157 Infos zu Kai Lossgott

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13 Aktuelle Nachrichten

newsarchive details - South African Embassy to the Federal ...

2010å¹´9月1æ—¥ · Kai Lossgott, poem, poet:Insanity, Bandile Gumbi (2009) |+| <- Back to: news archive Archive Select a category: Embassy Vacancies Consular FIFA World Cup FIFA …

Lebensaufgabe ǀ Meine Idee der Insel — der Freitag

Indra Wussow hat ein bekanntes Literaturstipendium auf Sylt geschaffen, heute engagiert sich die Literaturwissenschaftlerin in Südafrika

kai lossgott - Opera News South Africaza.opera.news › tags › kai-lossgott

All the kai lossgott news, pictures and more, Want to know the latest updates about kai lossgott? — Click here to za.opera.news.

Kai Lossgott wins the Barclays L'Atelier Award

Congratulations to our Sylt Foundation Fellow Kai Lossgott for winning the Barclays L'Atelier Award We could think of none more deserving it!

3  Bilder zu Kai Lossgott

Bild zu Kai Lossgott
Bild zu Kai Lossgott
Bild zu Kai Lossgott

9 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Kai Lossgott

LinkedIn: Kai Lossgott – Research, Development, and ...

Kai Lossgott. Artist, Educator, Developer. La Planchotte, Maison d'Artistes Karel de Grote-Hogeschool. München, Bayern, Deutschland Follower ...

LinkedIn: Kai Lossgott | LinkedIn

Voir le profil professionnel de Kai Lossgott sur LinkedIn. Grâce à LinkedIn, le plus grand réseau professionnel au monde, les professionnels comme Kai ...

LinkedIn: Kai Lossgott - Associate Lecturer - AP Hogeschool Antwerpen ...be.linkedin.com › kai-lossgott-79a1a14

Kai Lossgott Projects ... With a focus on personal and planetary health, my research interests lie in fine art, film, architecture, environmental studies, anthropology ...

5 Hobbys & Interessen

Kai Lossgott | ArtSlant

ArtSlant profile for contemporary artist Kai Lossgott ... Kai Lossgott has Exhibited with these artists:

Kai Lossgott | Artist | ArtFacts

The artist Kai Lossgott is ranked among the Top 100,000 on ArtFacts. Find out more...

Bruno Penteado | ArtSlant

Kai Lossgott. Ambuja Magaji. Marty McCutcheon. Joas Sebastian Nebe. Kika Nicolela. Renata Padovan. Exhibited at these venues Bruno Penteado has Exhibited at these …

exhibitions & events | ArtSlant

... Eric Fong (China) | Fabienne Audeoud (France) | Filip Gilissen (Belgium) | Kai Lossgott (South Africa) | Lane Last (USA) | Ludovic Sauvage (France) | Martin ...

7 Persönliche Webseiten


Visual artist Kai Lossgott works across media, investigating systems theory, human neural sensitivity and the personal element in green politics, most often in video, drawing and poetry. …

Get creative Green art

Kai Lossgott is a contemporary artist, one for whom the idea or impulse behind his creative work is more important then medium or technique. He comfortably crosses disciplines, inspired to …


After the Paris Climate Conference, artist Kai Lossgott reflects on experimental communal practices, social art projects and effective mobilisation in defiance of disaster fatigue

Letters From the Sky

Last autumn, Kai Lossgott put out his first call for entries to artists and filmmakers around the planet to submit short experimental films that capture how they feel about climate change and …

10 Bücher zum Namen

Living Matters Newsletter

Living Matters is a newsletter put together by the company Living Matter - Landscape Styling and Design. It relates to anything and everything orientated with...

Art and the Global Economy: Zarobell, John: Trade Paperback:...

· With contributions by Lucia Cantero, Mariana David, Valentin Diaconov, Kai Lossgott, Grace Murray, Chhoti Rao, Emma Rogers and Michelle Wong ...

Art and the Global Economy | IndieBound.org

· With contributions by Lucia Cantero, Mariana David, Valentin Diaconov, Kai Lossgott, Grace Murray, Chhoti Rao, Emma Rogers and Michelle Wong ...

Art and the Global Economy - John Zarobell - Google Books

Art and the Global Economy analyzes major changes in the global art world that have emerged in the last twenty years including structural shifts in the global...

1 Dokumente

! Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Self Help Course | PDF | Cognitive...

Kai Lossgott. 0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes) views. 54 pages. Document Information. click to expand document information. Copyright.

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Art and the Global Economy on JSTOR

Art and the Global Economyanalyzes major changes in the global art world that have emerged in the last twenty years including structural shifts in the global...

2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Kai Lossgott (South Africa - Issuu

❝Read these roads investigates the inner workings of the human body and the personal element in green politics

Kai Lossgottms.hrvwiki.net › wiki › Kai_Lossgott

Kai Lossgott adalah seniman interdisipliner Afrika Selatan yang praktiknya berdasarkan objek, badan dan lensa merangkumi bidang persembahan, fotografi, ...

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

Kai Lossgott - YouTube

video poems, microcinema & experimental films

Kai Lossgott - e-poets Videothequevideo.e-poets.net › CityBreath › artist-Lossgott

Kai Lossgott may have German origins, but his education and creative output make him solidly South African. He lives and works in Cape Town. His diverse output ...

Walking in Plastic. (4 min cut). Mduduzi Nyembe / Kai Lossgott /...

Performance artist Mduduzi Nyembe presents a memory of a wounded woman, a dream for an absent father, and a dance in a street market for survival. They are...

Alla Kovgan - Videos - unstablelandscape - Dance-Tech.Netwww.dance-tech.net › video › video › listTagged

MoveStream 01 | Interview with Kai Lossgott | Walking in Plastic. Jeannette Ginslov interviews Kai Lossgott for MoveStream The Politics of Representation ...

12 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Kai Lossgott - Kai Lossgott - abcdef.wiki

· Kai Lossgott ist ein südafrikanischer interdisziplinärer Künstler, dessen objekt-, körper- und linsenbasierte Praxis die Bereiche Performance, ...

MoveStream 01 | Interview with Kai Lossgott | Walking in Plastic -...

Jeannette Ginslov interviews Kai Lossgott for MoveStream The Politics of Representation and the Representation of Politics - Whose lens are we looking t...

Viva.citY: Kai Lossgott and the leaves that could talk (Design Indaba ...thecuriousworldoflilywhite.wordpress.com › viva-cit...

· Pure simple lyrical poetry. The work from Kai Lossgott, presented on the Absa stand, showcased engravings in plant leaves. Fragile dots, small ...

Definition of Lossgott. Meaning of Lossgott. Synonyms of Lossgott

This is the place for Lossgott definition. You find here Lossgott meaning, synonyms of Lossgott and images for Lossgott

90 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Kai Lossgott

About the artist. Kai Lossgott's work explores themes of personal and environmental health as aspects of human agency within the socio-ecological crisis.

Kai Lossgott | Sint Lucas Antwerpen - Academia.edu

Kai Lossgott. Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Art and Design, Graduate Student. Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten Antwerpen, In Situ, Adjunct.


1637 Followers, Following, 200 Posts - kai lossgott (@kai.lossgott) on Instagram: "Every thing is enough. | Cultural careworker. Conduit.


Die vorgestellten Arbeiten von Maria Rebecca Ballestra mit Camilla Boemio, Kai Lossgott, Angelika Boeck und Uli Aigner, Michael Hrebeniak, Lisa Wilkens, Marina Velez, Rosanna …

Südbayern - Narkolepsie-Netzwerk e.V.

2023å¹´3月10æ—¥ · Kai Lossgott behält hier den Überblick und hilft, wo Technik und Mensch aufeinander prallen. Kai ist noch recht neu in München, davor lebte er jahrelang in Südafrika.

Traduction en français - exemples anglais - Reverso Context

Traductions en contexte de "Lossgott" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : By rendering these visible, Kai Lossgott challenges us on the opacity of transparency.

kunst:raum sylt quelle - Stipendien

2013: Kai Lossgott Indra Wussow: "Kai Lossgott is working on a project that engages the delicate nature of the island and also offers new ideas and insights about global ecological issues …

Kai Lossgott's Post

Kai Lossgott's Post. View profile for Kai Lossgott, graphic · Kai Lossgott. Artist, Educator, Developer. 2mo Edited. Report this post; Close menu. Have you ever ...

(PDF) Kai Lossgott Hunter Gatherer | Marina Velez - Academia.eduwww.academia.edu › Marina_Velez_essay_on_Kai_...

He is aware of Kai Lossgott: the shock of thought affects one's attention, one's By doing so he displaces the sensory organs which will allow at a dead bird ...

A knot knitted By tongue cannot Cecile Heystek Beyond Kai Lossgott -...

A knot knitted By tongue cannot Cecile Heystek Beyond Kai Lossgott Broos Mari Vermeulen Breedt Shenaz Mahomed Boom Selibe Daniel Stompie Badimo ...

Essay for Kai Lossgott's exhibition catalogue Hunter Gatherer. Absa ...www.academia.edu › Essay_for_Kai_Lossgotts_exhi...

'hunter-gatherer', an exhibition by Kai Lossgott, catalogue Texts: Paul Bayliss, Kai Lossgott, Puleng Segalo, Marina Velez, Virginia MacKenny Design: Black ...

Ellis House Art :: Kai Lossgott

Contemporary art

Kai Lossgott - Inconvenient Wonders

The focus on the ‘waste’ object is a way to identify and integrate the invisible in our orders of being. Even in denial and avoidance, we are permanently...

Kai Lossgott and Mbali Vilakazi - Enough | Teaching Resources - Teswww.tes.com › teaching-resource › kai-lossgott-and...

Sometimes you've had enough. And sometimes you have enough. A fusion of sound and light, video poet Kai Lossgott's and performance poet Mbali Vilakazi's ...

Kai Lossgott wins Sylt Residency Award

Kai Lossgott has been awarded the Sylt Residency Award. He will take it up at the Sylt Foundation’s headquarters on the island of Sylt, Germany in early...

approximate particulars by Kai Lossgott - SoundCloudsoundcloud.com › kai-lossgott › approximate-partic...

Soundtrack and image from 'approximate particulars'. Kai Lossgott Video installation. Commissioned by ABSA Gallery, Johannesburg. Text is reproduced  ...

Kai Lossgott |

Posts about Kai Lossgott written by Admin

Kai Lossgott: “hunter-gatherer”, performance and “apartheid and...

Kai Lossgott. Monday, June 6, :00 h – “hunter-gatherer” performance on the street in front of the Institute for Contemporary Art. Recently seen at ...

Kai Lossgott | Badilisha Poetry – Pan-African Poets

German-born, Kai Lossgott lives and works in Cape Town. His long search for poetry has led him to be published on various platforms including Badilisha

Read these roads by Kai Lossgott | Teaching Resources

A very interesting approach to stop-frame animation by South African videopoet Kai Lossgott, who also organized, directed and curated the City Breath Festival...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kai

Männlicher Vorname (Englisch): Kai; Unbekannt (Artus-Sage); in der Artussage ist Cei (bzw. Kay, Kai oder Keu) einer der Ritter der Tafelrunde; die Herkunft des Namens ist unklar, vielleicht keltisch/walisisch, vielleicht abgeleitet vom lateinischen Namen 'Caius'Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch): Kai; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); Herkunft nicht sicher geklärt; möglicherweise eine friesische kindersprachliche Verkürzung von 'Gerhard'; in Deutschland mit denselben Varianten Kai/Kaj/Kay/Cay, aber anderer Herkunft, auch als weiblicher Name in GebrauchWeiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Kai; Althochdeutsch (Verselbständigte Kurzform); Herkunft nicht sicher geklärt; möglicherweise eine aus den skandinavischen Ländern übernommene Kurzform von 'Katharina'; in Deutschland mit denselben Varianten Kai/Kaj/Kay/Cay, aber anderer Herkunft, auch als männlicher Name in Gebrauch

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Kai Lossgott & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Kai Lossgott und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.