76 Infos zu Jorg Riommi
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- Chief Creative Officer
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- Executive Creative Director
- Publicis Groupe
- Saatchi
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16 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt erweitert ManagementDer Experte für strategische Markenführung, Dirk Göbel {Dirk Göbel}, ist neuer Managing Director von Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt . In seiner neuen Position lei
Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt: Dirk Göbel steigt zum Managing Director...Dirk Göbel (Foto rechts), 38, ist neuer Managing Director von Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt.Er leitet künftig gemeinsam mit dem Executive Creative Director Jorg Riommi (Foto links) den Standort am Main.Göbel bleibt Managing Director des Shoppermarketing-Spezialisten Saatchi & Saatchi X. Göbel will das Geschäft ausbauen und das Frankfurter Büros als Lovemarks Company positionieren.
Cannes Lions Jurors AnnouncedJorg Riommi, Chief Creative Officer, Publicis, Romania Ekaterina Savrasova, Creative Group Head, BBDO, Russia Pei Pei Ng, Chief Creative Officer, Possible Worldwide, Singapore
Jorg Riommi is the new Chief Creative Officer for Publicis Groupe...Media & Marketing - Jorg Riommi, at the moment Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Groupe Romania, has been given additional creative leadership duties as Chief...
6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Jorg RiommiLinkedIn: Jorg Carlo Nicolò Riommi - Chief Creative Officer Central&Eastern ...ro.linkedin.com › jorg-carlo-nicolò-riommiJörg Riommi is an italo/german creative leader based in Bucharest, Romania. He's currently Chief Creative Officer of Publicis Groupe Central and Eastern ...Missing: Weimar, Thür" Jörg Riommi is an italo/german creative leader based in Bucharest, Romania. He's currently Chief Creative Officer of Publicis Groupe Central and Eastern ... Missing: Weimar, Thür"
Twitter Profil: jorg riommi (jorgriommi)Info über jorg riommi | Flickrjorg riommi. Follow. Give Pro. 10 Followers•18 Following Photos. Joined About · Photostream · Albums · Faves · Galleries · Groups. JoinedMay
1 Business-Profile
Xing: jorg riommichief / Bukarest
2 Bücher zum Namen
Epica Book 23: Europe's Best Advertising - Google Books... Jorg Riommi Irina Popp Lucian Cernat Carioca Sony Ericsson Communication Services Agency Forsman & Bodenfors, Gothenburg Production Sarah Haag,
Epica Book 23: Europe's Best Advertising - Epica Awards - Google Books... Roger Kennedy Thomas Kanofsky Daniela Nedelschi Jorg Riommi Irina Popp Lucian Cernat Carioca Sony Ericsson Agency Creative Director Copywriters Art ...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Jorg Riommi, CCO of Publicis Romania/Publicis One - TR-camtr-cam.com › video › jorg-riommi-cco-of-publici...▶ 0:30Jorg Riommi, CCO of Publicis Romania/Publicis One - the winner of the Agency of the year at Golden Drum.
Miss România, Raluca Voina Riommi, despre cum și-a întâlnit jumătatea...Raluca a fost model național și internațional, dar și câștigătoarea titlului ”Miss România” , în Ea trăiește în prezent o frumoasă poveste de iubire...
5 Meinungen & Artikel
swallow | stories are everywherePosts about swallow written by GB
JORG RIOMMI: an Italo-German with Romanian soul, juror at Dubai Lynx...JORG RIOMMI: an Italo-German with Romanian soul, juror at Dubai Lynx. Direct&SalesPromoandInteractiveJury1. A Dubai judging process glimpse →← ...
Jorg Riommi | AdForum Talent: The creative industry network.Jorg Riommi is Chief Creative Officer at Ingo in Stockholm, Sweden. The AdForum talent profile is part of the social network dedicated to advertising and c...
Head & Shoulders: Since Besserwerberblog ...Text: Arturo Vittorioso, Jorg Riommi Fotografie: Carioca, Bukarest. Geschrieben von Frank Herold in Printwerbung 0 Kommentare - 0 Trackbacks. Trackbacks. Trackback-URL für diesen Eintrag. Keine Trackbacks. Kommentare. Ansicht der Kommentare: Linear | Verschachtelt Noch keine Kommentare. Kommentar schreiben. Name. E ...
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
4. Jorg Riommi usedne v čele poroty ADC Creative Award - Marketing &...Kreativní šéf přední rumunské agentury Publicis Romania Jorg Riommi bude předsedou poroty letošních ADC Creative Awards (dříve ...
ADCE -Art Directors Club of Europe - Directory | Jorg Riommi - Creative Profile.
Jorg Riommi | PublicisView past winners of the Young Ones awards, the most acclaimed advertising, interactive, and design competition for students.
Mediaspeed Zlati boben in Golden Gala partyJorg Riommi in Daniela Nedelschi (Deputy creative director, Saatchi & Saatchi Romania), 15. Zlati boben in Golden Gala party.
Etleboro.org - Jorg Riommi is the new Chief Creative Officer for...Jorg Riommi, at the moment Chief Creative Officer, Publicis Groupe Romania, has been given additional creative leadership duties as Chief ...
Jorg Riommi steigt bei Saatchi & Saatchi aus | Red BoxNach über zehn Jahren im Dienst von Saatchi & Saatchi verlässt Executive Creative Director Jorg Riommi die Agentur Ende März. Der ...
Jorg Riommi (jorgriommi) – Profil | PinterestSee what Jorg Riommi (jorgriommi) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. See what Jorg Riommi (jorgriommi) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas. Stay safe and healthy. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times.
Jorg Riommi, noul CCO Publicis in Europa Centrala si de EstPublicis Groupe anunta numirea lui Jorg Riommi in functia de chief creative officer pentru Europa Centrala si de Est. Noua pozitie vine in completarea...
Adeevee | Only selected creativity - Creative Jorg RiommiJorg Riommi. Executive Creative Directors. Milan, Italy. Claim this profileFollow works. Coca-Cola. Publicis, Italy. Outdoor Views. 17 Likes.
Jorg Riommi - The One Club / The One Show - Archive of Award ...www.oneclub.org › awards › theoneshow › -judge › jorg-riommiJörg Riommi is an italo/german creative. From to mid he worked for Saatchi&Saatchi as a creative thinker, senior copywriter, and then as creative ...Missing: Weimar, Thür" Jörg Riommi is an italo/german creative. From to mid he worked for Saatchi&Saatchi as a creative thinker, senior copywriter, and then as creative ... Missing: Weimar, Thür"
Jorg Riommi | CliosClio Advertising Awards
ZF LIVE. Jorg Riommi, director de creaţie al Publicis România:...ZF LIVE. Jorg Riommi, director de creaţie al Publicis România: „Ideile care.
Farmerama-Dürre für den guten Zweck - ADZINE - Insights in Media....Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt arbeitet mit der UNO und dem Online-Farm-Spiel Farmerama von Bigpoint zusammen, um am heutigen
Etat-Datenbank/Launch: farmageddon.eu (Anbieter/Agentur: Saatchi &...Launch des Anbieters Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt vom im Etat-, Launch- und Relaunch-Verzeichnis von iBusiness.de, dem Zukunftsforscher für interaktive...
Saatchi & Saatchi Frankfurt wird neue Leadagentur von CosmosDirekt -...Dazu entwickelt Saatchi & Saatchi Deutschland unter der Führung von Michael Samak, CEO Saatchi & Saatchi Deutschland & Schweiz, eine neue Markenkampagne: Das Team um die Frankfurter Standortleitung Dirk Göbel, Managing Director, und Jorg Riommi, Executive Creative Director, arbeitet aktuell an einer Kampagne, die ganzheitlich sichtbar ist und ...
Geld anlegen klargemacht: Saatchi & Saatchi schmunzelt mit Union...Tags: Christian Rätsch, Finanzmarkt, Fonds, Jorg Riommi, Kampagne, Saatchi & Saatchi, Union Investment Andere Pressemitteilungen zu: Allgemein Häusliches Arbeitszimmer absetzen- DeMa Debitoren Management
Jens Bösenberg – Living StillsCreative Directors: Jorg Riommi, Thomas Kanofsky. Das Magazin „Das Magazin“ ist die Wochenendbeilage mehrerer Tageszeitungen in der Schweiz. Eine Geschichte der Ausgabe vom 7.Juni: Was hilft gegen die Hüsli-Besessenheit? Jens Bösenberg setzt dieses Thema in Szene und steuert den Aufmacher und den Titel bei.
Jorg Riommi - Ad AgeTitle, Medium, Date. This billboard reduces the price of Renault's electric cars when pollution levels go up, Outdoor / Out of Home, Jun 04,
Organ Donation | Jens Bösenberg – Living StillsCreative Directors: Jorg Riommi, Thomas Kanofsky. Für’s Leben Diesen Artikel empfehlen
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