38 Infos zu Katja Hochgräfe

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1 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Et Tu, Methylene Blue? Drug Only Works as Prophylactic - Brain Health...

In the current experiment, first authors Katja Hochgräfe and Astrid Sydow wondered how much tau could build up before methylene blue was no longer protective. Would it have to be given long before, shortly before, or even after tau accumulates and symptoms arise? They designed different treatment ...

2 Business-Profile

Xing: Katja Hochgraefe

Dr. / Clinical Evaluation / Hamburg / Organisationsvermögen, Engagement und Freude an neuen Herausforderungen, Neuroscience, Teamgeist, Tierversuchskunde, Präklinische Forschung, Document Review / , Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen e.V. (DZNE)

Katja Hochgraefe - ResearchGate

Katja HOCHGRAEFE | Cited by 1,027 | of Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen, Bonn (DZNE) | Read 18 publications | Contact Katja HOCHGRAEFE

2 Bücher zum Namen

Global Search | ALZFORUM

Eva Maria Mandelkow, Katja Hochgräfe on Et Tu, Methylene Blue? Drug Only Works as Prophylactic. COMMENT It is encouraging that our data obtained in the ...

Cre-loxP Based Mouse Models to Study Prionpathogenesis in the Motor...

Katja Hochgräfe pages. 0 Reviewshttps://books.google.com/books/about/Cre_loxP_Based_Mouse_Models_to_Study_Pri.html?id=uaovcgAACAAJ ...

4 Dokumente

EBSCOhost | | Cognitive defects are reversible in inducible...

Ann Van der Jeugd • Katja Hochgräfe • Tariq Ahmed • Jochen M. Decker •. Astrid Sydow • Anne Hofmann • Dan Wu • Lars Messing • Detlef Balschun •. Rudi D'Hooge • Eva-Maria Mandelkow. Received: 22 December Revised: 20 March Accepted: 12 April Published online: 25 April

Making the Brain Glow: In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging to Study...

Neurodegeneration. Katja Hochgräfe. &. Eva-Maria Mandelkow. Received: 9 October

In vivo near‐infrared fluorescence targeting of T cells: comparison...

Katja Hochgräfe. c. , Martin Trepel. d. ,. Gerhard Adam. a. , Harald Ittrich. a. and Friedrich Koch-Nolte. b. The large size of conventional antibodies impedes tissue ...

Ricerca Semantica - MetaCMS

ISSN: ; Lingua: en; Fonte dati: Journals Wiley; Tipo: Chemistry; Formato: application/xhtml+xml; Persone: Katja Hochgräfe - Astrid Sydow - Eva-Maria ...

5 Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Analysis of in vivo turnover of tau in a mouse model of tauopathy |...

Kaoru Yamada,; Tirth K. Patel,; Katja Hochgräfe,; Thomas E. Mahan,; Hong Jiang,; Floy R. Stewart,; Eva-Maria Mandelkow and; David M. HoltzmanEmail author. Molecular Neurodegeneration :55. https://doi.org s © Yamada et al Received: 22 June Accepted: 21 October

Katja Hochgräfe – ScienceOpen

Neurofibrillary lesions of abnormal Tau are hallmarks of Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal dementias. Our regulatable (Tet-OFF) mouse models of ...

6 - Acta Neuropathologica Communications | Articles - BioMed ...BioMed Central › articles

Authors: Katja Hochgräfe, Astrid Sydow, Dorthe Matenia, Daniela Cadinu, Stefanie Könen, Olga Petrova, Marcus Pickhardt, Petra Goll, Fabio Morellini, Eckhard ...

OPUS Würzburg | Cre-loxP based mouse models to study...

Cre-loxP based mouse models to study prionpathogenesis in the motor nervous system. Katja Hochgräfe Katja Hochgräfe: URN: urn:nbn:de:bvb:20-opus :

6 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Spreading of Tau Protein Does Not Depend on Aggregation

Katja Hochgräfe Senthilvelrajan Kaniyappan Susanne Wegmann 1 DZNE, German Ctr. for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Venusberg-Campus 1/99, Bonn, Germany CAESAR Research CenterBonn, Germany 3 Department of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Molecular Neurodegeneration | Articles - Springermolecularneurodegeneration.biomedcentral.com.live.oscarjourna...

Authors: Kaoru Yamada, Tirth K. Patel, Katja Hochgräfe, Thomas E. Mahan, Hong Jiang, Floy R. Stewart, Eva-Maria Mandelkow and David M. Holtzman.

Cognitive defects are reversible in inducible mice expressing...

Ann Van der Jeugd, Katja Hochgräfe, Tariq Ahmed, Jochen M Decker, Astrid Sydow, Anne Hofmann, Dan Wu, et al. (2012). Cognitive defects are reversible in ...

Katja Hochgräfe - Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

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1 Meinungen & Artikel


Tu, Methylene Blue? Drug Only Works as Prophylactic 22 May

16 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Katja Hochgräfe

Search results for: Katja Hochgräfe ... Katja Hochgräfe, Eva-Maria Mandelkow · Molecular Neurobiology > > 47 > 3 > Bioluminescence imaging ...

Regulatable transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer Disease: Onset,...

Abstract Accumulation of amyloidogenic proteins such as Tau is a hallmark of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer disease and frontotemporal...

2. Bezirksliga - TT-MaximusTT-Maximus › de › pdpages › ttmaximus › damen_staffeln

Katja Hochgräfe/Anica Schmidt, SG GWR/TuS Osd. 1, 0:1. Diana Gaspar/Gwendolyn Lehrke, West-Eimsbüttel, 1, 0:1. Christine Winter/Kerstin Brandt, Rell.

Age-dependent neuroinflammation and cognitive decline in a novel...

Tau transgenic mouse model of PSP and AD. Astrid Sydow, Katja Hochgräfe, ...

Cognitive defects are reversible in inducible mice expressing...

length human Tau. Ann Van der Jeugd, Katja Hochgräfe, Tariq Ahmed, Jochen ...

Cre-loxP based mouse models to study prion pathogenesis in the motor...

... des naturwissenschaftlichen Doktorgrades der Bayerischen Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg vorgelegt von Katja Hochgräfe aus Melle Würzburg

Altmetric – Preventive methylene blue treatment preserves cognition...

Authors. Katja Hochgräfe, Astrid Sydow, Dorthe Matenia, Daniela Cadinu, Stefanie Könen, Olga Petrova, Marcus Pickhardt, Petra Goll, Fabio Morellini, Eckhard ...

TT-Maximus Mannschaftsaufstellungen

Katja Hochgräfe (SG GWR/TuS Osd.) Raabe-Kittendorf,Dorit (Rell.-Egenbüttel) ...

GMS | Joint-Meeting of the German Society for Neuropathology and...

Astrid Sydow - German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn, Germany; Katja Hochgräfe - Max-Planck-Institute for ...

Volume 211 Issue 3 | Journal of Experimental Medicine | Rockefeller...

Read Volume 211 Issue 3 of Journal of Experimental Medicine.

Altmetric – Making the Brain Glow: In Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging to...

Katja Hochgräfe, Eva-Maria Mandelkow. Abstract. Bioluminescence imaging (BLI) takes advantage of the light-emitting properties of luciferase enzymes, which ...

Neuronal activity regulates extracellular tau in vivo | Read by QxMD

Hong Jiang, John R Cirrito, Tirth K Patel, Katja Hochgräfe, ...

Preventive methylene blue treatment preserves cognition in mice...

Katja Hochgräfe, Astrid Sydow, Dorthe Matenia, Daniela Cadinu, Stefanie Könen, Olga Petrova, Marcus Pickhardt, Petra Goll, Fabio Morellini, Eckhard ...

Preventive methylene blue treatment preserves cognition in mice...

author = "Katja Hochgräfe and Astrid Sydow and Dorthe Matenia and Daniela Cadinu and Stefanie Könen and Olga Petrova and Marcus Pickhardt and Petra ...

In vivo near-infrared fluorescence targeting of T cells: comparison...

Peter Bannas, Lennart Well, Alexander Lenz, Björn Rissiek, Friedrich Haag, Joanna Schmid, Katja Hochgräfe, Martin Trepel, Gerhard Adam, Harald Ittrich, ...

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Weiblicher Vorname (Deutsch, Russisch): Katja; die Reine (?); Altgriechisch (14 Nothelfer); katharos = rein; Herkunft umstritten; die Römer deuteten (fälschlicherweise) den Namen als zu griechisch 'katharos' gehörig und prägten die heute gültige Form 'Katharina'; verbreitet durch den Namen der hl. Katharina von Alexandria (3./4. Jh.)

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