34 Infos zu Karolin Reichardt

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3 Aktuelle Nachrichten

14 – 5 = 126, Galway Arts Festival – 126 Artist-Run Gallery & Studios

Alwyn Revill, Joe Nix, Alan Butler, Louise Manifold, David Beattie, Jonathan Sammon, Stefan Johansson, Karolin Reichardt and Maurits van ...

14-5= 126 | Galway International Arts Festival

An experimental artist-led installation. Nine artists, one each day, will create work within the 126 Gallery. Each artist may react to or erase parts of the...

INTENSIVE CARE Groningen, UMCG, 1 juli september Opening: 1...

... Alan Butler, Louise Manifold, David Beattie, Jonathan Sammon, Stefan Johansson, Karolin Reichardt and Maurits van Putten = 126 is an experimental ...

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

pinterest.com: Karolin Reichardt

425 Pins • 7 Followers

vk.com: Karolin Reichardt, work in progress | Textile & Design Books | VK

Karolin Reichardt,

nts_phd/10. Danke.markdown at master · eins78/nts_phd · GitHub

doctoral thesis at the bauhaus uni weimar. Contribute to eins78/nts_phd development by creating an account on GitHub.

2 Hobbys & Interessen

About Karolin Reichardt - Karolin Reichardt

I live and work in Berlin. I studied Fine Art and Art Education at the Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany and at the University of Ulster in Belfast,...

Karolin Reichardt

Karolin Reichardt · About Karolin Reichardt · Textiles · Drawings · Making Tracks · Zitter · Quilts · Micros · Data Display · Drawing on Space · View all.

2 Projekte

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Green Shuttle_I | WS

Karolin Reichardt. Jennifer Stelco. Haruka Takahashi. Philipp Valenta. Florence von der Weth. Künstlergespräch / workshop "Witterung" Sven Kroner, Malerei Der Vortrag des Künstlers Sven Kroner (D) *1973, fand im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe des Projekts Green Shuttle am 17. Dezember statt.

Summaery 2010

Diplom- und Examensausstellung von Frauke Libelle Ketelsen, Katharina Molitor, Karolin Reichardt und Juliane Schlereth Route zum Saalbahnhof, Jena. Teilnehmer. Frauke Libelle Ketelsen, Katharina Molitor, Karolin Reichardt, Juliane Schlereth. Betreuer. Katharina Molitor. Art des Kurses. Diplom. Anmerkung.

1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Intra.Venice

Eine künstlerisch-praktische Examensarbeit von Karolin Reichardt [ SS | Bearbeitungszeit: 6 Wochen | Prüfer: Prof. Hinterberger und Dr. Wischnack ]

3 Meinungen & Artikel

Karolin Reichardt – Jordan Louise Alberts

Posts about Karolin Reichardt written by jordanlouisealberts

peer to space's new online exhibition — peer to space

... Julia Neuenhausen, Natasza Niedziolka, Shanell Papp, Anja Claudia Pentrop, Cordula Prieser, Anna Ray, Karolin Reichardt, Fiene Scharp, ...

Hey Symmetric by Karolin Reichardt | Pollen Studio and Gallery

An exhibition showcasing the recent work from Berlin based artist Karolin Reichardt. Opening reception 6-9pm Thursday 23rd October The exhibition will also be...

20 Webfunde aus dem Netz

CREATORS – Karolin Reichardt | Polyfield Magazine

Karolin Reichardt. Microorganism Part II. What do you use to create your artwork? At the moment I am working with embroidery and other textile ...

The Thin Air | Irish Music & Culture With a Local Accent

Irish Music & Culture With a Local Accent

10+ Karolin Reichardt ideas | textile art, embroidery, embroidery art

Artist Karolin Reichardt crafts colorful embroideries based on her "personal observations and reactions to the built and natural environment." Artist Karolin ...

The Thin Air | Exploring Ireland's Cultural Undercurrents

Exploring Ireland's Cultural Undercurrents

Melter Shelter | Contemporary embroidery, Embroidery inspiration,...

Karolin Reichardt - embroidery Mehr. "My work explores psychological landscapes, illuminating thoughts left unspoken.

81 Karolin Reichardt-Ideen | sticken, sticken modern, handweberei

Embroidery I Textiles Art I Watercolour. Weitere Ideen zu Stickereikunst, Moderne stickerei und Sticken modern.

Karolin Reichardt Art – Modern Embroidery – Textile Art | Small for...

Modern embroidered art by artist Karolin Reichardt.

Karolin Reichardt's Embroideries Inspired by Science  | Broderie...

Artist Karolin Reichardt crafts colorful embroideries based on her "personal observations and reactions to the built and natural environment."

Sketchbook painting by Karolin Reichardt, | Sketch book, Textile...

Sketchbook painting by Karolin Reichardt, MICROORGANISM embroidery by Karolin Reichardt in "Stitch-Illo" published by Uppercase,

Karolin Reichardt - embroidery | Stickereikunst

Barbara Jenner hat diesen Pin entdeckt. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest.

Karolin Reichardt (avec images) | Galerie

This Pin was discovered by Lucy Smith-Richards. Discover (and save) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Karolin Reichardt | Textile fiber art, Embroidery and stitching,...

This Pin was discovered by Sylvie Lucas. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest.

Advertiser.ie - See the art unfold at 126

Nine artists over nine consecutive days will create, destroy, and re-arrange artworks in 126, and the public will be able to see it unfold on-line and in the...

Lessons on how to bounce back after an unproductive rut - Pikaland

We've all been unproductive at one point. Holidays, being ill and emotional stress can affect the best of us. Here's some tips for getting your bounce back!

Boat and Balloon

Berlin-based artists Karolin Reichardt and Ben Craig sharing their creative voyage. www.boatandballoon.com

Claiming Needles - Positions of Contemporary Embroidery Art

Online exhibition on contemporary embroidery art, curated by Peggy Schoenegge and Darja Zub, presented by peer to space.

Claiming Needles: Positions of Contemporary Embroidery Art — Carol...

... Julia Neuenhausen, Natasza Niedziolka, Shanell Papp, Anja Claudia Pentrop, Cordula Prieser, Anna Ray, Karolin Reichardt, Fiene Scharp, ...

May | Icelandic Textile Center

May Barbara Ramsay, Karolin Reichardt, Karin Hedberg, Kerstin Lindström, Kristen Tynan, Mary-Anne McTrowe, Mary Logue, Sarah M. Chu, Cornelia ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Karolin

Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Karolin; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; the variant 'Carol' is probably chosen by parents because of the common English word 'carol' (Christmas song); Information zur männlichen Form Karl:; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Reichardt

Reich an Hardt (also reich an Wald)

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