153 Infos zu Julian Hermannsen
Mehr erfahren über Julian Hermannsen
Lebt in
- Hamburg
Infos zu
- Supervisor
- Director
- Film GmbH
- Hollywood
- Klaus
- Operator
- Production
- Distractions
- Kharmel Cochrane
- Lane Casting
10 Aktuelle Nachrichten
FilmstartsJulian Hermannsen Leiter*in Animation und visuelle Effekte. Axel Mähler Leiter*in Animation und visuelle Effekte. Zlatin Radev Leiter Charakter-Animationen ,5 · Rezension von Christian Horn
Hadia (The Gift) (Hediye) (Hediye)Milwaukee FilmSinem Sakaoglu Cinematographer: Julian Hermannsen Editor: Ringo Waldenburger Cast: Abdulhamid AlFawaz, Aysha AlFawaz, Sira Fersoglu. Tarek is a 6-year-old ... Sinem Sakaoglu Cinematographer: Julian Hermannsen Editor: Ringo Waldenburger Cast: Abdulhamid AlFawaz, Aysha AlFawaz, Sira Fersoglu. Tarek is a 6-year-old ...
Göttin der Melancholie: Michael Carstens dreht „Katze“infomedia-sh.org... : Matthias Kunz, Beleuchter: Sebastian Götlich, Maske: Maria Reinhardt, Visual Effects: Julian Hermannsen, Schnitt: Mirja Gerle. zurück zum Inhalt : Matthias Kunz, Beleuchter: Sebastian Götlich, Maske: Maria Reinhardt, Visual Effects: Julian Hermannsen, Schnitt: Mirja Gerle. zurück zum Inhalt.
infomedia-sh.de... : Matthias Kunz, Beleuchter: Sebastian Götlich, Maske: Maria Reinhardt, Visual Effects: Julian Hermannsen, Schnitt: Mirja Gerle. zurück zum Inhalt.
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Julian Hermannsen shows off a behind Berkey System LLCFacebookLinkedIn: Julian Hermannsen – Hamburg und Umgebung | Berufliches Profil |...Sehen Sie sich das Profil von Julian Hermannsen auf LinkedIn an. Als weltweit größtes Business-Netzwerk hilft LinkedIn Menschen wie Julian Hermannsen dabei, Kontakte zu finden, die mit...
Twitter Profil: 360FX (@360_fx) / Twittertwitter.com › ...Agency: Leo Burnett Production Company: 360FX Executive Producer: Antonella Scoliero Director: Sinem Sakaoglu Director of Photography: Julian Hermannsen.
3 Hobbys & Interessen
SensaCineDescubre todas las noticias de Julian Hermannsen, su biografía, su filmografía completa, su actualidad. Descubre también todas las fotos y videos de Julian ...
KinomagazinFilmografie von 'Julian Hermannsen'. Zu den Hauptwerken des Stars gehören: , 'Antboy - Die Rache der Red Fury - Antboy 2' (Visuelle Effekte), ...
Filmographie von Julian HermannsenKinomagazinDie Komplette Filmographie vom Star: Julian Hermannsen. 'Hilfe, ich hab meine Freunde geschrumpft', 'Artemis Fowl', 'Hilfe, ich hab meine Eltern Die Komplette Filmographie vom Star: Julian Hermannsen. 'Hilfe, ich hab meine Freunde geschrumpft', 'Artemis Fowl', 'Hilfe, ich hab meine Eltern
2 Business-Profile
Xing: Julian Hermannsen - Geschäftsführer, VFX & Motion ControlJulian Hermannsen, Hamburg Berufserfahrung, Kontaktdaten, Portfolio und weitere Infos: Erfahr mehr – oder kontaktier Julian Hermannsen direkt bei XING. Geschäftsführer, VFX & Motion Control Supervisor
dasaugeJulian Hermannsen Grip: Florian Hornung Lighting: Stefan Rentel Additional Assistance: Justus. Animation: Head of Animation: Eliott Deshusses Animation ...
1 Persönliche Webseiten
maschinenfilmI´m very thankful to the guys of mastermoves Berlin I´m mostly working with and to Julian Hermannsen for his inspiring input and sharing his extraordinary ...
4 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Julian HermannsenIMDbJulian Hermannsen is known for Artemis Fowl (2020), Arif V 216 (2018) and The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (2010).
Filmografie Julian Hermannsen – fernsehserien.deSerien und Filme mit Julian Hermannsen: Hilfe, ich hab meine Eltern geschrumpft
1 Bücher zum Namen
Finnahttps://www.finna.fiJulian Hermannsen | Kansallinen audiovisuaalinen instituuttiJulian Hermannsen · Tiedosta vastaa · Tiedosta vastaa · Tietoa · Haut ja palvelut · Tarvitsetko apua? · Seuraa meitä ...
3 Songs & Musik
FOODLOOSE - na luzie od kuchniSpotify - Web Player: Music for everyoneEpisode #7. Julian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control robot operators in the ... Episode #7. Julian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control robot operators in the ...
DeezerJulian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions. Julian Hermannsen is one of ...
Spotify - Web Player: Music for everyoneListen to this episode from FOODLOOSE - na luzie od kuchni on Spotify. Julian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot ...
4 Dokumente
VISUAL DISTRACTIONS LTD filing history - Find and update ...find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk › ...24 May 2021, CS01, Confirmation statement made on 22 May with no updates ; 24 May 2021, CH01, Director's details changed for Klaus Julian Hermannsen on
PANZANI // Al Bronzo [Directors Cut]RedCoolMediaBolt Operator : Julian Hermannsen Phantom technician : Alexandre Cabanne 1st AC : Juan Sepulcre Data Manager : Tom Gineyts Video Assist : Emilie Sornasse Bolt Operator : Julian Hermannsen Phantom technician : Alexandre Cabanne 1st AC : Juan Sepulcre Data Manager : Tom Gineyts Video Assist : Emilie Sornasse
Produktionsspiegel Stand - MFG FilmförderungMFG FilmförderungProduzent: Julian Hermannsen. Buch/Regie: Sinem Sakaoglu. Produktionsdesign: Anne Hofmann. Director of Photography: Julian Hermannsen. Animation: Dobrin Yanev ... Produzent: Julian Hermannsen. Buch/Regie: Sinem Sakaoglu. Produktionsdesign: Anne Hofmann. Director of Photography: Julian Hermannsen. Animation: Dobrin Yanev ...
assets-global.website-files.com ·Hummer Højmark, Julian Hermannsen & Christian Burgdorff -‐ Antboy: Revenge of The Red Fury. Best Short Fiction/Animation. Baby. SF Film ...
3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Logo Timeline WikiIndustry. Animation ; Founded ; Founder. Klaus Julian Hermannsen ; Headquarters. Waterloohain 7a Hamburg (Germany) ; Number of locations
animago Award 2003: Preisträger stehen festDigital Production(Animationsfabrik, Jörn Radel, Sebastian Hofmann, Julian Hermannsen, Kai Woitas). In 45 Sekunden zeigt der Kino-Werbespot einen Embryo, der sich nichts ... (Animationsfabrik, Jörn Radel, Sebastian Hofmann, Julian Hermannsen, Kai Woitas). In 45 Sekunden zeigt der Kino-Werbespot einen Embryo, der sich nichts ...
11 Video- & Audioinhalte
Julian Hermannsen | Danish Film InstituteDet Danske FilminstitutJulian Hermannsen. Filmography. Title, Year, Function, Category. Antboy 3, 2016, VFX supervisor, DK/Feature. Antboy: Revenge of The Red Fury, 2014, VFX ... Julian Hermannsen. Filmography. Title, Year, Function, Category. Antboy 3, 2016, VFX supervisor, DK/Feature. Antboy: Revenge of The Red Fury, 2014, VFX ...
Aggregat - Brigade [official music video]YouTube · Aggregat Music + Aufrufe · vor 5 Jahren... Julian Hermannsen Art Direction: Thalke Thyen Audio Tool Programming: Marcus Kitschke Animation: Rosanne Janssens Colour Grading: Jochen ...
McDonald's Made of Love - Beef (DC) in 3d Animation on Vimeovimeo.com › EMENES GmbH › VideosJulian Hermannsen. Editor: Jonas van de Löcht. Sound Design: Emil Klotzsch. Music: Oliver Heuss. Color Grading: Ronney Afortu. Stop motion & vfx:
SHOOTonline ·... Julian Hermannsen, motion control/3D/op. Casting Kharmel Cochrane, casting director, London; Lane Casting, casting direction, Spain. Music ...
9 Meinungen & Artikel
Twitter-Nachrichten: MRMCXWe sat down with Julian Hermannsen, one of Europe's leading #MoCo experts and the man behind our latest Bolt video to talk about all things #motioncontrol ... We sat down with Julian Hermannsen, one of Europe's leading #MoCo experts and the man behind our latest Bolt video to talk about all things #motioncontrol ...
Twitter-Nachrichten: Olaf van GerwenX · olafvangerwenvor 3 Jahren... Roberts Motion Control operated by Julian Hermannsen, seven custom built computer controlled conveyor belts by Willem…https://t.co/EtOF0uTATa Roberts Motion Control operated by Julian Hermannsen, seven custom built computer controlled conveyor belts by Willem…https://t.co/EtOF0uTATa.
Directors' Library ·We were lucky to have Julian Hermannsen who is a great and quick operator and worked closely with us and DP Jake Scott. We arranged the set ...
Episode #7. Julian Hermannsen. One of the best motion ...SpreakerJulian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ... Julian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ...
96 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Julian Hermannsen | Mastermoves.deJulian Hermannsen. Profile: Motion Control Operator, VFX Supervisor, 3D Artist. References (Selection): "Das Sandmännchen" - Motion Picture; "The Apparition" - Motion Picture; "Audi â¦
Klaus Julian Hermannsen - Hamburg - Online-Handelsregister â¦Klaus Julian Hermannsen ist in den folgenden Handelsregistereinträgen erwähnt Handelsregister Neueintragungen vom visual distractions Ltd., Hamburg (, â¦
Klaus Julian Hermannsen, Hamburg - North DataFirmenbekanntmachungen und Netzwerk zu Klaus Julian Hermannsen, Hamburg: Visual Distractions Ltd., visual distractions Film GmbH
Klaus Julian Hermannsen, London, Großbritannien - North DataFirmenbekanntmachungen und Netzwerk zu Klaus Julian Hermannsen, London, Großbritannien: visual distractions Film GmbH, vormals: visual distractions Ltd.
visual distractions Film GmbH - Little Polar BearJulian Hermannsen worked on 3d animation, texturing, rigging, 2d/3d sfx and compositing on this movie. Quite late during the project some underwater scenes with fish schools of about 250 â¦
visual distractions Film GmbH - Sparkasse - time machineJulian Hermannsen worked on this as vfx supervisor with Kay Woitas and together they attended the shooting on Mallorca doing on site tests, development and supervising. We added the 3d â¦
Julian Hermannsen's Post - Penny Klima... Julian Hermannsen Thank you Serviceplan Group, NEVEREST GmbH & Co Julian Hermannsen Exec. Producer: Uli Reuter Producer: Andreas Heidenreich Julian Hermannsen Thank you Serviceplan Group, NEVEREST GmbH & Co Julian Hermannsen Exec. Producer: Uli Reuter Producer: Andreas Heidenreich ...
Julian HermannsenMetacriticJulian Hermannsen. Movies 7. Career Overview in Movies. 47 Avg. Career score. Metascore Distribution. positive. 1 (14%). mixed. 4 (57%). negative. 2 (29%). Julian Hermannsen. Movies 7. Career Overview in Movies. 47 Avg. Career score. Metascore Distribution. positive. 1 (14%). mixed. 4 (57%). negative. 2 (29%).
Applehttps://podcasts.apple.comEpisode #7. Julian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control robot ...Julian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ...
Episode #7. Julian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control ...AppleJulian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ... Julian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ...
Episode #7. Julian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control ...AudacyJulian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ... Julian Hermannsen is one of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions, and is also a very creative ...
Julian Hermannsen - Biografía, mejores películas, series, imágenes ...www.lavanguardia.com › Inicio › ActoresJulian Hermannsen es un Efectos visuales. Descubre su biografía, filmografía, imágenes, vídeos, el detalle de sus años de carrera, dónde ver sus películas o ...
Julian Hermannsen | Advert.Ge - Best CommercialsAdvert.GeJulian Hermannsen. Filters. Sort By: Newest. Masterpiece. Coca-Cola. Newest; Released; Popular. Julian Hermannsen. Filters. Sort By: Newest. Masterpiece. Coca-Cola. Newest; Released; Popular.
Julian Hermannsen - ShotOnWhat?shotonwhat.com › julian-hermannsenJulian Hermannsen - No Time to Die, John Carter, The Apparition, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader - The Motion Picture & Television ...
Klaus Julian Hermannsen, Hamburg, Germany - North Datawww.northdata.com › Persons › HamburgCompany publications and network for Klaus Julian Hermannsen, Hamburg, Germany: visual distractions Film GmbH, previously: visual distractions Ltd.
visual distractions Film GmbH - Check24 - GigantischJulian Hermannsen of visual distractions was the Motion Control Supervisor for the four spots of this campaign, whose concept is based on a nice, old-school camera trick. The main hero and certain objects he interacts with are scaled to communicate the brand's message.
Podkasty.infoJulian Hermannsen. One of the best motion control robot operators in the world, he has worked on many Hollywood productions. FOODLOOSE - na luzie od kuchni ...
visual distractions Film GmbH - The Sandman and the Lost Sand of...Julian Hermannsen was the Visual Effects and Motion Control Supervisor on the film. In addition to providing 3d and compositing services for the live action bookends of this stop motion feature, we also did R&D for the main 3d cgi fx in the film (Habumar, the antagonist's tail) and provided one of the motion control rigs (Kuper system) during ...
berkeysystem.comHere's a look at Julian Hermannsen's McDonalds Ad. July 7, By Berkey System Leave a Comment. Here's a look at Julian Hermannsen's commercial. I'm Lovin' It ...
de.mastermoves.de"Audi AG" - Imagefilm. Sprachkenntnisse: Deutsch, Englisch. Julian Hermannsen bei crew united · Operators; Julian Hermannsen. Home · FAQ · Links · Impressum ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Julian
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Julian; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); ursprünglich ein von 'Julius' abgeleiteter römischer Beiname 'Julianus'; bekannt durch den römischen Kaiser Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Mark Roberts
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- Axel Mähler
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Personensuche zu Julian Hermannsen & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Julian Hermannsen und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.