30 Infos zu Karla Krautwald
Mehr erfahren über Karla Krautwald
Infos zu
- Frank Angenstein
- Alberto Arboit
- Thomas
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Twitter Profil: Karla Krautwald (kvergel2)1 Dokumente
Imaging the functional networks influenced by VTA stimulation · There...Imaging the functional networks influenced by VTA stimulation Dissertation Zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades doctor rerum naturalium Dr rer nat genehmigt...
8 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Brief neuronal afterdischarges in the rat hippocampus lead to...von A Arboit · — Karla Krautwald: Data curation, Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. Frank Angenstein: Conceptualization, Visualization, ... › pii
dblp: Karla KrautwaldList of computer science publications by Karla Krautwald
dblp: Henning ScheichList of computer science publications by Henning Scheich
DZNE Angenstein, Frank > GruppenmitgliederDr. Cornelia Helbing, PostDoc, + Alberto Arboit, Doktorand, + Karla Krautwald, Technische Assistentin ... › forschung › forschungsgruppen
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Brain atlas of the Mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) in...von S Radtke-Schuller · · Zitiert von: 71 — The authors would like to thank Anja Gürke, Sibylle Kerling, Karla Krautwald, Barbara Mosler and Gitta Ziegleder for their technical ... › article
16 Webfunde aus dem Netz
DZNE Angenstein, Frank > Group membersCombination of deep brain stimulation and fMRI to characterize the neurophysiological basis of fMRI and to visualize functional interactions of the hippocampus...
BIOFAK gallery: photosПредыдущая Автор: Неизвестен Справа - налево: Karoly Szekeres, Kerstin Staak (Pioch), Karla Krautwald, Zerihun Woube Menelike, Mikael Haile Tesfa
FORSCHUNGSBERICHT RESEARCH REPORTrow: Detlef Balschun (Leuven), Beatrice König (Landshut), Thomas Seidenbecher (Münster), Jeanette Witzke, Karla Krautwald, Back row: Uli Schröder, ... Dr. Sven Apel Nina Bieniok Monika Fross Felix Kuhn Katharina Lege Anton Haberland Dr. Cornelia Helbing Karla Krautwald Julian Lüer Dr. Patrick May ... › forschu... › Neues-aus-unserer-f...
MRI-aided stereotaxic coordinates - PDF Free DownloadS272 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Anja Gu¨rke, Sibylle Kerling, Karla Krautwald, Barbara Mosler and Gitta Ziegleder for their technical ...
OUCIAuthors: Alberto Arboit, Shih-Pi Ku, Karla Krautwald, Frank Angenstein. Funder Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. List of references. › works
Perforant pathway stimulation as a conditioned stimulus for active...Semantic Scholar extracted view of
Prof. Dr. Reymann - Mitarbeiter/coworkers - Seite 2Maxim Sokolov (Moskau). Prof. Leonid Voronin (Moskau). Technicians/Technische Mitarbeiter: Katrin Böhm. Sabine Hartmann. Heidi Herold. Karla Krautwald.
Electrical Stimulation of the Lateral Entorhinal Cortex Causes ...Authors: Karla Krautwald, Liv Mahnke and Frank Angenstein. Date: May 24, From: Frontiers in Neuroscience. Publisher: Frontiers Research Foundation. › doc › HRCA
Resting-state functional MRI as a tool for evaluating brain ...read.qxmd.com › read › resting-state-functional-...Karla Krautwald, Frank Angenstein Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2012, 32 (2): Different anesthesia regimes modulate the functional ...
Perforant pathway stimulation as a conditioned stimulus for ...Authors: Frank Angenstein, Karla Krautwald, Wolfram Wetzel, Henning Scheich … Heating was provided from the ventral side and heart rate, breathing rate, ... › ...
Synchronized electrical stimulation of the rat medial forebrain...... an additive BOLD response in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex. Karla Krautwald, Hoon Ki Min, Kendall H Lee, Frank Angenstein.
Synchronized electrical stimulation of the rat medial forebrain ...... author={Karla Krautwald and Hoon-Ki Min and Kendall H. Lee and Frank Angenstein}, journal={NeuroImage}, year={2013}, volume={77}, pages={14-25} }. › ...
Europe PMCFULL TEXT Abstract: Repeated high-frequency pulse-burst stimulations of the rat perforant pathway elicited positive BOLD responses in the right hippocampus,...
BIOFAK Directory— Яковлев Алексей. . Thomas Hansch. . Karla Krautwald. . Bodo Linz. . › list
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Karla
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Skandinavisch): Karla; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; the variant 'Carol' is probably chosen by parents because of the common English word 'carol' (Christmas song); Information zur männlichen Form Karl:; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt
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