249 Infos zu Keren Levi
Mehr erfahren über Keren Levi
Infos zu
- Dry Piece
- Amsterdam
- NeverLike
- Dance
- Footnotes
- Theater
- Levi-Faran
- XL Edition
- Ugo Dehaes
- Tom Parkinson
- Topsy Turvy
- Avshalom
39 Aktuelle Nachrichten
Uppochned av Dalija Acin Thelander och Keren Levi på Weld, Stockholm...I koreografen Dalija Acin Thelanders nya barnföreställning ”Uppochned” på Weld är verktiteln faktiskt lika bokstavligt som metaforiskt talför.
sommerszene salzburg "Couple-like" › Von Redaktion Dorfzeitung ›...Im Rahmen der sommerszene salzburg führten Keren Levi und Ugo Dehaes in der ARGEKultur ihr erfolgreiches Stück „Couple-like“ auf. In diesem Konzepttanz der...
Clubbing | Keren Levi & Tom Parkinson - We Are PublicDans waarbij geluiden en bewegingen in lagen worden opgestapeld: spraak wordt muziek, muzieknoten worden taal, wapens worden instrumenten. Clubbing is een...
Junge Menschen erreichen – mit der Sprache der Körper - Theater -...Tanztheater für Kinder – funktioniert das? Beobachtungen beim Internationalen Kinder- und Jugendtheaterfestival
8 Bilder zu Keren Levi

41 Profile in Sozialen Netzwerken
Facebook: Keren LeviFacebook: Keren LeviFacebook: Keren LeviLinkedIn: Keren Levi - Food Technologist - Artcaffe Coffee and Bakery ...View Keren Levi's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Keren has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
3 Hobbys & Interessen
THE DRY PIECE - Keren Levi | FacebookKeren Levi - EventsAllEvents.inThere are no upcoming events at the moment! Follow Keren Levi to get updates of coming events. Follow Keren Levi. Get Keren Levi Event Updates.
Keren Levi | Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil | BilletReduc.comwww.billetreduc.com › evtRéservez vos billets pour Keren Levi - Nouveau Théâtre de Montreuil à Montreuil sur BilletRéduc ✅ Prix réduits jusqu'à la dernière minute ✓ Paiement ...
2 Business-Profile
Keren LEVI - Department of Applied MathematicsResearchGateKeren LEVI of Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv (TAU) | Contact Keren LEVI.
Keren Levi Email & Phone Number - Da.. *VerifiedZoomInfoKeren Levi has been working as a Manager, Events Production & Welfare at Darca Schools for 9 years. Darca Schools is part of the Education industry, ...
1 Firmen-Mitarbeiter
Keren Levivloeistof.nlKeren Levi (Israel/1972) is a choreographer who lives in Amsterdam. Her company, NeverLike, has received a structural subsidy from the city of Amsterdam for ...
6 Persönliche Webseiten
Keren Levi | NeverlikeBIOGRAPHY. Keren Levi (Israel/1972) is choreographer who lives in Amsterdam. Her foundation, NeverLike, receives structural grant for the first time for the ...
HOME | keren-levi-afek2016 by KEREN LEVI AFEK. Proudly created with Wix.com · HOME · ABOUT · TRADE SHOW BOOTHS · RESIDENTIAL · CONCEPTUAL PROJECTS.
Neverlike - Keren Leviwww.kerenlevi.com › workUNMUTE is a concert and a dance performance, a hybrid outcome of a creative encounter between choreographer Keren Levi and composer Yannis Kyriakides. It is a musical and visceral event for and by three dancers and two musicians ...
Keren Levi - ELAD Properties Ny LlcAdapt.ioFind Keren Levi's accurate email address and contact/phone number in Adapt.io. Currently working as Director of Human Resources and Information Technology ...
2 Prominente, Sportler & Politiker
IMDB Filmographie: Keren LeviWriter, Otherland
Filmografie Keren LeviFernsehserien.deSerien und Filme mit Keren Levi: Otherland Keren Levi. Drehbuch in Filmen. Otherland ( NL 2021). teilen; Facebook teilen; Twitter teilen; WhatsApp ...
7 Bücher zum Namen
Stück-Werk 6: Neue deutschsprachige Dramatik im Porträtgoogle.ltSpielzeit Mit The Agency, Antje Pfundtner in Gesellschaft, Keren Levi, Morgan Nardi & Kathrin Spaniol, Rotterdam Presenta, subbotnik, She She Pop, ...
Am Rand der Körper: Inventuren des Unabgeschlossenen im...Seit Beginn der 1990er Jahre liegt ein Fokus im Tanz auf der Materialität des Körpers in Bewegung. Fern von repräsentativen Gesten wird er verformt und...
Frontiers of Cyberspace - Google BooksThe content of this volume reflects theoretical and practical discussions on cultural issues influenced by increased adoption of information and communication...
Israel schafft sich ab - Gershom Gorenberg - Google BooksKeren Levi, die damit ihr Studium an der Universität Bar-Ilan abschloss, verteilte eine Reihe von Fragebögen über religiöse Identität und Werte an die Schüler ...
2 Songs & Musik
Amazon MP3: Tshuva Laahavavon Keren Levi & Zula Members, Teta, 2011
Zula Members - Tshuva Laahava - Auf Deezer anhörenTshuva Laahava · Zula MembersKeren Levi | Length : 04:08. This track is on the following album: Shnaim Sukar B (Blue) · Keren Levi ...
2 Dokumente
::.. Tanztendenz München e.V. ..::Tanztendenz München e.V., zeitgenössischer tanz, Choreografen, tanz in München, contemporary danse,
Messehandbuch mfkjksstandards, both serving the demands of our dance au- diences. The Tanzmesse Our thanks go out to everyone who is holding this Tanzmesse book in their hand Amsterdam City Company. NEVERLIKE | KEREN LEVI.
2 Allgemeine Veröffentlichungen
Keren Levi en Tom Parkinson laten Clubbing niet dansen | Dans MagazineDonderdag 5 maart ging Clubbing van choreografe Keren Levi en componist Tom Parkinson in première in het Frascati Theater te Amsterdam. In de voorstelling...
Keren LeviWikidata— Israeli-born Dutch dancer and choreographer. In more languages. Spanish. Keren Levi. No description defined. Traditional Chinese.
11 Meinungen & Artikel
Keren Levi Thailand | LOOKBOOKThailand (by Keren Levi)—see looks like this and more from real people around the world on LOOKBOOK.
J O U R N E Y. A man and a woman are on stage. Two dancers, two...J O U R N E YA man and a woman are on stage. Two dancers, two generations. Koen is a31-year-old choreographer and performer, Alphea an 87-year-old dancerand...
Blog My Mind: Keren Levi Faranblogmymind.xyzKeren Levi-Faran · Content Treasures · Coaching Games · Gymnodon ... KEREN LEVI-FARAN. + · .
Keren Levi Go outside | LOOKBOOKGo outside (by Keren Levi)—see looks like this and more from real people around the world on LOOKBOOK.
120 Webfunde aus dem Netz
Keren Levi - Director of Human Resources - El Ad Group ...View Keren Levi's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Keren has 1 job listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn ...
Keren Levi | LinkedInView Keren Levi's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Keren Levi discover inside ...
Big Mouth - By Niv Sheinfeld, Oren Laor, and Keren Levi und Photo by...By and with: Niv Sheinfeld, Oren Laor, Keren Levi Coproducer: Grand Theatre Groningen Original music and editing: Didi Erez Music: Ori Vidislavski, Effi Ne...
Summer Dance Festival and Workshops -- Plesni Kampus ...teachers. The teachers are: KEREN LEVI (Contemporary/Partnering Repertory) KATE MATTINGLY (Ballet/ Yoga) JACK GALLAGHER (Counter ...
Bewegung hören Keren Levi Pumpenhaus MünsterTanznetzDeutsche Erstaufführung von Keren Levi in Münster. Levis neue Performance „Clubbing“ ist ein Hörspiel, in dem es viel zu sehen gibt.
Couple Like #2 - Keren Levi & Ugo Dehaes - maartje pasmanmaartjepasman.comChoreography: Keren Levi & Ugo Dehaes. Music: Tom Parkinson. Cast: Ryan Dojojokarso, Maartje Pasman. Tourlist: 06 Nov '10 | Huis aan de Werf, NL Premiere.
Keren Levi - PACT ZollvereinDancer, choreographer and teacher, Keren Levi was born in Israel where she trained at The School of the Kibbutz Dance Company. Since she has danced for companies and independent choreographers including the Kibbutz Dance Company, Batsheva, Philippe Blanchard, Joaquiem Sabate and Diane Eishout & Frank Handler.
How to pronounce Keren Levi | HowToPronounce.comHow To PronounceHow to say Keren Levi in English? Pronunciation of Keren Levi with and more for Keren Levi.
Choreografe Keren Levi over ‘The Dry Piece XL’ in het kader van...Choreografe Keren Levi over 'The Dry Piece XL' in het kader van Julidans. In 'Kunst en Cultuur op vrijdag' van 1 juli interviewde Beitske de Jong choreografe Keren Levi over de voorstelling 'The Dry Piece XL Edition' die te zien is tijdens Julidans, op 8 juli in de Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam.
DPG Media Privacy GateAMSTERDAM (ANP) - De choreografe Keren Levi Aanstaande heeft vrijdag in Amsterdam de BNG-prijs voor Nieuwe Theatermakers ontvangen. Aan de prijs is.
Footnotes (For Crippled Symmetry) door Keren Levi, NeverLike –...Recensie: 'Footnotes (for Crippled Symmetry)' van Keren Levi is alsof je constant iets denkt te kunnen grijpen, maar er dan net niet bij kunt ****
Footnotes - Keren Levi Tickets | Karten bei ADticket.dewww.adticket.de › Footnotes-Keren-LeviJetzt Tickets sichern und die anspruchsvolle, innovative Tanz-Performance "Footnotes" von Keren Levi live erleben.
FootnotesKeren Levi is een topchoreografe die in haar voorstellingen het verband tussen dans, muziek en performance onderzoekt
Getting Lost Von Keren Levi - Israelische & Jüdische Musik, Filme und...Home; > Keren Levi; > Getting Lost. CD, Released on Listen to album samples | Bewertung der Kunden. Getting Lost Von Keren Levi. Available$
Jual kaos couple tebal baju pasangan keren Levi white - Kota ...www.tokopedia.com › hempria › k...Jual kaos couple tebal baju pasangan keren Levi white dengan harga Rp dari toko online Baju, Kemeja, Jaket Pria, Kota Yogyakarta. Cari produk Baju ...
Keren Levi - LUX Nijmegenlux-nijmegen.nlIn de persoonlijke solo THERE SHE IS van Keren Levi staat afscheid nemen centraal. Met verhalen en dans die ze zelf heeft gecreëerd en uitvoert.
Julidans NEXT: Niv Sheinfeld & Oren Laor & Keren Levi (IS ...www.melkweg.nl › agenda › julida...BIG MOUTH & COVARIANCE (Niv Sheinfeld & Oren Laor & Keren Levi) - NL première Op 8 juli toont Julidans Mana van de Vertigo Dance Company, een van ...
Keren Levi - Lichting 2014ahk.nlKeren Levi (Israel,1972) is a choreographer based in Amsterdam for the past fifteen years. Besides teaching training programs for professional dancers, ...
Keren Levi - Samples, Covers and RemixesWhoSampledKeren Levi - Samples, Covers and Remixes on WhoSampled. Discover all Keren Levi's music connections, watch videos, listen to music, discuss and download.
Keren Levi & Yannis Kyriakides - LUX Nijmegenwww.lux-nijmegen.nl › podiumconcept en muziekcompositie: Yannis Kyriakides / concept en choreografie: Keren Levi / dans, muziek en choreografie: Eva Susova, Charlie Laban Trier, ...
Bedeutung zum Vornamen Keren
Strahl, Sonnenstrahl, Horn (als Projektion eines Strahls)
Personensuche zu Keren Levi & mehr
Die Personensuchmaschine Namenfinden.de ist die neue Personensuche für Deutschland, die Profile, Kontaktdaten, Bilder, Dokumente und Webseiten zu Keren Levi und vielen weiteren Namen aus öffentlich zugänglichen Quellen im Internet anzeigt.