98 Infos zu Josip Kusak

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8 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Türkiye'de İlk Kez Bir Vaşağa Verici Takıldı - Haberler

Kuzey Doğa Derneği'nin, Kars'ın Sarıkamış ilçesinde ormanlık alanlarda yürüttüğü proje kapsamında Türkiye'de ilk kez bir vaşağa verici takıldı.

Tagung in Meißendorf zeigt: Beim Wolf ist Herdenschutz ein ...www.cellesche-zeitung.de › Celler-Land › Winsen › Tagung-in-Meiss...

"Wir haben das schon hinter uns", sagte Professor Josip Kusak von der Universität Zagreb mit Verweis auf seine Heimat Kroatien. Der Konflikt ...

Migratory bears down in the dumps | UNews

University of Utah biologists working in Turkey discovered two surprising facts about a group of 16 brown bears: First, six of the bears seasonally migrated...

Platz für den Luchs | deutschlandfunk.de

Vor rund 200 Jahren wurde der Luchs in deutschen Wäldern ausgerottet. Inzwischen ist er im Bayerischen und im Pfälzerwald aus anderen europäischen Waldgebieten...

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Our professor Josip Kusak, from the Veterinarski fakultet Sveučilišta ...

Facebook: Predavanje prof. dr. sc. Josip Kusak "Vuk u Gorskom Kotaru" - Facebook

LinkedIn: Josip Kusak - Professor - Biology department, Veterinary ...hr.linkedin.com › josip-kusak-91a51841

View Josip Kusak's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Josip has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

LinkedIn: Josip Kusak | LinkedIn

Josip Kusaks berufliches Profil anzeigen LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte berufliche Netzwerk, das Fach- und Führungskräften wie Josip Kusak dabei hilft, ...

1 Projekte

GPS GSM tracking project on wolves in Croatia

by Josip Kusak last update: February 14, The most reliable data on wolf movements, habitat use and activity in densely forested areas, where animals can not be visually observed, can be obtained by the use of telemetry.

9 Bücher zum Namen

Demographically-Based Evaluation of Genomic Regions under Selection...

Josip Kusak. Affiliation Department of Biology, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia. Adam R. Boyko. Affiliation Department of Biomedical ...

Velike zvijeri : priručnik za inventarizaciju i praćenje stanja /...

Zagreb : Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Lokacija: Knjižnica i čitaonica ˝Fran Galović˝ Koprivnica

Bilten projekta Zaštita i upravljanje vukovima u Hrvatskoj - Ana...

Title, Bilten projekta Zaštita i upravljanje vukovima u Hrvatskoj, Issue 2. Authors, Ana Štrbenac, Josip Kusak, Aleksandra Majić Skrbinšek. Publisher, Državni ...

European Ungulates and Their Management in the 21st Century - Google...

josip kusak and kreˇsimir krapinec Croatia is a middle-European country bordering the Mediterranean, whose mainland area of km2 stretches from the ...

5 Dokumente

Search | arXiv e-print repository

Genome Sequencing Highlights Genes Under Selection and the Dynamic Early History of Dogs. Authors: Adam H. Freedman, Rena M. Schweizer, Ilan Gronau, ...


Djuro Huber and Josip Kusak (, ) Biology Department of the Veterinary Faculty University of Zagreb, Heinzelova 55, Zagreb, Croatia . Key words: Large carnivores, permeability, highways, green bridges, Croatia .


prof.dr.sc. Josip Kusak. Veterinarski fakultet, Zagreb josip.kusak@gmail. com.

plan upravljanja vukom u republici hrvatskoj - Ministarstvo zaštite ...

Mina Krofel, Vedran Slijepčević, Josip Kusak, Đuro Huber, Patricija Oković, Ana Štrbenac,. Jasna Jeremić, Dragan Šarić, Boris Krstinić, Monty Sloan, Luka Katušić,. Marina Mlinarić, Dušan Jelić, Marijana Cukrov, OIKON, Željko Hrastinski. Oblikovanje i priprema za tisak: Ermego d.o.o.. Tisak: TISKARA ZELINA d.d.. Naklada:.

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Food Webs | Challenges and opportunities for the study and...

Large carnivore impacts are context-dependent. Review article: Pages Peter M. Haswell, Josip Kusak, Matt W. Hayward. Download PDF. Article preview  ...

Genes Suggest Dogs Descended From a Now-Extinct Breed of Wolf

The latest genetic study to trace the origins of dogs suggests that the breed of wolf from which dogs descended has died out.

Migratory bears down in the dumps: Human food sources dramatically...

Biologists working in Turkey discovered two surprising facts about a group of 16 brown bears: First, six of the bears seasonally migrated between feeding and...

Wolfs-Forscher | CHWOLF.org

Der Verein CHWOLF informiert über den Wolf, um die Akzeptanz gegenüber seiner Wiederintegration in der Schweiz zu fördern.

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Home ranges, movements, and activity of wolves ( Canis lupus) in the...

Josip Kusak Ж Aleksandra Majic´ Skrbinsˇek. Djuro Huber. Home ranges, movements, and activity of wolves (Canis lupus) in the Dalmatian part of Dinarids, Croatia. Received: 11 April Accepted: 19 July Published online: 13 August У Springer-Verlag Abstract Home-range sizes, movements, and ...

Fear, foraging and olfaction: how mesopredators avoid costly ...link.springer.com › article

... Heinzelova 55Zagreb, Croatia. Josip Kusak. School of Environment Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor University, Bangor, ...

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: KuzeyDoğa Society - Wikipediaen.wikipedia.org › wiki › KuzeyDoğa_Society

KuzeyDoğa (Northeastern Nature Society) is a Turkish conservation non-governmental ... To date, the society has collared more than 16 bears and 11 wolves, primarily in collaboration with Josip Kusak of Zagreb University in Croatia. Animals ...

Vukopas? - Forum.hr

Vukopas? Kućni ljubimci

56 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Dr. Josip Kusak | Wolfsmonitorwolfsmonitor.de › tag=dr-josip-kusak

Suchen. Schlagwörter: Dr. Josip Kusak. Foto: Wildtierfotograf Heiko Anders · Cunnewitz: Schäferei im Blut? Er habe die Schäferei im Blut, schrieb die Leipziger ...

Josip Kusak - Faculty of science - PMFwww.pmf.unizg.hr › josip

izv. prof. dr. sc. Josip Kusak. Title: Associate Professor. . Department : Faculty of Science. Published papers recorded in the Croatian ...

Josip Kusak - Djelatnički profili

izv. prof. dr. sc. Josip Kusak. Zvanje: izvanredni profesor. . Zavod/služba : Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet ...

Josip Kusak – Wolfsmonitor

Oktober nach Meißendorf bei Winsen/Aller auf das NABU Gut Sunder ein. Dort steht zwischen 10:00 und 16:30 Uhr die Frage im Mittelpunkt, wie effizienter Herdenschutz funktioniert. Referenten und Gäste des NABU-Niedersachsen sind u.a.: Riccarda Lüthi (Agridea), Josip Kusak (Universität Zagreb) ...

Prof. dr. sc. Josip Kusak Biology Department Veterinary Faculty -...

Prof. dr. sc. Josip Kusak Biology Department Veterinary Faculty

Josip Kusak | University of Zagreb | Croatiabiography.omicsonline.org › josip-kusak

Dr. Josip Kusak is affiliated to Biology, University of Zagreb. Dr. Josip Kusak is currently providing services as Professor. Dr. Josip Kusak has authored and ...

Prof Dr Josip Kusak Etiketli Haberler

T24'te Prof Dr Josip Kusak Etiketli Haberler

Festival znanosti • Zagreb - ostale lokacije

Demonstracija traženja životinja pomoću radio signala (telemetrija), voditelji: Josip Kusak, Tomislav Gomerčić, Daniel Špoljarić, Ira Topličanec.

European Wolf Newsletter Number 4 (December 1996)

Croatia Research Exchange Between Croatia and Minnesota. Josip Kusak, ms. sc., assistant of Djuro Huber at the Veterinary Faculty in Zagreb, worked five months this summer with Dave Mech's wolf study team in northern Minnesota (USA).

Alkan Lab

... Zhenxin Fan, Peter Marx, Belen Lorente-Galdos, Oscar Ramirez, Farhad Hormozdiari, Can Alkan, Carles Vilà, Kevin Squire, Eli Geffen, Josip Kusak, Adam R.

Slobodna Dalmacija - BIĆE IZ LEGENDI - POSTOJI! Vukopas je u...

Najnovija događanja i savjeti za kvalitetan život


MercoledA 4 novembre, ore , Museo tridentino di scienze naturali di Trento: Josip Kusak parla di A Biologia, ricerca e conservazione ...

Border Security Fencing and Wildlife: The End of the Transboundary...

While cooperation across national boundaries has emerged as a key concept in wildlife conservation, this Perspective reveals that, at the same time, there has...

DataCite Search

Astrid V. Stronen, Bogumiła Jędrzejewska, Cino Pertoldi, Ditte Demontis, Ettore Randi, Magdalena Niedziałkowska, Małgorzata Pilot, Vadim E. Sidorovich, Ihor Dykyy, Josip Kusak, Elena Tsingarska, Ilpo Kojola, Alexandros A. Karamanlidis, Aivars Ornicans, Vladimir A. Lobkov, Vitalii P. Dumenko & Sylwia D. Czarnomska.

Detaljna tražilica - Zaštita i očuvanje velikih zvijeri u Hrvatskoj

Detaljna tražilica - Zaštita i očuvanje velikih zvijeri u Hrvatskoj

Academic Articles Dec. 3 | IUCN WPCA BEYOND AICHI

... Erlend B. Nilsen, Djuro Huber, Josip Kusak, Marko Jonozovic, John D.C. Linnell; Abstract: Pan-European legislation stimulates international ...

Altmetric – Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern...

... Saša Kunovac, Josip Kusak, Miroslav Kutal, Olof Liberg, Aleksandra Majić, Peep Männil, Ralph Manz, Eric Marboutin, Francesca Marucco, Dime Melovski, ...


Apidologie, A Quality Journal in Bee Science

CANCELLED: New highways and maintenance of large carnivore habitat...

Biology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb, Heinzelova 55 HR Zagreb, Croatia. ,. Josip Kusak. Biology Department, Faculty ...

Mendeley Data - Challenges for transboundary management of a European...

Klemen Jerina,; Marko Jonozovic,; Josip Kusak. Josip Kusak. Agricultural and Biological Sciences. Biology department, Veterinary faculty ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Josip

Männlicher Vorname (Slawisch): Josip; Er (Gott) fügt hinzu; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); jasaf = hinzufügen, vermehren; der Name wird interpretiert als 'Gott möge noch einen Sohn hinzufügen'; im Alten Testament ist Josef der elfte Sohn Jakobs, Berater des Pharaos in Ägypten, und damit auch der Name eines der 12 Stämme Israels; im Neuen Testament ist Josef der Ehemann von Maria, der Mutter Jesu

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Kusak

It is very possible that the name " Kusak", derives from a version of the English word "Cossack", an elite group of Czarist cavalry, originally attributed to Webster's Encyclopaedic Unabridged Dictionary, as Slavic peoples "kazak" , also a Turkish tribal name.

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