according to Washington Post

[Pitch Weekly (blog)] - Although The Post adds that while Steelman and Akin fight for donations and distinction, St. Louis businessman John Brunner is widely assumed to be gearing up for a run. Brunner, whose company makes private-label cosmetic and hygiene products

Hotline Sort: Forgetting Sarah Steelman

[National Journal] - Todd Akin, R-Mo., and with the prospect of businessman John Brunner (who would have the ability to self-fund) entering the race, Steelman's early fundraising struggles are a sign of trouble. 2) Congressional Republicans earn the lowest marks in a new

Summer Fun With Senate Races

[National Journal (blog)] - In Missouri, Republican John Brunner is eying a Senate bid, and if he enters the race, his deep pockets could upend the GOP contest. Meanwhile, Linda McMahon's millions would make her a candidate to watch once again if she decides to make a another

All quiet on the Senate retirement front

[Washington Post (blog)] - That weakness has many Republicans talking about the possibility of wealthy business John Brunner getting in the race. While the GOP field isn't stellar, Missouri is going to be a tough state for Sen. Claire McCaskill (D) to win reelection.

Autor*in: John Brunner - Phantastik-Couch.de

John Brunner wird häufig den Cyberpunk-Autoren zugerechnet, obwohl er den Großteil seines Werkes bereits vor der Phase des Cyberpunk in den 80er Jahren publizierte. Nebenbei schrieb …

John Brunner (Autor): alle Bücher + Steckbrief bei Penguin

Entdecken Sie alle Bücher von John Brunner bei Penguin und erfahren Sie alles Wissenswerte in einer kurzen Biografie.

John Brunner - Book Series in Order

Complete order of John Brunner books in Publication Order and Chronological Order.

John Brunner - Fantastic Fiction

Author John Brunner's list of books and series in order, with the latest releases, covers, descriptions and availability.

John Brunner - Novela Distópica

John Brunner Escritor británico de ciencia ficción perteneciente al movimiento llamado Nueva Ola. Sus obras tratan de representar, por lo general, un futuro cercano en el que tiene más …

John Brunner – Der Schockwellenreiter. SF-Klassiker

Apr 25, · John Brunner – Morgenwelt; John Brunner – Treibsand. SF-Roman; Connie Willis – Lincolns Träume; Paolo Bacigalupi – Schiffsdiebe (Schiffsdiebe 1) Harry Harrison – Soylent …

John Brunner – Ein irrer Orbit. SF-Roman - Buchwurm.org

Apr 22, · John Brunner – Mehr Dinge zwischen Himmel und Erde; John Brunner – Der Schockwellenreiter. SF-Klassiker; Heyne John Brunner Rassismus Beitragsnavigation …

John Brunner – Schnittstelle. Phantastischer Roman

John Brunner war ein vielseitiger Autor, der nicht nur Zukunftsromane schrieb, sondern auch Fantasy, Detektivkrimis und Gedichtbände, von seiner Friedensaktivistenprosa ganz zu schweigen. Von diesem Oeuvre ist bis heute meines Wissens nur die Phantastik bei uns veröffentlicht worden. Seine Essays muss man in der englischsprachigen ...

John Brunner – Von diesem Tage an. Erzählungen

Jul 1, · John Brunner schrieb zunächst einfallsreiche Abenteuergeschichten für den amerikanischen Markt von SF-Magazinen. Doch in den sechziger …

"Schafe blicken auf" von John Brunner, Kritik, Lesetipp

Oct 13, · Der britische Science- Fiction-Autor John Brunner schuf bereits im Jahr mit „Schafe blicken auf“ (The Sheep Look Up) eine bleibende Mahnung für die Ewigkeit. Bewahrheitet hat sich seine dürstere Vision unserer …

SFE: Brunner, John - SF Encyclopedia

John Brunner: Shockwave Writer: A Working Bibliography (Leeds, West Yorkshire: Galactic Central Publications, 1989) [bibliography: chap: third edition: in the publisher's Bibliographies …

John Brunner (novelist) - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core

John Kilian Houston Brunner (24 September – 26 August 1995) was a British author of science fiction novels and stories. His novel Stand on Zanzibar, about an overpopulated …

Zarathustra Bücher in der richtigen Reihenfolge - BücherTreff.de

May 23, · Richtige Reihenfolge aller fünf Bücher der Zarathustra Reihe von John Brunner mit Prognose auf die Fortsetzung der Buchreihe mit einem neuen Teil 6.

John Brunner - Administrator - The Classical Academy of ...www.linkedin.com › john-brunner-1766a113

View John Brunner's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. John has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen John

Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): John; Jahwe ist gnädig, Jahwe ist gütig; Hebräisch (Neues Testament); jahwe = (Name Gottes); chanan = begünstigen, gnädig sein; Name des Apostels und Evangelisten Johannes; auch bekannt durch Johannes den Täufer; am Ende des Mittelalters der häufigste Taufname in Deutschland; bisher trugen 23 Päpste den Namen Johannes

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Brunner

- mittelhochdeutscher Wohnname "brunne" -> "Quell, Brunnen"

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu John Brunner & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu John Brunner und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.