82 Infos zu Karolina Worf
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Lebt in
- München
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- Zitiert
- Helmholtz
- Müller
- Nikola
- Anna Köferle
- Binder
- Christoph Hamm
- Christopher Breunig
- Fabian
- Ghalia Rehawi
- Theis
- Valentin
5 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Datathon for Women of ColorRENCI| April 15 — Dr. Edda Kloppmann & Tanzeem Haque; Machine Learning, Part 2 | April 18 — Saqib Hasan; Evaluation & Validation | April 22 — Karolina Worf.
Events - Causal Cell DynamicsKick-off organiser: Fabian Theis (ICB/Helmholtz AI), Anna Sacher (ICB), Nina Fischer (ICB), Anandhi Iyappan (ICB), Karolina Worf (Helmholtz AI). › ev...
Helmholtz AI FFT monthly seminar - Tingying Peng (8 April 2021)Helmholtz Federated IT ServicesKarolina Worf (Helmholtz AI science manager) will chair the session. Questions & discussion: https://hackmd.io/s/SJEjhYAxd. Access to online venue:
Helmholtz AI project call information event (12 OctoberMeike-Jana Kalb (Helmholtz AI) , Karolina Worf (Helmholtz AI). Description. Background. In the annual Helmholtz AI project call, funded by the Initiative ... › event
3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
LinkedIn: Karolina Worf – Research Assistantlinkedin.comKarolina Worf. Bioinformatikerin, Data Scientist & Online Content Manager. Deutsches Herzzentrum München des Freistaates Bayern - Klinik an der Technischen ...
LinkedIn: Karolina Worf – PHD Student – Helmholtz Zentrum München | LinkedInSehen Sie sich das Profil von Karolina Worf auf LinkedIn an, dem weltweit größten beruflichen Netzwerk. 4 Jobs sind im Profil von Karolina Worf aufgelistet.
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Karolina WorfPhD Student / Oberschleißheim / Machine Learning, Bioinformatics, R
1 Persönliche Webseiten
Legal NoticeCausal Cell DynamicsContent management. Susanne Eichacker, Anandhi Iyappan, Karolina Worf Server administration. Hetzner Online GmbH. Technical support
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Proseminar Bioinformatik (WS ) | www.bio.ifi.lmu.deKarolina Worf Thema (7): Partial Digest Problem Betreuer: Volker Heun Vorbesprechung: , nach dem Proseminar Ausarbeitung (Download freischalten). › lehre › SEM_Algo
2 Angaben zur Herkunft
Anna Alice Felten (Konrath) ( ) - GenealogyGeni— Sister of Anna Maria Hahn; Herman John Konrath; William Paul Konrath and Clara Karolina Worf. Managed by: Jason Boden.
Magdalena Herbig - Historical records and family treesMyHeritageWagner (born Worf), Karolina Worf and 4 other siblings. Magdalena married Anton Herbig on month day 1860, at age 23 in marriage place.
4 Bücher zum Namen
Psychiatric Genetics - Thomas Schulze - Paperback ( ) »...Nikola S. Mueller, Ivan Kondofersky, Gökcen Eraslan, Karolina Worf, and Fabian J. Theis Chapter 11: Epigenomic Exploration of the Human Brain › prod...
bokus.com: Psychiatric Genetics - Thomas Schulze - Häftad ( ) | BokusKöp Psychiatric Genetics av Thomas Schulze. Skickas inom vardagar. Fri frakt över 159 kr. Välkommen till Bokus bokhandel!
Psychiatric Genetics: A Primer for Clinical and Basic Scientists... Karolina Worf, and Fabian J. Theis Epigenomic Exploration of the Human Brain Tobias B. Halene, Gregor Hasler, Amanda Mitchell, and Schahram Akbarian ...
Psychiatric Genetics: A Primer for Clinical and Basic Scientistsgoogle.com.ua... Karolina Worf, and Fabian J. Theis Take-Home Points 1. Bioinformatic tools have been successfully used to identify links between genetic signals and ...
5 Dokumente
Role of the elastin receptor complex (S‐Gal/Cath‐A/Neu‐1) ...Wiley Online Libraryvon F Antonicelli · · Zitiert von: 47 — Ingo Vogt, Jeanette Prinz, Karolina Worf, Monica Campillos, Systematic analysis of gene properties influencing organ system phenotypes in ...
An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction HeldaHeldavon Y Jiang · · Zitiert von: 376 — Binder, Christoph Hamm and Karolina Worf. This work was partially supported by the following grants: National Science Foundation grants ...
Collaborate to innovate: How do I find Industry Partners?Helmholtz AIMathieu Seyfrid, Emma van Holthe, Karolina Worf and Meike-Jana Kalb. Helmholtz AI, Helmholtz Munich. NEXT PROJECT CALL. Announcement: Sept Deadline:.
Systematic analysis of gene properties influencing organ ...Oxford Academicvon I Vogt · · Zitiert von: 9 — Karolina Worf,. Karolina Worf. 1 German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), Ingolstädter , Neuherberg, Germany, 2 Institute of ...
10 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Articles - BMC GenomicsBMC GenomicsAuthors: Anna Köferle, Karolina Worf, Christopher Breunig, Valentin Baumann, Javier Herrero, Maximilian Wiesbeck, Lukas H. Hutter, Magdalena Götz, ...
dblp: Karolina WorfList of computer science publications by Karolina Worf
dblp: Jeanette PrinzList of computer science publications by Jeanette Prinz
CORALINA: a universal method for the BMC Genomicsvon A Köferle · · Zitiert von: 23 — CORALINA: a universal method for the generation of gRNA libraries for CRISPR-based screening. Anna Köferle,; Karolina Worf, ... › ...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Associations of psychiatric disease and ageing with FKBP5 ...Springervon N Matosin · · Zitiert von: 3 — Janine Arloth, Nikola S. Müller, Karolina Worf, Ghalia Rehawi & Nathalie Gerstner. International Max Planck Research School for ...
3 Meinungen & Artikel
BiostatisticsHelmholtz Zentrum München
Blogknowing01... of RNA-binding proteins as well as three potential biomarkers in one of our COVID-19 collaboration projects. Read more. Karolina Worf,
44 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Karolina Worf - PHD Student - Helmholtz Zentrum München | LinkedInView Karolina Worf's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Karolina has 4 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
(Dr.) Karolina Worf – Women Inspired in Life and LeadershipHerWILL(Dr.) Karolina Worf. Post navigation. Dr. Moiuri Siddique · Dr. Edda Kloppmann · Facebook Youtube Instagram Linkedin · Privacy Policy · Terms and Conditions.
Karolina Worf (karolinaworf) - ProfilePinterest.deSieh dir an, was Karolina Worf (karolinaworf) auf Pinterest, der weltweit größten Sammlung von Ideen, entdeckt hat.
Suchmaschine BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): TrefferlisteErgebnis Ihrer Suche im BASE.
#workisawesome Instagram Explore HashTag Photos and Videos ...Found my Zing ♡ I love my job and I'm so happy I' Karolina Worf · @ commander.worf · #grainau #zugspitze #nicehotelview #nicehotel # hotelambadersee ...
An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction ...lareferencia.infovon Y Jiang · · Zitiert von: 378 — ... Alexander Grun, Julia Krumhoff, My Nguyen Ly, Jonathan Boidol, Rene Schoeffel, Yann Spori, Jessika Binder, Christoph Hamm and Karolina Worf.
An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction methods ...The University of Melbourne... Alexander Grun, Julia Krumhoff, My Nguyen Ly, Jonathan Boidol, Rene Schoeffel, Yann Spori, Jessika Binder, Christoph Hamm and Karolina Worf.
Associations of psychiatric disease and ageing with FKBP5 ...Johns Hopkins Universityvon N Matosin · · Zitiert von: 3 — ... Karolina Worf, Ghalia Rehawi, Corina Nagy, Thorhildur Halldorsdottir, Cristiana Cruceanu, Miriam Gagliardi, Nathalie GerstnerMaik Ködel, Vanessa Murek, ...
An expanded evaluation of protein function prediction methods shows...... Rene Schoeffel, Yann Spöri, Jessika Binder, Christoph Hamm and Karolina Worf. This work was partially supported by the following grants: National Science ...
Associations of psychiatric disease and ageing with FKBP5 ...National Institutes of Health (.gov)von N Matosin · · Zitiert von: 3 — ... Kathrin Hafner , Nikola S Müller , Karolina Worf , Ghalia Rehawi , Corina Nagy , Thorhildur Halldorsdottir , Cristiana Cruceanu , Miriam Gagliardi ...
Associations of psychiatric disease and aging on FKBP5 ...bioRxivvon N Matosin · — ... Amber R. Curry, Nils C. Gassen, Kathrin Hafner, Nikola S Müller, Karolina Worf, Ghalia Rehawi, Corina Nagy, Thorhildur Halldorsdottir, ...
An expanded evaluation of protein function Repisalud... Alexander Grun, Julia Krumhoff, My Nguyen Ly, Jonathan Boidol, Rene Schoeffel, Yann Spori, Jessika Binder, Christoph Hamm and Karolina Worf. › handle
Bioinformatics Contest Final Round130, Karolina Worf0, 0, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 200, 00, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0Nikolay Durnikin0, 0, 0,
CORALINA: a universal method for the generation of gRNA ...CyberLeninka Open Science Hub... paper in Biological sciences , author of scholarly article — Anna Köferle, Karolina Worf, Christopher Breunig, Valentin Baumann, Javier Herrero, et al.
CORALINA: a universal method for the generation of gRNA libraries for...CORALINA: a universal method for the generation of gRNA libraries for CRISPR-based screening
CORALINA: a universal method for the generation of gRNA libraries for...Anna Köferle, Karolina Worf, Christopher Breunig, Valentin Baumann, Javier Herrero, Maximilian Wiesbeck, Lukas H Hutter, Magdalena Götz, Christiane Fuchs, ...
Christopher Breunig's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on ...IDCrawl12 records — Anna Köferle 1 , Karolina Worf 2 , Christopher Breunig 3 4 , Valentin Baumann 3 4 , Javier Herrero 5 , Maximilian Wiesbeck 3 4 , Lukas H Hutter
DeepWAS: Multivariate genotype-phenotype associations ...PLOSWe would like to thank Richa Batra, Linda Krause, Christoph Orgis, Karolina Worf, Matthias Heinig and Martin Preusse for useful discussions on the approach.
DeepWAS: Multivariate genotype-phenotype associations by directly ...Emory UniversityWe would like to thank Richa Batra, Linda Krause, Christoph Orgis, Karolina Worf, Matthias Heinig and Martin Preusse for useful discussions on the approach.
Diseased samples got lower PRS than healthy samples - GitersKarolina Worf commented 2 years ago 0. Same issue. We use PRSice-2 now. But I would really like to use LDpred instead as the results look so ... › issues
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Karolina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Karolina; Althochdeutsch (Wortzusammensetzung); karal = der Mann, der Ehemann; the variant 'Carol' is probably chosen by parents because of the common English word 'carol' (Christmas song); Information zur männlichen Form Karl:; alter deutscher Name; früh in Deutschland bekannt, z.B. durch Karl den Grossen (8./9.. Jh.); wurde aber erst im 19. Jh. in Deutschland beliebt
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Valentin Baumann
- Julia Krumhoff
- Linda Krause
- Edda Kloppmann
- Christoph Orgis
- Jessika Binder
- Yann Spori
- Corina Nagy
- Ingo Vogt
- Christoph Hamm
- Nathalie Gerstner
Personensuche zu Karolina Worf & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Karolina Worf und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.