275 Infos zu Karsten Temme

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17 Aktuelle Nachrichten

globo: Startup que usa bactérias para fertilizar o solo recebe US$

Pivot Bio usa engenharia genética para estimular micróbios que fixam nitrogênio no solo

Karsten temme – TechNews

Aria Bendix, provided by Published 11:58 am PDT, Wednesday, October 3, Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images An energy startup called Pivot Bio raised $

Mehr Kooperation mit Nachbarn | Wittingen

Über die Aufarbeitung der Chronik des Gewerbevereins berichtete Friedrich Wilhelm Kirchhoff in einer Zwischenbilanz. Mit Rita und Karsten Temme sowie Otto Haber arbeitet er daran seit Monaten. Ein weiterer Arbeitskreis unter Leitung von Christian Herbsleb beschäftigt sich mit der Verkehrsanbindung ...

Jüdische Kultur in München: Opening-Konzert mit exklusivem Empfang

Bis zum 26. November finden in München die 31. „Jüdischen Kulturtage“ im Gasteig statt, welche einen Einblick in die jüdische Kultur und Tradition geben

20 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

: Karsten Temme aus Bramsche

StayFriends - Schulfreunde wiederfinden

Facebook: Karsten Temme, the Co-founder and CEO of The World ...

Facebook: Karsten Temme: Nitrogen Every Day - Pivot BioFacebook · Pivot Bio5 Reaktionen

Facebook: Karsten Temme: Nitrogen All Season Long | Synthetic ...Facebook · Pivot Bio10+ Reaktionen · vor 2 Monaten

34 Hobbys & Interessen

Latest news about Karsten Temme - Stock Market | FinancialContent...

FinancialContent fully hosted finance channel

Pivot Bio wird Innovation Sprint Partner von AIM for ClimateBusiness Wire

— ... Karsten Temme, Ph.D., Mitbegründer und CEO von Pivot Bio. „Dies könnte eine der wichtigsten Technologien sein, die dafür sorgen, dass die — ... Karsten Temme, Ph.D., Mitbegründer und CEO von Pivot Bio. „Dies könnte eine der wichtigsten Technologien sein, die dafür sorgen, dass die ...

Karsten Temme Stock-Fotos und Bilder - Getty Images

Finden Sie Stock-Fotos zum Thema Karsten Temme sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Karsten Temme...

Pivot Bio Secures $70M Investment For Nitrogen-Producing Microbes

Pivot Bio, a synthetic biology company developing a nitrogen-producing microbial alternative to crop fertilizer, announced yesterday that it has completed a...

3 Business-Profile

Xing: Karsten Temme


Voigt Lab People

Anselm Levskaya, Graduate Student, Co-founder, Cambrian Genomics. Ethan Mirsky, Graduate Student, Co-founder and VP of Operations, Bolt Threads. Alvin Tamsir, Graduate Student, Co-founder, Pivot Bio, Inc. Karsten Temme, Graduate Student, Co-founder, Pivot Bio, Inc. Dan Widmaier, Graduate Student, Co-founder  ...

Karsten TEMME | University of California, Berkeley, CA | UCBResearchGate

Karsten TEMME | Cited by 807 | of University of California, Berkeley, CA (UCB) | Read 6 publications | Contact Karsten TEMME. Karsten TEMME | Cited by 807 | of University of California, Berkeley, CA (UCB) | Read 6 publications | Contact Karsten TEMME.

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

About Us - Pivot Biowww.pivotbio.com › about-us

Its co-founders, Karsten Temme and Alvin Tamsir, developed a new crop nutrition solution and have built a company to provide sustainable solutions for farmers ...

5 Persönliche Webseiten

Dr. Karsten Temme

Dr. Karsten Temme Kunstgeschichte B München M D A N O D . LEBENSLAUF BERUFSERFAHRUNG – …

ZEUGNISSE - karstentemme.de

Karsten Temme geboren am 11. März in Minden den akademischen Grad Doktor der Philosophie (Dr. Phil.) nachdem er im ordnungsgemäBen Promotionsverfahren durch seine …

Begleitung - Home - DR-TO-GOkarstentemme.de

... unserer wunderschönen Museen eine Führung anbieten darf. Download CV. Copyright © DR-TO-GO Dr. Karsten Temme. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Impressum Kontakt unserer wunderschönen Museen eine Führung anbieten darf. Download CV. Copyright © DR-TO-GO Dr. Karsten Temme. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Impressum Kontakt.

Link - DR-TO-GO

Der Englische Garten in München lädt unter mannigfachen Aspekten - historisch, ästhetisch, in der Gartenauffassung, gesellschaftlich, sportlich, kulinarisch -...

2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: "Finding Genius Podcast" Karsten Temme âEUR" Pivot Bio ...IMDb

Karsten Temme âEUR" Pivot Bio âEUR" Creating Probiotics to Provide Cereal Crops with Essential Nutrients. Podcast-Folge; 2018; 22 Min. IHRE BEWERTUNG. Karsten Temme âEUR" Pivot Bio âEUR" Creating Probiotics to Provide Cereal Crops with Essential Nutrients. Podcast-Folge; 2018; 22 Min. IHRE BEWERTUNG.

IMDB Filmographie: Parents GuideIMDb

Karsten Temme âEUR" Pivot Bio âEUR" Creating Probiotics to Provide Cereal Crops with Essential Nutrients (Podcast Episode 2018) Parents Guide and ... Karsten Temme âEUR" Pivot Bio âEUR" Creating Probiotics to Provide Cereal Crops with Essential Nutrients (Podcast Episode 2018) Parents Guide and ...

13 Bücher zum Namen

Karsten TemmeLinkedIn

Karsten Temme. View articles by Karsten Temme. Accelerating Pivot Bio's Mission to Revolutionize Agriculture. Accelerating Pivot Bio's Mission to ... Karsten Temme. View articles by Karsten Temme. Accelerating Pivot Bio's Mission to Revolutionize Agriculture. Accelerating Pivot Bio's Mission to ...

"Ich armer sundiger mensch": Heiligen- und Reliquienkult am ...google.de

... Karsten Temme , Der Bildnisgebrauch des Kardinals Albrecht von Branden- burg ( ) . Funktion , Themen , Formen . ( Diss . phil ) Berlin

Architektur als selbständiger Bildgegenstand bei Albrecht ...google.de

... Karsten Temme : Der Bild- nisgebrauch Kardinal Albrechts von Brandenburg ( ) . Funktion , Themen , Formen . Berlin ( zugl Diss . Berlin ) ...

Der sichtbare Glaube: Das Bild in den lutherischen Kirchen ...google.de

... Karsten TEMME ( ) : Der Bildnisgebrauch Kardinal Albrechts von Brandenburg ( ) . Funktion , Themen , Formen , Berlin ( Diss . Berlin ...

2 Dokumente

The Pivot Team Karsten Temme

The Pivot Team Karsten Temme CEO Alvin Tamsir CSO Emily Tung Researcher John Cumbers Mentor

Future Low-energy Solutions to NitrogenDepartment of Energy (.gov)

Karsten Temme, Dehua Zhao. Page 11. Engineering Ammonia Secretion. Wild-type ... Karsten Temme. Alvin Tamsir. Min-Hyung Ryu. John Peters (Washington State). Jean ... Karsten Temme, Dehua Zhao. Page 11. Engineering Ammonia Secretion. Wild-type ... Karsten Temme. Alvin Tamsir. Min-Hyung Ryu. John Peters (Washington State). Jean ...

3 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Publications Authored by Karsten Temme | PubFacts

Publications Authored by Karsten Temme

Karsten Temme | Goldengolden.com

No Further Resources data yet. References. Find more people like Karsten Temme. Use the Golden Query Tool to discover related individuals ... No Further Resources data yet. References. Find more people like Karsten Temme. Use the Golden Query Tool to discover related individuals ...

Karsten Temme - Biowiki

Name: Karsten Temme; ; Comment: My Links. TWiki.WelcomeGuest to learn TWiki; Sandbox.WebHome web to ...

4 Video- & Audioinhalte

5 Minutes with Karsten Temme, Co-Founder & CEO at Pivot BioYouTube · Rethink Events200+ Aufrufe · vor 2 Jahren

Pivot Bio's Co-Founder & CEO Karsten Temme chats innovation journey, synthetic fertilizer price soar and bringing growers and consumers ...

Founder Stories: Karsten Temme, Co Founder & CEO of Pivot ...YouTube · Axial30+ Aufrufe · vor 1 Jahr

Founder Stories: Karsten Temme, Co Founder & CEO of Pivot Bio · Comments.

Rural America LIVE on RFD-TV with Karsten Temme, Pivot ...YouTube · Pivot Bio540+ Aufrufe · vor 2 Jahren

Pivot Bio CEO Karsten Temme joins Rural America LIVE on RFD-TV and provides the backstory to what led to the start of his company, ...

Pivot Bio OverviewYouTube · Pivot Bio2110+ Follower · vor 7 Monaten

Pivot Bio · 54:00. Rural America LIVE on RFD-TV with Karsten Temme, Pivot Bio CEO. Pivot Bio · 1:09 · How it Works - Pivot Bio PROVEN 40. Pivot ... Pivot Bio · 54:00. Rural America LIVE on RFD-TV with Karsten Temme, Pivot Bio CEO. Pivot Bio · 1:09 · How it Works - Pivot Bio PROVEN 40. Pivot ...

5 Meinungen & Artikel

Wikipedia: Kardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg (Lucas Cranach der Ältere) –...

Das Gemälde Kardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg ist ein Werk von Lucas Cranach dem Älteren ... Karsten Temme: Der Bildnisgebrauch Kardinal Albrechts von Brandenburg (1490–1545). Funktionen, Themen, Formen. Diss. TU Berlin

Interview with Karsten Temme, CEO of Pivot BioScott Amyx

— Interview with Karsten Temme, CEO of Pivot Bio. The Series B startup has raised a total of $86.7M, backed by Bill Gate's Breakthrough Energy — Interview with Karsten Temme, CEO of Pivot Bio. The Series B startup has raised a total of $86.7M, backed by Bill Gate's Breakthrough Energy ...

Interviews with synthetic biologists: Karsten Temme, Pivot Bioplantae.org

— Its co-founders, Karsten Temme and Alvin Tamsir, developed a new crop nutrition solution and have built a company to provide sustainable — Its co-founders, Karsten Temme and Alvin Tamsir, developed a new crop nutrition solution and have built a company to provide sustainable ...

Perspectives | Karsten Temme - BLOGPivot Bio

... Karsten Temme. The N-OVATOR Impact. Everything we do at Pivot Bio is in service to ... By Karsten Temme, Ph.D. Betting on our future, part 1. This is a two-part Karsten Temme. The N-OVATOR Impact. Everything we do at Pivot Bio is in service to ... By Karsten Temme, Ph.D. Betting on our future, part 1. This is a two-part ...

159 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Today, Pivot Bio's Karsten Temme briefed members ...linkedin.com

Today, Pivot Bio's Karsten Temme briefed members of Congress and staff on our technology and policy innovations that can drive next generation sustainable…

Karsten Temme on LinkedIn: Impact Report | Pivot Biolinkedin.com

Karsten Temme. 2w. Report this post; Close menu. We built Pivot Bio in service of farmers, and as we reflect on the impact we've made, we forge ahead to ...

Karsten Temme - Microbes on the farmLinkedIn · Karsten Temme90+ Reaktionen · vor 1 Jahr

Karsten Temme's Post · Microbes on the farm: a solution for climate change? · More Relevant Posts · Pivot Bio Names Robert Houghton Chief Financial ... Karsten Temme's Post · Microbes on the farm: a solution for climate change? · More Relevant Posts · Pivot Bio Names Robert Houghton Chief Financial ...

Karsten Temme's Post - Pivot Bio: The Fertilizer Revolutionlinkedin.com

View profile for Karsten Temme · Karsten Temme. 1y. Report this post. Report. Report. Back Submit. Close menu. I joined Sophie Purdom at the SOSV Climate ...

Karsten Temme - Pivot Bio at Farm Progress Show 2022LinkedIn · Karsten Temme50+ Reaktionen · vor 2 Jahren

View profile for Karsten Temme, graphic · Karsten Temme. 8mo. Report this post; Close menu. We started Pivot Bio to work alongside farmers to ... View profile for Karsten Temme, graphic · Karsten Temme. 8mo. Report this post; Close menu. We started Pivot Bio to work alongside farmers to ...

Karsten Temme's Postlinkedin.com

View profile for Karsten Temme. Karsten Temme. 1y Edited. Report this post. Report. Report. Back Submit. Close menu. I'm excited to announce that Susan Kim ...

Karsten Temme - Welcome to the Pivot Bio Team Chris!LinkedIn · Karsten Temme60+ Reaktionen · vor 3 Monaten

Karsten Temme's Post ... Please join me in welcoming Chris Turner to Pivot Bio as our Chief Commercial Officer. Chris brings a wealth of ... Karsten Temme's Post ... Please join me in welcoming Chris Turner to Pivot Bio as our Chief Commercial Officer. Chris brings a wealth of ...

Karsten Temme's PostLinkedIn

Recently, we were honored to be named a Fast Company Most Innovative Company for Pivot Bio co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer Karsten Temme shared ... Recently, we were honored to be named a Fast Company Most Innovative Company for Pivot Bio co-founder and Chief Innovation Officer Karsten Temme shared ...

Karsten Temme's PostLinkedIn · Karsten Temme60+ Reaktionen · vor 3 Monaten

Karsten Temme's Post ... Self-fertilizing seeds made possible with Pivot Bio's On-Seed technology was recognized as a World Changing Idea by Fast ... Karsten Temme's Post ... Self-fertilizing seeds made possible with Pivot Bio's On-Seed technology was recognized as a World Changing Idea by Fast ...

[Video] Karsten Temme on LinkedIn: National Ag DayLinkedIn · Karsten Temme50+ Reaktionen · vor 5 Monaten

View profile for Karsten Temme, graphic. Karsten Temme. 2mo. Report this post; Close menu. We are grateful for the farmers leading the charge to ... View profile for Karsten Temme, graphic. Karsten Temme. 2mo. Report this post; Close menu. We are grateful for the farmers leading the charge to ...

Accelerating Pivot Bio's Mission to Revolutionize Agriculturelinkedin.com

Karsten Temme. Published Apr 4, + Follow. At Pivot Bio, we are on a mission to serve farmers, help agriculture flourish, and improve the future of our ...

Pivot Bio's Post - Endless Possibilities – Karsten TemmeLinkedIn · Pivot Bio10+ Reaktionen · vor 5 Jahren

Karsten Temme, CEO of Pivot Bio, previews what's in store for in part 2 of his “Bet On Our Future” series: https://hubs.ly/H0g8fYF0. Karsten Temme, CEO of Pivot Bio, previews what's in store for in part 2 of his “Bet On Our Future” series: https://hubs.ly/H0g8fYF0.

Pivot Bio's Post [Video] - Karsten TemmeLinkedIn · Pivot Bio40+ Reaktionen · vor 6 Monaten

Pivot Bio Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder Karsten Temme explains how our microbes deliver a weatherproof form of nitrogen for farmers. … Pivot Bio Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder Karsten Temme explains how our microbes deliver a weatherproof form of nitrogen for farmers. …

Karsten Temme - CEO - Pivot Bio | LinkedIn

View Karsten Temme's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Karsten has 3 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Karsten's connections and jobs at similar companies. Missing: beyernaumburg

Please join me in welcoming Evan Wittenberg to the Pivot ...linkedin.com

Karsten Temme's Post ... Please join me in welcoming Evan Wittenberg to the Pivot Bio team! ... Pivot Bio is excited to welcome Evan Wittenberg as our Chief People ...

Karsten Temme - Werstattmitarbeiter - NordWestBahn | LinkedIn

View Karsten Temme's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Karsten has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...

John Torres, CAE - Karsten Temme

Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder Karsten Temme explains how this patented crop nutrition technology works to deliver a more ... Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder Karsten Temme explains how this patented crop nutrition technology works to deliver a more ...

Pivot Bio CEO Karsten Temme had a vision ...

Pivot Bio CEO Karsten Temme had a vision to create a better way to feed the world As previously announced, Karsten Temme will become Chief ... Pivot Bio CEO Karsten Temme had a vision to create a better way to feed the world As previously announced, Karsten Temme will become Chief ...

Pivot Bio CEO Karsten Temme had a vision to create ...

Our CEO Karsten Temme shares three lessons a decade of growing Pivot Bio in this interview from The Rising: 1) Solve the unsolvable 2) be a ... Our CEO Karsten Temme shares three lessons a decade of growing Pivot Bio in this interview from The Rising: 1) Solve the unsolvable 2) be a ...

Pivot Bio on LinkedIn: Karsten Temme: Unlocking N Potential

Pivot Bio Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder Karsten Temme explains the science behind this groundbreaking innovation that unlocks a ... Pivot Bio Chief Innovation Officer and co-founder Karsten Temme explains the science behind this groundbreaking innovation that unlocks a ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Karsten

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Niederdeutsch): Karsten; Anhänger Christi, Christ; Lateinisch (Neues Testament); christianus = christlich; christos = der Geweihte, der Gesalbte (Altgriechisch); seit dem Mittelalter in Deutschland gebräuchlich, mittlerweile einer der beliebtesten Vornamen

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Temme

Friesischer Kosenamen für "Thetmar" (= Dietmar)

Personensuche zu Karsten Temme & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Karsten Temme und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.