136 Infos zu Josefine Fokdal
Mehr erfahren über Josefine Fokdal
Lebt in
- Berlin
- Stuttgart
Infos zu
- Peter Herrle
- Astrid Ley
- Enabling
- Habitat
- University
- Beyond Urbanism
- Action to Global
- Global Networks
- Urban Poor
- Detlev Ipsen
9 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Workshop: Chinese Urbanities - Relations between Space and Society •...Workshop: Chinese Urbanities - Relations between Space and Society; ... Josefine Fokdal ... (Graduate School of East Asian Studies, ...
Book Launch - Peter Herrle - Habitat Unithabitat-unit.de › events › book-lau...Peter Herrle, Josefine Fokdal, Detlev Ipsen: Beyond Urbanism. Urban(izing) Villages and the Mega-urban Landscape in the Pearl River Delta in China.
DFG - Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG unterstützt Kongresse und...Veranstalter/-in: Dr.-Ing. Josefine Fokdal, Universität Stuttgart, Fachgebiet Internationaler StädtebauStuttgart
Leonberg: Gemeinsam in einem sicheren Zuhause leben - Landkreis...Die Hoffnungsträger-Stiftung lässt Einheimische und Flüchtlinge Integration im wahren Sinne des Wortes leben. Studenten vom Lehrstuhl internationaler...
1 Bilder zu Josefine Fokdal

10 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Josefine Fokdal - Author | FacebookFacebook: Josefine Fokdal | Facebookwww.facebook.com › JosefineFokdalLinkedIn: Josefine Fokdal | Berufsprofil - LinkedInSehen Sie sich Josefine Fokdals vollständiges Profil an … Finden Sie heraus, welche gemeinsamen Kontakte Sie haben; Lassen Sie sich vorstellen; Kontaktieren Sie Josefine Fokdal direkt. Josefine Fokdals vollständiges Profil anzeigen. Profil in einer anderen Sprache anzeigen. Englisch · Deutsch ...
LinkedIn: Josefine Fokdal | LinkedInJosefine Fokdals berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Josefine Fokdal dabei hilft ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
TD Interdisciplinarity in research programming and ...www.cost.eu › ActionsWG 2 - Building networks and cooperation. Dr Sessa CARLO. WG 3 - Enabling interdisciplinarity. Dr Josefine FOKDAL. Grant Holder Scientific Representative.
6 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Housing for the Urban PoorM.Arch. Josefine Fokdal is senior researcher at HABITAT UNIT at the Berlin Institute of Technology (Germany) with a special focus on urbanization processes, ...
Peter Herrle - Habitat UnitHabitat Unit, TU Berlin and School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi – with Astrid Ley and Josefine Fokdal (forthcoming 2015) ...
Staff | M.Sc. Integrated Urbanism & Sustainable Design (IUSD) |...Information about the staff currently working on IUSD.
Previous Staff Members - Habitat UnitPrevious Staff Members. Senior Researchers Dr. Paola Alfaro d'Alençon Dr. Elisa Bertuzzo Dr. Somaiyeh Falahat Dr. Josefine Fokdal Dr. Nina Gribat
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Housing and Human Settlements in a World of ChangeEdited by Astrid Ley, Ashiq Ur Rahman, and Josefine Fokdal. Forewords by Rachel Rolnik and Mohammed El Soufi. transcript publishing. Housing and Human ... › book
1 Projekte
Projects | University of Westminster, Londonwww.westminster.ac.uk › groups-and-centres › proj...... with Steven Bland (UN-HABITAT), Roudaina Al Khani, Johan Woltjer, Michael Neuman, Terry Lamb, Paolo Cascone, Nick Beech, Olivia Bina, Josefine Fokdal.
47 Bücher zum Namen
bol.com: bol.com | Beyond Urbanism | | Peter Herrle | BoekenBeyond Urbanism Paperback. Large urban agglomerations have emerged over the past decades, and, in some cases, entire rural regions have been urbanized in less...
Josefine Fokdal - Lootwww.loot.co.za › wzmz g320Power and Space - Appropriation of Space in Social Housing in Copenhagen (Paperback) / Author: Josefine Fokdal ; ; Architecture, Arts ...
Enabling the City: Interdisciplinary and Foyles— Enabling the City: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Encounters in Research and Practice (Hardback). Josefine Fokdal · Olivia Bina · Prue ... › witem
Enabling the City, Josefine Fokdal (Edited ) Olivia Bina (Edited )www.fishpond.com.au › Books › Enabling-City-Jos...· Fishpond Australia, Enabling the City: Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Encounters in Research and Practice by Josefine Fokdal ...
1 Dokumente
Fokdal, Josefine [WorldCat Identities]Publication Timeline . Most widely held works by Josefine Fokdal. From local action to global networks : housing the urban poor by Peter Herrle( Book ) 4 editions published between and in English and held by 53 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Over the past two decades it has become widely recognized ...
4 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Frau V.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josefine Fokdal | Städtebau-Institut ...www.si.uni-stuttgart.de › institut › team › FokdalMitarbeiter-Profil : V.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Josefine Fokdal, Vertretungsprofessorin.
Frau Dr.-Ing. Josefine Fokdal | Städtebau-Institut› institut › team › Fokdal
Team | Städtebau-Institut | Universität StuttgartMitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des Städtebau-Instituts
LIT Verlag Berlin-Münster-Wien-Zürich-Londonwww.uni-press.de › isbnJosefine Fokdal Power and Space Appropriation of Space in Social Housing in Copenhagen Reihe: HABITAT - INTERNATIONAL: Schriften zur internationalen ...
6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
bol.com: Josefine Fokdal artikelen kopen? Alle artikelen online | bol.com› josefine-fok...
EconPapers: Peter Herrle, Astrid Ley and Josefine Fokdal (eds.) 2015:...· By Sonia Roitman; Peter Herrle, Astrid Ley and Josefine Fokdal (eds.) 2015: From Local Action to Global Networks: Housing the Urban Poor.
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher EducationJosefine Fokdal, Ratka Čolić, Danijela Milovanović Rodić. This paper aims to supplement existing research on a joint approach to integrate sustainability ... › vol › iss
Josefine Fokdal - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekHinweis zum Datenschutz Mit Klick auf "Einverstanden" können Sie diese Seite in sozialen Netzwerken weiterempfehlen. Dabei besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Daten von ...
1 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Pujiang (Shanghai) - Wikipedia(Vorschau in der Google-Buchsuche); Christian Thomae, Bettina Bauerfeind, Josefine Fokdal: Bridging Urbanities: Reflections on Urban Design in Shanghai and ... › wiki › Pujiang_(Shanghai)
45 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Josefine Fokdal | LinkedInView Josefine Fokdal's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Josefine Fokdal discover ...
Josefine FOKDAL (University of Stuttgart) – Intrepid CostJosefine FOKDAL (University of Stuttgart). She has been involved in interdisciplinary approaches within the field of teaching, researching and ...
Josefine Fokdal - Columbia University Press Blogwww.cupblog.org › tag › josefine-fokdalTag: Josefine Fokdal. December 11, New from transcript publishing! Truth and Fiction, Dramatic Disgust and More! Our weekly list of new books is now ...
Josefine FOKDAL (Germany) - Intrepid Cost› j...
Josefine Fokdal | Univerzitet u Beogradu - Arhitektonski fakultet› tag › jose...
Peter Herrle, Astrid Ley and Josefine Fokdal (eds.) IJURR› article › pet...
Setting the Stage | 2 | Enabling the City | Josefine Fokdal, Olivia BiToday’s processes of urbanisation and the significant projected growth and shift of dynamic urbanisation to the South and East all imply complex challenges
Josefine Fokdal (@josefinefokdal) — 43 answers, 2 likes | ASKfmAsk and answer. Find out what people want to know about you!
Josefine Fokdal | University of Stuttgart - Academia.edu› ...
ANCB - Aedes Network Campus*Josefine Fokdal, Technische Universität Berlin. Che Fei, Peking University / CU Office, Beijing. Moderator: Eduard Kögel, ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory
ASIEN 129 (Oktober 2013) « ASIEN – The German Journal on...Bettina Bauernfeind, Josefine Fokdal (Hgg.): Bridging Urbanities. Reflections on Urban Design in Shanghai and Beijing (Andreas Oberheitmann)
Peter Herrle, Josefine Fokdal et Detlev Ipsen, Beyond ...› e...
Josefine Fokdal | Standaard BoekhandelOp zoek naar boeken van Josefine Fokdal? Bezoek de webshop van Standaard Boekhandel, je vindt er meer dan je zoekt.
Beyond Urbanism, 20 | Peter Herrle, Josefine Fokdal, Detlev Ipsenwww.club.be › beyond-urbanism· Large urban agglomerations have emerged over the past decades, and, in some cases, entire rural regions have been urbanized in less than a ...
URBANITIES - Definition and synonyms of urbanities in the English...«Urbanities» Meaning of urbanities in the English dictionary with examples of use. Synonyms for urbanities and translation of urbanities to 25 languages.
Planen – Bauen – Umwelt: Ein Jahrhundert des Austausches zwischen der...Vorträge und Diskussion mit den ski-Mitgliedern Eduard Kögel, Barbara Münch, Josefine Fokdal und Eva Sternfeld. Termin: Freitag 6. Februar 2015, 14: :00
Housing Processes Taking Roots in Local Action and Exten - Taylor ...www.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › edit › introducti...ByPeter Herrle, Astrid Ley, Josefine Fokdal. BookFrom Local Action to Global Networks: Housing the Urban Poor. Click here to navigate to parent product.
Weitere Mitglieder | 德国国际城市文化协会 Kulturaustausch: Berlin, Architektur...Chang Jiang Josefine Fokdal Johannes Küchler Barbara Münch Nina Nedelykov Juliane Noth Peter Salomon Kai Vöckler Michael Wilberg Gong Weila Zhou Xiang
Beyond Urbanism - Habitat Unithabitat-unit.de › publications › beyond-urbanismBOOK, Josefine Fokdal, Detlev Ipsen, Peter Herrle. Beyond Urbanism - Urban(izing) Villages and the Mega-urban Landscape in the Pearl River Delta in ...
Around the World - Affordable Housing - LibGuides at Duquesne...From Local Action to Global Networks: Housing the Urban Poor by Peter Herrle; Astrid Ley; Josefine Fokdal. This book brings together different ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Josefine
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Josefine; Er (Gott) fügt hinzu; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); jasaf = hinzufügen, vermehren; Information zur männlichen Form Joseph:; der Name wird interpretiert als 'Gott möge noch einen Sohn hinzufügen'; im Alten Testament ist Josef der elfte Sohn Jakobs, Berater des Pharaos in Ägypten, und damit auch der Name eines der 12 Stämme Israels; im Neuen Testament ist Josef der Ehemann von Maria, der Mutter Jesu
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Pearl River
- Urban Poor
- Peter Herrle
- Eduard Kögel
- Sonja Nebel
- Prue Chiles
- Bettina Bauernfeind
- Barbara Münch
- Sarah von Bohlen
- Rike von der Heide
- Lena Raizberg
Personensuche zu Josefine Fokdal & mehr
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