36 Infos zu Kathrin Korhammer
Mehr erfahren über Kathrin Korhammer
Infos zu
- Armand Fopah-Lele
- Holger Urs Rammelberg
- Thomas
- Energy
- Druske
- Mona-Maria
- Nina Wegscheider
- Oliver Opel
- Sorption
- Wolfgang K.L
1 Aktuelle Nachrichten
2 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Guys going to 9th HAMBURG SOUL WEEKENDER I Germany October...9th HAMBURG SOUL WEEKENDER I Germany October 2015
Guys going to ::: NOISIA x PHACE pres. by Hoch10 & PLAY! + Turmzimmer...::: NOISIA x PHACE pres. by Hoch10 & PLAY! + Turmzimmer Floor :::
1 Infos zur Ausbildung
Development of a novel two-stage liquid desiccant ...Holger Urs Rammelberg · Armand Fopah Lele · ORCID ID · Kathrin Korhammer · Beatriz Amanda Watts · Thomas Schmidt · Wolfgang K.L. Ruck ... › ...
3 Bücher zum Namen
A review on the use of calcium chloride in applied Sign in... Armand Fopah Lele, Kathrin Korhammer, Beatriz Amanda Watts, Thomas Schmidt, ... Holger Urs Rammelberg b, Armand Fopah Lele b, Kathrin Korhammer b, ... › book
A Thermochemical Heat Storage System for Households: Combined...The book offers a comprehensive report on the design and optimization of a thermochemical heat storage system for use in buildings. It combines theoretical and...
Solar Cooling Technologies - Sotirios Karellas, Tryfon C Roumpedakis,...Solar Cooling Technologies presents a detailed study of the potential technologies for coupling solar energy and cooling systems. Unifies all the various...
4 Dokumente
Kathrin Korhammer - Academia.eduAcademia.edu is a place to share and follow research.
(PDF) A review on the use of calcium chloride in applied thermal...Accepted Manuscript A review on the use of calcium chloride in applied thermal engineering Kokouvi Edem N'Tsoukpoe, Holger Urs Rammelberg, Armand Fopah Lele,...
[PDF] Poster Exhibition. Poster Title Name Affiliation. Applications...Download Poster Exhibition. Poster Title Name Affiliation. Applications and Case Studies and Scenarios...
Thermo Physical Enhancement of Advanced Nano-Composite ...— [8] N'Tsoukpoe, Kokouvi Edem, Holger Urs Rammelberg, Armand Fopah Lele, Kathrin Korhammer, Beatriz Amanda. › doc › ARAMV5...
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
EconPapers: Thermodynamic and kinetic study of CaCl2-CH3OH adducts...By Kathrin Korhammer, Karsten Neumann, Oliver Opel and Wolfgang K.L. Ruck; Abstract: Addition compounds of CaCl2 and CH3OH are ...
Reversible formation of alcohol solvates and their potential use for...Kathrin Korhammer; Judith Mihály; Szabolcs Bálint; László Trif; Ádám Vass; András Tompos; Emília Tálas Email author. Kathrin Korhammer. 1.
24 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Kathrin Korhammer - Leuphana Universität Lüneburg› persons
Kathrin Korhammer | Biological Soft Matter Platform› bibcite
A review on the use of calcium chloride Archive ouverte HALvon KE N'Tsoukpoe · · Zitiert von: 85 — Kokouvi Edem N'Tsoukpoe, Holger Urs Rammelberg, Armand Fopah-Lele, Kathrin Korhammer, Beatriz Amanda Watts, et al.. A review on the use of calcium chloride ... von K Korhammer · · Zitiert von: 82 — Kathrin Korhammer, Mona-Maria Druske, Armand Fopah-Lele, Holger Urs Rammelberg, Nina Wegscheider, et al.. Sorption and thermal characterization of composite ... › ha...
A review on the use of calcium chloride in applied thermal engineeringThe combination of its hygroscopy, heat of hydration, the low to medium melting points of its hydrates and its low material costs makes calcium chloride and...
(PDF) Developed materials for thermal energy storage: synthesis and...Heat storage or thermal energy storage is one of the key technologies towards an efficient use of renewable energy resources. Particularly the thermochemical...
Developed Materials for Thermal Energy Storage: Synthesis and...Abstract Heat storage or thermal energy storage is one of the key technologies towards an efficient use of...
Reaction of Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride and their Mixed...Abstract The use of thermochemical energy storage systems increasingly gains interest in order to meet the...
Cross Reference Logo Citations to this article as recorded by ...Kathrin Korhammer, Karsten Neumann, Oliver Opel and Wolfgang K.L. Ruck. Applied Energy, 2018, 230, DOI: j.apenergy › forwardlinks
DataCite SearchThermal conductivity measurement of salt hydrate as porous material using calorimetric (DSC) method. Armand Fopah Lele, Kathrin Korhammer, Nina ...
International Conference on Applied Energy - PDF Free Download... Armand Fopah-Lele, Kathrin Korhammer, Holger Urs Rammelberg, Nina Wegscheider, Wolfgang Ruck, Thomas Schmidt GEOMETRY-BASED MODELING OF ...
Research papers on Materials engineering from CyberLeninka science hubMaterials engineering – list of research paper topics on CyberLeninka sci-hub
Poster Exhibition. Poster Title Name Affiliation. Applications and...... Management for Industrial Cold Energy at 20 C by Developing a Thermochemical Refrigeration Machine Kathrin Korhammer Leuphana University Lüneburg, ...
Altmetric – Reversible formation of alcohol solvates and their...DOI, s Authors. Kathrin Korhammer, Judith Mihály, Szabolcs Bálint, László Trif, Ádám Vass, András Tompos, ...
Sorption and thermal characterization of composite materials based ...Sorption and thermal characterization of composite materials based on chlorides for thermal energy storage. Author: Kathrin Korhammer, Mona-Maria Druske, ... › catalog
Thermal analysis - POLITECNICO DI TORINOThermal analysis - POLITECNICO DI TORINO
Sorption and thermal characterization of composite materials based on...Kathrin Korhammer, Mona-Maria Druske, Armand Fopah-Lele, Holger Urs Rammelberg, Nina Wegscheider, et al.. Sorption and thermal characterization of ...
[PDF] Reaction of Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride and their...Semantic Scholar extracted view of
Thermally decarboxylated sodium bicarbonate: Interactions with water...Kathrin Korhammer, Christina Apel, Thomas Osterland, Wolfgang K.L. Ruck · Phase behaviour and non-monotonic film drying kinetics of aluminium ...
thermal conductivity measurement of salt hydrates as porous ...THERMAL CONDUCTIVITY MEASUREMENT OF SALT HYDRATES AS POROUS MATERIAL USING CALORIMETRIC (DSC) METHOD. Kathrin Korhammer · Holger U Rammelberg. › THER...
Wednesday, December 02, Thursday, December 03, Friday, December 04, -...... Chloride and Magnesium Chloride and Their Mixed Salts with Ethanol for Thermal Energy Storage Kathrin Korhammer, Wolfgang K. L. Ruck, Christina Apel, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Kathrin
Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch): Kathrin; die Reine (?); Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); katharos = rein; Herkunft umstritten; die Römer deuteten (fälschlicherweise) den Namen als zu griechisch 'katharos' gehörig und prägten die heute gültige Form 'Katharina'; verbreitet durch den Namen der hl. Katharina von Alexandria (3./4. Jh.)
Verwandte Personensuchen
- Armand Fopah-Lele
- Amanda Watts
- Oliver Opel
- Thomas Schmidt
- Karsten Neumann
- Christina Apel
- Ádám Vass
- Mona-Maria Druske
Personensuche zu Kathrin Korhammer & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Kathrin Korhammer und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.