863 Infos zu Keith Haring

Mehr erfahren über Keith Haring

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93 Aktuelle Nachrichten

Keith Haring. Short Messages. Posters

10. Juli – Richtig: Keith Haring. Der Wahl-New-Yorker, der auch vor Produkt- und schamloser Eigenwerbung nicht Halt machte, hatte keine Angst, ...

Google News: Sightseeing mal anders: Die zehn verrücktesten City-Trips

[freenet.de] - Sie fahren nämlich in einem Original-Sechziger-Jahre-Leichenwagen durch den Big Apple, entlang an Sightseeing-Stops wie dem Appartment von Heath Ledger oder der Station "Keith Haring"...Carpe diem in New York, mal anders! Verrückte City-Trip: Jack

Städtetouren - zehn Mal anders

[RP ONLINE] - Sehr makaber, und dennoch das Highlight in New York: Im stilechten Sechziger-Jahre-Leichenwagen bringen zwei schwarz gekleidete Bestatter ihre Mitfahrer zu Schauplätzen mysteriöser Todesfälle. Heath Ledger oder Keith Haring sind nur zwei „Stationen“

Geschäftszahlen: Der große Patzer von Google - Milliarden vernichtet

[Augsburger Allgemeine] - Ein Google Doodle für den Pop-Art-Künstler Keith Haring. Foto: Screenshot. Ein Google Doodle für den Erfinder des Reißverschlusses. Foto: Screenshot. Ein Google Doodle für Eadweard Muybridgewar: Der Foto-Pionier arbeitete zunächst bei einem

53  Bilder zu Keith Haring

Keith Haring était un artiste majeur des années 1980 et activiste américain.
Keith Haring
Keith Haring
Keith Haring Poster
Keith Haring Poster
Philippe Bonan (Né en 1968), Portrait de Keith Haring, 1989. photo Arts ...

29 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken

Facebook: Keith Haring

Facebook: Keith Haring - Home | Facebook

Facebook: Keith Haring - Startseite | Facebook

MySpace: Keith Haring ( )

20 Hobbys & Interessen

Keith Haring | OSOBNOSTI.cz

Shrnutí toho nejzákladnějšího o osobnosti Keith Haring

How Artist Keith Haring Got His Start in the East Village -- New York...

Keith Haring’s breakthrough exhibition was at Tony Shafrazi’s Soho space in 1982, and from then on his fame was secure. But that’s the end, not the beginning,...

Keith Haring by House of Field - Fashion Brand | Brands | The FMD

Official profile of New York based fashion brand Keith Haring by House of Field including company profile, designers, collections, editorials, photos, news and...

Keith Haring: How Graffiti Entered the Mainstream | Antiques...

Keith Haring was ever an outsider to the art establishment in his lifetime, but since his death in 1990, his legacy as an artist of historic importance...

1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter

Keith Miller - Goode Partners LLCwww.goodepartners.com › team › keith

... Polo Ralph Lauren, Levi Strauss & Co., Armani Exchange, Keith Haring's Pop Shop, Calvin Klein, Timberland, Express, The Limited and numerous others.

18 Persönliche Webseiten

Bio | Keith Haring

Keith Haring was born on May 4, in Reading, Pennsylvania, and was raised in nearby Kutztown, Pennsylvania. He developed a love for drawing at a very early age, learning basic cartooning skills from his father and from the popular culture around him, such as Dr. Seuss and Walt Disney.

Keith Haring

Official Keith Haring website: largest online collection of Haring painting,animation, sculpture, & photos; interactive activities; online PopShop; bio,calendar ...

Keith Haring

Der US-amerikanische Künstler Keith Haring wird in Reading geboren. Schon früh begeistert er sich für Comics und zeichnet selbst.

Haring.com - Erfahrungen und Bewertungen

Finden Sie Bewertungen und Erfahrungen zu Haring.com. Official Keith Haring website: largest online collection of Haring painting,animation, sculpture, &...

7 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker

IMDB Filmographie: Keith Haring - IMDb

Keith Haring, Art Department: Love Is Strange. Keith Haring was born on May 4, in Reading, Pennsylvania, USA. He died on February 16, in New York...

IMDB Filmographie: The Universe of Keith Haring (2008) - IMDb

The Universe of Keith Haring: Regie: Christina Clausen Mit Fab 5 Freddy, Jeffrey Deitch, Julia Gruen, Kim Hastreiter A portrait of New York artist Keith Haring.

5 Projekte

5 Quotes to Celebrate Keith Haring's Birthday - artnet News

To celebrate what would have been Keith Haring's birthday, we rounded up some of his best quotes on fate, subway art, and the virtue of moving forward.

Kulturprojekte Littmann

Anonymous (), Mathias Braschler (CH), Monika Fischer (CH), Hanspeter Hofmann ... (CH), Keith Haring (USA), Hanspeter Hofmann (CH), Sui Jianguo ...

Keith Haring Exhibited in Africa for the First Time | artnet News

Keith Haring's work went on view in Cotonou, Benin at Fondation Zinsou this week marking his first exhibition in Africa.

Keith Haring Exhibition Kunsthal

p>‘Keith Haring. The Political Line' is a major exhibition on the life and work of the influential American artist and activist. More than a hundred works are presented across a sequence of rooms, amassing one immersive visual narrative. Together with diary extracts and other documentary material from the ...

35 Bücher zum Namen

Ich wünschte, ich müßte nicht schlafen. Keith Haring

von Keith Haring, PrestelGebundene Ausgabe

Keith Haring

von Keith Haring, PrestelBroschiert

Haring 2012

von Keith Haring, Teneues Verlag, 2011, Kalender

Haring 2012

von Keith Haring, Teneues Verlag, 2011, Kalender

8 Dokumente



Keith haring

Keith Haring Drawing with Line

keith Haring for kids


Keith Haring - [PPT Powerpoint]

Keith Haring Created by L. Rice and J. Walker I don't think art is propaganda; it should be something that liberates the soul, provokes the...

4 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen

Queer Latino Testimonio, Keith Haring, and Juanito Xtravaganza - Hard...

In the tradition of the Latin American testimonio, this is the story of Juan Rivera, a.k.a. Juanito Xtravaganza, a Latino runaway youth who ends up homeless in...

Umleitung: Lug und Trug, der Thanatophilietest, Keith Haring in

Manipulierter Antisemititismus Vorwurf? Zur Bereitschaft, den Krieg als Mittel der Politik zu betrachten, wurden und werden die Deutschen und ihre Parteien systematisch und mit Lug und Trug getrimmt … nachdenkseiten ...

Kotopulo´s Crazy Chicken Site: Keith Haring Therapy

Keith Haring Therapy. Hmmm ... also nach langer 2day Abwesenheit bin ich jetzt wieder bereit mein Tagebuch zu hegen und zu pflegen! Nach einigen Tiefs, einigen Berg- und Talfahrten, vielen schönen Momenten hab ich wieder die Kraft, ...

Keith Haring: Heaven and Hell (English) | ZKM

Der verstorbene amerikanische Maler und Bildhauer Keith Haring gehört unbestritten zu den populärsten Künstlern des 20. Jahrhunderts, und seine Arbeiten...

39 Video- & Audioinhalte

BlinkX Video: CULTURE MAGAZINE: Keith Haring, bad boy of pop art

France 24's Culture Magazine features women's fashion in Paris, Keith Haring's latest exhibition in Lyon and a portrait of Ferrez, one of Brazil's most charismatic and , France24ENP

BlinkX Video: Icons: Keith Haring

A renowned artist, Haring's signature style and artwork is still visible today , Logo

The Universe of Keith Haring - Film

Darsteller, Inhalt und Kritik von The Universe of Keith Haring (Dokumentation, Italien, Frankreich 2008)

Keith Haring (Prestel Postcard Books) on PopScreen

Keith Haring (Prestel Postcard Books) [Pestel] . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.

187 Meinungen & Artikel


Photo: #Keith #haring #USA (Pris avec Instagram) http://t.co/xG2K6ad2

Twitter-Nachrichten: MoMoney.NoProblems (xLinaaMeLiaax)

Keith Haring >>>

Twitter-Nachrichten: nicki from the beach (LovexDrugsxx)

keith haring x obey .. ❤

Twitter-Nachrichten: 忍者 (Asn_Myhuyen)

@KimtienNguyen Keith haring ! c'est sa

356 Webfunde aus dem Netz

Keith Haring – Biografie, Werke und Einfluss auf die Kunst

5. März · Keith Haring ist einer der prägendsten Künstler der jüngeren Kunstgeschichte. In diesem Artikel findest du: Biografie, Werke und Einfluss des Künstlers.

Keith Haring Kunstwerke - Malerei - WikiArt.org

Keith Allen Haring (* 4. Mai in Reading, Pennsylvania; † 16. Februar in New York City, N.Y.) war ein US-amerikanischer Künstler, dessen Malstil anhand klarer Linien und Flächigkeit erkennbar ist. Einige Methoden seiner Malerei entnahm er der Graffiti -Szene, ohne jedoch direkt von dieser beeinflusst gewesen zu sein.

Enduring Legacy of Keith Haring and Graffiti Art - LinkedIn

Keith Haring's iconic work has endured through the decades. Twenty-eight years after Haring's death, his work and its lessons are as relevant ...

Keith Haring - Electrician - Johnson Controls | LinkedIn

View Keith Haring's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Keith has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...

Matthew Barolo - Operations Manager - Estate of Keith Haring ...

View Matthew Barolo's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Matthew has 1 job listed ... Operations Manager at Estate of Keith Haring.

Source Limited Edition Prints By Keith Haring | Michael LinkedIn

View and collect signed limited edition prints by Pop art legend Keith Haring direct from leading print dealers. View here: http://dld.bz/ehZaH.

Bill Gates, Keith Haring and The Imitation Game | Robert LinkedIn

Few think of Bill Gates and the late pop artist Keith Haring as having anything in common. But Gates in his quiet way and Haring in his frenetic ...

Keith Haring Collection At Hastings Showroom By Gurri LinkedIn

Keith Haring Collection At Hastings Showroom By Gurri Construction. Published on July 2, ... The distinct, whimsical designs of Keith Haring:.

Keith Haring | Dennis Warfield | Pulse | LinkedIn

KEITH HARING ( ) A leading Neo-Pop artist, was one of the most articulate members of his generation. He captivated the ...

Keith Haring · Pyramid | Michael Domberger | Pulse | LinkedIn

Dear friends of Galerie + Edition Domberger,. the production of the four-part pyramid of Keith Haring, of which we offer you two of the four parts, ...

Quote On Art & Inspiration From Pop Artist Keith Haring LinkedIn

“Art should be something that liberates your soul, provokes the imagination and encourages people to go further.” – Keith Haring. For more ...

Tyler Wallach | "The lovechild of Keith Haring and Lisa LinkedIn

Check out professional insights posted by Tyler Wallach, "The lovechild of Keith Haring and Lisa Frank"​

Street Art: Remembering Keith Haring | TaskUs Philippines LinkedIn

1980s, New York. The city is on the verge of a breakdown; its financial districts' pillars crumbling. The socio-economic divide was at its ...

Keith Haring Special Edition​ | Mat Bickley | Pulse | LinkedIn

Haring Foundation during my time at the Impossible Project, has finally come to fruition today. The idea was to pair Haring's vibrant artwork, with Polaroid's iconic frame. The goal was to make this collab the first in a series of many ...

Street Art: Remembering Keith Haring | Elena Ochoa | Pulse | LinkedIn

on April 28, s, New York. The city is on the verge of a breakdown; its financial districts' pillars crumbling. The socio-economic divide was at its peak— the rich vs the poor, the luxuries of the Upper East Side clashing ...

54. Geburtstag von Keith Haring

In the early 1980s, as a native Manhattanite raised by and among artists, I was aware of Keith Haring and his work, but my job interview ...

Keith Haring Drawing with Line. Keith Haring was born May 4, in...

Growing up he wasn’t interested in most of the art he saw at the galleries. He wasn’t interested in creating the art either because he thought it was too...

Keith haring einfach erklärt

keith haring - Graffiti gehört wie die Rap-Musik und der Breakdance zur Hip-Hop-Kultur. Sie entstand in den 1970er Jahren in New York und eroberte einige Jahre...

Die Tagebücher von Keith Haring von bis auf einem Tumblr

Anlässlich der Retrospektive Keith Haring: 1978–1982 im Brooklyn Museum hat die The Keith Haring Foundation den Plan, die Tagebücher des großen ...

Google Doodle Keith Haring

Mit diesem bunten Google Doodle ehrt der Konzern aus Mountain View heute den US-amerikanischer Künstler Keith Haring. Haring war besonder vom ...

Bedeutung zum Vornamen Keith

Männlicher Vorname (Deutsch, Englisch, Schottisch): Keith; Wald; Keltisch (Familienname als Vorname); keth = der Wald, das Gebüsch; geht zurück auf einen schottischen Familiennamen, der wiederum auf eine Ortsbezeichnung zurückgeht; aus dem Englischen ins Deutsche übernommen

Verwandte Personensuchen

Personensuche zu Keith Haring & mehr

Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Keith Haring und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.