63 Infos zu Katharina Lefringhausen
Mehr erfahren über Katharina Lefringhausen
Infos zu
- Psychology
- Nelli Ferenczi
- University
- Assistant Professor
- Laura Altweck
- Social Media
- Personality
- Cross-Cultural
6 Aktuelle Nachrichten
After Brexit, nationals could take a lesson in integration from immigrants... nationals could take a lesson in integration from immigrants. Katharina Lefringhausen, Lecturer in Psychology, Brunel University London.
"Sono un insicuro cronico, mostro a tutti la mia vita amorosa su...Dimmi cosa posti e ti dirò chi sei. Chi pubblica continuamente foto romantiche del proprio amato/amata su Facebook è un insicuro cronico. Ne sono sicuri Tara...
globo: Como a extroversão e o narcisismo explicam o que você publica no...Será que características da nossa personalidade explicam o modo como usamos o Facebook, hoje a principal rede social utilizada no mundo? Um estudo...
Facebook status updates reveal low self-esteem and narcissism· ... the topics people write about in Facebook status updates' by Tara C Marshall, Katharina Lefringhausen and Nelli Ferenczi is published here.
2 Bilder zu Katharina Lefringhausen

6 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Katharina Lefringhausen Profile | FacebookLinkedIn: Dr. Katharina Lefringhausen - Assistant Professor LinkedInuk.linkedin.com › klefringhausenresearcherDr. Katharina Lefringhausen | United Kingdom | Assistant Professor at University of Warwick | For my PhD thesis, I independently conducted 5 quantitative, ...
LinkedIn: Katharina Lefringhausen | LinkedInView Katharina Lefringhausen's (United Kingdom) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like ...
Katharina Lefringhausen | Semantic ScholarSemantic Scholar profile for Katharina Lefringhausen, with 14 highly influential citations and 18 scientific research papers.
2 Hobbys & Interessen
Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Kaitlyn Eck & Virginia Quick, Psychometric...Laura Altweck, Tara C. Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi & Katharina Lefringhausen Frontiers in Psychology 6. Factorial Validity and Invariance of the 7-Item ...
Laura Altweck, Tara C. Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi & Katharina...Constantine Sandis · Howard Sankey · Jonathan Schaffer · Thomas Senor · Robin Smith · Daniel Star · Jussi Suikkanen · Lynne Tirrell · Aness Webster · Other editors · Contact us · Learn more about PhilPapers · Laura Altweck, Tara C. Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi & Katharina Lefringhausen · Frontiers in Psychology 6 (2015) ...
1 Business-Profile
Xing: Dr. Katharina Lefringhausen - Assistant Professor - University of...Gruppen-Mitgliedschaften von Dr. Katharina Lefringhausen Tausch Dich mit Dr. Katharina Lefringhausen in XING Gruppen über gemeinsame Themen aus.
5 Bücher zum Namen
Generation Brand: Controlling Your Life-Brand for Likes, Loves and...... Marshall, Tara, Katharina Lefringhausen, Nelli Ferenszi. “The Big Five, self-esteem, and narcissism as predictors of the topics people 237 IRINA SORIANO ...
Stereotypes and the Construction of the Social World - Perry R....Stereotypes and the Construction of the Social World explores the complexity of stereotypes, guiding the reader through issues of definition and theoretical...
Wann sind wir wirklich zufrieden?: Überraschende Erkenntnisse zu...Was macht uns wirklich zufrieden?Hätten Sie gedacht, dass Ihre Partnerschaft in eine Schieflage kommen kann, wenn Sie als Frau mehr verdienen als Ihr Mann?...
1 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Facebook status updates reveal low self-esteem and narcissismPeople who post Facebook status updates about their romantic partner are more likely to have low self-esteem, while those who brag about diets, exercise, and...
1 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Katharina Lefringhausen | PubFactsKatharina Lefringhausen
5 Meinungen & Artikel
Facebook Statusupdates sagen etwas über unser Selbstbewusstsein und...Marshall, Tara C., Katharina Lefringhausen, and Nelli Ferenczi. “The Big Five, self-esteem, and narcissism as predictors of the topics people write about in Facebook status updates.” Personality and Individual Differences 85 (2015):
June | | Southeast Asian Pragmatics Research Group (SEAPRG)2 posts published by Grace Chew C L during June 2017
你的臉書PO文洩漏了你是誰了嗎? @ 值得一看文章翻譯站 :: 痞客邦 ::看看你臉書上朋友的貼文內容,可能包含對新工作的雄心壯志、分享渡假的照片、甚至是對最新社會公平公正議題的政治怒吼等。 If you scroll through your Facebook news
Reverse culture shock – the dirty little secret of repatriation by...Where's my driver? The trouble with repatriation is that few expect “coming home“ to be so difficult. Of course the notion of “coming home” in itself is...
33 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Immigrants New Cultures: Katharina Lefringhausen at...thank you right so I'm from Germany and. a live in London for around three years. not too long ago was sitting together. with one of my British friends when he. asked me kind of you want a penguin uh. yeah I like animals I'm penguins are. cute um is that legal can have an. elephant instead but then he gave me one. of these ...
OSF | Katharina LefringhausenTus estados de Facebook dicen de tu personalidad más de lo que crees...
Si te pones a analizar el contenido de la sección de las últimas noticias en tu perfil de Facebook, verás que la gente hace público todo tipo de not...
Az edzőtermi szelfi lelki problémákra utal? | Peak ManAz edzőtermi szelfi lelki problémákra utal? | Ki hiszi el, hogy edzeni voltál, ha nem nyomsz egy szelfit!? De vajon miért osztják meg sokan, hogy gyúrni járnak?
BREXIT – no quick fixes – Anne FoxStudies are showing the bottom line value of a diverse workforce for individual businesses and organisations as well as the net contribution to public finances by EEA migrants (though the latter is not easy to calculate). Dr Katharina Lefringhausen has argued that ill-will to immigrants is borne out of a lack of ...
Expanding a measure of mental health literacy: Development and ...read.qxmd.com › read › expanding-a-measure-of-m...Laura Altweck, Tara C Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi, Katharina Lefringhausen Frontiers in Psychology 2015, 6: The Mental Health Literacy Scale (MHLS): A ...
Here's What Your Social Media Updates Reveals About Your ...listwand.com › heres-what-your-social-media-updat...Researchers Tara Marshall, Katharina Lefringhausen, and Nelli Ferenczi studied the effects of an individual's self-esteem, levels of narcissism and the Big Five ...
OUCIJournal: Cross-Cultural Research, 2016, № 4, p Publisher: SAGE Publications. Authors: Katharina Lefringhausen, Tara C. Marshall ...
Dimmi cosa posti su Facebook e ti dirò chi sei - AudiMenteMettere tanti selfie significa avere una personalità antisociale, scrivere troppo della propria relazione sentimentale significa avere una bassa autostima,...
On the integration of ‘the locals’ towards ‘minority’ groups'...Find out in this episode where Seiji & Gabriela chat with Dr Katharina Lefringhausen whose research area is the acculturation of majority group-members ...
Over 500 University of Warwick Staff Demand Salary Cut for Highest ...warwickucu.org.uk › over-500-university-of-warwick-staff-demand-salary...Jun 22, · Katharina Lefringhausen, Assistant Professor, Centre for Applied Linguistics ... Gabriel Siles-Brugge, Associate Professor in Public Policy, PAIS.
Forest Days: A Romance of Old Times, Issue 1, | | George Payne...3 Tara C. Marshall , Katharina Lefringhausen , Nelli Ferenczi , The Big Five, ... Reinder Brolsma , Rutger van der Brugge , Joop Spijker , Toine Vergroesen ...
Self-protection and growth as the motivational force behind majority...What motivates majority group members to adapt to or reject cultural diversity? Considering the relevance of personal values on our attitudes and behaviours,...
Altmetric – The Big Five, self-esteem, and narcissism as predictors...Personality & Individual Differences, October DOI, j.paid 039. Authors. Tara C. Marshall, Katharina Lefringhausen, Nelli Ferenczi ...
The Importance Of Social Media Words | BartlebyFree Essay: Often times social media can be regarded as a device that deteriorates the value and importance of human communication. Most …s assume that...
Mida võivad Facebooki postitused sinu iseloomu kohta paljastada? -...Kui vaatad Facebookis oma uudisvoogu, siis märkad, et inimesed postitavad Facebooki igasugustel erinevatel teemadel alates uuest töökohast, lapse esimestest...
How to convince conservative locals to accept multiculturalism? –...Dr Katharina Lefringhausen has recently finished a PhD in Cross-Cultural Psychology and her thesis focused on how to convince the citizens of the host country to be more accepting of multiculturalism. The recent debate in the UK has highlighted the fact that many people are not in favour of the free ...
SpringerCitations - Details PageLaura Altweck, Tara C. Marshall, Nelli Ferenczi and Katharina Lefringhausen. Journal: Frontiers in Psychology, 2015, Volume 6. DOI: fpsyg
Instagram fotoğrafınız sizin hakkınızda neler söylüyor? - Son Dakika...Günümüzün en popüler sosyal medya araçlarından Instagram kullanıcılarının kişiliği ve ruhsal durumlarıyla ilgili birçok ipucunu barındırıyor. ABD’li bilim...
O que seu status no Facebook revela sobre sua personalidade? -...Um estudo publicado na revista Personalidade e Diferenças Individuais, conduzido por Tara C. Marshall, Katharina Lefringhausen e Nelli Ferenczi, da
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Katharina
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Katharina; die Reine (?); Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); katharos = rein; Herkunft umstritten; die Römer deuteten (fälschlicherweise) den Namen als zu griechisch 'katharos' gehörig und prägten die heute gültige Form 'Katharina'; verbreitet durch den Namen der hl. Katharina von Alexandria (3./4. Jh.)Weiblicher Vorname (Lateinisch): Katharina; die Reine (?); Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); katharos = rein; Herkunft umstritten; die Römer deuteten (fälschlicherweise) den Namen als zu griechisch 'katharos' gehörig und prägten die heute gültige Form 'Katharina'; verbreitet durch den Namen der hl. Katharina von Alexandria (3./4. Jh.) Katharina bedeutet: Die Reine
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