166 Infos zu Julian Stecklina
Mehr erfahren über Julian Stecklina
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- Dresden
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- Thomas Prescher
- Lazy FP
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- Sean Bruno
2 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Genode Labs - Newsletter Archive... support. http://www.l4ka.org/projects/pistachio/ The port of Genode to L4ka::Pistachio was initially done by Julian Stecklina as a student research project at the ...
Lazy FP: Schwachstelle im FPU-SwitchingThomas Prescher von Cyberus Technology und Julian Stecklina von Amazon stießen laut einem Blogpost bereits Anfang auf eine ...
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
blitz (Julian Stecklina) · GitHubdevice drivers, microkernels and virtualization. Germany ...
Julian Stecklina | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Julian Stecklina, with fewer than 50 highly influential citations.
Files from Julian Stecklina ≈ Packet StormInformation Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers
4 Persönliche Webseiten
Amok.am - Erfahrungen und BewertungenAmok.am befindet sich auf Rang in Deutschland. Finden Sie Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Amok.am. Klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen zu Amok.am.
User Julian Stecklina - Stack Overflowhacker. 4 answers. 12 questions. ~138k people reached. Dresden, Germany ...
AmoK - The Art of Coding | ImpressumJöran Beel, Verantwortlich für die Website im Allgemeinen und alle zugehörigen Dienste, nicht aber für die im folgenden aufgeführte Software. Julian Stecklina (bl !tz), Verantwortlich für : AmoK Date Wizard AmoK DelayDel AmoK Find More! und für andere unter seinem (Spitz-) Namen veröffentlichte Software. Dirk Paehl ...
AmoK - The Art of Coding | ImprintJöran Beel, Responsible for the website in general and all additional services, but not for the software listed below. Julian Stecklina (bl!tz), Responsible for:
6 Projekte
boelthorn / Profileboelthorn; Joined: :28:56. Projects. Project Logo ...
Re: Gentoo portage overlay | Genode OS Frameworkwrote: > Hi Julian, > > On :47 AM, Julian Stecklina wrote: >> I just created a small Portage overlay which includes the Genode >> toolchain.
Re: [Sbcl-devel] Re: sb-grovel vs. sb-alien | Steel Bank Common LispAndreas Fuchs <asf@...> writes: > Today, Julian Stecklina <der_julian@...> wrote : >>> because it doesn't use with-alien internally, and so sb-alien:addr >>> complains that VAR isn't an alien variable; I have a fix for that, >>> and I think I'll commit it before >> >> It would be nice if you could drop me a note when this ...
Re: [Sbcl-devel] SBCL blocks while reading files from sysfs | Steel...On 30-Jun-08, at 5:43 PM, Julian Stecklina wrote: > Alastair Bridgewater < nyef_sbcl@...> writes: >> What I expect is happening here is that the Linux kernel is ...
5 Bücher zum Namen
ISSE Securing Electronic Business Processes | Ebook | Ellibs...Ellibs Ebookstore - Ebook: ISSE Securing Electronic Business Processes - Author: Reimer, Helmut - Price: 58,15€
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning: 17th...Annotation. This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and...
Proceedings of the 4th Many-core Applications Research Community...Peter Tröger. Fiasco.OC. on. the. SCC. Markus Partheym ̈uller, Julian Stecklina, Bj ̈orn D ̈obel {mpartheym,jsteckli ...
ISSE Securing Electronic Business Processes: Highlights of the...This book presents the most interesting talks given at ISSE the forum for the inter-disciplinary discussion of how to adequately secure electronic...
10 Dokumente
Embedded Virtualization applied in Mobile Devices* ARM Virtualization * Embedded Virtualization Implementations * Guest OS specific issues
Embedded Virtualization for Mobile DevicesGoals of This Presentation: an overview about - virtualization in general - device virtualization on ARM - doing virtualization in several approaches
[ ] LazyFP: Leaking FPU Register State using...Title:LazyFP: Leaking FPU Register State using Microarchitectural Side- Channels. Authors:Julian Stecklina, Thomas Prescher. (Submitted on ...
Credits - SLIME User Manual, version 3.0-alphaSLIME User Manual, version 3.0-alpha
19 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
dblp: Julian StecklinaList of computer science publications by Julian Stecklina
Julian StecklinaJulian Stecklina. We don't know how to design systems yet. So let's not make what we don't know into a religion for god sakes. Alan Kay Remote ...
SMP problems with Thinkpad X60sJulian Stecklina julian.stecklina at mailbox.tu-dresden.de. Mon Jul :19:12 CEST Previous message: SMP problems with Thinkpad X60s; Next ...
dblp: ICOOOLPS@ECOOP 2011Bibliographic content of ICOOOLPS@ECOOP 2011
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
THE NOVA KERNEL API - Index ofTHE NOVA KERNEL API - Index Read more about nova, kernel, dresden, folie, memory and vcpu.
13 Meinungen & Artikel
Wikipedia: Lazy FP state restore - WikipediaLazy FPU state leak (CVE ), also referred to as Lazy FP State Restore or LazyFP, LazyFP: Leaking FPU Register State using Microarchitectural Side- Channel, by Julian Stecklina and Thomas Prescher (Research paper) · Intel ...
Accepted cl-sdl (i386 source all)Julian Stecklina sent a patch to support FreeBSD - Nikodemus Siivola points out that cl-sdl depends on libsdl1.2-dev too (Closes: # ).
Bugs : Julian StecklinaInkscape 6. Low. Confirmed. # xdg-open *.desktop opens text editor. gvfs
Re: Bootable Firewire Drives - Julian Stecklina -...From, Sent On, Attachments. Sean Bruno, Oct 28, :34 pm. Daniel O' Connor, Oct 28, :14 pm. Julian Stecklina, Nov 3, :02 am ...
102 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Julian Stecklina - Google ScholarEngineer at Cyberus Technology - 576-mal zitiert - virtualization - systems research - operating systems - microkernels - network
Julian Stecklina - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.es/citations?user=jnXyw9YAAAAJ&hl=daJulian Stecklina. PhD student at Technische Universität Dresden. Bekræftet mail på os.inf.tu-dresden.de - Startside · virtualizationsystems researchoperating ...
Google MapsExcellent local food and charming hosts. I enjoyed every bite and the Commandaria goes well with the desert. You will not see the party crowd here.
CLiki: Julian StecklinaJulian Stecklina. Julian Stecklina is a Person, who can be found as blitz_ in the channels #lisp and #freebsd of the FreeNode IRC network.
FOSDEM Julian StecklinaJulian Stecklina. Julian has been working on microkernels and everything around it for a several years. His main interests are virtualization and networking in the context of microkernel-based systems. Bị thiếu: hafenlohr
O'Grady's PowerPage » Julian StecklinaTagged with Julian Stecklina. Apple releases Security Update for El Capitan, Sierra operating systems. It's a fairly large update, but it helps.
Julian Stecklina - Google Scholar Citationsscholar.google.com/citations?user=jnXyw9YAAAAJ&hl=enL Neumann, T Halman, P Rotek, A Boettcher, J Stecklina, M Sojka, ... ISSE Securing Electronic Business Processes, System and ... Missing: Hafenlohr"
Julian Stecklina – Firmware SecurityPosts about Julian Stecklina written by hucktech
Julian Stecklina - Open Hub2fopenhub. C++. Julian Stecklina. Dresden, Germany. Account Summary. Analyzed ...
'Julian Stecklina ' posts - MARCViewing messages posted by 'Julian Stecklina <der_julian () web ! de>' (75 msg) Next · Last [1] ports : portupgrade fails to install ports ...
User Julian Stecklina - Super UserJulian Stecklina. OS, network and virtualization hacker. Dresden, Germany; os.inf .tu-dresden.de/… Member for 4 years, 1 month; 2 profile views; Last seen Apr
Julian Stecklina (blitz) - Libraries.ioRepositories created and contributed to by Julian Stecklina (blitz)
People at Savannah: Julian Stecklina Profile [Savannah]Savannah is a central point for development, distribution and maintenance of free software, both GNU and non-GNU.
[wmii] Re: wmiiwm segfaulting from Julian Stecklina onOn Sun, Jun 25, at 10:57:34PM +0200, Julian Stecklina wrote: > Thanks for the report and the backtrace. Would it be too much trouble
[wmii] window close bug? from Julian Stecklina on (wmii...From : Julian Stecklina <der_julian_AT_web.de> Date : Wed, 21 Jun :07:58 + Hello,. if I execute "xterm -e silc", the resulting ...
LKML: Julian Stecklina: Re: Redoing eXclusive Page Frame Ownership...Ownership (XPFO) with isolated CPUs in mind (for KVM to isolate its ...
LKML: Julian Stecklina: [RFC] x86/speculation: add L1 Terminal Fault...From, Julian Stecklina <>. Subject, [RFC] x86/speculation: add L1 Terminal Fault / Foreshadow demo. Date, Mon, 21 Jan :10:08 +
bl_tz (Julian Stecklina) | Keybasebl_tz (Julian Stecklina) is now on Keybase, an open source app for encryption and cryptography.
Der FreeBSD Statusreport für das zweite Quartal ist da | BSDForen.de...Der FreeBSD Statusreport für das zweite Quartal ist da. Ihr findet ihn unter: http://www.freebsd.org/news/status/report html Hier...
Re: [STUMP] Re: [PATCH] modified: wrappers.lisp @to (posix:) because the os -> posix > alias wasn't carrying over ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Julian
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Julian; Lateinisch (Römischer Beiname); ursprünglich ein von 'Julius' abgeleiteter römischer Beiname 'Julianus'; bekannt durch den römischen Kaiser Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus)
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Personensuche zu Julian Stecklina & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Julian Stecklina und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.