149 Infos zu Julius Popp
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- Nuremberg
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Infos zu
- Bit.Fall
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- Korean Air Box
- Box Project
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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Google News: Die Kunst der Entschleunigung. Bewegung und Ruhe in der Kunst von Caspar David ...[Wechselausstellungen.de (Pressemitteilung)] - Julius Popp ästhetisiert die Beschleunigung der Kommunikation in der dot.com-Generation. Kris Martin thematisiert die Sinnsuche der orientierungslos gewordenen Jet-Setter. Ein besonderes Kapitel widmet sich dem Umgang mit Geld mit Arbeiten von Aernout
Julius PoppJulius Popp Stand Künstler. Geb in Nürnberg. Studium an der Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst in Leipzig. Zahlreiche Einzelausstellungen im In- und Ausland. Lebt in Leipzig. …
BIT.FALL by Julius PoppSwire PropertiesBIT.FALL by German artist Julius Popp, presented by Pacific Place, is a pioneering multimedia work that combined technology and engineering. BIT.FALL by German artist Julius Popp, presented by Pacific Place, is a pioneering multimedia work that combined technology and engineering.
65 Bilder zu Julius Popp

15 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Jour Fixe – JULIUS POPP | FacebookFacebook: Julius Popp - Leipzig, Germany - Business Service | Facebookwww.facebook.com › pages › Juli...Facebook: Obart - das Kunstlabel - mobile Installation von Julius Popp für ...www.facebook.com › obart.eu › videos › mobile-installation-von-julius-po...LinkedIn: Julius PoppSehen Sie sich das Karriere-Profil von Julius Popp (Deutschland) auf LinkedIn an. LinkedIn ist das weltweit größte professionelle Netzwerk, das Fach- und ...
1 Hobbys & Interessen
31 Julius Popp Stock Photos and High-res PicturesGetty ImagesBrowse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Julius Popp stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Julius Popp stock photos are ... Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Julius Popp stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures. Julius Popp stock photos are ...
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Julius Popp | BiographyMutualArtLearn more about Julius Popp (German, 1973). Read the artist bio and gain a deeper understanding with MutualArt's artist profile. Learn more about Julius Popp (German, 1973). Read the artist bio and gain a deeper understanding with MutualArt's artist profile.
1 Angaben zur Herkunft
Julius Popp (1904–1967)FamilySearchWhen Julius Popp was born on 7 December 1904, in Benton, Minnesota, United States, his father, Francis Joseph Popp, was 26 and his mother, ... When Julius Popp was born on 7 December 1904, in Benton, Minnesota, United States, his father, Francis Joseph Popp, was 26 and his mother, ...
1 Projekte
Medienkünstlers Julius Popp - Agentur ZEITFENSTERJulius Popp durchbricht in seinen Werken die Grenze zwischen Kunst und Informationstechnologie. Über die Kunstwelt hinaus finden seine Werke auch in Wissen-schaftskreisen als Beiträge zur Künstlichen Intelligenz Beachtung. Er …
3 Bücher zum Namen
Collection of Tales and Sketches - II. Bändchenvon Dr. Julius Popp (Hrsg.), Velhagen & Klasing, 1910, Gebundene Ausgabe
Kurze Beschreibungen mehrerer Irren-Anstalten Deutschlands, Belgiens, Englands, Schottlands und Frankreichs...von Georg Julius Popp, Nabu Press, 2012, Taschenbuch
Julius Popp Resolution - Softcover - AbeBooksAbeBooksSoftcover. Condition: neu. OVP Titel Julius Popp, Resolution : [Kunstpreis der Leipziger Volkszeitung ; Ausstellung im Museum der Bildenden Künste ...
2 Dokumente
File:Julius Popp Sculpture BitFall.JPGWikimedia CommonsEnglish: Sculpture/Fountain Bit.Fall by Julius Popp (2005) at the Moscow Bienalle of Contemporary Art. Date, 18 October Source, Own ... English: Sculpture/Fountain Bit.Fall by Julius Popp (2005) at the Moscow Bienalle of Contemporary Art. Date, 18 October Source, Own ...
SAP-Kunstausstellung "Julius Popp"SAPSAP-Kunstausstellung "Julius Popp". Informationen zur SAP-Kunstausstellung "Julius Popp" für das Kunstarchiv Download the Document. Failed to fetch. Is this ... SAP-Kunstausstellung "Julius Popp". Informationen zur SAP-Kunstausstellung "Julius Popp" für das Kunstarchiv Download the Document. Failed to fetch. Is this ...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
DFG - GEPRIS - Professor Dr. Julius PoppProfessor Dr. Julius Popp, Klinik HirslandenZürich, Schweiz
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Julius Popp - Deutsche Digitale BibliothekJulius Popp Dozent. Hat mitgewirkt an: Key role of MIF-related neuroinflammation in neurodegeneration and cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease; Alle Objekte (1) Externe …
Julius Popp - Wikidatawikidata.orgJulius Popp. Austria-Hungary politician ( ). In more languages. Spanish. Julius Popp. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No ... Julius Popp. Austria-Hungary politician ( ). In more languages. Spanish. Julius Popp. No description defined. Traditional Chinese. No label defined. No ...
8 Video- & Audioinhalte
BlinkX Video: Data Design 6 - Julius Popp18 april De Unie Rotterdam , Blip
BlinkX Video: bit.fall from Julius PoppSee http://sphericalrobots.com for more details on Julius Popp's work , YouTube
BlinkX Video: Bit.FallA short documentary about German artist Julius Popp while setting up his work Bit.Fall in St Louis , YouTube
MONA Bit Fall by Julius PoppYouTube · The Design Files2170+ Aufrufe · vor 6 JahrenMONA Bit Fall by Julius Popp. 2.1K views · 6 years ago ...more. The Design Files K. Subscribe. 6. Share. Save.
6 Meinungen & Artikel
Deutsche Biographie - Popp, Julius17. jan · Citation Popp, Julius, Index entry in: Deutsche Biographie, https://www.deutsche-biographie.de/pnd html [ ].
Adelhaid Popp - Rote Spuren15. okt · Sei heiratete Julius Popp, Parteikassier – er 44, sie 24. (Hauch 1995, S. 291) In ihm hat sie einen Gesinnungsgenossen gefunden, die beiden führen eine wirklich gute, für damalige Verhältnisse ausgesprochen …
Wikipedia: Julius PoppWikipediaJulius Popp (born 1973, Nuremberg) is an artist based in Leipzig. Bit.Fall Pulse, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korean Air Box ...
MMCA Presents Korean Air Box Project 2015: Julius Popp국립현대미술관1962), Julius Popp (b.1973, Germany) was commissioned for the year 2015, presenting his latest work, bit.fall pulse. The next- generation media artist ), Julius Popp (b.1973, Germany) was commissioned for the year 2015, presenting his latest work, bit.fall pulse. The next- generation media artist ...
35 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Julius Popp: BIT.FALL - KampnagelIm komplexen Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Kunst siedelt Julius Popp seine viel beachteten installativen Arbeiten an. Bildende Kunst, die sich auf sehr originäre Weise mit dem …
Julius POPP - Alzheimer EuropeJulius D. Popp is a psychiatrist and professor for geriatric psychiatry. He is the head of the Centre for Cognitive Disorders and Alzheimer’s disease at the Hirslanden Hospital Zürich and the …
Julius Popp. Kunstpreisträger der Adolf-Luther-Stiftung 2010Künstler:innen in Ausstellungen auf art-in.de Künstlerinnenliste zum Jahr 2023
TRANSPOSITION. Der Kunstpreisträger der Adolf-Luther-Stiftung …Der in Leipzig lebende Künstler Julius Popp erhält den siebten Kunstpreis der in Krefeld ansässigen Adolf-Luther-Stiftung. Die Preisverleihung erfolgt bei der Eröffnung seiner …
Künstler*innen Detailseite | ACC Galerie WeimarJulius Popp (*1973 in Nürnberg) ist ein deutscher Medienkünstler. Er beschäftigt sich mit verschiedenen künstlerischen Disziplinen, insbesondere mit Objekten, Installationen, …
Bit.fall by JULIUS POPPLinkedIn · Mark Landini1 Reaktion · vor 8 JahrenBit.fall by JULIUS POPP. Report this article; Close menu. Mark Landini. Mark Landini. Reinventing Normal ... Bit.fall by JULIUS POPP. Report this article; Close menu. Mark Landini. Mark Landini. Reinventing Normal ...
Julius PoppGoogle ScholarJulius Popp. Other names Popp Julius, Popp J, J Popp. Professor, University of Zurich. Verified email at uzh.ch - Homepage · Alzheimer's disease ... Julius Popp. Other names Popp Julius, Popp J, J Popp. Professor, University of Zurich. Verified email at uzh.ch - Homepage · Alzheimer's disease ...
Artist julius popp Stock Photos and ImagesAlamyRM F603BJ–Artist Julius Popp from Leipzig poses at the exhibition of his installation 'bit.fall pulse' in the National Museum for Modern and Contemporary ... RM F603BJ–Artist Julius Popp from Leipzig poses at the exhibition of his installation 'bit.fall pulse' in the National Museum for Modern and Contemporary ...
Bit fall julius popp Stock Photos and ImagesAlamyRM KCJWP7–Berriedale, Australia. 21st Sep, The work 'Bit.fall' by the German artist Julius Popp can be seen at the musuem of Old and New Art (Mona), ... RM KCJWP7–Berriedale, Australia. 21st Sep, The work 'Bit.fall' by the German artist Julius Popp can be seen at the musuem of Old and New Art (Mona), ...
JULIUS POPP Bit.flow PrototypeGalerie nächst St. StephanJulius Popp's works develop at the interface of art and science. His highly artificial, technical patterns and experimental structures have a disturbing ... Julius Popp's works develop at the interface of art and science. His highly artificial, technical patterns and experimental structures have a disturbing ...
Julius Popp - Jocelyn Wolffart mapJulius Popp's works develop at the interface of art and science. His highly artificial, technical patterns and experimental structures have a disturbing ... Julius Popp's works develop at the interface of art and science. His highly artificial, technical patterns and experimental structures have a disturbing ...
Julius Popp - SPINNEREIspinnerei... :innen & Kommune. Julius Popp. InstallationKünstler:Innen. in der Spinnerei seit Jahrgang: zurück. WEITERE KOMMUNEMITGLIEDER. WEITERE... Alle :innen & Kommune. Julius Popp. InstallationKünstler:Innen. in der Spinnerei seit Jahrgang: zurück. WEITERE KOMMUNEMITGLIEDER. WEITERE... Alle ...
Julius Popp ArchivesInside Retail AsiaJulius Popp. image description. Get the latest from Inside Retail straight to your inbox. Join over 100,000 retailers who rely on our daily news, ... Julius Popp. image description. Get the latest from Inside Retail straight to your inbox. Join over 100,000 retailers who rely on our daily news, ...
Julius Popp's Bit.Fall - WHAT WE DO IS SECRETWWDISJulius Popp's Bit.Fall ... Just take a look at this. Here's the artist. Related link: Design and the ... Julius Popp's Bit.Fall ... Just take a look at this. Here's the artist. Related link: Design and the ...
Julius Popp: Neuroscience H-index & AwardsResearch.comThe various areas that Julius Popp examines in his Dementia study include Neurology, Cognition, Neuropsychology and Biomarker discovery. Julius Popp ... The various areas that Julius Popp examines in his Dementia study include Neurology, Cognition, Neuropsychology and Biomarker discovery. Julius Popp ...
Media-Swire “Julius Popp: Bit.Fall” - Art-partnersart-partners.coSwire “Julius Popp: Bit.Fall” South China Morning Post live Facebook “Hong Kong's first web-enabled interactive art installation is now in ... Swire “Julius Popp: Bit.Fall” South China Morning Post live Facebook “Hong Kong's first web-enabled interactive art installation is now in ...
bit.fall – Julius Popp (2014)Kunstpunt GroningenThe CBK brought the artwork bit.fall by German artist Julius Popp to Groningen in especially for the Let's Gro inspiration festival. The CBK brought the artwork bit.fall by German artist Julius Popp to Groningen in especially for the Let's Gro inspiration festival.
Bit.Fall (Julius Popp) - 인천국제공항 > 안내Incheon AirportBit.Fall (Julius Popp). Bit.Fall ( Julius Popp) 시설물 사진 1번 예술품. Bit.Fall ( Julius Popp) 시설물 사진 2번. 위치: 제2여객터미널 1층 수하물수취지역 서편.
Julius Popp Resolution - LUXLUX: Yale Collections DiscoveryLUX is optimized for desktop use. Some features are not available on mobile devices. Julius Popp Resolution. Museum der bildenden Künste, German. LUX is optimized for desktop use. Some features are not available on mobile devices. Julius Popp Resolution. Museum der bildenden Künste, German.
Julius Popp bit.falloboro.netAt the intersection between art and science, the works of Julius Popp enlarge and redefine the notion of interactivity. Popp uses technology as a means to ... At the intersection between art and science, the works of Julius Popp enlarge and redefine the notion of interactivity. Popp uses technology as a means to ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Julius
Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch): Julius; Lateinisch (Römischer Familienname); iovilius = dem Jupiter geweiht; ursprünglich ein römischer Familienname; verbreitet durch die Verehrung von Gaius Julius Caesar, dem berühmtesten Mitglied dieser Familie; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Julius; auf den Philippinen ziemlich beliebtMännlicher Vorname (Lateinisch): Julius;; iovilius = dem Jupiter geweiht; ursprünglich ein römischer Familienname; verbreitet durch die Verehrung von Gaius Julius Caesar, dem berühmtesten Mitglied dieser Familie; bisher trugen 3 Päpste den Namen Julius; auf den Philippinen ziemlich beliebt
Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Popp
Anscheinend kommt der Name Popp urspruenglich von den Roemern als "poppa", danach nach Frankreich als Popp.
Personensuche zu Julius Popp & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Julius Popp und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.