139 Infos zu Kaspar Hamacher

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4 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Kaspar Hamacher: An outsized carver-artist | Wallonia.bewallonia.be › news › kaspar-hamacher-outsized-carv...

The workshop of 37-year-old Kaspar Hamacher is tucked away in the village of Raeren, in the Eastern Cantons of Belgium, just a few minutes from the German ...

Kaspar Hamacher brings his work with the Radermecker Tannery |...

For the Milan Trade Fair, Kaspar Hamacher and the Radermecker tannery have joined forces for an armchair prototype, exhibited at the event “A Matter of...

Kaspar Hamacher unit son travail du bois au cuir de la Tannerie...

Pour le Salon de Milan, Kaspar Hamacher et la tannerie Radermecker se sont associés pour un prototype de fauteuil, exposé lors de l’événement « A Matter of...

Mother Earth Kaspar Hamacher: The Man of Wood: Air Mail Arts Intel ...airmail.news › arts-intel › events › mother-earth-kas...

· The Belgian artist Kaspar Hamacher doesn't fancy himself a designer so much as a craftsman. Hamacher, who grew up in a forest, ...

28  Bilder zu Kaspar Hamacher

Bild zu Kaspar Hamacher
Bild zu Kaspar Hamacher
Bild zu Kaspar Hamacher
Bild zu Kaspar Hamacher
Bild zu Kaspar Hamacher
Bild zu Kaspar Hamacher

3 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: WDR-Bericht über Kaspar Hamacher Wir Galerie Freitag

LinkedIn: Kaspar Hamacher - Eigentümer - Atelier Kaspar Hamacher | LinkedIn

resolutely on physical rather than conceptual design. As he says himself, he feels  ...

LinkedIn: Kaspar Hamacher - Eigentümer - Atelier Kaspar Hamacher | LinkedIn

communauté professionnelle au monde. Kaspar indique 1 poste sur son profil. Consultez ...

1 Hobbys & Interessen

Finissage & Performance Kaspar Hamacher, "Mother Earth / Mère ...m.facebook.com › events

2 Persönliche Webseiten

Kaspar Hamacher

Home · About · News · Work · Der Hocker · Der Lederriemen · Das Brett · Der K- Tisch · Die Chaise-longue · Der Hocker no. 7 · Die Bank no. 7 · Die Baumbank · Holzbarren · Ausgebrannt · Depot Basel · Die X-Bank · Der Stein · Monolithen · Der Esstisch · Der Baum · Die Baumbank-2 · La Paix · Albert II · Stool T · Stool J. Missing: durach ‎allgäu

Kaspar Hamacher's Email & Phone - Atelier Kaspar Hamacher - Belgium

Kaspar Hamacher's Email. Show email and phone number. Belgium. Eigentümer @ Atelier Kaspar Hamacher.

2 Bücher zum Namen

Amtsblatt für den Regierungsbezirk Düsseldorf: Düsseldorf...

1 Morgen 75 Ruthen dito , An Gebrüder Vogelsang und Kaspar Hamacher ans ichießend ; K. 2 Morger : 64 Kuthen dite , anticõend an Hermann Bolmer und Heins ...

1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Kaspar HAMACHER / Inspired by Nature by HD Gallery - Issuu

Using nature as his starting point is characteristic of the work of Kaspar Hamacher. His pieces enhance wood as his chosen material in their simpli...

8 Meinungen & Artikel

Ausgebrannt by Kaspar Hamacher | BING BANG POUF

Architecture / Art / Design / Fashion

"Das Brett" von Kaspar Hamacher gewinnt de Henry van de Velde Public...

Schlicht und ergreifend - und doch exakt durchdacht: Mit seinem Bücherbord

Kaspar Hamacher - WordPress.comansuti.wordpress.com › tag › kaspar-hamacher

· „With nature as his starting point, Kaspar Hamacher (1981) focuses on physical rather than conceptual design and considers himself a ...

Kaspar Hamacher Mother Earth CID Grand-Hornu - smow Blogwww.smow.com › blog › › kaspar-hamach...

Kaspar Hamacher Mother Earth CID Grand-Hornu. Kaspar Hamacher at work.....(Photo © Jo Magrean, courtesy. Kaspar Hamacher at work…

87 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Forget the Saw, These Wood Chairs Are Made With Fire - Yahoo

One artist uses a special technique to fashion stools out of wood logs. Kaspar Hamacher is a Belgian designer that uses fire to hollow out wood logs to then transform them into furniture. The method itself is appropriately deemed "fire sculpting." Hamacher is a carpenter by profession and also studied ...

Der Stein, Wooden Coffee Table by Kaspar Hamacher - Galerie Philia

Der Stein by Kaspar Hamacher - More information on this collectible available in Galerie Philia with many others by Kaspar Hamacher

Ausgebrannt stools by Kaspar Hamacher - Retail Design Blogretaildesignblog.net › › ausgebrannt-sto...

· Belgian designer Kaspar Hamacher has produced a series of low stools / tables made from tree trunks which have been formed by use of fire.

3rings | Kaspar Hamacher’s The Leather Belt and the Book Stack —...

There has been no shortage of shelving in contemporary design lately, but until now, designers haven't rethought the actual functionality. Young designer Kaspar Hamacher's fresh look at the bookshelf, deploying a new interpretation of the design principle wherein form follows function. Kaspar Hamacher's ...

Artist Kaspar Hamacher - Incollectwww.incollect.com › artists › kaspar-hamacher

Artist Kaspar Hamacher with items for sale on InCollect.

Ausgebrannt: Charred Log Stools by Kaspar Hamacher - Homelihomeli.co.uk › ausgebrannt-charred-log-stools-by-k...

Ausgebrannt is a series of stools created by Kaspar Hamacher by cutting cross-shaped notches into logs and setting them on fire.

Atelier Kaspar Hamacher (BV) - Raeren (4730) - BE

Consulteer adresgegevens, financiële gezondheid en het bestuur van Atelier Kaspar Hamacher uit Raeren.

kaspar hamacher: stein no Designboomwww.designboom.com › design

· belgian designer kaspar hamacher has developed 'stein no. 1'; the first installment of a limited edition series. the low standing coffee table is ...Es fehlt: Königsbach- | Muss Folgendes enthalten:Königsbach · belgian designer kaspar hamacher has developed 'stein no. 1'; the first installment of a limited edition series. the low standing coffee table is ... Es fehlt: Königsbach- | Muss Folgendes enthalten:Königsbach-

Burnt Wooden Furniture : Kaspar Hamacher Ausgebrannt

Kaspar Hamacher Ausgebrannt - The Kaspar Hamacher 'Ausgebrannt' furniture series proves that it is often the flaws of a piece which can make something ...

CID-GRAND-HORNU - KASPAR HAMACHER | MAD Brusselsmad.brussels › agenda › cid-grand-hornu-kaspar-ha...

KASPAR HAMACHER. MOTHER EARTH.A unique design talent from southern Belgium, Kaspar Hamacher (1981), Eupen (BE) focuses unwaveringly on physically working ...

Designers Kaspar Hamacher - Fuorisalone.itwww.fuorisalone.it › designer › Kaspar-Hamacher

Taking nature as his basis, Kaspar Hamacher, Eupen, (B) is focused resolutely on physical rather than conceptual design. As he says himself, he feels more ...

Die Baumbaunk, Wooden Bench by Kaspar Hamacher - Galerie Philiawww.galerie-philia.com › Shop › Seating

6.400,00 € Auf LagerDie Baumbaunk by Kaspar Hamacher - More information on this collectible available in Galerie Philia with many others by Kaspar Hamacher ,00 € Auf Lager Die Baumbaunk by Kaspar Hamacher - More information on this collectible available in Galerie Philia with many others by Kaspar Hamacher.


Taking nature as his basis, Kaspar Hamacher (1981), Eupen, (BE) is focused resolutely on physical rather than conceptual design. As he says himself, he feels ...

Discover Kaspar Hamacher, artisan Wood sculptor in Raerenwww.homofaberguide.com › discover › artisans-kas...

Kaspar Hamacher is a Wood sculptor in Raeren - Belgium. He mainly works with Wood. Wood and fire: two natural elements that are antithetical, ...

Kaspar Hamacher - TheBestWoodFurniture.com

Kaspar Hamacher - photo from the gallery on TheBestWoodFurniture.com | How to find Kaspar Hamacher

Kaspar Hamacher - Bio, Artworks, Exhibitions and more - Artlandwww.artland.com › artists › kaspar-hamacher

Browse the latest artworks, exhibitions, shows by Kaspar Hamacher. On Artland you can find art for sale, browse 3D gallery exhibitions and much more.

Kaspar Hamacher - Wanderful.designwww.wanderful.design › designers › kaspar-hamacher

With nature as his basis Kaspar Hamacher feels more craftsman than designer, he says so himself. The things he can do with wood appeal to the imagination.

Kaspar Hamacher - Meakusma Festivalwww.meakusma-festival.be › artist › kaspar-ham...

Taking nature as his basis, Kaspar Hamacher (1981), Eupen, (BE) is focused resolutely on physical rather than conceptual design. As he says himself, he feels ...

Kaspar Hamacher Archives - Journal du Design

Das brett par Kaspar Hamacher Le designer bruxellois Kaspar Hamacher, a recu « the henry van de velde public award » pour sa magnifique étagère à ...

Kaspar Hamacher oak lounge chair, Belgium - ArtOrigoartorigo.com › furniture › kaspar-hamacher-oak-lou...

A hand formed lounge chair made from a solid piece of oak from a naturally fallen tree, by Belgian artist Kaspar Hamacher. Hamacher (1981), son of a ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kaspar

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch): Kaspar; Verwalter der Schätze; Altpersisch (Neues Testament); ghaz = der Schatz; bar = verwalten, leiten, versorgen; verbreitet durch Kaspar, dem Namen eines der Heiligen Drei Könige

Bedeutung zum Nachnamen Hamacher

Der Pferde Ham . Hals Manschette zum befestigen von Gurten und Riemen, Zügel und Führungs Riemen sowie Befestigung von Schellen und Messingschmuck ,halte Gurte von Deichsel arme . Der HAM am Hals des Pferdes vor der Karre Ist der der Stolss eines jeden Gespann Besitzer.

Personensuche zu Kaspar Hamacher & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Kaspar Hamacher und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.