120 Infos zu Judith Isele
Mehr erfahren über Judith Isele
Lebt in
- Namibia
- East Hampton
Infos zu
- Anita Idel
- Organic
- Gerold Rahmann
- Springbockvley
- Christian Hülsebusch
- Ekkehard
- Rangeland
- Holistic Management
- Külbs
25 Aktuelle Nachrichten
schulanfang_15_pictureDonaukurierEcknach: In die Klasse 1b gehen 14 Kinder. Die Klasse wird von Judith Isele-Egger geführt Ecknach: In die Klasse 1b gehen 14 Kinder. Die Klasse wird von Judith Isele-Egger geführt. ...
Erstmals Jung-Farmerin des Jahres gekürt - Allgemeine Zeitungaz.com.naAP — Judith Isele von der Farm ... Judith Isele von der Farm Springbokvley bei Blumfelde, knapp 180 Kilometer südöstlich von Windhoek, bekam AP — Judith Isele von der Farm ... Judith Isele von der Farm Springbokvley bei Blumfelde, knapp 180 Kilometer südöstlich von Windhoek, bekam ...
Budget fails for third timeCT InsiderJudith Isele, finance board member, recommended that the town government department heads be creative when they develop the budget. The affect of ... Judith Isele, finance board member, recommended that the town government department heads be creative when they develop the budget. The affect of ...
East Hampton rejects $28M water systemThe Middletown PressIncumbent Republican Judith Isele rounds out the board after getting 1,665 votes. The four new members of the nine-member Board of Education are split ... Incumbent Republican Judith Isele rounds out the board after getting 1,665 votes. The four new members of the nine-member Board of Education are split ...
7 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: JUDITH ISELE Profiles | FacebookFacebook: Pasteur Judith Isele | FacebookFacebook: Judith Isele has been named as the Farmer's Weekly SATwitter Profil: Advocate4Ag - Jordan SimonsonX · Advocate4Ag490+ FollowerJudith Isele was chosen as Young Farmer of the Year (http://bit.ly/HMIYoungAward) by the Namibian Agricultural Union. Read all about it! holisticmanagement ... Judith Isele was chosen as Young Farmer of the Year (http://bit.ly/HMIYoungAward) by the Namibian Agricultural Union. Read all about it! holisticmanagement ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
IFOAM Southern Africa NetworkIFOAM - Organics InternationalNamibia: Manjo Smith, NOA; Judith Isele, Namibia Centre for Holistic Management; Christiane Hilbert, NOA, Suzette Jansen van Vuuren, NOA; Wiebke Volkmann, NOA ... Namibia: Manjo Smith, NOA; Judith Isele, Namibia Centre for Holistic Management; Christiane Hilbert, NOA, Suzette Jansen van Vuuren, NOA; Wiebke Volkmann, NOA ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
classmates: Judith Isele, Class of Old Saybrook High School - ClassmatesJudith Isele graduate of Old Saybrook High School in Old Saybrook, CT is on Classmates.com. Get caught up with Judith Isele and other high school ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
A pilot study into biomass yield and composition under ...المنارة للاستشارات الأكاديمية& Judith Isele & Gerold Rahmann &. Anita Idel & Christian Hülsebusch. Received: 6 August Accepted: 9 April Published online: 10 May & Judith Isele & Gerold Rahmann &. Anita Idel & Christian Hülsebusch. Received: 6 August Accepted: 9 April Published online: 10 May
Colorado State University Pueblo - Tsanti Yearbook (Pueblo, CO),...Robert Houser Lloyd Hren Helen Hribernick Paul Hughes James Hyde Judith Isele Students find time to mix their food with their study in the cafeteria which ...
Untitled - Freie Universität Berlin: Startseite204. DETLEF W. FÖLSCH, JUDITH ISELE, PATRICK MEYER-GLITZA.
Estimating C and N Rhizodeposition of Peas and Oatsgoogle.de... Judith Isele, Markus Peters, Marie-Catherine Apolot, Luis Eliezer Cruz Bacab, Birge Ude, Julia Hartkemeyer, Elmar Eberhardt, Peer Ur- batzka, Eberhardt ...
8 Dokumente
Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung KTBL.deJudith IseleDurlangen. Patrick Meyer-GlitzaRohlsdorf. Page Weitere KTBL-Veröffentlichungen. Judith IseleDurlangen. Patrick Meyer-GlitzaRohlsdorf. Page Weitere KTBL-Veröffentlichungen.
Forage Biomass Production under Different Stocking Rates ...Tropentag, Judith Isele. 2. , Gerold Rahmann. 3. , Anita Idel. 4. , Christian. Hülsebusch University of Kassel, Germany. 2Farm Springbockvley, Namibia. 3Thuenen , Judith Isele. 2. , Gerold Rahmann. 3. , Anita Idel. 4. , Christian. Hülsebusch University of Kassel, Germany. 2Farm Springbockvley, Namibia. 3Thuenen- ...
Invitation incl. registration NRF 2017_June 19Namibian Chamber of EnvironmentConfirmed speakers: • Judith Isele (Farmer, Namibia) – “Rangeland forage biomass production and composition under different grazing regimes on a Namibian ... Confirmed speakers: • Judith Isele (Farmer, Namibia) – “Rangeland forage biomass production and composition under different grazing regimes on a Namibian ...
Marktmacht in Bauernhand MengensteuerungBauernstimmeAuf der Farm Springbockvley: Judith Isele und Ekkehard Külbs mit einigen ihrer 700 Rinder. Foto: Rahlfs. Page 21. K u rze. s a m. R a n d e Lesen Auf der Farm Springbockvley: Judith Isele und Ekkehard Külbs mit einigen ihrer 700 Rinder. Foto: Rahlfs. Page 21. K u rze. s a m. R a n d e Lesen. 21.
2 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Rhizodeposition of C and N in peas and oats after 13 CScienceDirect.comvon F Wichern · · Zitiert von: 116 — We acknowledge the kind help of Gabi Dormann, Christian Maack, Manuel Renneberg, Sarina Weber, Judith Isele, Markus Peters, and Eberhardt Kölsch. We further ... von F Wichern · · Zitiert von: 116 — We acknowledge the kind help of Gabi Dormann, Christian Maack, Manuel Renneberg, Sarina Weber, Judith Isele, Markus Peters, and Eberhardt Kölsch. We further ...
A Case study of Brahman Botswana on farm OasisSavory InstituteEkkehard Külbs took over the farming business from his parents in and since runs it together with his wife Judith Isele. Ekkehards father, who ... Ekkehard Külbs took over the farming business from his parents in and since runs it together with his wife Judith Isele. Ekkehards father, who ...
8 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
pdfCOREvon J ISELE · Zitiert von: 4 — JUDITH ISELE. 1. Key words: Holistic Management, Organic Livestock, Rangeland, Resilience, Drought, Namibia. Author's Background. Judith Isele holds a Dipl. von J ISELE · Zitiert von: 4 — JUDITH ISELE. 1. Key words: Holistic Management, Organic Livestock, Rangeland, Resilience, Drought, Namibia. Author's Background. Judith Isele holds a Dipl.
A Case StudySavory InstituteEkkehard Külbs took over the farming business from his parents in and since runs it together with his wife Judith Isele (See Picture 1). Ekkehards Seiten
Institut für ökologischen Landbau der FAL Jahresbericht ...COREJudith Isele (Mutterlinien) Dipl. Ing. agr. cand. Karola Stier (Grünlandnutzung Rhön) Dipl. Ing. agr. cand. Christine Otto (Eutergesundheit) Judith Isele (Mutterlinien) Dipl. Ing. agr. cand. Karola Stier (Grünlandnutzung Rhön) Dipl. Ing. agr. cand. Christine Otto (Eutergesundheit)
Innovative markets for sustainable agriculture - infoandina.orginfoandina.orgJudith Isele, the owner of Springbokvley, describes the benefits of HM principles in the following way: “Planned grazing according to holistic management ... Judith Isele, the owner of Springbokvley, describes the benefits of HM principles in the following way: “Planned grazing according to holistic management ...
4 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: Holistic Mgmt. Int'lXJudith Isele was chosen as Young Farmer of the Year (https://t.co/uxZKhsPdYE) by the Namibian Agricultural Union. Read all about it! Judith Isele was chosen as Young Farmer of the Year (https://t.co/uxZKhsPdYE) by the Namibian Agricultural Union. Read all about it!
Namibia: Females Now Defining Agricultural StandardsallAfrica.comAP — The award ceremony turned out to be a women's affair when Judith Isele of Farm Springbockvley in the Omaheke Region made history for women when AP — The award ceremony turned out to be a women's affair when Judith Isele of Farm Springbockvley in the Omaheke Region made history for women when ...
Springbockvley Blossoms Via Rangeland ManagementallAfrica.comAP — Presenting the case study on Springbockvley, Judith Isele owner of the farm situated and an agricultural engineer, said contrary to the AP — Presenting the case study on Springbockvley, Judith Isele owner of the farm situated and an agricultural engineer, said contrary to the ...
Organic Award at HMI Namibian Open Gate - Holistic Management...400 participants attended HMI's first Namibian Open Gate held at Springbokvley Farm which coincided with owner Judith Isele receiving The ...
51 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Judith Isele Women's LacrossePlymouth State University34 Judith Isele ; Class Sophomore ; Position A/D ; Hometown Old Saybrook, Conn. ; High School Old Saybrook. 34 Judith Isele ; Class Sophomore ; Position A/D ; Hometown Old Saybrook, Conn. ; High School Old Saybrook.
Judith Isele oor holistiese bestuursbeginsels, organiese ...RepublikeinByvoegsels. Judith Isele oor holistiese bestuursbeginsels, organiese boerdery. Elvira Hattingh. 8 Jaar Gelede :00:00. Byvoegsels. Judith Isele oor holistiese bestuursbeginsels, organiese boerdery. Elvira Hattingh. 8 Jaar Gelede :00:00.
Judith Isele turns farm into shining example - New Eraneweralive.naJudith Isele turns farm into shining example. Judith Isele turns farm into shining example.
Significado, Origen, Pronunciación y Popularidad de Judith IseleNamesLookJudith Isele significa 'Praise'. Aprende a pronunciar Judith Isele con nuestras 5 pronunciaciones de audio y descubre su popularidad en Nigeria y otros ... Judith Isele significa 'Praise'. Aprende a pronunciar Judith Isele con nuestras 5 pronunciaciones de audio y descubre su popularidad en Nigeria y otros ...
'n Boer het 'n plan, passie en visieRepublikeinAP — Judith Isele toegeken. De Jager was een van die sprekers tydens vanjaar se jongboer-geleentheid op die plaas Springbockvley. Goeie AP — Judith Isele toegeken. De Jager was een van die sprekers tydens vanjaar se jongboer-geleentheid op die plaas Springbockvley. Goeie ...
Anderswo-moreAvalia StudiosMusmar, Inger Smid, Inka Milke, Jana Majewski, Jonathan Steinhoff, Judith Isele, Julian Schmoeckel, Karl Straub, Kay Lehmberg, Laurence West, Liya Melaku ... Musmar, Inger Smid, Inka Milke, Jana Majewski, Jonathan Steinhoff, Judith Isele, Julian Schmoeckel, Karl Straub, Kay Lehmberg, Laurence West, Liya Melaku ...
GOVERNMENT GAZETTE REPUBLIC OF NAMIBIALegal Assistance CentreAP — Judith Isele, Standard Executors & Trustees, P.O.. Box 2164, Windhoek, Namibia GOUS Albertus Johannes, 1 November AP — Judith Isele, Standard Executors & Trustees, P.O.. Box 2164, Windhoek, Namibia GOUS Albertus Johannes, 1 November
ISBD view › Uganda Martyrs University Library catalogUganda Martyrs University... Judith Isele and Anita Idel (145). -- Analysis of rural household use of organic farming-practices-amongst livestock farmers in south-south Nigeria / Atoma Judith Isele and Anita Idel (145). -- Analysis of rural household use of organic farming-practices-amongst livestock farmers in south-south Nigeria / Atoma ...
Innovative Research for Organic 3.0Jaivik KhetiLea Ludwig, Judith Isele, Gerold Rahmann,. Anita Idel, Christian Hülsebusch. Namibia. Field evaluation of Beaveria bassiana as biological control of ticks ... Lea Ludwig, Judith Isele, Gerold Rahmann,. Anita Idel, Christian Hülsebusch. Namibia. Field evaluation of Beaveria bassiana as biological control of ticks ...
Innovative markets for sustainable agricultureFood and Agriculture Organization... Judith Isele . Beef and lamb. Dordabis. Green Sheep Namibia. Anne & Wolfgang Ramdohr. Organic status: 1st year of conversion Judith Isele . Beef and lamb. Dordabis. Green Sheep Namibia. Anne & Wolfgang Ramdohr. Organic status: 1st year of conversion.
Leveraging Natural & Social Capital for Resilient ...Academia.edu... Judith Isele, Sally Wood, Anna Davis, et al Community-Based Rangeland and Livestock Management Reader: New Possibilities for Restoring Grassland and Judith Isele, Sally Wood, Anna Davis, et al Community-Based Rangeland and Livestock Management Reader: New Possibilities for Restoring Grassland and ...
NSBA, Second Meat School: 'Increased production for survival'kundana.com.naAP — Judith Isele, a well-known farmer, will talk on the results of a case study on her farm on increasing production through Rangeland Management AP — Judith Isele, a well-known farmer, will talk on the results of a case study on her farm on increasing production through Rangeland Management .
Namibia Community-based Rangeland & Livestock ...BiodiversityLinksChapter 6 (Handling Livestock) was written by Ekkehard Kuelbs and Judith Isele. Benedict Libanda from the Country Pilot. Partnership Program and Rachel ... Chapter 6 (Handling Livestock) was written by Ekkehard Kuelbs and Judith Isele. Benedict Libanda from the Country Pilot. Partnership Program and Rachel ...
Namibiese landbouers word vereerSabinet African JournalsAP — Judith Isele van Blumfelde is as Namibiese jongboer van die jaar aangewys. Riaan. Vermaak van Old Mutual het die toekenning oorhandig. Sy AP — Judith Isele van Blumfelde is as Namibiese jongboer van die jaar aangewys. Riaan. Vermaak van Old Mutual het die toekenning oorhandig. Sy ...
PARTY POSTS 3 KEY GAINSHartford CourantFor board of finance, voters elected Democrats Katherine Avery and Jill Simko, and Republican Judith Isele. Democrats were the leading vote-getters for ... For board of finance, voters elected Democrats Katherine Avery and Jill Simko, and Republican Judith Isele. Democrats were the leading vote-getters for ...
RIVEREASTThe Glastonbury CitizenAP — BOF member Judith Isele said the. BOF had previously mentioned the predicted. $1.5 million budget shortfall in the fis- cal year, but AP — BOF member Judith Isele said the. BOF had previously mentioned the predicted. $1.5 million budget shortfall in the fis- cal year, but ...
Rainfall [mm] on farm Springbockvley per month and ...ResearchGateJudith Isele · Gerold Rahmann; [...] Christian Hülsebusch. Sustainable rangeland management is crucial for ... Judith Isele · Gerold Rahmann; [...] Christian Hülsebusch. Sustainable rangeland management is crucial for ...
Rosalie Isele (1 public record) - Address, Email, Phone ...Free People Search - UnMask.comRelatives: Christophe Isele, Judith Isele, Lori Isele, Lori Isele, Paul Isele. View Full Report. 1 match found. More Info. Q & A; Relatives & Associates ... Relatives: Christophe Isele, Judith Isele, Lori Isele, Lori Isele, Paul Isele. View Full Report. 1 match found. More Info. Q & A; Relatives & Associates ...
San diversifying livelihood to address impact of climate ...Namibia EconomistAP — ... Judith Isele. The event also had an array of speakers who gave insight into 'holistic farming' and how to get the most profit out of each AP — ... Judith Isele. The event also had an array of speakers who gave insight into 'holistic farming' and how to get the most profit out of each ...
San improve their farming knowledge - New Eraneweralive.naAP — San farmers from Nyae Nyae Conservancy recently visited Springbockvley for an Open Day with the Jongboer of 2015, Judith Isele, to learn AP — San farmers from Nyae Nyae Conservancy recently visited Springbockvley for an Open Day with the Jongboer of 2015, Judith Isele, to learn ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Judith
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch): Judith; Frau aus Jehud; Jüdin; Hebräisch (Altes Testament); die Bedeutung 'Frau aus Jehud' bezieht sich auf die Stadt Jehud in Israel; der Name könnte auch 'Angehörige des Stammes Juda' und damit 'Jüdin' bedeutet haben; in der Bibel ist Judith eine der Frauen von Esau; unter den apokryphen Schriften gibt es zudem ein Buch 'Judith'
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Isele
altdeutsche Schreibweise Iselin = ein kleines Eisen (a Stuck Ise bzw. a Isele = ein kleines Stückchen Eisen) kommt aus dem Schmiedehandwerk bzw. dem Umgang mit Eisen / Hufeisen
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Anita Idel
- Christian Maack
- Sarina Weber
- Christian Hülsebusch
- Jens Clausen
- Markus Peters
- Paul Isele
- Sabine Walter
- Christopher Isele
- Niels Kohlschütter
- Thomas Isele
Personensuche zu Judith Isele & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Judith Isele und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.