400 Infos zu Julian Lage
Mehr erfahren über Julian Lage
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- Fred Hersch
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- Chris Eldridge
- Palmetto Records
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- Modern Lore
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- Guitarist
- Love Hurts
- Arclight
- Colley
57 Aktuelle Nachrichten
The Arizona RepublicInterview: Nels Cline opens up on collaborating with Julian Lage before their show at the Musical Instrument Museum.
Julian Lage, Vortex Jazz club, London, reviewThere was some toe-curling schmoozing of the audience going on in this gig and every move, down to the smallest lick, had clearly been planned in advance....
Julian Lage | Aktuelle News und RezensionenAlle Infos, News und Rezensionen zur Musik von JULIAN LAGE finden Sie ... Lage, JazzEcho fürs iPad: Neue Ausgabe mit Céline Rudolph als Cover-Girl. Es fehlt: oxford university
10 questions for Julian Lage: "A lot of tension and related issues...The jazz guitar pro tackles our hot topics
107 Bilder zu Julian Lage

8 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Julian LageFacebook: Julian Lage | FacebookTwitter Profil: Julian Lage (julian_lage)Twitter Profil: Julian Lage (julianlagemusic)9 Hobbys & Interessen
Julian Lage @ Arch Street Tavern - Hartford, CT | FacebookSOLD OUT: An Evening With the Julian Lage Trio Tickets, Fri, Oct 11,...Eventbrite - Mississippi Studios presents SOLD OUT: An Evening With the Julian Lage Trio - Friday, October 11, at Mississippi Studios, Portland, OR. Find...
Roxy am : JazzToday mit Ulita Knaus & Julian Lage in Ulm -...JazzToday mit Ulita Knaus & Julian Lage, :00 Uhr. Roxy, Ulm. Eine neue Konzertreihe im Roxy: Ulita Knaus / Julian Lage
lastFM: Julian Lage @ Lagond's LIVE! from the Haven im Lagond's LIVE! from...Lagond's LIVE! from the Haven's Spotlight Series Presents Julian Lage Shines a light on the interaction between musical storytelling, ...
2 Persönliche Webseiten
World's Fair | Julian LageWorld's Fair by Julian Lage, released 03 February 's 2. Peru 3. Japan 4. Ryland 5. Double Stops 6. Gardens 7. Century 8. Where or When 9. Missouri ...
JULIAN LAGEJulian Lage tour dates. Track Pastora Soler and never miss them live. Includes news and updates from the artist direct to your inbox. Subscribe. No upcoming ...
2 Infos zur Ausbildung
Guitar Night with Julian Lage and Peter Bernstein – Stanford ArtsJulian Lage, at eight the subject of a documentary about his prodigious talent, has become a startlingly inventive and intuitive master player, ... So., 2. Aug. Guitar Night with Julian Lage ...
Taylor Eigsti & Julian Lage – Stanford ArtsA frequent collaborator with Eigsti is 26-year-old guitar virtuoso Julian Lage, who came to prominence with vibraphone giant Gary Burton over ...
9 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Julian LageSoundtrack, Bill Cosby: Far from Finished
Julian Lage | Biography, Albums, Streaming Links | AllMusicFind Julian Lage bio, music, credits, awards, & streaming links on AllMusic - Lauded guitar virtuoso with an eclectic, often…
1 Projekte
ArtistShareAs a Lesson Participant, you will receive an exclusive on-line lesson from the Julian Lage on his insight and approach to the lesson topic. He will discuss his ...
20 Songs & Musik
Amazon MP3: Beatricevon Julian Lage Fred Hersch, Palmetto Records, 2013
Amazon MP3: Down Homevon Julian Lage Fred Hersch, Palmetto Records, 2013
Amazon MP3: Free Flyingvon Fred Hersch and Julian Lage, Palmetto Records, 2013
Amazon MP3: Free Flyingvon Julian Lage Fred Hersch, Palmetto Records, 2013
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Guitarists Julian Lage and Chris Eldridge Pick Some Winners | San...The virtuosic duo succeed with their custom blend of “esoteric acoustic guitar art songs.”
Kulturportal - Julian Lage Band | Musik | BostonAls der junge Gitarrist aus der Bay Area von San Francisco vor dreizehn Jahren in der Musikszene erstmals von sich reden machte, hagelte es gleich ...
2 Video- & Audioinhalte
Julian Lage - YouTubeJulian Lage is of the 'highest category of improvising musicians, those who can enact thoughts and impulses as they receive them.' (New Yorker) The Californi...
Guitarist Julian Lage Performs 'Ryland'Guitarist Julian Lage performs the song
17 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Julian Lage - WikipediaJulian Lage (/lahj/; born December 25, 1987) is an American guitarist and composer. Contents. 1 Career; 2 Discography As leader or co-leader; 2.2 As Genres: Jazz Born: December 25, (age 31); Santa Rosa, Instruments: Guitar
Grateful Web Interview with Julian Lage | Grateful WebProdigious progressive jazz guitarist Julian Lage at age thirty has been playing professionally for the majority of his life. In recent years, collaborations...
Julian Lage: an Interview ~ The Free Jazz CollectiveBy Paul Acquaro Over the years, I've covered some of the work of guitarist Julian Lage, writing about the duo records with pianist Fred Hersch ...
Der Gitarrist Julian Lage im Interview | GITARRE …Alles neu bei Gitarrenwunderkind Julian Lage! Der in New York ansässige Jazz-Gitarrist hat die Akustikgitarre gegen eine Telecaster eingetauscht und präsentiert auf seiner neuen Platte eine Mischung aus Jazz, Folk und Americana, die trotz aller Reminiszenzen an die US-Musikhistorie vor allem nach ihm selbst klingt. Statt sich auf Bebop oder Fusion zu berufen, lotet Julian...
162 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Julian Lage Tickets, Tour Dates & Concerts – SongkickBuy tickets for an upcoming Julian Lage concert near you. List of all Julian Lage tickets and tour dates for Mi., 11. Sept. Nighttown, Cleveland, OH, US Do., 12. Sept. Thirty One West Ballroom, Newark, OH, US Fr., 13. Sept. The Mod Club, Toronto, ON, Canada
Album Modern Lore, Julian Lage | Qobuz: …Da Julian Lage mit seinem Plektron seine Klassiker aus dem Effeff beherrscht, wandert er von einem Bekanntenkreis zum nächsten. Vom Stil eines Bill Frisell rutscht man erst in Richtung Pat Metheny, bevor es etwas schlichter wird und man sich dem Stil eines Jim Hall nähert, der doch mit Colley und Wollesen zusammengearbeitet hat.
Play Like The Greats .com — Julian LageAccurate and detailed transcriptions for Guitar, Bass, Piano, Voice, etc., with Tab/Tabs, Sheet Music/Score, Chords, and Lyrics. These will teach how to...
A world of music, one guitar: Julian Lage's debut solo album - The...Julian Lage's debut solo album, “World's Fair,” released on Feb. 3, explores the broad musical potential of the guitar. At the age of 27, Lage has ...
Artist "Julian Lage" | HIGHRESAUDIOArtist Julian Lage. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 & Choral Fantasy Freiburger Barockorchester, Zürcher Sing-Akademie & Pablo Heras-Casado
Concert Review: Fred Hersch and Julian Lage in Boston,Fred Hersch and Julian Lage kicked off a short run of promoting their splendid live duo album, Free Flying, at the Boston club Scullers Nov.
Acoustic Guitar Sessions Presents Julian Lage | Acoustic GuitarAG Sessions is pleased to present the phenomenal Julian Lage, who shares a few tunes from his new solo release, World's Fair, and discusses everything from his...
Fred Hersch and Julian Lage: Fred Hersch and Julian Lage: Free FlyingFred Hersch and Julian Lage: Fred Hersch and Julian Lage: Free Flying by Victor L. Schermer, published on August 29, Find thousands reviews at All About...
Concert review: Jazz guitarist Julian Lage, still defying...The show features a selection of diverse songs from his latest album, 'Arclight.'
Jazz Telepathy: Fred Hersch and Julian Lage | CultureCrashLAST night I was lucky enough to catch jazz pianist Fred Hersch and guitarist Julian Lage in the kind of duet setting that captured not only ...
Interpret "Julian Lage" | HIGHRESAUDIOInterpret Julian Lage. Jagd auf Rehe Jasmin Tabatabai & David Klein Quintett Genre: Jazz
Chris Eldridge & Julian Lage | | Old Town School of Folk...The phenomenal guitar duo of Julian Lage and Chris “Critter” Eldridge of Punch Brothers displays a burgeoning friendship between two ...
Gary Burton New Quartet feat Julian Lage - Ronnie Scott'sHere he introduces his latest band, the New Gary Burton Quartet, comprised of guitarist Julian Lage, bassist Scott Colley and drummer Antonio Sanchez.
Fred Hersch and Julian Lage: Free Flying | PopMattersFred Hersch likes guitar players. He's performed with Bill Frisell and Jim Hall, just to name two, and has dedicated original songs to these guys
Fuse Album Review: Fred Hersch and Julian Lage - Gloriously "Free...One of the remarkable aspects of these duets is that almost nowhere is either player — Fred Hersch or Julian Lage — reduced to mere ...
JULIAN LAGE - SOUNDING POINT ALBUM LYRICSFeatures Song Lyrics for Julian Lage's Sounding Point album. Includes Album Cover, Release Year, and User Reviews.
Guitarist Julian Lage's Road From Child Prodigy to Seasoned Pro -...Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage
Julian Lage - DownBeatJulian Lage cut a lean and lithe figure, swinging and swaying to the artfully organized tangle of tones—some bent… The Nels Cline 4 has released a new Blue Note album titled Currents, Constellations. The band includes drummer Tom Rainey (left), guitarists Nels Cline and Julian Lage, and bassist Scott Colley. Jun 4, :44 PM
An Evening with the Julian Lage Trio | Celebrity Series of BostonComposer and guitarist Julian Lage makes his Series debut with his trio for an "utterly mesmerizing" (Jazzwise) performance.
Julian Lage - JAM pedalsJulian Lage “I am in LOVE with this pedal ! I used it every night of my last tour. This pedal is so musical and brings a character out of the amp that is so reminiscent of what my favorite old tweed amps have, plus the clarity and definition of a modern sound.
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Julian
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Julian; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); ursprünglich ein von 'Julius' abgeleiteter römischer Beiname 'Julianus'; bekannt durch den römischen Kaiser Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus)
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Lage
Lage ist eine Chateau im Bordeaux-Weingebiet(Nähe Sauveterre). Die Familie de Lage wurde als Hugenotten-Familie von dort vertrieben und flüchtete über Cleve, Berlin nach Oberschlesien.
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Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Julian Lage und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.